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rswey-sanaroca Ga02/009 LETTER OF AGREEMENT Date: November 29, 201 Between: \Witarn H, hoes, Aisi rector Washington State Universiy and Mike Lesch Head Footbal Coach “This memerandum summaizes the forms ofan offarand accoptence forthe head foolbal coach position at Washington Stale University. The felowing tems wil 6s Incorporated into a formal ontact ‘Term: The Term ofthe Agieement shall commence as December 1, 2011 and cance 09 : December 31,2016, covering an tial period offs (5) years and (are ment December 1,201 — December 37,2072). Afer he second ful cerract year has elapsed on December 31, 2073, ‘Agreement shall became 2otating five (8) year Agreement. On Decamber 31,2013, the period of the ‘Agreement shal again beccme five (5) contact years, running rom January 1, 2013, tough December 31,2018, unless prior to January 1, 2013, writen notice is given by eter party stating that the perio ofthe Agreement ehal-conclode viene'on December 44-2616-trereby sapaiog ne ‘automatic extension rotator. I natther party provides said nctice to the ether party by December 31,2013, the Agieement thereater becomes afl five (5) year commitment and he same, ‘ates arsiion sha apy avery Decomser 31 thereafter, permiting ther party to ston the ‘Agreements automatic exiersion rotation and sel a termination date onthe fst December 30° which 's four () full contact years subsequent to the applicable December 21 noice date, povided that {imaly notice is given hereurder. Ifnatice is provided stopping Ihe automat extension rotation, the rotation willnot start anew unless and uell both partes agree in wring to renew the automatic tension ratio, ‘Compensation: The folowhg are annual guaranteed smouns: Base Salary: $2,000000 Supplemental Product Endorsement, $180,000 ‘Supplemental TeleviionMedia Talent $100,000, Total guarartead amount: $2.250,000 Incentives: Each employment year he folowing adeitona incentives shal be pad if applceble ‘Apple Cup Vietry $25,000 Nor-808 Bond Game $75,000 BCS Bow Game $109,000 BOS National Tile Game $200,000 200/00 ac-12 North Champion $80,000 ac-12 Conference Champion $100,000 (nominelusve) It Any Final National Ranking (BCS, AP, USA Today, Haris): Top 25 - $60,000 Top 10 - $100,000 inen-ncusive) Academic Achiaverert~ P2c-12 Puble School Grad Rate: #1 - $25,000, Public School Top 4 - $18,000 (nen-ncusive) CConfarence Coach the Vear $25,000 National Coach of he Year $50,000 Benefits: Inaction a allatendard university benefits; Tickets: TwoWve seat family suite plus 20 football tickets (Country Cub or Heath Giub Membership: One Courtesy Vehicie: Two Summer Camp: Ne proceeds distributed at Head Football Coach's iseration ‘Termination Without Cause: Shouts Head Coach be terminated without cause prior tothe Termination ofthe Employmant Agreement ne will rece laudated camages in an amount equal o Ext percent (608) of tha remaining Base Salary for tha term of the Agreement. Head Coach shal bawe'a duty to mkigae iquidatod damages by making reasonable and signt efforts to obtain comparable empioymert. ‘Temmination by Employee: $2,250,000 reduces $480,000/yerto zero ater year ve. ‘The sbave offer requis and is contingent on fnal university approval andthe poston Being Nalase Signature below constitutes agreement between both parties: Ll) ZZ me (biliry, [phew , Oractor af Asice ia Leach Washington State University Head Football Coach EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT “This Employment Agreemem (Agreement) te made as of his Tih dy of October, 2012, between Washington State Univesity Unversity") and Michel C. Leach Employee") and it cancels and replaces ty and all pr cmpaymen agreements, of, or understandings, wheter wen or on, between ese 1. Employment Boston Employment ss the Employes of Univers, The Hinplyee al serve as the Hen Coach tie Universiy's Inrcolgite Fool! program and shall pevonn the és utined in Section 12 Tevin dovng the tr of te Agron, The Employee i subject and fovemed ty the tems and condor ofthe Apreement essiton o Employee's Responsibilities. 12.1, Resoiton of Duis. ‘The Employes aprecs to devote his best efforts to the Defarmancs of dite forthe Univers and Yo comply with and support Fates regulations, police, and decane exalised oe ued by tbe Universi The “mplyes arse to aide by al provons of low, eluding the Washington Shi ies Law RCW 4259. The Employer alo ages daring the tem ofthis ‘Agresment that he will no engage rely o niet in any basis that would (Gatto bis ably prorm he best ff tothe pefomance of his dues Ineunder "The Emplaye sun agree not to sup any ecohoe oppor of the Unio 122. Genes! Duties and Resonsiiss, As Hexd Coach ofthe Featall program, ie EEnpoyee nares 10 perorm hi specie dues and resposibiliies (sre in Secon 23) to thebestof his ay. The Employee farther ages that e is primary responsible forthe ssprvison, evan, perfomance ond y-o-dy penton ofte Univeray's Foal rogram. The Employee agress 1 abide by td comaly withthe constton, bylaws, and iterations of the National Cong Astle Assen (NCAA) tne Punt 2 Conference (Pes) anal NCAA, Pac? and University res and replatoas relating tothe conduct and ‘Movvton ofthe Football progam The Employee shall pom epor any Mfolalon of such rules or sepuations fo the AileteDicioy, Diet of Compliance, or Faculty Mie Representative ofthe University. ‘The Employee Sgr fo fellow the Univesity sender stand related fo the recriment and ‘Sealy of prospective snd caren student-athletes och Fotball rogran. The Empayce and members of bi sa inloing sistant coaches, shal follow the UUneriy‘ cad turds, eiemeat ed pies allies 123, Spsdle Dues ond Resonsbiis, The Employes accountable forthe following ii ot specie des and resort." This Ist saplement the Employees ‘te genera dues and responses provide elcwhere inhi Aree 1.2.1. tga the Foobll rogram ft he whale apeewum of acu to fomplenent he Univer nde mision the state a community, 1.292, Bvalats, went in, and develop student-athletes to compete aginst Inajor cles compton in «quality Division A Fotbll program, while onsisetiy taking. into "sonidraon and fostering the pps pavhologisl, nd emoona well-being of stuent-ahlets, 1.2.33, Cooprte with and spor the Usivesiy’sfcuty and administrative feats reping nade requirements fr stdeneatltes asd he abit

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