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Hemodynamic Monitoring Chapter 6 121

Chapter 6

Hemodynamic Monitoring
Michael R. Pinsky, MD, CM, Dr h.c., FCCP, MCCM

The purposes of hemodynamic monitoring arc to

Key words: hemodynamic monitoring, characterize the cardiovascular state of the individual,
cardiovascular function, minimally invasive, identify cardiovascular insufficiency and its most probable
monitoring, pulmonary artery catheter, shock, causes, and monitor response to targeted therapies aimed
thermodilution at restoring cardiovascular sufficiency.'2 The previous
chapters outlined the various forms of circulatory shock. It
is within this physiological framework that interpretation
Disclosures: The author has consulted for and received
of data derived from hemodynamic monitoring arises.
honoraria/speaking fees from Edwards Hfesciences, LiDCO
Ltd., and Cheetah Medical. He holds stock options in UDC° Circulatory shock and systemic hypotension are medical
Ltd. and Cheetah. He has received or applied for patents emergencies, because if sustained, even for a short time,
6776764 and 11/388661. This work was supported in part by
they will result in end-organ dysfunction and increased
NIH grant HL67181.
morbidity and mortality. The basic tenet of resuscitation
is to provide adequate oxygen (O.) delivery (DO,) to
meet metabolic demand and reverse any existing tissue
hypoperfusion. Accordingly, the choice of monitoring
technique must be individualized for each patient. In
general, noninvasive continuous monitoring, if available
and accurate, is preferred to invasive intermittent
monitoring. In reality, some degree of invasiveness
of monitoring is often required to accurately assess
the physiological data in a continuous fashion in the
monitoring and management of the critically ill patient.

The principal hemodynamic monitoring biomarkers

discussed in this chapter are arterial pressure, central
venous pressure, pulmonary artery pressure and its
occlusion pressure, estimates of cardiac output (CO), and
the various ways of assessing oxygenation. Like all vascular
monitoring using catheters connected to
electronic pressure transducers, hemodynamic monitoring
122 Chapter 6 I Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult diastole, both systolic and diastolic pressures vary across
the vascular tree, Systolic pressure usually increases from
central to peripheral sites whereas diastolic pressure
requires an open tubing system without obstruction decreases slightly. Mean arterial pressure (MAP),
at the tip (often due to blood clots), elimination of estimated as the sum of diastolic pressure plus one-third
air bubbles in the tubing that dampen the signal, and of the pulse pressure, is the primary driving pressure
hydrostatic zeroing to the isoshcstic point (5 cm below for cerebral and peripheral organ perfusion. Coronary
the ma nubrium sterni) in order to measure dynamic and perfusion is primarily determined by diastolic arterial
mean pressure and arterial pressure-derived estimates of pressure because cardiac contraction during systole
CO. However, unlike other vascular pressure measures, otherwise stops intramyocarc.lial blood flow. Importantly,
arterial pressure has large pressure swings associated with MAP throughout the large to medium-sized arteries is
rapid acceleration and deceleration, and these demand constant because these central arteries have almost no
that stiff and short tubing be used to connect the intra- measurable resistance.
arterial catheter to the pressure transducer.' The technical
aspects of measuring pressures and pressure-derived CO Noninvasive Measures of Arterial
are beyond the scope of this chapter. Similarly, measures Pressure
of CO by indicator dilution require complete indicator The most common way of measuring arterial pressure
mixing, no early recirculation (eg, intracardiac shunts), and is with a sphygmomanometer.' This is often automated
an appropriate sensor. All commercially available indicator using an oscillatory algorithm that senses flow. There is
dilution devices have sufficiently accurate sensors, so most a fundamental distinction between the automatic blood
measurement errors come from incomplete indication pressure measures (eg, Dynamat) and auscultation-defined
mixing or early recirculation artifacts. measures of blood pressure using Korotkoff sounds. In
an unstable patient, one should not rely on noninvasive
automatic measures of blood pressure, because the
ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE oscillatory sensing algorithm degrades, but rather should
Arterial blood pressure is the primary force driving blood measure blood pressure manually using a stethoscope•
into the tissues. Thus, hypotension is a medical emergency Sphygmomanometric measurements of blood pressure
because it not only causes tissue hypoperfu.sion but also often give slightly higher systolic pressure and lower
effectively abolishes normal autoregulation of blood flow diastolic pressure than those reported from simultaneous
distribution. Furthermore, owing to haroreceptor feedback direct measurement using an intra-arterial catheter. This
and the increased use of 13-adrenergic blocking agents, is because with cuff inflation the reflected pressure waves
often neither tachycardia nor hypotension occurs in shock summate, increasing systolic pressure, whereas the ischemic
until the final terminal stages.' vasodilation downstream from the occluded cuff decreases
cuff-opening diastolic pressure.
Blood pressure varies phasically with each heartbeat.
Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure during Invasive Measures of Arterial Pressure
ventricular ejection, and diastolic pressure is the lowest Intra-arterial catheterization is the reference method
pressure in the blood vessels between heartbeats during for blood pressure measurement and should be used
ventricular filling as the stored arterial blood runs off in all hemodynamically unstable patients in whom
into the periphery.The systolic to diastolic pressure accurate and continuous measures of arterial pressure are
difference is called the pulse pressure and is determined required:The reason for this statement, which may be at
by left ventricular (LV) stroke volume, central arterial odds with prior recommendations:4 is that intra-arterial
capacitance, and to a certain extent the rate of LV catheterization provides instantaneous measures of MAP.
ejection. Since the arterial circuit is elastic and
functions as both a capacitor for the ejected blood and an
outflow resistor to prevent rapid decreases in arterial
pressure in
Hernodynamic Monitoring Chapter 6 123

arterial pulse pressure, pulse pressure variation, and CO MAP of 90 mm Hg for traumatic brain injury': and a MAP
with newer transducer technologies, The arterial catheter greater than 65 min Fig for other forms of shock.
allows easily repeated blood sampling for chemistries
and blood gas analysis. The most frequently used site for
arterial catheterization is the radial artery, Femoral artery CENTRAL VENOUS PRESSURE
catheterization is also used and can be easier to perform Although central venous access is often used as a secure
in hypotensive patients, although it is associated with more venous access site for infusion of fluids and vasoactive
complications when the catheter is left in place, Still, in the drugs as well as sampling of blood for various things
profoundly vasoconstricted patient, radial arterial pressure including Scvo,, its use in assessing intravascular volume
can underestimate central arterial pressure measured more status is poor. Central venous pressure (CVP) is not a
proximally." measure of central blood volume nor can its values be
used to determine whether a patient will be volume
Arterial Pressure Targets
responsive.'3.1' Still, dynamic decreases in CVP of greater
Once one measures arterial pressure, the major question is than 2 mm Hg during spontaneous inspiration appear
the target range of pressures to be maintained in order to to identify those patients who arc volume responsive
sustain organ perfusion without excessively increasing LV independent of the absolute CVP value.'5 CVP is the back
afterload. Hypotension decreases organ perfusion pressure pressure to systemic venous return., thus, high CVP values
and blood flow, stimulating a sympathetic response to (>12 mm Hg) indicate a larger than normal mean systemic
increase vasomotor tone, heart rate, and contractility. The pressure allowing an adequate perfusion pressure gradient
change in local vasomotor tone in response to decreased to sustain venous return.'6 However, CVP in and of itself
arterial pressure forms the basis of autoregulation to does not reflect blood volume status. From the perspective
maintain constant blood flow. Cardiac output is important of patient safety, the insertion of a central venous catheter
to sustain an adequate and changing blood flow to match using ultrasound guidance for internal jugular vein
changes in vasomotor tone such that arterial pressure insertion has also become part of standard care and has
to the organ remains optimal. Since CO is proportional markedly reduced complications."
to metabolic demand, which itself can vary 3-fold in a
matter of minutes, there is essentially no normal CO in the Noninvasive Measures of CVP
critically ill patient. However, as MAP decreases below
Central venous pressure can he estimated noninvasively
65 nun Hg in a previously nonhypertensive patient, organ
by inspection of jugular venous pulsation. With the patient
perfusion becomes compromised.Thus, a reasonable
sitting at 450, the height of the jugular venous distention
arterial pressure target is a MAP between 90 and 6() mm
(JVD) above the sternal angle (itself about 5 cm above the
Hg,'" although the optimal MAP will vary depending
center of the right atrium) can be used to estimate CVP'8
on the underlying cause of hernodynamic instability."
Potentially, this approach is most useful in documenting
To assess the adequacy of MAP to sustain peripheral
sustained increases in NU" on phasic increases in WO
perfusion, the bedside clinician needs to assess additional
with spontaneous inspiration, suggesting cor pulmonale or
measures of organ perfusion, such as mixed venous 02
pulmonary hypertension, and periodic cannon waves seen
saturation (Svo2), central venous 0, saturation (Scvo,),
in atrial fibrillation,
lactic acid levels, urine output, capillary blood flow, or
gastric mucosal Pco,.Thc first 2 of these parameters are
Invasive Measures of CVP
discussed further subsequently. Finally, cerebral perfusion
is a function of MAP relative to intracrkmial pressure. Thus, Although CV? is usually measured from the internal
in the setting of neurotrauma cerebral perfusion pressure jugular or suhclavian vein via an indwelling catheter, it can
must be measured. As a general rule one should target a be estimated from a femoral venous site as long as there
124 Chapter 6 Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult

is no intra-abdominal hypertension (ie, intra-abdominal Pulmonary Hypertension and

pressure <12 mm Hg). Using the femoral site for a central Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
venous catheter is also associated with a greater incidence
Increased pulmonary arterial pressure impedes right
of complication0 The effects of the respiratory cycle on all ventricular (RV) ejection, causing RV dilation and
intrathoracic vascular pressures must be considered when a decreased CO. If pulmonary hypertension occurs
examining a continuous CVP measurement. To minimize rapidly, as with massive pulmonary embolism or marked
the pressure artifact induced by respiratory pressure hyperinflation, acute cor pulmonale and cardiovascular
changes, all intrathoracic vascular pressures should he collapse occur. Pulmonary hypertension can be due to
measured at end-expiration. In the dyspneic patient or a an increase in pulmonary vasomotor tone, pulmonary
patient who is fighting the ventilator, determination of end- vascular obstruction, or passive increases in Ppao due
expiration can be very difficult, if not impossible. Extreme
to LV failure. The pulmonary circulation normally has a
caution needs to be used when estimating CVP under
low resistance, with pulmonary arterial diastolic pressure
these conditions.
only slightly higher than Ppao. By measuring pulmonary
artery pressure, Ppao, and CO, one can calculate PVR
as the ratio of the pressure gradient divided by flow:
PULMONARY ARTERY PRESSURE (mean pulmonary artery pressure — Ppao)/C0. If
AND PULMONARY ARTERY PVR is increased, then therapies to reduce pulmonary
OCCLUSION PRESSURE artery pressure are needed (eg, 0„ inhaled nitric oxide,
intravenous pulmonary vasodilator therapy). Patients
Bedside balloon flotation insertion of a pulmonary artery
with pulmonary hypertension who have increased PVR
catheter and subsequent measurement of right atrial.
that is not responsive to vasodilator therapy usually have
pulmonary arterial, and pulmonary artery occlusion
either vascular obstruction (eg, pulmonary embolism), or
pressure (Ppao) plus CO and mixed venous 0, saturation
vascular loss (eg, emphysema). If pulmonary hypertension
defined hemodynamic monitoring in critical care for more
is associated with a normal PVR, then LV failure is its
than 40 years.21 Pulmonary artery pressure is measured
probable cause.
from the tip of a nonoccluded pulmonary artery catheter
once this catheter has been floated past the pulmonic
Unfortunately, PVR is a poor measure of pulmonary
valves into the main pulmonary arteries. Mean pulmonary
vasomotor tone, Pulmonary vascular pressure can
artery pressure measures can be calculated similarly to
vary across lung regions because of lung distention,
MAR as described previously, with the proviso that they
structural damage, and acute inflammatory processes
are measured at end-expiration. Thus, one can measure
(eg, hyperinflation. emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis.
pulmonary artery systolic, diastolic, and mean pressures.
pulmonary emboli, and acute lung injury). Thus. measuring
Mean pulmonary artery pressure is usually used to
PVR cannot identify local injury or explain why PVR
assess input pulmonary vascular pressure for calculating
is elevated. Furthermore. with nonhomogeneous lung
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), whereas systolic
disease. pulmonary blood flow will preferentially go to
pulmonary artery pressure reflects the a fterload against
those regions with the lowest resistance, thus masking lung
which the right ventricle ejects.
By balloon inflation and migration of the catheter tip into
a medium-sized pulmonary artery where it is occluded, one Pulmonary Edema
can measure Ppao. Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure Pulmonary edema can he caused by elevations of
is used most often to assess PVR. pulmonary edema, pulmonary capillary pressure (hydrostatic or secondary
intravascular volume status and LV preload, and LV pulmonary edema), increased capillary or alveolar
performance."-:1 epithelial permeability (primary pulmonary edema),
Hernodynarnic Monitoring I Chapter 6 125

or a combination of both. If pulmonary capillary of LV intraluminal pressure, whereas pericardial pressure

pressure increases above 20 mm Hg, hydrostatic and LV diastolic compliance can vary widely and not
vascular forces promote increased fluid flux across the he indicated by this or other measures. Hyperinflation,
capillary membrane, flooding the alveoli. However, if tamponade, and active inspiratory and expiratory muscle
capillary or alveolar cell injury is present, as in acute activity can rapidly alter pericardial pressure. Myocardial
lung injury, alveolar flooding can occur at much lower ischernia, arrhythmias, and acute RV dilation can alter LV
pulmonary capillary pressures. Clinicians usually use diastolic compliance and can occur over a few heartbeats.
Ppao as a surrogate of pulmonary capillary pressure, Thus, it is not surprising that Ppao is a very poor predictor
and if pulmonary venous resistance is not increased, this of preload responsiveness. The use of Ppao as a measure of
assumption is valid. Measures of absolute Ppao are used LV end-diastolic volume and preload responsiveness is not
to determine the cause of pulmonary edema. In the setting recommended.
of pulmonary edema, Ppao values less than about 18 rnm
Hg suggest capillary leak, whereas values greater than Assessment of Left Ventricular
this suggest heart failure. However, these are not hard Performance
values. For example, transient severe LV dysfunction can The assessment of LV performance is central to invasive
transiently increase Ppao during upper airway obstruction hemodynamic monitoring. The primary determinants of
with vigorous inspiratory efforts (inspiratory stridor, LV performance are preload (LV end-diastolic volume),
obstructive sleep apnea), unstable angina (reversible afterload (LV wall stress, which is itself the product of
ischemia), and arrhythmias. Increased pulmonary capillary LV end-diastolic volume and diastolic arterial pressure),
pressure can occur when massive sympathetic discharge heart rate, and contractility. Since LV end-diastolic volume
increases pulmonary venous resistance (eg, intracerebral is a fundamental determinant of stroke volume and LV
hemorrhage and heroin overdose), which reverses quickly stroke work. Ppao is often used as a surrogate for LV
while the pulmonary edema remains. Furthermore, end-diastolic volume and for the calculation of stroke
persistently elevated pulmonary capillary pressures can work, which is the product of the difference between
coexist with normal Ppao values if pulmonary venous MAP to Ppao and stroke volurne.Thus, Ppao can be
resistance is increased and CO is also increased. as is often used to construct Starling curves that plot Ppao versus
the case in high altitude pulmonary edema and end-stage LV stroke work. With this approach. patients with heart
acute lung injury. failure can be classified by their Ppao and cardiac index
values using a Ppao of 18 mm Hg and a cardiac index of
Left Ventricular Preload and Volume 2.2 Uminim2 as cutoff values. Low cardiac indices and
Status high Ppao reflect heart failure, and low Ppao reflects
Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure is often used hypovoIemia, whereas high cardiac indices and high Ppao
erroneously to assess intravascular volume status and reflect volume overloaded and low Ppao reflects increased
LV preload. Regrettably, neither absolute Ppao values sympathetic tone.
nor their change in response to fluid infusion trends
preload or volume responsiveness." The reasons for this These constructs are probably too simplistic, as many a
are multiple. First, although increases in LV end-diastolic clinical study has documented. Still, in the patient without
volume will increase CO in volume-responsive patients, lung or pericardial disease. tamponade, or pulmonary
the relation between Ppao and LV end-diastolic volume embolism, the relation between Ppao and LV stroke work
is curvilinear and may be very different among subjects can be used to assess LV performance.
and within subjects as RV volumes, intrathoracic pressure,
and myocardial ischemia vary. Second, Ppao is not the
distending pressure for LV filling but is only an estimate
126 Chapter 6 I Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult

CARDIAC OUTPUT Esophageal Doppler Ultrasound

Shock reflects an inadequate DO, to meet the body's Esophageal Doppler ultrasound uses an esophageal
metabolic demand, and CO is a primary determinant of probe similar in size to a nasogastric tube to measure
DO2, Indeed, except for extreme hypoxemia and anemia, descending aortic flow as it parallels the esophagus. A
most of the increase in DO, that occurs with resuscitation Doppler transducer probe is inserted orally or nasally
and normal biological adaptation is attributable to to midthoracic level and rotated until the probe senses a
increasing CO. A vast array of devices, both invasive and characteristic aortic velocity signal profile' This technique
noninvasive, are available that measure CO accurately can be taught to bedside nurses and can be used to drive
enough to drive clinical decision making. resuscitation algorithms to improve patient outcomes in
patients undergoing high-risk surgery.3° Several studies
Noninvasive Measures of Cardiac have documented that esophageal Doppler estimates of
Output CO and its change can be made accurately after minimal
training.;' Similarly, dynamic increases in CO assessed by
Cardiac output can be reliably measured noninvasively esophageal Doppler in response to a passive leg-raising
using a variety of techniques including ultrasound, test predict volume responsiveness.32 The only drawback
plethysmographic pressure profile analysis, and to this technology is that nasogastric insertion is difficult,
bioreactance. The most commonly used noninvasive necessitating oral insertion, so this is not the preferred
techniques arc ultrasound based and include technique in the awake nonintubated patient. However,
echocardiography, pulsed esophageal Doppler, and when compared with standard therapy in randomized
continuous-wave suprastemal notch ultrasound.:` clinical trials, the use of esophageal Doppler ultrasound
to achieve targeted DO, levels in high-risk perioperative
Echocardiography patients resulted in decreased hospital length of stay and
To conduct transthoracic echocardiographic analysis of decreased postoperative complications.'` Furthermore.
the aortic root flow, the clinician places the echo probe complications with the use of esophageal Doppler
along the short axis of the aorta using pulse Doppler to measures are very rare.
measure the aortic value diameter and then positions the
probe from the suprastemal notch looking through the Transcutaneous Doppler Ultrasound
aortic value to measure aortic velocity using continuous- This modification of the esophageal Doppler technique
wave Doppler. Although this procedure requires training uses a handheld probe placed at the suprastemal notch
and measures only a single point in time, it can reliably with the transducer aimed downward at the aortic
estimate CO.'" The accuracy of the measure increases valve. This technique is easy to learn and gives accurate
with transesophageal echocardiography, but so does measures of IY stroke volume and CO.'u-1 However, like
its invasiveness. One can use changes in aortic flow echocardiographic techniques, transcutaneous ultrasound
during positive pressure ventilation to predict volume cannot be used continuously. This accurate. noninvasive
responsiveness, as described subsequently,=2:-4 Recent device can be used as a decision support tool to identify
consensus conferences of multiple professional societies patients who are volume responsive and to calibrate
have stated that basic expertise in ultrasound techniques minimally invasive devices (discussed later). Potentially,
should be a central part of all critical care medicine transcutaneous ultrasound will he most readily accepted in
training. However, since the transthoracic measures of CO the emergency department?'" during medical transport,'
are highly dependent on the expertise of the operator and and on the general medical floor to rapidly identify
cannot he measured continuously, this important method cardiovascular instability." Still, no clinical trials have
been published using this promising technology to guide
will not be discussed further.
Hemodynamic Monitoring Chapter 6 1 27

Thoracic Electrical Bioreactance thermal (heat) signal using an induction coil in the RV
Thoracic electrical bioimpedance has been around region of the pulmonary artery catheter permits the
for decades and is accurate only in highly shielded clinician to estimate CO continuously, albeit less accurately
measuring dynamic changes in flow." Importantly,
environments because electrical interference makes the
measures of stroke volume and CO when coupled with
measures of CO unreliable." However, using the frequency
modulation component of the thoracic impedance signal other measured hemodynarnic variables allow for the
in a process called bioreactancc markedly eliminates this calculation of various important parameters, like LV stroke
artifact and increases the accuracy of the estimates of CO work and both systemic DO, and consumption. Although
and its change.4° Both bioimpedance and bioreactance rely the clinical utility and outcome benefit of pulmonary
on a derivation of Ohm's law, which states that the flow of artery catheterization have been debated for many years:"
an electrical current is equal to the voltage drop between no study has used pulmonary artery catheter—specific
2 ends of a circuit, divided by the resistance or measures to drive resuscitation algorithms and compared
impedance to current flow. Since most of current flow outcomes with those of other patients not having such
through the thorax occurs in the aorta and versa cava, inforrnatione' Given the present climate in critical care
changes in impedance reflect changes in volume and CO. medicine, it is highly doubtful that such a study will be
Validation studies comparing bioreactance and undertaken.`'
pulmonary artery catheter thermodilution CO conclude
Similar to the pulmonary artery catheter is the
that bioreactance has acceptable accuracy.'" Furthermore,
transthoracic thermodilution method of estimating CO, the
the dynamic responsiveness of the bioreactance signal
only difference being that the measure of thermal change
allows it to he used in combination with a passive leg-
is made in a central artery instead of the pulmonary artery.
raising maneuver to assess fluid responsiveness. However,
This approach does not require pulmonary artery catheter
although clinical trials using bioreactance technology to
insertion but has a major limitation in that the arterial
guide resuscitation are ongoing, no clinical studies have
sample needs to be of a flow-by sensor, since the thermal
yet been published using this promising technology.
signal must pass by the sensor to report its change, thus
requiring insertion of the thermistor probe into a femoral
Invasive Measures of Cardiac Output
Thermodilution Using the Pulmonary
Artery Catheter Arterial Pulse Pressure Waveform Analysis
Invasive measurement of CO using the pulmonary Pulse pressure waveform analysis is also referred to as
artery catheter remains the most common method used minimally invasive monitoring because it requires only
clinically, although this trend is rapidly changing.42 The the insertion of an arterial catheter. Several commercially
pulmonary artery catheter has a thermistor located 4 cm available devices use proprietary algorithms that analyze
from the tip and a proximal port located 30 cm from the the arterial pressure waveform (or the pulse contour).47
tip. Cardiac output is measured by injecting cold fluid Each estimates central arterial compliance differently, and
through the proximal port. Under normal conditions, once the techniques that require a standard external measure
the pulmonary artery catheter is placed. the proximal of CO for their calibration are the most aceurate.48 Since
port resides at or above the right atrium such that
arterial compliance varies depending on the patient's
bolus injections of cold (thermal) fluid are mixed in the
blood pressure, age, sex, and height, these devices usually
contracting right ventricle. The thermistor records the
need to be recalibrated on a regular basis. The 2 common
dynamic change in blood temperature.The thermodilution-
reference standards for calibration are transthoracic
estimated CO is inversely proportional to the area under
lithium dilution`' and thermodilution.'° Recent algorithms
the temperature versus time curve. Subsequently, a random
have been developed that do not require external
128 Chapter 6 1 Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult cardiac contractility is made and inotropes are given to
increase blood How. Importantly, there is no absolute CO
target that should he taken as optimal. The focus during
calibration with a CO reference standard.'' Recent head-
resuscitation from circulator shock should be a relative
to-head comparisons of all the invasive and minimally
change in CO in response to therapy and the associated
invasive devices demonstrated significant intradevice
variability,' suggesting that if one uses these devices. it change in organ perfusion.
is hest to stick with only 1 or 2 devices and learn to use
Over the past 15 years, numerous studies have validated
them well rather than use several over time in the same
that either arterial pulse pressure or stroke volume,
patient, A list of the available devices commonly used to
referred to as pulse pressure variation (PPV)°.54 and
estimate CO is given in Table 1 on page 128. In general, a
stroke volume variation (SVV),• respectively, induced
minimally invasive device should be externally validated
by positive pressure ventilation can accurately identify
using an independent means if possible, and this should be
patients who are volume responsive and those who are
done often if the cardiovascular tone of the patient varies
not.' A threshold value of either PPV or SVV greater
than 15% defines volume responsiveness when patients
A central question in the resuscitation of hemodynamically are ventilated with a tidal volume of 8 mlikg or more.
unstable patients is whether they need increased blood These parameters are not accurate during arrhythmias and
flow to the tissues. A patient who is in circulatory shock spontaneous breathing because of varying R-R intervals
will need increased DO,. Accordingly, efforts to rapidly and ventricular interdependence—induced changes in
increase blood flow are important to minimize tissue LV diastolic compliance, respectively. In those cases, one
ischernia and organ dysfunction.Traditionally, an increase can perform a passive leg-raising maneuver and note
in CO of greater than 15% after a fluid challenge has the transient increase in CO. Postural changes such as
been considered the gold standard reflecting fluid passive leg raising have been used for many years to
responsiveness. If CO does not increase in response to
fluid challenge. then the presumptive diagnosis of impaired

Table 1.

Commercially Available Devices to Estimate Cardiac Output at the Bedside

Echocardiography Various manufacturers
Transcutaneous ultrasound USCOM (LJSCOM Ltd)
Esophageal Doppler CardioO (Deltex Medical)
Rioirrpedance Bio2 (SonoSite)
Bioreactance NICOM (Cheetah Medical)
Plethysmographic Nexfin (8MEYE)
Minimally invasive (external calibration) PiCCO plus (Pulsion Ltd)
LiDCO plus (LiDCO Ltd)
Minimally invasive (self-calibrating) FloTrac (Edwards Lifesciences)
LiDCO rapid (LiDCO Ltd)
Pulmonary artery catheter Bolus thermodilution (Edwards Lifesciences) & Continuous
Hemodynamic Monitoring F Chapter 6 129

transiently increase venous return. The legs are raised to impressive clinical trials attempting to demonstrate a
300 above the chest and held for I minute, and the maximal beneficial effect.'l The greatest utility of pulse oximetry
increase in CO is recordcd.This maneuver approximates is in reducing the need for repetitive arterial blood
a 300-mL blood bolus in a 70-kg patient that persists for gas analysis. Pulse oximeters estimate Sao, saturation
approximately 2 to 3 minutes Changes in heart rate, by measuring the tissue light absorption at 2 specific
blood pressure, CVP, or CO are then observed after wavelengths, 660 nrn (red) and 940 run (infrared).
passive leg raising (PLR).The dynamic increases in CO The
induced by passive leg raising are as sensitive and specific absorption ratios, based on calibration against known Sao,
in predicting volume responsiveness as is PPV during values, allow for the continuous measurement of Sao,.
positive pressure mechanical ventilation using any of the Importantly, nonphasic 02 absorption also occurs, so the
commercially available, minimally invasive monitoring devices presume that dynamic changes in the density of
devices. Importantly, one cannot use the pulmonary absorption must reflect the arterial pulse, hence the name
artery catheter because neither bolus nor continuous CO pulse oximetry. Accordingly, if no arterial pulsatility is seen
measures by this device are rapid enough in their sensing from the plethysmographic waveform, Sao, cannot be
to detect these small and short-lived changes in CO. calculated using these devices. Since they actually measure
the pulsed 0, saturation, they arc referred to as pulse 0,
OXYGENATION AND TISSUE saturation (Spa,), which in practice approximates Sao2

Since there is no specific CO that is considered normal,

Detection of Hypoxemia
only one that is adequate or inadequate to meet the
The most commonly used application of Spa, is the
metabolic demands of the body, other measures of
detection of hypoxemia.6' Hypoxernia is usually defined
cardiovascular sufficiency need to he made to assess the
as a Spa, less than 90%. Titration of Fio2 and other
adequacy of blood flow. Importantly, maintenance of a
ventilatory maneuvers to keep Spa, greater than 90% is
normal blood pressure does not equate to adequate tissue
a common goal in most critically ill patients. However,
blood flow because vasomotor tone varies to keep arterial
there is little additional benefit in increasing Spot
pressure in an acceptable range. Furthermore, targeting
above 95% because of the shape of the oxyhemoglobin
a defined supranormal level of DO, does not ensure dissociation curve limits 02-carrying capacity. Taking the
adequate flow to meet metabolic demand.To assess the usually stated 95% confidence limits of ±4%, an oximeter
adequacy of 02 delivery, one needs to measure arterial and
reading of 95% could represent a Pao, between 60 mm
venous blood 0, saturations and surrogate measures of
Hg (Sao2 > 91 %) and 160 mm Hg (Sao, > 99%). Thus,
tissue hypoxia, such as serum lactate levels and tissue 0,
decisions on ventilatory therapy should not be determined
saturation."' Pulmonary artery catheterization indentifies
solely by Spa, values.
true mixed venous 0 saturation (Svo 2), whereas Sevo2
taken via a central venous catheter mostly reflects the
Detection of Volume Responsiveness
degree of 0, extraction from the brain and the upper part
Another novel use of pulse oximetry is the
of the body.
plethysmographic waveform analysis. Variation in
Pulse Oximetry plethysmographic density from beat to beat reflects
paired variations in arterial pulse pressure, thus making
Continuous monitoring of arterial blood 0 2 saturation
plethysmographic variability another method of assessing
(Sao) using pulse oximetry is universally used in the ICU
volume responsiveness in the ventilator-dependent patient,
although clinical data of its usefulness are lacking despite
as discussed
130 Chapter 6 Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult

Venous Oximetry and the Physiology beds are not underperfused. In summary, Svo, can
of Svo 2 and Scvo 2 decrease, suggesting increasing cardiovascular stress
due to a decrease in DO2 (eg, anemia, hypoxia,
DO2 describes whole-body 02 supply without
hypovolemia, or heart failure) or increased VO, (eg, fever,
reference to blood flow distribution or 0, uptake. DO, is
pain, stress, shivering).
equal to the product of CO and arterial 0, content (Can,).
Arterial 0, content is the sum of 0, bound to hemoglobin Since central venous catheterization is commonly
(Hb) (product of lib concentration Sao,) and dissolved performed for a variety of reasons in critically ill patients,
02 (No,). The formula is Cao, = Hb x 1.36 x Sao, x Pao: x direct access to central venous blood is also commonly
0.0031. Thus, dissolved 0, in the plasma has minimal effect available in most critically ill patients. Thus, Sevo2 is often
on overall Cao,. used as a surrogate for Svo2. Since most central venous
catheters have their distal tip in the superior vena cava,
Clinically DO2 only has relevance to 0: demand estimate

Scvo2 reflects the venous blood of the upper body but

by whole-body 0, consumption (VO:). Since VO, must
neglects venous drainage from the lower body (ie, intra-
equal the difference in DO, and the amount of 0,
abdominal organs). Accordingly, Scvo, is usually lower
remaining in mixed venous blood, VO, can be expressed by
than Svo, by 2% to 3% because the lower body extracts
the Fick principle as the product of CO and
less 0, than the upper body, making inferior vena caval 0,
arteriovenous 0, content difference (Cao2 - Cvo,): VO, =
saturation higher.` The primary cause of the lower inferior
CO (Can, -Cvo,), where mixed venous 0, content (Cvo,)
vena caval 0, extraction is the oxidative phosphorylation
like Cao,
blood flow (eg, renal blood flow, portal flow, hepatic blood
is Cvo, = Hb x 1.36 x Svo, x Pao, x 0.0031. By simple
flow). Importantly, however, Svo, and Scvo2 change in
algebraic transposition, Cvo, = Can, - (V0„/C0). Thus. parallel when the ratio of whole-body 02 supply and
Cvo, reflects the relationship between whole-body VO, 0, demand is altered.' Still, the difference between the
and CO under conditions of a constant Cao,. Importantly. absolute values of Scvo, and Svo: changes under conditions
Svo2 is the most important factor to determine Cvo, since, of shock. In septic shock, for example, Scvo2 often exceeds
like in arterial blood, the dissolved 0, can be neglected and Svc), by as much as 8%, and the opposite can occur with
Hb is usually constant over short time intervals. Thus, Svc), hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock. During cardiogenic
correlates well with the 0, supply-to-demand ratio f6 or hypovolemic shock. mesenteric and renal blood flow
decreases, which for the same level of metabolic demand
Trending Svo2 and Scvo2 to Assess increases local 0, extraction.' In septic shock. splanchnic
Circulatory Sufficiency 0, consumption increases, thus increasing local 0,
A decrease in Svo, and Scvo, usually represents an extraction despite increased CO." Thus, Scvo, cannot be
increased metabolic stress. Factors that decrease Svo, used as surrogate for Svo, under conditions of circulatory
include low CO or anemia (decreasing DO,), exercise shock. As a rule, if Scvo, is less than 65% then inadequate
(increasing VO,), and hypoxemia. In the sedated patient DO, probably exists, but if Scvo, is greater than 70% it has
not actively bleeding and in whom Sao, is greater than no prognostic utility.''•"
90%, Svo, and CO covary Importantly, the normal
cardiovascular response of increasing VO, (exercise) is Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to
to increase 0, extraction and CO.Thus, Svc), normally Measure Tissue 0 2 Saturation
decreases during exercise despite increasing Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a noninvasive
Therefore, a decrease in Svc), or Scvo, does not necessarily technique capable of continuous measurement that uses
mean that tissue hypoxia occurs. Only if Svc), decreases the varying light absorption properties of deoxygenated
less than 50% can one he sure some degree of tissue and oxygenated blood to determine tissue 0,
hypoxia has occurred." Conversely, a normal Svo, (eg,
>72% saturation) does not ensure that some vascular
Hemodynamic Monitoring I Chapter 6 131

saturation (Sto2).Near-infrared light (680-800 nm) is Preload Responsiveness

largely transparent to biological tissue and is absorbed The use of positive pressure breathing-induced PPV
primarily by Hb, and absorption is minimally affected and SVV (discussed earlier) and passive leg-raising-
by skin blood flow, The Sto2 signal primarily reflects induced changes in C0s2 accurately predicts volume
oxygenation in the small end-vessels and, unlike pulse
responsiveness. Similarly, one can measure inferior vena
oxirnetry, approximates the venous 0, saturation.
caval diameter decreases during inspiration," superior
Although different devices have different tissue vena caval decreases during inspiration,"' and aortic flow
penetration levels and sensitivities to changes in lib velocity changes and plethysmographic pulse oximetry
concentrations, several studies showed that Sto, can change to predict volume responsiveness. Using a simple
vary independently of Spa, and Scvo,. Regional Sto2 SVV minimization can markedly reduce intra-operative
measurements can detect occult regional hypoxia even protocol hospital length of stay.a7
when Svo2 and vital signs have normalized, making
it a valuable tool in the assessment of compartment Occult Circulatory Shock
syndromes."' Tissue 0, saturation values greater than
Examining the changes in Sto2 deoxygenation and
85% also reflect resuscitation adequacy, whereas in trauma
reoxygenation during a vascular occlusion test reveals
patients persistent Sto, values less than 60% reflect a
misdistribution of blood flow and occult circulatory shock,
poor outcome.73 Dynamic Sto, measurements using brief
respectively, and the Sic, changes induced by a vascular
vessel occlusion challenges, referred to as a vascular
occlusion test!"
occlusion test, can define initial blood flow distribution: a
decreased deoxygenating slope suggests misdistribution
Goal-Directed Therapy
of microcirculatory flow whereas a reduced reoxygenation
slope suggests inadequate CO," This dynamic technique Initial studies suggested that the nonspecific
has been used to assess circulatory sufficiency in patients increase in DO, to supranormal levels in critically ill
with trauma and sepsis and during weaning from patients
mechanical ventilation. improved survival' Subsequent studies using aggressive
resuscitation to increase DO, to supranormal levels in
patients with existing organ failure to document survival
FUNCTIONAL FIEMODYNAMIC benefit reported that if anything this procedure increased
MONITORING mortality.'" In essence, the benefit of increased flow
The primary utility of hemodynamic monitoring is to cannot he realized by already dead tissues.' '`'5 However,
identify cardiovascular instability, help determine causal early aggressive resuscitation driven by hemodynamic
factors, and guide therapy.8° A fundamental assumption monitoring if done before the onset of organ injury
underpinning these methods is that the rapid identification uniformly improves survival, whether done as early
of tissue hypoperfusion and its correction will improve goal-directed therapy in septic patients presenting to
patient outcomes. Functional hcmodynamic monitoring an emergency department,%." and as preoptimization
uses defined physiological perturbations to stress the therapy for high-risk surgical patients,"'w but less so in
cardiovascular system and reveal resultant changes in postoptimization therapy for postoperative patients with
arterial pressure and C0.8' These methods include the difficult intraoperative courses," suggesting that early
assessment of volume responsiveness and the detection of aggressive resuscitation is most useful in the intraoperative
occult tissue hypoperfusion. arena but still shows benefit in the ICU, although to a
lesser degree.
132 Chapter 6 I Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult

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a subject is physiologically stable, to determine whether
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demands, to diagnose specific causes of circulatory 5. Pickering TO. Principles and techniques of blood
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when cardiorespiratory sufficiency has been
reestablished. Using our knowledge of cardiorespiratory 6. Cohn JN. Blood pressure measurement in shock:
physiological changes, disease pathophysiological factors, mechanism of inaccuracy in auscultatory and
and the strengths and limitations of device palpatory methods.L4 MA. 1967:199:118-122.
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powerful array of monitoring devices to accomplish these 7 Karnath B. Sources of error in blood pressure
goals. However, measurement. Hospital Physician. 2002:3:33-37.
no hemodynamic monitoring device will improve outcome
unless coupled with a treatment that itself improves 8. FIollenberg SM. Ahrens TS, Annane D, et al.
outcome at What is primarily missing now is a field theory Practice parameters for hemodynamic support of
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