Petrosains Science Showcompetition 2018

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TITLE Absorption of light

TOPIC Light and laser

OBJECTIVE To show the light can be absorb by an

object that is same colour with the light.

CONCEPT SCIENCE When a light wave with a single

frequency strikes an object, the light

could be absorb by the object.

MATERIAL / APPARATUS Torch light (white), laser (red, green),

Gold bears fruit flavour jelly candy

PROCEDURE 1. Place some green and red colour

jelly candies on the table.

2. Use red and green laser irradiate

on both the candies.

3. Observe the result.

4. Repeat step 2. by using a white

torch light.

5. Observe the result.

OBSERVATION  When both the laser irradiate on the

jelly candies, the jelly candies that

have the same colour with the laser

produce a brighter vision.

 When both the laser irradiate on the

jelly candies, the jelly candies that are

different colour with the laser will

remain the same, did not produce

brighter vision.

 These 2 colours jelly candies produce

a brighter vision when irradiate by

white light.

SCIENCE ILLUSTARCTION 1. Both the laser irradiates on the

jelly candies, the jelly candies that

have the same colour with the

laser produce a brighter vision.

This is because objects absorb

the light that same colour with it.

2. But when both the laser irradiate

on the jelly candies, the jelly

candies that are different colour

with the laser will remain the

same, did not produce brighter

vision. This is because objects will

not absorb the light that different

colour with it.

3. Both colour of the jelly candies

produce a brighter vision when

irradiate by white light. This is

because white light is combination

of rainbow colours (red, orange,

yellow, green, blue, indigo and


4. So, green colour jelly candies

absorb the green light and red

colour jelly candies absorb the red

light that have in the white light.

5. Hence, light can be absorbs by an

object that is same colour with the



TITLE Refractive index of medium

TOPIC Light and laser

OBJECTIVE To show the light propagates through

mediums with different refractive index

will produce different vision.

CONCEPT SCIENCE Transparent objects that have the same

refractive index with any solution, it will

looks invisible in the water

MATERIAL / APPARATUS Transparent polymer balls, bowl, water,

container, sieve

PROCEDURE 1. Pour the polymer balls into the

bowl that fills with water.

2. Observe the polymer balls in the


3. Use the sieve to pick up the

polymer balls and put it into the


OBSERVATION Polymer balls cannot be seen in the


SCIENCE ILLUSTARCTION 1. When light pass through air

encounters an object, some of the

light will reflects and the rest of

light will refracts in and out from

the object.

2. The refractive index of :

 Polymer balls, ‫ =ג‬1.33n

 Water, ‫=ג‬1.33n

3. When light passing through two

mediums that have the same

refractive index, the speed of light

will not change as it enter another


4. No reflection and refraction take


5. The polymer balls cannot be seen

in the water, because polymer

balls and water have the same

refractive index.


TITLE Total internal reflection of light

TOPIC Light and laser

OBJECTIVE To show the present of internal reflection

of light.

CONCEPT SCIENCE Light can be reflects in medium to

produce total internal reflection

MATERIAL / APPARATUS Laser, bottle, water, pail, cutter

PROCEDURE 1. Cut the bottom of the bottle.

2. Poke a hole on the cap of the


3. Use finger to close the hole and fill

the bottle with water.

4. Place the pail under the bottle to

prevent water out flow.

5. Strike the laser exactly at the hole

and remove your finger.

6. Observe the end of the water


OBSERVATION The light of laser shoe at the end of the

water stream.

SCIENCE ILLUSTARCTION 1. When a light pass through a

medium some of the light will

refract and some will reflect.

2. Light constantly reflecting through

the water, create total internal


3. In this experiment, the interior

surface of the bottle acts like a

perfect plane mirror.

4. Light reflected in the stream of the

water, total internal reflection

occurs. The light is show at the

end of the water stream.

TITLE Refraction of light

TOPIC Light and laser

OBJECTIVE To show light travel through a medium

then refracts to produce different image.

CONCEPT SCIENCE Light can be refracts to produce different


MATERIAL / APPARATUS Transparent container, water, paper

marked with an arrow

PROCEDURE 1. Draw an arrow on a piece of


2. Fill the container with water.

3. Put the paper behind the container

and observe it.

4. Slowly pull the container towards

you in a straight line.

5. Observe the result.

OBSERVATION When the container place near the

paper, the arrow remain the same

direction. However, when the container

pull away from the paper in certain

distance, the arrow will change to

opposite direction.

SCIENCE ILLUSTARCTION 1. The container fill with water acts

as a magnifying glass.

2. When light pass through the

container, the light will be refracts

in and then out from the container.

3. When the container is place near

the paper, the light refracted so

the arrow remain at the same


4. When the container place further

from the paper, the light will be

refracted cross over at the centre

of the container and refracts out

from the container.

5. During this, direction of the paper

has changed.

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