Run Around Tiger Quiz: Tigers Are So Powerful They Can Take Down Prey Which Is 5 Times Their Own Weight

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Did you know that tigers are fantastic

swimmers and are often found in or
near water, and that they can make
30 mins all ages indoor fun
a huge range of sounds including
growls, roars, moans, snarls, chuffs,
hisses and gasps – probably to How to play
communicate to other tigers? 1. A leader asks a question before
reading out the possible
If you enjoy these tiger facts, you’ll love answers to the question.
our new tiger quiz. You can take part 2. Members of the group then
in this quiz indoors (on a rainy day stand behind the chair they
think is the right answer
perhaps?), have great fun with your (within 10 seconds).
friends, and learn more interesting 3. The group then has a chance to
facts about these fascinating creatures.
change their mind when the
leader calls “Run around!”

Members can jump from
their first choice to
What you need
• A copy of the tiger Explore poster from WWF*
4. The leader gives the
• 4-6 chairs at the end of the hall marked
A, B and C
correct answer and those
who have chosen correctly
• Pennies, beads or sweets
receive a counter and
are eligible to answer the
(or anything you fancy)
next question. Those with
to act as counters.
incorrect answers go into the
‘penalty box’, or any marked
ARE FANTASTIC off area - the smaller the space the
SWIMMERS 5. The quiz then continues with the leader calling out the next
question. Group members choosing the correct answer
receive another counter, whilst those answering incorrectly
go into the ‘penalty box’. Members who incorrectly
answered the first question re-join the quiz, and so forth...
6. At the end of the questions the group member with the most
counters is the winner!

* You can download your tiger Explore poster by visiting:

Those highlighted in bold are the correct answers. Have fun!

1. Out of the 9 species of tiger, how 6. Some people say tiger urine 11. Tigers can have up to
many are currently extinct? smells of
a. 2 cubs per litter
a. One a. Rotting fish
b. 4 cubs per litter
b. Two b. Apple pie
c. 6 cubs per litter
c. Three – Balinese, Caspian c. Buttered popcorn
and Javan – while the south
China tiger hasn’t been seen 12. Cubs are totally reliant on their
since 1970 and is feared 7. Tigers eat lots of meat! Did you mother’s milk until weaning at
extinct. know an adult male can eat up
a. 2 months old
to 20% of his body weight in 24
hours and will regular need big b. 4 months old
2. Which of these tigers are the kills (like deer) to survive? With
c. 6 months old
biggest? this in mind, how many ‘big kills’
do they need to make each year?
a. Amur (Siberian)
a. 25 kills 13. Mother tigers still have to
b. Malayan
hunt for their cubs as they don’t
b. 50 kills
c. Bengal get their permanent canine
c. 75 kills teeth until
a. 2 months old
3. Why are tigers under threat?
8. Tigers will eat b. 9 months old
a. Poaching for their bones, skin,
teach and fur? a. Almost anything c. 1 year old
b. Habitat Loss b. Birds, insects, amphibians and
c. All of the above 14. Mothers and cubs stay together
c. Just deer for how long before they leave to
find their own territory?
4. Sumatran tigers are adapted to
a. I year
their unique habitat by 9. Females usually have their first
litter at b. 2 years
a. Having very distinctive
heavy stripes on an almost a. 2-3 years old c. 3 years
pure orange coat so they are
b. 3-4 years old
perfectly camouflaged in
their darker jungle home c. 5-6 years old 15. Tigers have scent glands on their
b. Having webbing between their a. Face, whiskers, cheeks and chins
feet to make them experts at
10. Females are pregnant for b. Under their tails and between
crossing jungle rivers
their toes
a. 3.5 months
c. Growing a long thick coat to help
c. All of the above – it
them survive the harsh winters b. 6 months
helps them to mark their
c. 9 months territories so they can steer
clear of conflict with other
5. Tigers roam across their
territories which can be
a. Up to 50 square kilometres
b Up to 100 square kilometres
c. Up to 150 square kilometres

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