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4.4 Understanding Gas Law


Diagram 1

Which of the following gas law can be verified by carrying out the experiment in
Diagram 1?

A Boyle’s Law
B Charles’ Law
C Pressure Law

2. Which of the following graph shows the correct relationship between pressure, P
and absolute temperature, T, for a fixed mass of gas in a closed container
under constant temperature?


0 0


0 T

T 1
3. The temperature of a fixed mass of gas in a container is increased at a constant
volume. The pressure exerted by the molecules of the gas increases because

A the density of the gas increases

B the kinetic energy of the gas molecules decreases
C the gas molecules strike the walls of the container more frequently.
D the gas molecules strike the walls of the container with a smaller force

4. The pressure of nitrogen gas in a cylinder at 47 oC is 480 kPa. What is the

temperature when the pressure increased to 600 kPa?

A 59°C
B 127o C
C 273oC
D 400oC
E 459oC

5. Diagram 2(a) shows a car with under-inflated tyres. Diagram 2(b) shows that
after a long non-stop journey, the tyres are not under-inflated anymore. This is

(a) (b)
Diagram 2

A the volume of the air in the tyres has decreased.

B the temperature of the air in the tyres has increased.
C the number of air molecules in the tyres has increased.
D the frequency of collision between the air molecules in the tyres has

6. Absolute zero temperature is a condition whereby

A a gas solidifies
B temperature is at 0oC
C gas molecules are stationary
D the kinetic energy of the gas molecules is maximum

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