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Jewelry & Small Metals I Syllabus & Course Description - Ms.

Course Overview
This is an introductory course in small metals and jewelry making. We will make
jewelry and other three-dimensional metal creations using primarily copper and
brass. In addition to learning various metal forging and fabrication techniques
and building small metal objects, we will be discussing various topics in art
interpretation, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history as they relate to the subject
of jewelry making.

Personal Materials (Keep stored in your backpack)

• No. 2 pencil and eraser
• Folder for storing handouts and assignments
• Sketchbook (optional but highly recommended)

Lab Fee
There is a $50.00 lab fee to cover tools and materials costs for the year.

The point break-down is as follows, and is subject to change:
50%: Artwork
40%: Planning, participation, and other assignments
10%: Exams

Daily Routine
A daily routine is an important part of the art-making rhythm. When you come to
class, expect to listen to instructions, watch a demonstration, or complete a
warm-up independently or in a group. This is also a critical time to get
information. The majority of each class time will be utilized for artwork, with 5-15
minutes for cleanup and closure, depending on the materials used that day.

Class Rules
Art Class rules are: be safe, be respectful, and be productive. This means that
while you are in the art classroom you conduct yourself in a safe manner; use
tools and materials appropriately, treat yourself, your peers, and your teacher
with respect, and stay on task. If phone use is problematic, you will be asked to
surrender your phone to a safe place until the end of the class period. If it
continues to be a problem, other measures may be taken. Per school policy, and
due to safety issues in this classroom, ear buds cannot be worn during class. I
also adhere to school policy concerning tardiness, attendance, dress code, and
bullying. Please refer to the SHS Student Handbook for more detailed
information on these topics.
Coming & Going
Please sign out after asking to use the restroom or get a snack. Please sign in if
you are tardy to class to ensure you are not marked absent. Please avoid
becoming a “frequent flier” to the restroom. Do not ask to leave to turn
assignments in for other classes or to talk to teachers, counselors, or admin.
Plan on using the bathroom during passing time. Students who leave without
asking or ditch class will not be allowed to leave the classroom in the future.
Ditching will result in an automatic write-up.

Daily Participation Points

Participation points are awarded daily for coming to class on time, following class
rules, and staying on task. Those points may be deducted weekly for tardiness,
absences, cell phone use, and behavior issues. Participation points add up fast!
Be sure to be on time to class, refrain from using your cell phone, and be
respectful. Only students with excused absences are allowed to make up missed
participation points.

Late Assignment Policy

If you turn in an assignment late, you will lose half (50%) of that assignment
grade the first week the assignment is late. If two weeks passes, the assignment
will receive a zero. All late work must be completed outside of regular class time
(during study hall, lunch, or after school), so be prepared to plan accordingly and
ask for a pass to come work before stopping by.

Missed Days
It is entirely your responsibility to make up missed work. For every day of
excused absence, you have one additional day to complete work and turn it in,
with the exception of the last week of each semester. When you return from an
absence, talk to a friend about what you’ve missed, then see me if you need
further clarification or materials. Please note that materials and supplies may run
out or be in short supply after assignments have been turned in. If you’ve missed
class or need to finish an assignment after we’ve moved on to a new project,
please talk to me ahead of time, and we can discuss a plan to help you finish
your work outside of class time.

Midterm & Final Exam/EOC

You will have a written midterm and final exam. Be sure to keep notes,
assignments, and other materials from the semester that will help you practice
and prepare for the exams. A review sheet will be handed out approximately one
week before the midterm if applicable.
Grading Scale
0/4 = No credit/assignment missing
1/4 = Needs Support (I don’t get it. I need help.)
2/4 = Developing (I get some of it. I might need some help.)
3/4 = Secure (I get it. I can do it by myself.)
4/4 = Exceeds (I’ve got it and I can teach a friend.)

Skills/Topics To Be Covered
Some of the topics we will be covering as we work with metals on project-based
assignments throughout the year are: beading and connecting findings, piercing,
texturing, stamping, forging and forming, cold connections, torch soldering, bezel
setting, prong setting, applying patina, etching, enameling, and leather working.

Extra Credit
Extra credit may be awarded at teacher’s discretion up until three weeks before
the end of the semester. Extra credit cannot be used to raise a grade by more
than a letter (for example from C to A), and extra credit opportunities will not be
given last-minute to remedy poor work habits throughout the semester. Please
ask Ms. B about available extra credit opportunities.

Parent-Teacher Contact
See what we’re up to in Jewelry by visiting our class Instagram site at I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your
child’s progress. I can be reached via e-mail at, and
I make every effort to respond in a timely manner to questions and concerns.

In this classroom, students learn to work with various tools, materials, and
machines that are used in the creation of art. These can include but are not
limited to: pencils, brushes, scissors, X-Acto knives, linoleum cutters, carving
tools, wire cutters, pliers, screw drivers, hammers, paper and metal cutters, sand
paper, wire, foil, jeweler’s saws, rolling mills, soldering torches, pickling agents,
belt sanders, bench buffers, clays, glazes, kilns, plaster, rubber cement, plastic
wrap, Styrofoam, chalk, pastels, paints, enamels, and adhesives. Every
precaution and preparation is taken to instruct students on the safe handling,
storage, and proper use of these tools.

Appropriate dress is essential. Hair that falls below the shoulders MUST be tied
back when using an open flame or equipment like sanders and buffers, and loose
jewelry, loose clothing, and headphones, MUST be removed and kept away from
machinery. Occasionally, close-toed shoes must be also worn.
Cleanliness and neatness are also an imperative aspect of keeping a safe studio
space. Students are required to keep their work areas clutter-free and clean up
their tools/work area before leaving the classroom. Soap and water must be used
while cleaning work surfaces to minimize dust. Mild detergents and water may
also be used occasionally.

Every effort is made to provide your child with a safe environment to learn and
work, however, accidents do happen even under the strictest supervision.
Therefore, I ask that each parent or guardian discuss with their child the
importance of adhering to instructions and following safety guidelines at all times
in the art classroom.

Ms. Bolintineanu
Ceramics/Jewelry Teacher, Sandia High School

Please fold, detach, and return by August 30 or 31, 2018

I have read the course description and safety agreement with my child. I have
discussed the importance of adhering to safety instructions and safe cleaning
procedures in the ceramics and jewelry classroom with my child. I understand
that a lab fee of $50.00, which covers the cost of art materials for two semesters,
is due by Thursday, August 30 or Friday, August 31.

Parent/Guardian Name(s) (Please Print):________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________

Student Name (Please Print):_________________________________________

Student Signature: _________________________________________________

Grade Level: _______________ Class: ________________________________

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