De Mange 1990

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Equilibrium situations in bend force systems

Christian Demange, DCD, SQODF, CECSMO*

Lyon, France

This article provides a simple theoretical approach to the equilibrium situations encountered in
biomechanics. Basic differences between the moment of a force and the moment of a couple are
described. The concept of the center of resistance is defined and applied to the case of a force
system (R,). Three equilibrium situations are schematically described: the off-center V bend, the
centered V bend, and the step bend. Two clinical examples are detailed (one from the Begg
technique and one from the Ricketts technique) to demonstrate clinical applications of force in these
three situations. (AM J ORTHODDENTOFACORTHOP1990;98:333-9.)

O r t h o d o n t i c literature contains numerous ar- a movement or pure translation. It must be noted that,
ticles on biomechanics in general and on equilibrium for a given tooth, this movement may be mesiodistal
situations in particular. ~7 But, however excellent these or vestibulolingual, intrusive or extrusive.
publications may be, comprehending them is sometimes Because a tooth is a restrained body, the center of
difficult. Furthermore, the theoretical models they pre- resistance may be compared to the center of gravity, or
sent are often inapplicable in everyday clinical practice. the barycenter, of a free body. The position of the center
The present article aims to provide a simple explanation of resistance is directly dependent on what may be
of these equilibrium situations that will enable the prac- called the "clinical root" of the tooth. This concept takes
titioner to recognize them more easily and thus achieve into account the root volume, including the periodontal
a more precise adjustment of the force system for op- bone-a definition that is close to that given by Burstone
timal therapeutic effect. and Pryputniewicz8 of the position of the center of re-
sistance. These authors define the position of the center
ELEMENTARY BIOMECHANICS of resistance according to the distance between the al-
Force veolar crest and the apex, incrementing this value with
A given force may be represented by a vector, which the thickness (i.e., the surface) of the root. 9
is characterized by direction. This direction, in turn, is The position of the center of resistance is also a
characterized by a sense (indicated by the head of the function of the nature of the periodontal structures, ~°-~3
arrow) and by a line of action. The location of the point and the density of the alveolar bone and the elasticity
of application on the line of action has no influence on of the desmodontal structures are strongly related to the
the type of movement obtained; the only thing that patient's age.ta These considerations have led Valet and
counts is the relationship of the line of action to the Pagin ~ to speak of the "center of resistance associated
center of resistance. The magnitude of the force is pro- with the tooth," rather than of "the center of resistance
portional to the length of the vector. In orthodontic of the tooth."
biomechanics it is also important to consider duration
and rhythm in applications of force, although these Moment and couple
two factors do not participate directly in basic biome- A force for which the line of action does not pass
chanics. through the center of resistance produces a moment of
force (M) on the center of resistance. The magnitude
Center of resistance of this moment is equal to the magnitude of the force
The center of resistance of a force is defined by its multiplied by the perpendicular distance of the line of
relationship to the force: a force for which the line of action of the force with respect to the center of resis-
action passes through the center of resistance produces tance. The moment exists only insofar as the force is
delivered on the center of resistance.
*Assistant ~ la facult6 d'Odontologie de Lyon. Conversely, the moment of a couple is a free system
811116190 that produces an identical effect on the center of resis-

334 Demange Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
October 1990

d lb..- - - q l el

Fig. 1. a, R~ = R2; b, R~ > Rz

tance (pure rotation), regardless of the position of the

couple on the tooth. A couple consists of two forces of
equal magnitude, with parallel but noncolinear lines of -- c~ ~ > " ~ c2 --
action and opposite senses. The moment of this couple
is equal to the magnitude of one of the forces multiplied
by the perpendicular distance between the two lines of

Center of rotation
The center of rotation depends exclusively on the .~1. ~ M

system of forces applied. Its position relative to the

center of resistance determines the type of movement
obtained. If the center of rotation is a long distance
from the tooth, translation occurs. If the center of ro- ix
tation and the center of resistance are identical, then
the movement is pure rotation. Between these two ex-
G ,T
treme situations, combined effects of rototranslation
may occur. The graphic determination of the center of
rotation is fairly simple 6 and its distance from the
center of resistance may be determined by use of the
moment/force ratio. 6":6't7

Fig. 2. Off-center V bend: general case.
Three bracket-wire conditions will be examined
here: (a) the off-centered V bend, which exists when tween the centers of resistance of the two teeth. If the
the bend is off-center (as in the Begg anchor bend), (b) anchorage values are different, the center of resistance
the centered V bend, which exists when the arch has a of the system will be closer to the tooth with the highest
V bend midway between the two brackets, and (c) the anchorage value (Fig. 1).
step bend.
These situations may be represented by two dental The off-center V bend
u n i t s - - f o r example, a molar and an incisor. Before Let us consider the case of two teeth, TI and T2
examining each case in detail, we must define the center (Fig. 2) with the same anchorage value that we located
of resistance for each system (R,) since, as we will see, at a specific distance (2d) from each other (d = the
the magnitudes of force and the moments they produce distance between the center of resistance of the system
vary with the position of the R,. The center of resistance and T~ or 1"2). Let us introduce into the bracket of each
of a system is located somewhere along the line between tooth a wire with an off-center bend, thus causing an
the centers of resistance of the two teeth. If the two off-center V.
teeth have the same anchorage value, the center of In Fig. 2, a two forces are produced at the mesial
resistance of the system will be located halfway be- and distal ends of each bracket: F2 and F'2 for T2, and
Volume 98 Bend force systems 335
Number 4

F~ and F'~ for T~. On each tooth, these forces are par- T1 1"2
allel, of opposite sense, and of equal magnitude, thus
forming a couple (Fig. 2, b). Furthermore, since the - . . % ,.--... -,2 ,.-
angle between the wire and the bracket is wider on the
T~ side, couple C, will be stronger than couple C:.
According to the laws of Newton, if the system is at
equilibrium, the net effect of all the forces and moments
of the system is nil in any spot of the system. To sim-
plify, we will consider the center of resistance of the
system R, (Fig. 2, c). The moments, C~ and C2 pro-
duced by the couples, may be placed in R, without any b -- cl
modification. To obtain a nil net effect, we must intro- s
duce a moment, M, opposite to C~, the magnitude of
which is equal to the difference between C~ and Cz
(Fig. 2, d). The system is then at equilibrium. To vi-
sualize the effects produced by M on T~ and T2, we C2
Cl •
must resolve M into two forces, X and Y (Fig. 2, e),
acting respectively on T~ and T:.
In summary (Fig. 2, J'), acting on Tt are an upward Fig. 3. Off-center V bend with displacement of the center of
vertical force and a counterclockwise moment; and on resistance of the system: a = %X; b = 2X.
"1"2, a downward vertical force and a clockwise moment
that is weaker than the one acting on T~. This is a classic
representation of an off-center V b e n d - - i . e . , a bend Furthermore:
with two opposite moments of different magnitudes and
two opposite forces of identical magnitude.
If R, moves to an off-center position because the
anchorage values of the two teeth differ, then the mag-
nitudes of the vertical forces will vary. if b = 4X - 3a
Let us consider the same force system as above, d 3d
(4X - 3a)~ = -~-a
with a center of resistance (R,) at a distance % from
T~ (Fig. 3). In R,', the sum of the moments must be 4X - 3a = 3a
nil and the reactional moment (M) has the same ori-
entation and magnitude as in the example shown in
Fig. 2. However, the forces obtained by resolving M 2
a = ~X
into its components and acting on T~ and Tz will be
different because of the off-center position of the Rs'. b = 4X- 3(%X)
According to the laws of leverage, the vertical force b = 2X
(b) produced on T~ is greater than the vertical force (a)
produced on T2. By a simple calculation, we may de- We see that the vertical force acting on T~ doubles,
termine the magnitudes of the forces a and b according while the vertical force acting on T2 is reduced by 2,6.
to those of X and Y. If the center of resistance of the system moves to-
ward T~ because of an increase in the anchorage value
of the tooth, with R," at distance % from T~ and 5%
The two moments are equal, and X-Y. from Tz, then the two vertical forces have a value of
a = % X a n d b = 3X.
3d d It must be emphasized that the increase in magni-
-~-a + ~b = 2dX
tude of the force acting on T~ does not necessarily lead
3da + db clinically to a stronger extrusion of the tooth, since there
= 2dX is a simultaneous increase in the anchorage value.

d(3a + b__._.~=) 2dX The centered V bend

This situation represents a particular case of V bends
3a + b = 4X in which the apex of the V bend is centered between
b = 4X - 3a the two brackets.
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
336 Demange October 1990

T1 "12

. :3c .

_ cl ~ c= _-
Fig. 4. Centered V bend: general case.

Fig. 4 shows, as does Fig. 2, the reactions that

occur. Because the apex of the bend is centered, the d Cl~>'~ C2
moments CI and C2 produced on each tooth are of equal
but opposite magnitude, since the angle between the
bracket and the wire is the same on the left side and
on the right side. At R,, the two moments cancel each
other and there is no resulting vertical force.
It must be noted that in this force system, contrary
to what is observed in the off-center V model, the
distance between the center of resistance of the system
and T~ and T2 has no influence on the reactions pro-
Fig. 5. Step bend: general case.
duced. There will always be a counterclockwise rotation
of T~ and a clockwise rotation of T2.

The step bend in an off-center V bend. Indeed, for a given angle be-
In this situation, the wire has two bends (Fig. 5). tween the wire and the brackets, the two moments, C1
Both TI and "1"2are submitted to two vertical forces and C2, add up in the step bend, yielding a stronger
(Fig. 5, a) that produce couples (Fig. 5, b). If the reactional moment, as well as stronger vertical forces.
angles between each of the brackets and the wire are If the position of the center of resistance changes,
the same, the two couples, C~ and C2, are of equal there are the same consequences on the magnitudes of
magnitude and identical sense (counterclockwise for the vertical forces as those described in the off-center
both C~ and C~). At the center of resistance of the V bend, for the same reasons.
system, the moments of the couples add up, producing
a reactional moment (M) (Fig. 5, c) of clockwise ori-
Variations in magnitudes of forces and moments
entation and a magnitude twice that of C1 (or of C2).
This moment can be resolved at the level of T~ and T2 To optimize the force system that is produced, it is
into two equal and opposite vertical forces, X and Y helpful to be able to predict variations in the magnitudes
(Fig. 5, d). of forces and moments.
Fig. 5, e shows the final result on T~ and T2, with In the off-center V bend, the magnitude of the mo-
two moments of identical orientation and magnitude ment and of the resulting vertical force varies with the
and two opposite vertical forces. This is the classic relative angle between the brackets and the wire. This
representation of a step bend. relative angle is a function of three parameters: the bend
It is easy to understand that the forces generated in of the wire, the width of the brackets, and the distance
this type of situation are stronger than those generated between the brackets.
Volume 98 Bend force systems 337
Number 4

T1 T2

a b

Fig. 7. Transverse movement in Begg technique.

In the step bend, the angle between the wire and
the brackets is the only factor that determines the mag-
nitude of the forces and the moments. It is simple to
understand that, contrary to the height of the step, the

mesiodistal position of the step does not modify the

C • C1 ~ i ]M • force system. This has been demonstrated experimen-
tally by Burstone and Koenig. 7
It must be noted that an off-center V bend may be
transformed into a step bend by a permanent defor-
mation of the wire.
c •
Clinical examples
To simplify the above explanation, the two clinical
examples presented will be considered as having their
centers of resistance halfway between the two dental
units. In this case, by definition, the total amount of
root surface area is identical in the incisor area and in
the molar area. If the molar anchorage value increases
(if, for example, the second molars are taken into ac-
count), the center of resistance will be displaced toward
Fig. 6. Ingression archwire in Begg technique. the molar, thereby increasing the magnitude of the re-
actional vertical force, as shown in Fig. 3. Conversely,
if the anchorage value of the anterior unit is increased
The wider the bend of the wire, the stronger the (by taking into account the two canines with the inci-
couples C, and C2, the more intense the reactional mo- sors, as in the Begg technique, for example), then the
ment, and the stronger the vertical force. The bend of vertical force on the molars will decrease.
the wire is also directly related to its mesiodistal po- The problem is that the exact location of the center
sition, which is therefore a factor acting on the force of resistance of a system consisting of multiple dental
system. 7 units is not easy to determine in the clinic, although
The use of wider brackets produces the same effects the location determines the magnitude of the forces.
as those produced by wider bend of wire.
The distance between the brackets acts in a similar Ingression archwire in the Begg technique
manner. For a given bend of wire, reducing the distance This example is a simple illustration of the off-
between the brackets causes an increase in the angle center V bend. Fig. 6 shows a lower incisor ingression
between the wire and the brackets and a corresponding archwire between the first molar, which bears a tube,
increase in magnitude of the forces and moments pro- and the incisor, which has a unipoint bracket. When
duced. the system is put into place, two vertical forces of equal
In the centered V bend situation, the three factors magnitude and opposite orientation are produced on T,
just described act identically on the magnitude of the (Fig. 6, a), corresponding to a couple C1 (Fig. 6, b).
two moments. If the bend of the wire is no longer At the center of resistance of the system, this couple
centered, then the situation is that of an off-center V causes a reactional moment, M (Fig. 6, c), which may
bend. be resolved into two opposite vertical forces of equal
Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
338 Demange October 1990

T~ T2

b • • •


C • Cl ~ i ~M • g

c • 1:2

C • m2

Fig. 8. Basic archwire in Ricketts technfque.

magnitude, F~ and F2, acting on T~ and "I"2(Fig. 6, d). lar will lead to an increase of the egressive force on
To determine the reactions that occur at the level of this tooth and a decrease of the ingressive force on the
each tooth, it is necessary to consider the center of re- incisor, with consequences on the magnitudes of the
sistance of each of these forces (Fig. 6, e). At R~, there moments produced locally.
are the vertical force and the couple C~ (free system).
At R2, the ingressive force does not pass through the Basic archwire in the Ricketts technique
center of resistance, thereby producing a moment m2, In the basic archwire of the Ricketts technique, the
which leads to a coronal labioversion of the lower in- V bend is off center, with the wire placed passively in
cisor. The wider the initial angle between the tooth and the bracket of '1"2(Figs. 8, a - d ) . This leads to a situa-
the occlusal plane, the stronger this moment will be. tion (Fig. 8, e) in which a moment, m2, tends to tip
On the molar, and in the sagittal plane, the vertical the incisors labially. To control this side effect, a
force does not produce a moment at the center of re- coronolingual torque, represented by the couple C2
sistance, since it passes through it. However, in the (Fig. 8, .1') is placed into the incisor bracket. The sit-
frontal plane (Fig. 7), this egressive force produces a uation then becomes that of a step bend, with the mo-
moment that tends to tip the crown of the molar lin- ment C2 causing an increase in the magnitude of the
gually. In the Begg technique, this tipping may be pre- reactional moment M' (Fig. 8, g). This increase, in
vented by an extensive widening of the archwire. turn, causes an increase in magnitude of the forces F~
As in the general case of the off-center V bend, a and F2 (Fig. 8, h). On the incisor, the increase of F2
displacement of the center of resistance toward the too- produces an increase of the moment m2. The increase
Volume 98 Bend force systems 339
Number 4

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