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CE 331, Summer 2016  Example Truss Deflection Calculation  1 / 3 

The procedure for calculating truss deflection at Joint “X” (x by hand is 
for each member (i): 
1. calculate the bar force due to the applied loads  (fi) 
f i Li
2. calculate the deformation due to the bar force  (i),  using the equation   i   
Ai E

3. calculate a factor (Ui) that represents the ratio  , where  xi is the deflection at X due to   
xi f i Px
From reciprocal deflections:    .   If we let Px be a unit load at the location 
i Px
f i Px
and in the direction of the desired deflection x ,  then   U i   ,which is unitless  

4. calculate the deflection at X due to  ,   xi   i U i   
5. Sum up the deflections due to each member deformation ( xi ) to get the total deflection x
. If the deflection is +’ve, then x is in the same direction as the unit load, Px . 
CE 331, Summer 2016  Example Truss Deflection Calculation  2 / 3 
Example.  Calculate the horizontal deflection at Joint 3 due to the 30 k load on the steel truss shown 
below.  The bar forces due to the 30k load and various unit loads are provided to speed up the 
calculation process.  For full credit, show detailed calculations for each number in the first row of your 
  14’ 4’ 9’
A = 1.5 in2 all 
E = 29,000 ksi  4
2 2

Table 1.  Bar lengths and forces due to loads shown in figures below. 
    Bar Forces due to Loads in each Figure (tension = +’ve) 
Member  Length, ft  Fig 1, k Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4
1  16.125 36.28 ‐1.75 2.15 2.15
2  13.00 22.5 ‐0.58 1.33 0.33
3  24.08 ‐42.15 2.03 ‐1.16 ‐1.16
4  12.04 ‐30.10 0.78 ‐0.45 ‐0.45
5  8.99 20.13 ‐2.09 1.19 1.19

Figure 1 Figure 2

30 k

Figure 3 Figure 4

CE 331, Summer 2016  Example Truss Deflection Calculation  3 / 3 

E 29,000 ksi
A 1.5 in2

ft k in in
Member L fLoad  U3_H 3_H
1 16.125 36.3 0.161 2.15 0.347
2 13 22.5 0.081 1.33 0.107
3 24.08 ‐42.2 ‐0.280 ‐1.16 0.325
4 12.04 ‐30.1 ‐0.100 ‐0.45 0.045
5 8.99 20.1 0.050 1.19 0.059

Sum: 0.884
   = 0.88 in

note: +'ve  means in the same direction as the unit load (See Figure 3)

Typical Calcs for Member 1

L1 = Length of Member 1 = 16.125 ft,calculated using dimensions provided in sketch

f1 = bar force in Member 1 due to load = 36.30 k T (from bar forces for Figure 1)

i axial deformation of Member 1 due to actual loads = f x L / (A x E)

= (36.30 k) (16.13 ft x 12 in/ft) / ( 1.50 in2) (29,000 ksi) ) = 0.161 in

Ui3_H = bar force in Member 1 due to a unit load at Joint 3 in the horizontal direction = 2.15
(from bar forces for Figure 3)

3_H = deflection at Joint 3 in horizontal direction due to Member 1 deformation

=  x U3_H = (0.161 in) (2.15) = 0.347 in

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