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QVOA analysis as an instrument for fracture


Article in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts · January 2005

DOI: 10.1190/1.2142220


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1 author:

Tatiana Chichinina
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo


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ANI 2.2

QVOA analysis as an instrument for fracture characterization

Tatiana Chichinina*, Vladimir Sabinin and Gerardo Ronquillo-Jarillo, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo

Summary The method QVOA requires estimation of Q from seismic

data. For example, the well-known spectral ratio method
We present a method for estimation of preferred P-wave can be applied to azimuth-sectored CMP gathers in order to
attenuation direction in fractured media based on estimate Q-values for each individual offset, as well as the
azimuthally varying attenuation. The method can be frequency shift method can be used (Quan & Harris, 1997).
applied to Q-estimates extracted from multi-azimuthal 3D An application of the spectral ratio method to a true-
seismic data involving surface reflection data and VSP. The relative-amplitude CMP gather (termed “QVO method”)
method proposed is called QVOA analysis (that means was developed by Dasgupta & Clark (1998), Clark et al.
variation of attenuation, or seismic quality factor Q, (2001) and Hackert & Parra (2004).
versus offset and azimuth); it is based on an analytical
expression for P-wave attenuation as a function of wave- Background
propagation direction in HTI medium. The expression
appears to be similar to Rüger’s approximation for PP- According to Chichinina et al. (2004), the dependence of P-
wave reflection coefficient as a function of incidence angle wave attenuation on wave-propagation direction can be
and source-receiver-line azimuth. In this connection, the approximately expressed as
proposed technique of QVOA analysis is similar to the Q 1 (T , I ) | 'IN [1  2 g (1  cos 2 I sin 2 T )]2 , (1)
well-developed technique for azimuthal AVO analysis where T is the incidence angle, I is the source-receiver-
(AVOA). An application of the method is illustrated on
line azimuth with respect to symmetry axis; g (VS / VP ) 2 ,
synthetic data generated from Hudson’s effective-medium
model with a fluid-flow attenuation mechanism. Also we where VS and VP are host rock’s S- and P-wave velocities;
predict relationships between attenuation anisotropy and 'IN is the imaginary part of the complex normal weakness
fractured medium properties. ~
' N ' N  i'IN (e.g., MacBeth, 1999). The normal weakness
' N as well as the tangential one, ' T , were introduced
Introduction originally for the non-attenuative fractured medium (TI) as
real quantities (Hsu and Schoenberg, 1993), see Appendix.
In seismic frequency range, anisotropy of attenuation was Taking square root from left-hand and right-hand sides
observed in walk-around VSPs (Horne and MacBeth, 1997) of equation (1), on can get linear dependence on sin 2 T ,
and from surface seismic reflection data (Lynn & Beckham,
1998; Clark et al., 2001). The theoretical studies of Hudson Q 1/ 2 (T ,I ) $ 0  %(I ) sin 2 T , (2)
et al. (1996), Thomsen (1995) and Chapman (2003) where $ 0 is an intercept, $0 (' N ) (1  2 g ) , and %(I ) is
I 1/ 2

provided effective-medium models, which explained QVO gradient, %(I ) ('IN )1 / 2 2 g cos2 I , which represents cos 2I -
azimuthal attenuation variations in fractured media by trend. We have introduced equation (2) for the attenuation
fluid-flow mechanisms. From all these theories it follows by analogy with Rüger’s (1997) weak-anisotropy
that “the more attenuated azimuth” is perpendicular to the approximation for PP-wave reflection coefficient, which is
aligned flow conduits. widely used in azimuthal AVO analysis. One can see that
We present the method based on azimuthally varying the attenuation maximum is in the fracture normal direction
attenuation, which we call QVOA by analogy with AVOA. ( I 0 , that is slow P-wave-velocity direction), and the
The method goal is to extract the azimuths of attenuation attenuation minimum is in the fracture strike direction
maximum and minimum from multi-azimuth 3D P-wave ( I S / 2 , i.e., fast P-wave-velocity direction).
reflection data (or VSP). The minimum corresponds to the The QVO gradient (divided by $ 0 ) can be expressed as
fracture strike, which is assumed to be the direction of
B (I ) { %(I ) / $ 0 0.5 ( B A cos 2I  B A ) , (3)
maximum horizontal permeability (Lynn, 2004). To A
illustrate and test the method, we use Hudson’s theory, where B is the gradient maximum (or symmetry-axis-
which incorporates the mechanism of attenuation due to plane gradient divided by $ 0 ),
fluid flow between cracks and porous rock matrix (that is B A { %(0) / $ 0 2 g /(1  2 g ) . (4)
the “equant-porosity” model). We consider that Hudson’s From here, one can see that the azimuth-variation
attenuation mechanisms provide cos 2I -trend in the magnitude, B A , depends only on the host-rock parameter
azimuthally varying attenuation for seismic frequency VS / V P ( g (VS / VP ) 2 ).
range, with the attenuation maximum in the crack-normal We have derived equation (1) for Q 1 (T , I ) from the
direction, and consequently the minimum in the in-crack
direction. equation for P-wave phase velocity (Schoenberg and
Douma, 1988, p.581)

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QVOA analysis as an instrument for fracture characterization

V (i) 2 VP (1  ' N [1  2 g sin 2 i]2  ' T g sin 2 2i ) ,

2 (5) source-receiver line, I Ik , an individual value of QVO
(where sin 2 i 1  cos2 I sin 2 T ), in which we have substituted gradient, % k , should be determined.
instead of ' N the complex normal weakness ' N . We This is the first step of the method shown in Figure 2. The
assume that the tangential weakness ' T is real, because the Q-data was recalculated to y Q 1 / 2 and plotted versus
imaginary part of the complex weakness '~ T , which is x sin 2 T , squared sine of incidence angle T . According to
responsible for the intra-crack viscous dissipation, turns to equation (2), the Q-data was fitted by a linear dependence
zero (MacBeth, 1999; Pointer et al., 2000). The phase y $ 0  % x (using the least squares method). And so, the
velocity becomes complex, and the attenuation 1/Q can be
line intercept and slope gave the value of $ 0 and the QVO-
expressed from it as: 1 / Q Im(V 2 ) / Re(V 2 ) , where Re and
gradient value % .
Im denote real and imaginary parts, respectively (e.g.,
Carcione et al., 1998). Then the exact version of equation
(2) is
Q 1 / 2 [V P / V (T , I )] ( $ 0  %(I ) sin 2 T ) . (6)
The approximation (2) can be used instead of the exact
equation (6), assuming
( $ 0  %(I ) sin 2 T ) !! [VP / V (T , I )] | 1 , (7)
that is valid for weak anisotropy media.
The equations (2)-(4) are the QVOA-method background.
An illustration and validity of the method will be shown on
synthetic data.

Application of the method to synthetic data Fig.2: The scheme of QVO-gradient extraction. The line slope
gives the gradient value % ; the line intercept is $ 0 . Solid line
For estimation of P-wave Q-anisotropy from wide-azimuth
3D reflection data, one should sector by azimuth the data, corresponds to the Q-data, and dashed – to the linear fit. The
as it is commonly used for azimuthal AVO analysis. Figure plot is given for the source-receiver azimuth I3 72 $ for gas-
1 shows a scheme for 6 source-receiver lines selected for a filled cracks with model-input parameters from Appendix.
certain CMP.
This procedure was applied to each of six I k -azimuth Q-
data, and that yielded six pairs of QVO-gradient value %
and intercept value $ 0 . Then each % was divided by its
$ 0 : % k / $ 0 k , k 1, 2, ..., 6 ; these six values were plotted
versus azimuth, see Figure 3.

Figure 3 shows the next step of the method, which consists

in determination of attenuation minimum and maximum
directions from the QVO-gradient values after fitting
cos 2I -type function, as it follows from equation (3). For
example, in the case of brine-filled cracks, the fit is
Fig. 1: CMP scheme with 6 source-receiver lines, each with y 0.548 cos 2(I  75$ )  0.548 , in which the azimuth
a different azimuth angle I k . Symmetry-axis azimuth is I 0 . I0 75$ is the QVO-gradient maximum and points the
attenuation maximum. Then, the orthogonal direction,
The model-input azimuth of the symmetry axis was set by I 0  90 $ 165 $ , indicates the attenuation-minimum
I 0 75 $ ; the source–receiver azimuths are I1 0 $ , direction, or fracture-strike orientation, which is considered
I2 36 $ , …, I6 180$ ( 'I 36 $ ). to be the direction of maximum horizontal permeability (or
For the modeling, we have generated synthetic Q-data preferred fluid-flow direction).
following the “exact” equation (6), in which the value of In Figure 3, the QVO-gradient-maximum value is greater
'IN was calculated for the “equant-porosity” model for gas-filled cracks than for liquid-filled cracks (i.e., with
brine or oil). That is due to the term [VP / V (T , 0)] in
(Hudson et al., 1996); the details and model-input
parameters are given in Appendix. For each individual equation (6), which always gives larger B A -values for gas-
filled cracks than for liquid-filled cracks (because, for gas-

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QVOA analysis as an instrument for fracture characterization

filled cracks, ' N -value is always greater, as it is shown in B A | ( 1 / Q A  1 / Q || )

, 1 / Q ||
Figure 4).
where 1 / Q A is the symmetry-plane attenuation, and 1 / Q | | –
the isotropy-plane one. Therefore, the magnitude of
attenuation-anisotropy may be expressed by B A .

The value of B A depends on the host-rock parameter

VS / V P , as it follows from equation (4). Figure 5 shows the
great growth of B A -value with the change of VS / VP -value
from 0.4 to 0.6. There are calculations for gas-filled cracks
and for brine- and/or oil- filled cracks (the latter two

Fig. 3: Six QVO-gradient values for gas-filled cracks (squares)

and for oil- or brine-filled cracks (circles); their cos 2I -type fit
(solid line). Dashed line shows the QVO gradient B (I ) calculated
from the approximations (3)-(4); B A is its maximum value.

As it is shown in Figure 4 and follows from the expression

for ' N given in Appendix, the change in crack parameters
(fluid type, crack-aspect-ratio and crack density) results in
the change of ' N -value. The normal weakness ' N affects
P-wave velocity anisotropy much, but, however, its impact
on P-wave attenuation anisotropy is found to be
Fig. 5: The same QVO gradient as in Figure 3, calculated for
VS / V P = 0.4, 0.5 and 0. 6.

The QVO-gradient maximum B A is more sensitive to the

change of VS / VP -value (from 0.4 to 0.6), than to the change
of crack-infill type (from brine/ oil to gas). This is the main
feature of Q-anisotropy (on the contrary to velocity
anisotropy). The attenuation-anisotropy magnitude strongly
depends on the host-rock VS / VP -parameter, while the
dependence on fracture parameters is weak. Such
dependence on VS / VP makes Q-anisotropy much stronger
than crack-related velocity anisotropy:
Q || / Q A (V || / V A ) 2 !! V || / V A .
[1  2(VS / VP ) 2 ]2
This ensures the validity of the approximation for
attenuation, equation (6), by the fulfillment the requirement
(7). The approximation is ideal for liquid-filled cracks due
Fig. 4 : Calculated values of ' N for the cases of oil, brine (dashed to its small ' N -value, and, therefore, the right part of the
line) and gas (solid line) infill. Curve “dry” is for empty cracks, for condition (7), [VP / V (T ,I )] o 1 , is perfectly fulfilled.
which fluid bulk modulus N f 0 . ' N is divided by crack density
e. The expression for ' N and crack parameters used are given in
We have developed the analytical expressions for
Q-anisotropy and fractured medium properties estimating anisotropic attenuation in fractured HTI media
and defined relations between attenuation anisotropy and
fracture properties. Attenuation is represented by an
From eq. (1)-(2), one can infer that $ 0 | 1 / Q|| and the equation analogous to Ruger’s approximation for the P-
QVO-gradient maximum, B A { %(0) / $ 0 , is wave reflection coefficient for TI media. We propose using
this attenuation approximation to estimate properties that

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QVOA analysis as an instrument for fracture characterization

indicate fracture direction. The algorithm is intended to Pointer, T., Liu, E., and Hudson, J.A., 2000,. Seismic wave
estimate attenuation attributes from measurements of propagation in cracked porous media: Geophysical Journal
attenuation in seismic reflection data and VSP. The method International, 142, 199-231.
Quan Y., Harris J.M., 1997, Seismic attenuation tomography using
was illustrated on synthetic Q-data, and the accuracy of the
the frequency shift method: Geophysics, 62, 895-905.
attenuation-anisotropy approximation was approved.
Rüger, A., 1997, P -wave reflection coefficients for transversely
However, attenuation is difficult to estimate from seismic isotropic models with vertical and horizontal axis of symmetry:
data, and without an application to real data, the reliability Geophysics, 62, 713-722.
of the method cannot be evaluated. The next step of the Schoenberg M., Douma J., 1988, Elastic wave propagation in
method development should demonstrate the QVOA media with parallel fractures and aligned cracks: Geophys.
method on seismic data and analyze the errors in the Prosp., 36, 571–590.
estimated parameters. The method QVOA has a great Thomsen, L., 1995, Elastic anisotropy due to aligned cracks in
potential because it uses relative characteristics of porous rock: Geophysical Prospecting, 43, 805–829.
attenuation and not its absolute values which are known to
be deficient in accuracy. Appendix: Model input parameters

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SEG/Houston 2005 Annual Meeting 130


Note: This reference list is a copy-edited version of the reference list submitted by the
author. Reference lists for the 2005 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts have
been copy edited so that references provided with the online metadata for each paper will
achieve a high degree of linking to cited sources that appear on the Web.

QVOA analysis as an instrument for fracture characterization

Carcione, J. M., H. B. Helle, and T. Zhao, 1998, Effects of attenuation and anisotropy on
reflection amplitude versus offset: Geophysics, 63, 1652-1658.
Chapman, M., 2003, Frequency-dependent anisotropy due to meso-scale fractures in the
presence of equant porosity: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, 369-379.
Chichinina, T., V. Sabinin, and G. Ronquillo-Jarillo, 2004, P-wave attenuation anisotropy
in fracture characterization: numerical modeling for reflection data: 74th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 143–146.
Clark, R. A., A. J. Carter, P. C. Nevill, and P. M. Benson, 2001, Attenuation
measurements from surface seismic data: azimuthal variation and time–lapse case
studies: 63rd Annual Conference, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, L28.
Dasgupta, R., R. A. Clark, 1998, Estimation of Q from surface seismic reflection data:
Geophysics, 63, 2120–2128.
Hackert, C. L. and J. O. Parra, 2004, Improving Q estimates from seismic reflection data
using well-log-based localized spectral correction: Geophysics, 69, 1521-1529.
Horne, S. and C. MacBeth, 1997, AVA observations in walkaround VSPs: 67th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 290-293.
Hsu, C.-J. and M. Schoenberg, 1993, Elastic waves through a simulated fractured
medium: Geophysics, 58, 964-977.
Hudson, J. A., E. Liu, and S. Crampin, 1996, The mechanical properties of materials with
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Maultzsch S., S. Horne, S. Archer, and H. Burkhardt, 2003, Effects of an anisotropic
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Thomsen, L., 1995, Elastic anisotropy due to aligned cracks in porous rock: Geophysical
Prospecting, 43, 805–829.

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