Formulae of Trigo

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_IKEY CONCEPTS - Basic TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES (a) ~sin’0+cos*® (b) sec tan? (©) cosec*® -cot’6 we Inportanr 1’ Ratios: -IssinO <1; -11 ¥ OER (a) sinnz=0 tannn=0 where nel ) where ne I © x @ tang = 2-1; tang = V2ur = 0 or coe a SH (©) sings £0836° or cass = “3 TriGoNometric Functions OF ALLIED AN St ~ If 0 is any angle, then —6, 90+ 6, 18040, 27040, 360-6 etc, arecalled ALLIEDANGLES. (a) sin(-0)=~sind cos (-8)= cos cee 2 — qb) sin (90-0) =c0s8 cos (90°-6) onytve | Alle (©) sin(90*+8)=cos0—_; cos (90°+0) @ — sin(180°-8)=sind_; cos (180°-6} (©) sin(180%8)=—sin® ; cos (180°+6) fee | ate () sin (270°-0)=—cos0 ; cos (270°-6)~- sind only ve ealyaee (g) sin (270°+®) = —cos6 ; cos (270°+ 8) = sind TricoxoweTRic Functions Or Sem Ox Dirverexce OF Two ANGLES : atin (a) sin (A*B)=sinA cosB+ cosA sinB (b) —cos(A+B)=cosA cosB = sinA sinB (© sin?A —sin*B =cos"B — cos*A = sin (A+B). sin (A-B) @ cos*A — sin’B = cos*B ~ sin?A = cos (A+B). cos (A—B) t By tan(AB)= 10nd # eaB t (Any = 200A cot © an g 1 tanA tanB cot ) i cot Eactorisation Or Tae Sum Or Dirrerence Or Two stves OR cosines : : :- : cp (a) sit 2+ sin = 2 sin 2? cos (b) sin ~ sin =2 cos 22 si + -] +] cD (ce) cosC + cosD = 2 cos: ae cos. nd (d) cosC — cosD = ~2 sin 2 sin- = “V6. Transroruxtion Or Propvcrs Ivo StM On DIFFERENCE OF sixes & cost (a) 2sinA cosB=sin(A*B)+sin(A-B) _(b) 2 605A sinB =sin(A+B)— sin(A-B) (©) 2cosA cosB=cos(A+B)+cos(A-B) (4) 2sinA sinB iBansal Classes Tri Bieaary) = 2 ¢ va Muri ANGLES AND HALE ANGLES ¢ Tflen (n49)/2) > 10. 08 (a) sin2A=2sinAcosA ; sin0=2sin—cos— (@) cos = cos*A- sin? = 2cos?A-1= 1-2 sin?A; cor? : cot?A cos 8 = cos? ~ sin = 2eos?2 —1 = 1 -2sint ota 2coPA= 14 c0s2A, 2sinA=1—c0s2A : taza = 180824 : en é Te0s2A ce 3A = corta-3 SHA catta-b wn ine? = 1 _ 1 +0080 , 2 sin? =1—cos0. eA 2tanA 2tan(0/2) 2a = 2a _—2aa8/2) (@an2a= SEY 5 w= aren) 2tanA @ — sinza= MA cog aan EH (©) sin3A=3 sinA~4sin'A Htan? A ae StanA- (cos 3A=4 costA--3 cos : @ — tan3a- AA ‘THREE ANGLES? a tanA +tanBttanC tanAtanBtanC BHC) = = OE cia kceat BUC. fanaa Note Ir: (i) A¥B+C=n then tana tanB + tanC~tanA tanB tanC ve Gi) APBIC = 5 then tanA tanB + tanB tanC + tanC tanA= 1 () If A+B+C=n then ()— sin2A + sin2B + sin2C = 4 sinA sinB sinC iB A B Cc Gi) sinA+ sin +sinC~4 cos cos-> cos Ma.niew & Minny (ap Min. vatueu? (b) Max. and Min. value of acos® + bsin® are /,° (©) If f()~ acos(a. +€) + boos((} +8) whesea, b, oc and i are known quantities then ~ya? +b? + 2abeos(a—-B) = NO) J) (2) (@)—HfasB © (5) anda. + Bo (constant) then the maximum values of the expression cose. cos, cose. + cos, sinc: + sinB and sina: sinB occurs when a= = 0/2. x) (©) Ifa,Be |.) anda +B =c(constant) then the minimum values of the expression secct + sec, tanct + tanB, coseca + cosec occurs when «=: B ~ 0/2. () _IfA,B,Carethe angles of atriangle thenmaximum value of sinA + sinB + sinC and sinA sinB sinC occurs when A~ B ~ C = 60° (@ __Incaseaquadraticin sin6 or oss given then the maximum or minimam values canbe interpreted by making perfect square. Sum of sines or cosines of nangles, sino. + sin(o+ B) +sin(@ +28 )+..... sin (a +2718) = cosa. + cos(a+ B) + 60s (G+ 2B ) +... +008 (+ ~~ SBansal Classes Tri ZT £[& oN

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