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1 Enorcement Sensitve (3/30/17, 9:07:46 AM) ME 15 Bruce, any news? The Senate Intel Committee is leaking like a sieve which is giving us pause for thought on engagement. Otherwise my Matthew is 21 today! Hopefully speak soon, Best, Chris (3/30/17, 9:15:24 AM] Bruce: Chris, no news on this end, aside from what I'm reading in the papers. Just amazing. Congratulations on your son's birthday! T was going to say your boy's birthday but he is really a man now! Let me know if you would Like to talk. (5/2/17, 10:19:00 2M) TE car Bruce, T would be grateful for a word over the next couple of days. Could we fix a time for a Whatsapp call please, Many thanks, Chris [5/2/17, 10:56:11 AM] Bruce: Chris, of course. Would tomorrow at 1 pn London tine work for you? Bruce (9/2/17, 11:43:01 AM) ME Yes thanks, that's good for me. Let's speak than. (5/2/17, 2:40:12 PM] Bruce: Excellent. Talk with you soon, (5/9/17, 7:15:04 PH) TE 5, obviously it's chaotic with you over there right now but we should probably talk again over the next couple of days if you can, Do let me know what might work. Best (5/9/17, 1 3 PM] Bruce: Sure. Would Wednesday at 7 pn London time work for you? (5/10/17, 147 0M) RE Yes, thanks, that’s fine for (5/10/1/, 4:03:05 AM) MMM Good luck with everything today! (5/12/17, 4:22:56 PM] Bruce: Thanks again for your time on Wednesday. Do you have time for a short follow up call sometime this weekend? 5/12/17, 5:11:09 P| SM Yes, of course. Perhaps sometime tomorrow. When might SULT? (5/12/17, 7:37:15 PM] Bruce: Would 3 pm your tine work? i'm pretty open so just let me know. Thanks! 15/13/17, 7:54:46 AM) I Fine, or possibly e our tine if that works Tor your Best (5/13/17, 8:21:22 AM] Bruce: 2 pm your time is good. It will be quick. — fnanks! (5/15/17, 9:45:09 AM) MMM: 6, having now consulted my wife and business partner about the question we discussed on Saturday I'm pleased to say yes, we should go ahead with it. Best C (5/15/17, 1:31:86 PM) Bruce: Thanks! I will let them know and we will follow up. [5/15/17, 2:42:22 PM] Bruce: Thanks again. I chatted with my colleagues and can give you an update when you have a minute. (6/22/17, 2:21:29 Pi!) Hi Bruce, is there any news on reengagement yet? Anything we could do to help from this end? Grateful for an update. Thanks and Best, Chris (6/22/17, 11:19:47 PM] Bruce: T will inquire and let you know (6/24/17, 6:45:42 AM] Bruce: Still in process. Hy colleagues have nade the request, but they will inquire again. (7/16/37, 5$47:26 Ph) OOM Hi Bruce, hope you're enjoying the summer, T spoke to my old colleagues last week and they assured me en at 2 pm eso! 3-29-18)-001-000027

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