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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN)

Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Learner Details and Declarations

Learner Details
Learner Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _____________________________________
Course details: __________________________________________________________________

Learner Instructions
1. You must attempt all sections in this LLN Indicator Tool.
If you have indicated on the Enrolment Form that you have a disability, impairment or long-term condition
then a training consultant will contact you via telephone to conduct the oral component. This involves
engaging in a short conversation with you, and will not take more than 5 minutes.

2. You have up to ten (10) business days to return this LLN Indicator Tool to the Training Department.

3. You must use a digital signature or hand written signature when completing the Learner Declaration

4. Email the completed LLN Indicator Tool to the Training Department at

Please note that the Training Department has up to ten (10) business days to finalise each LLN Indicator
Tool from the date of receipt.

Learner Declaration
I declare that no part of this LLN Indicator Tool has been completed by another person and all written responses are my

Digital Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Learner Record
Learner Name: _____________________________________________

Skill Area Training Consultant Comments

Numeracy skills

Learning skills

Writing skills

Reading skills

Oral communicationskills

Specialist support required (provide details below);

Reasonable adjustments required (provide details below);

Training consultant name:

Training consultant
Review date:

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Numeracy Skills
Your task is to read the time sheet and answer the questions that follow.

Devlin DeSuzahas recorded the hours she has worked over five days on the following time sheet.
Watson Aged Care Centre TIME SHEET
Employee name: Devlin DeSuza Week starting: 10 August, 2010
Employee number: 4021 Job role: Casual carer

Date Start time End time Regular hours Overtime hours

10 August 9.00am 12.00 noon 3
11 August 9.00am 1.00pm 4
12 August 9.00am 12.00 noon 3
13 August 1.00pm 4.00pm 3
16 August 5.00pm 7.30pm 2.5
17 August
18 August
19 August
20 August
21 August

Employee signature: Devlin DeSuza Date: 21 August 2010
Supervisor signature: Sandra Webb Date: 21 August 2010

Question 1: What is Devlin’s employee number?

Question 2: What time did Devlin start work on 10 August?

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Question 3: What is Devlin DeSuza’s role?

Question 4: How many hours did Devlin work on 12 August?

Question 5: How many overtime hours did Devlin work?

Question 6: Were the hours worked on 13 August regular hours or overtime hours?

Question 7: How many regular hours did Devlin work over the period 10-16 August?

Question 8: Who is Devlin’s supervisor?

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Learning Skills
PART A: Your task is to write at least a paragraph (minimum of two sentences) in regards to the following based
on your own experience and knowledge.

Question 1: Can you tell me about something that you learned recently?
How did you learn it? People learn new skills every day, such as how to use the internet, how to
PROMPT record TV shows or how to drive a car.(NOTE: This question is to gather information about HOW the
learning occurred, rather than WHAT the learning was about)

Question 2: What do you like about learning? What helps you to learn?
People learn in different ways. Some learn best by listening and writing, some from visual aids such
PROMPT as the whiteboard or the TV, some learn by watching and doing. Others like to learn in a group, while
some people prefer to learn one-on-one with a support person.

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Question 3: What are you good at?

This may include reading (newspapers, emails, websites, notice boards, manuals); writing (letters,
emails, forms, lists, messages, reports); numeracy (calculations, times tables, 24-hour clock,
measurement, money and finance); speaking and listening (talking on the phone, asking for
information, giving instructions or presentations).

Question 4: What work skills do you already have?

Team work, using technology, communication, self-management, problem solving, learning, initiative,

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

PART B: Your task is to match the letter to the corresponding number in the middle column. The first item has
been completed for you.
A A-3 1 No mobile phones

B 2 No naked flames

C 3 Ear protection must be worn

D 4 Head protection must be worn

E 5 No admittance

F 6 No smoking

G 7 Foot protection must be worn

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Writing Skills
Your task is to select one topic listed below and provide a written response that is between 250 and 500 words in

Select a topic;
• Smoking should be banned outside workplaces as well as inside
• CEOs are overpaid
• Two weeks paternity leave should be a right for all male workers
• Women make better managers.
• Other (state your topic): _____________________________________________________

Helpful tips;
• Remember to plan your work before you start and to check your work before you finish.
• Use paragraphs and correct spelling and grammar.
• If your response is hand-written, please ensure that it is legible.

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Reading Skills
Your tasks include;
1. Reading the brochureand
2. Providing written responses to the questions that relate to the information in the brochure, which involves
carrying out some numeracy tasks
MIXING CONCRETE Materials Directions
Basics and handy hints Water 1. Using a shovel to put the correct ratio
Concrete is used in a wide variety Sand of materials in the mixing container.
of building projects both domestic Cement 2. Slowly begin adding water to the
and commercial. Concrete is a Stone or gravel mixture, mixing from the bottom and
safe, strong and simple building turning the shovel over repeatedly.
material. Tools 3. Gradually add more water and
Hose occasionally stab the mixture with the
Bucket blade of the shovel.
Shovel 4. Keep mixing for 2 or 3 minutes after all
Mixing container, e.g. wheelbarrow the materials are thoroughly mixed.
Rent a concrete mixer for larger projects 5. The concrete should be smooth – not
wet and runny or dry and crumbly.
EXPERT TOOLS PTY LTD Ratios Handy hints
Small Building Specialists High strength concrete mix ratio • Allow time to finish the job in one go
Check our website for a store near 1 part cement • Gravel strengthens concrete, however
you! 2 parts sand too much gravel can make it difficult to 3 parts stone or gravel get a smooth finish
Gives high strength concrete that is good • If the mix is too wet add small amounts
for ponds, concrete panels and building of sand and gravel in the correct ratios
slabs • If the mix is too stiff add small amounts
of water and cement
General use concrete mix ratio • Clean up all the tools and mixing
1 part cement container as soon as you are finished
2.5 parts sand with them
3 parts stone or gravel • Water should be clean, fresh and free
This concrete is good paths, floors and from any dirt, unwanted chemicals or
driveways. rubbish
• Always ‘cure’ the concrete to achieve
best strength and hardness

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

1. Who published this brochure and why do you think they produced it?

2. How can I find out where their stores are located?

3. In your own words describe why you think each of the following hints is important:
a) Allow time to finish the job in one go

b) Clean up all the tools and mixing container as soon as you are finished with them

c) Water should be clean, fresh and free from any dirt, unwanted chemicals or rubbish

4. Expert Tools have a 1300 number where the last six numbers match the name ‘EXPERT”. What is the number?

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Oral Communication Skills

If you have indicated on the Enrolment Form that you have a disability, impairment or long-term condition then a
training consultant will contact you via telephone to conduct the oral component. This involves engaging in a
short conversation with you, and will not take more than 5 minutes.

Do Don’t

• Speak clearly and sensibly. • Don’t speak too softly.

• Take the full minute to plan the discussion topic. • Don’t worry about speaking too much - the
• Vary the words and phrases you use. training consultant will control the timing.
• Be well-mannered and respectful throughout the • Don’t try to give a rehearsed speech.
interview. • Don’t stop trying throughout the interview to

1. Introduction to Interview
The training consultant wants to get to know who you are and what you are currently doing (e.g. work and life
commitments). The training consultant will also try to relax you so that you don’t feel too stressed.
Simple information questions will be asked such as;
 Where are you from?
 How long have you been living there?
 Have you completed any other course/s in the past? If yes, what type of course/s?
 What is your computer skill level? (e.g. basic, intermediate, advanced)

This section will take approximately 5 minutes

2. Discussion
Questions that will be asked by the training consultant;
 Why are you undertaking the course?
 What is your opinion of online/distance study?
 What are your expectations of the course?
 What are your learning objectives?

This section will take approximately 5 minutes.

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Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) Indicator Tool

Please note:
This is a two way discussion between you and the training consultant. The training consultant will ask you a
range of more questions that will encourage free conversation.
 Answer the questions as best you can, elaborate on your answers, encourage back and forth discourse
and generally treat this as two friends having a nice chat.
 Please feel free to use a casual conversation style of speech (informal language).
 Give your opinion and justify it
 Express your preference
 Compare/contrast/summarise and speculate
 Repair, maintain and expand on a conversation

This resource was adapted the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program by the Australian Government
Department of Industry.

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