A44 Errata Sept 2012

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Current Errata For Ardennes ‘44

September, 2012

10.4 Negating ZOC Bonds. How terrain can cancel a Hexside Bond has been clari-
fied in the graphic posted in the header.
11.9 Exiting the Map: Change “east” to “north” in the first sentence.
14.32 The 15 Factor Limit should be an Optional Rule.
16.73 If there are no friendly infantry type units in the hex a silhouetted tank unit
is limited to a –1 DRM for the DCB of the hex.
17.1 Retreat Priorities: Change case C so it reads: If possible, a unit must end its
retreat in supply.
19.3 EZOCs and Advance: Insert the phrase “of the same enemy unit” in the sec-
ond paragraph of 19.3. So it reads: EZOCs generally do not stop advances, but no
unit may advance from one EZOC directly into another EZOC of the same enemy
unit, except when entering the first hex of its advance. (This returns the rule to the
way it was in the first edition.)
28.2 Clear Weather ends on Turn 23 and Allied Air Support (15.6) and the –2 Air
Supply modifier no long applies. However, the +1 to the Fuel Shortage Table still
29.0 Turn 1 Special Rules: The 5th FJ Stg battalion may not start the game in
either of the two Wooded Rough hexes in its Division’s boundary (its not possible
for it to reach there).
31.1 Campaign Game Setup: The 5FJ/11 Stg may not set up in either of the two
Wooded Rough hexes.
31.4 Patton Scenario Setup: The 16th Volkswerfer sets up in E3617, not E3718.
KG Peiper consist of 3 OOS units—not 4.


The 560th PzJ of the 12ss arrives on Turn 5. The counter is correct.

19.1 Forest Roads can never be used for the Road Bonus, even after the Ground
Freezes on Turn 11.

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