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1.having good oral hygiene will assist in reducing the incidence of some
heart infections such as bacterial:

a. endodontitis
b. endoconditis
c. endocarditis
d. endostomatitis

2.Effective primary preventive strategy as well as one of the achieved goal

to have half of children in this world have it by 2010 is:

a. Fluoridation
b. Sealants
c. Oral health education
d. Services for geriatric people

3. Malocclusion starts to appear between age:

a. 4–8

b. 9 – 12

c. 6 - 12

d. 6 – 11

4. One of the following is not one of the objectives to do dietary assessment

and counselin:

a. study the food habits

b. provide opportunity for study personal attitudes

c. identify the nutritional status

d. record frequency of use snacks

5. Systemic factor that cause halitosis is:

a. xerostomia

b. throat infection

c. cleft palate

d. diabetes

6. All of the following are drugs affect on the gingival status except one.
Which one is the exception:

a. cyclosporine

b. epeniphrine

c. nifedipine

d. phenytoin

7. One of the following is the best to describe " abrasion" the non
carious lesion:

a. mechanical wearing of tooth substance

b. chronic vomiting is one of its etiological factors

c. smooth, shallow and shiny appearance

d. loss of tooth substance by a chemical process

8. All of the following are oral characteristics of patient with a cleft

lip/palat except one, which one is the exception:

a. malocclusion

b. periodontal diseases

c. disturbance of tooth development

d. tumors at oral mucosa

9. The Percentage of propability of the local factors as causes of halitosis at the

oral cavity is:
a. 10 %
b. 80 %
c. 20 %
d. 90 %

10.Decresed Salivary flow in the oral cavity is termed by:


11.One of the following is not of the Oral Findings during Pregnancy:


b.enamel erosion
c.gingival enlargment
d.gingival recession

12.One of the following is not correct according to “Apple Tree Geriatric Dental
a. expands to involve handicapped people
b. provides primary restorative treatment
c. include poor families
d. support patients with central nervous system diseases

13. Deficiency in coordinating movements of lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of

mouth are oral charachteristics of:

a. Gerodontic patients

b. Cleft lip and / or palate

c. Pregnant woman

d. Diabetic patinet

14.One of the major oral findings is Numerous Petechiae that is more likely to
be with patients with:

a. seizure disorder
b. blood disorder
c. diabetes mellitus
d. cleft lip and/or palate

15. One of the following is not a characteristic of malignant neoplasm is:

a. tend to recur when removed

b. cannot cause death when it is controlled
c. does not infiltrate the surrounding tissues
d. growth rate is rapid relatively

16. Dark teeth can be improved by:

a. do scaling
b. correct malocclusion

c. apply bleaching
d. fit restorations
17.Halitosis is unpleasant odor of exhaled air and the causes may be local 90%
and non-oral causes 10%:
18.All of the following are oral findings during pregnancy except two of them,
which are the exception?
1.Enamel abrasion
2. Gingival overgrowth
3. Gingival attachment loss
4. Gingival inflammation
5. Enamel erosion
a.1 and 4
b.3 and 5
c.2 and 3
d.1 and 3
e.1 and 2

19. correct order of the steps of applying pit and fissure sealant on the occlusal
surface of the tooth are:
1. Bonding agent application 2. Acid etching application
3. Sealant material application 4. Isolation 5. Light curing

a.5, 1, 2, 4, 3
b.4, 2, 1, 3, 5
c.5, 2, 1, 3, 4
d.3, 1, 4, 5, 2

20. The optimal amount of fluoride that is recommended for having a

better dental health should be not less than 0.7 ppm and not more than 1.2
ppm. Fluorosis is one of the extrinsic dental discoloration types.

a.The first sentence is true and the second sentence is false

b.The first sentence is false and the second sentence
is true
c..Both sentences are true
d.Both are false

21.Purpose of the sealant in dentistry include filling the pit or fissure of the
occlusal surfaces as shallow as possible. Pit and fissure sealant flows into the
pit and fissures of the enamel by the chemical retention.
a.The first sentence is true and the second sentence is false
b.The first sentence is false and the second sentence is true
c.Both sentences are true
d.Both sentences are false

22.The side effects of Nicotine Patches

s (one of the pharmaceutical products) which used for
treatment of nicotine addiction less than the side effects of Nicotine Polacrilex.

23. The smallest amounts of nicotine will remain for..........hours in the body.

a.8 –12
b.20 -30
c.3 -6
d.9 –14

24. The nutrients that Helps in prevention from gingivitis which mostly affect the
sailors is:

b.Vitamin A
d.Vitamin C

25.Its deficiency will contribute in having defects at the structure of Alveolar

Bone. This
nutrient is:

a.Vitamin D
b.Vitamin A
e.Vitamin C

26.Which of the following nutrients is So essential for healthy Alveolar Bone

and Teeth?

b.Vitamin A
d.Vitamin C

28.Malocclusion, Tongue thrusting and mouth breathing are factors cause

periodontal diseases if they are left uncontrolled. In Periodontology These factors
are classified as:


29.Dental stains, Dental Caries and Dental Calculus are factors cause
periodontal diseases. In Periodontology These factors are classified as:


30. if you have a smoking habit and you decide to quit smoking. As a plan to deal
with nicotine withdrawal symptoms you decide to do all of the following
activities to go over those symptoms EXCEPT one. Which one is the exception?

a.Avoid caffeine
b.Eat as much as I want even if I am not
C.Avoid places where I most used tobacco
d.Do body exercises and take a walk

31. A systemic metabolic disease that is considered as one of the systemic

factors that contribute in causing a periodontal disease. This factor (a
metabolic disease) is:

c.Diabetes Mellitus

32.One of the following drugs does not cause gingival enlargement. this drug is:

33. The last step that is strongly recommended according to apply pit and
fissure sealant on the occlusal surface of the tooth is:

a.Acid etching application

c.Light curing
d.Sealant material application
e.Bonding agent application

34.Florosis considered as extrinsic stains:



35.Systemic involvement: if not treated may lead to death in few hours if patient
has ……………….. depression :cardiovascular
36-The first step in applying sealants: Isolation

37.the final step in applying sealant :Light Curing

38.decrease of saliva flow is known as : Xerostomia of following when decreases cause gingivitis: Vitamin C of the following affect bone & teeth : vitamin D of the following affect taath and bone: Ca should clean your teath :

a.2-3 times / week b.2-3 times / day c.2-3 times / year

43.most site affected by dental calculus : on the lingual surfaces of the

mandibular anterior teeth and the facial surfaces of the maxillary first and second
molars of the following causes intrinsic stains :



45.all of the following causes endogenous stain except :




46.all of the following drugs lead to gingival enlargement except: paracetamol

47.Malocclusion/ Parafunctional occlusalhabits/tonguethrusting Mouth

breathing considered as :Functional factors of the following Metabolic diseases considered as systemic factors :

diabetes mellitus

49.Nicotine patches has side effects more than nicotine gum : T / False of the following drug considered as weight control for patients

who ceased smoking :Bupropion

51.Buruxisum leads to :Attrition

52.Chronic vomiting leads to :Erosion

53.Falling,bicyle accident can cause :Fracture

54.vigorous horizontal toothbrushing lead to :Abrasion

55.Tepreture cosiderd as …………. Factor : Thermal

56.All of the following can be fix or removable except :Implanted tooth

57.Oral findings in pregnat include all of the following with one exception
::Gingivitis/Gingival enlargement/Enamel erosion/gingival recession

58.ALL of the following Oral Findings That May Occur with patient with
diabetes mellitus with one exception :scars of lips

59.All of the following considered as hormonal facrors except :


60.All of the following are signs for occlusal trauma with one exception
:Decrease in motility

61.systemic (non-oral) etiological factors (represents …….. of causes):10%

62.All of the following can be used for treatment dark teeth except :
obturator/limner/veneer/bleaching of the following considered as treatment for malocclusion not prevention :

1-removable appliances 2- fixed appliences 3-mouth guard

1 &2 3&1 3 only 2&3

65.Geriatric dentistry is : is a speciality in dentistry that care about elderly
people oral health

66. one of the following is not POI when you use orthodontic appliance :eat on
one side for balancing denture

67 .one of the following shouldn’t be done when u get rid of smoking :eating
as much as I want even if am not hungry

68.having good oral hygiene will assist in reducing the incidence of some heart
infections such as :bacterial endocarditis !
69.all of the following are risk factors for oral cancer except :Low exposure to the

70.put the correct letter that is matches each drug

with its use:
(a.)to control seizures
(d.)to prevent transplant organ from rejection
(c.)to treat angina
(d.)to suppress the immune system

Edited By: Neveen Shabaro

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