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Received by NSD/FARA Registration’ Unit 02/23/2018 2:20:59PM , OSCE Secretary Criticizes Failure to Implement Court Decision on BiH Election Law—IBNA February 23, 2018 OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger, during a visit to BiH, criticized the lack of progress toward amending the BiH Election Law to implement a decision. of the- BiH Constitutiortal Court. Greminger said, “It is regrettable to see the lack of progress in amending, ithe BiH election law in line with the recent constitutional court decision, It is imperative that ‘political leaders engage in constructive, transparent and good faith discussion to find a solution before May.” Read more here, Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/23/2018 2:20:59 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/23/2018 2:21:00 PM Bosnia Hopes to Complete War Crimes Cases in 2023 — BIRN February 23, 2018 BiH’s High Judi and Prosecutorial Council has voted to support amendments to BiH’s war crimes strategy to ensure that all war crimes cases are processed by 2023, The draft of the revised strategy says that it is necessary for the stale court to process the most important suspects as a matter of priority. When it comes to classification of cases as either ‘complex’ or ‘less complex’ ones, it needs to be agreed at which level of the country’s court system they will be processed. One of the goals defined in the strategy is ensuring an efficient distribution of cases to lower- level courts in Bosnia's two entities and the Brcko District - a process which has proved inadequate so far. Read more here. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/23/2018 2:21:00 PM. Reccived by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/26/2018 4:25:28 PM EBRD to invest more than 700 min euros in BiH road infrastructure — Reuters February 26, 2018 ‘The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said today that it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the transport ministers of the Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska to invest more than 700 million euros in road infrastructure until 2020. The MOU was signed in London on the sidelines of the Western Balkans Investment Summit. Read more here, Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/26/2018 4:25:28 PM. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/26/2018 4:25:29 PM Bosnian Croats Warn about Election Law Discrimination — HINA February 26, 2018 Member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covié said at a UN Human Rights Council meeting today that BiH’s election legislation must be adjusted to prevent discrimination against members of ethnic minofities and constituent peopl Although the issue of election legislation and its constitutionality is an internal matier, Covié ‘said that it should be examined and understood from the point of view of human rights in order 10 promote the rule of law and key democratic processes and create the necessary environment {0 protect human rights and prevent their violation. Read more here, Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/26/2018 4:25:29 PM

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