Complete Using Some/any/a/an:: Exercises Unit 4

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Exercises Unit 4

A Complete using some/any/a/an:

1. There's _________airport next to the city.

2. There are _________ beautiful gardens, but there aren't __________ fountains.

3. There are _____________ postcards on this table for you.

4. Are there ____________parents in that party?

5. There isn't ___________ shopping center in this little town.

6. Is there ____________office near here?

7. There are ____________ good books that you should read.

8. Is there ______________ orange in the fridge?

9. Are there _____________chocolates in the kitchen?

10. There aren't ______________ cookies left, sorry!

11. There's _____________house next to the river. Some friends live there.

12. Are there ____________ armchairs in your house?

B Decide if these sentences are correct or incorrect. Write C (correct) or I (incorrect). If they are
incorrect, correct them.

1. There are any pictures on the wall. ___

2. There is a cat near the wall. ___

3. Are there some books in the shelves? ___

4. There aren't any dog in the garden. ___

5. There are some mistakes in your essay. ___

6. Is there some boy in the living room? ___

7. There are some apples in the kitchen. ___

C Complete with : How much- How many:

1. ______________ lemonade have we got? We've got only one bottle.

2. ______________ bottles are there? Three.
3. ______________meat is there? We have got two steaks.
4. ______________ bananas have we got? We haven’t got any.
5. ______________sugar have we got? Enough.
6. ______________bread have we got? Some.
7. ______________pens are in your bag? Six.
8. ______________ money have we got? We haven’t got a lot.
9. ______________ bikes are there in the garden? Two.
10. ______________children have they got? Two girls and a boy.
11. ______________milk have we got? About one and a half liters.
12. ______________ steaks have we got? We’ve got eight steaks.

D Decide whether you have to use a little or a few.

Could I have __________ sugar for my tea, please?

If you want to make pancakes, you need _________ eggs and _______ flour.

Have you got _______ minutes? I need to talk to you.

When I am on holiday, I always write ________ lines home.

I have ________ headache.

Jane has invited _________ boys to her party.

There is still ________ work to do.

They sang _________ songs.

Would you like ________ more rice?

E Write about your favorite meal. Use linking words.

You can guide from the following piece of writing :

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