Layer Management

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Layer Management

Name︰________ Class number︰________

Layer Management
Vector graph drawing patterns, the use layer management is very common,
and can tell the content of the object, according to the pattern assigned to the
different layers, so that can call out or hidden at any time required for the
object, for easy painting. We see a computer rendering images are often made
up of different objects stacked together, and different objects can occupy
different layers, as layers partakers up and down the order, each object is
independent individuals, objects and objects between each other cover.

Object 1

Object 1 Object 2
Object 2

Object 3
Perspective image

Image plan
Layer Panel

Layer Management

Before and after the order of layers

Each layer is stored in order not the same object, because the lower the upper
pressing the relationship between the object bound to make objects appear
and some hidden part of the image, which can be seen that the importance of
the order of layers.

The following image is composed of four layers of the synthesized vector

graphics, see the layer in the Layers panel in the figure placed the order and
the order have to do before and after the round.

Object group
Composition of the group that the object is to two or more objects merge, the
main mode of the object is to facilitate the group moved together groups of
Xian article and can be dissolved after the group back to the single object

The role of objects composed by multiple The group became a single object

Group Ungroup
First select the first object, Select all of the objects right click
Right clickGroup  ungroup

Layer Management

Align objects
Vector diagram can be
characterized by the location of any
mobilization of graphics, the future
manpower alone vector diagram
layout object is not enough, so the
functions can be aligned more
accurately align the selected
graphics in the Align panel (Align),
the can control the alignment and
object distribution.

Gradient function
Gradient feature is mainly used gradient tool on the
toolbox (Blend Tool) reached in the future, by the object
on the gradient menu command, you can perform more
changes. Gradient function can automatically produce
two different color, position and shape of the object
automatically changes between the results. In the use
of gradient tool, and not on the gradient of the target
object has limitations, and therefore whether the path
is open, closed curves, gradient fills, you can do with
the future goal of the gradient object.
Select the Gradient tool in the toolbox. In the two
objects, move the cursor to the anchor on one object,
the cursor will become x's appearance, then click the
anchor. After moving the cursor to select an object to
be another corresponding anchor on the appearance
of the cursor will become a +, then click the anchor.

Layer Management

Gradual adjustment: When you need some sophisticated transition effects, you
need to adjust your gradient settings, so that it will not complicate your object
order and spend your valuable time.

To set the gradient options, simply open the

"Object Blend Blend Options" function.
Gradient function is generated in two stages
between the object gradient. In order to open
the options window when the gradient after
the interval there will be three different
options, including Smooth Color, Specified
Steps, Specified Distance.

Gradient function I: Smooth Color

The natural color of the two smooth objects to

change. Object class or distance can not be
arbitrarily set, and the color intermediate between
the color will show all of the future, and the middle
class of objects divided into 255.

Layer Management

Gradient function II: Specified Steps

Select a specific order number; try to enter values of 10 spaces on the right
hand side. Can be arbitrarily divided Intermediate class between the two
objects that number.

Gradient function III: Specified Distance

Middle class between the two objects to maintain a certain distance, the right hand
side of the digital input distance can be.

In order to choose the level of a particular or specific distance, just select the
location in the input direction option, you can choose to facilitate the gradual
evolution to the same direction, or to adjust the path according to the direction
of the gradient object.

In addition, the use of gradient feature, the gradient function of the way
between the evolution of a straight line, if you want to adjust the curve a
straight line, simply use the direct selection tool, with the pen tool to facilitate
the corner features can be adjusted to curve the path.

Layer Management

Gradual shift to generic object

object: If you want the general
gradient body parts into a separate
object, we can use:
“Object Blend Expend” The instructions.

Gradient Mesh

Students can be a gradient mesh, applied

in a single color or gradient color object. To
generate a point on the number of smooth
color gradient effect. Simply complete the
deformation, the object will become a grid
object order.

To fill a single color object is converted to the

gradient of the grid, it can be used
“Object  Create Gradient Mesh” Or use the
gradient mesh tool to select an object can also be
the future.

Layer Management

To fill the gradient of the object deformation conducted, students can start the "
Creat Gradient Mesh" option enables to control the grid lines and grid points in
the grid increases, while for the selected network control points in the
individual cell or group control points to Convenient to move them, coloring
and delete actions.


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