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I - T E C H T E C H N I C A L I M P L E M E N T A T I O N G U I D E # 4

Writing Good
Learning Objectives
I-TECH’s Technical Implementation Guides are a series of practical and instructional papers designed
to support staff and partners in their efforts to create and maintain quality programs worldwide.

What Is a Learning Objective? Why Are Learning Objectives

A learning objective is a statement of what the learn-
er will know, understand, or be able to do as a result Developing learning objectives is one of the most
of engaging in a learning activity. Well-written learning critical steps in the training development process.
objectives are essential to building a strong founda- Well-constructed learning objectives enable trainers
tion in the development of training materials. Learning to know what they will teach, participants to know
objectives: what they will learn, and supporting organizations and
n Provide clarity about the purpose of the funders to know what will be accomplished in the
course. training programs. Learning objectives help all stake-
n Guide the development of appropriate con- holders involved to share a uniform understanding of
tent, methods, and materials by the curricu- what will be achieved through the training programs.
lum developer in order to facilitate learning
and meet training goals. Time invested formulating solid learning objectives at
n Establish accountability between the learner the beginning of the training design process is time
and the instructor. well spent. Clear, measurable learning objectives:
n Help trainers articulate exactly what they want n Provide a framework for organizing the train-
participants to do by the end of the training. ing.
n Help trainers focus on “need to know” con-
Objectives Vs. Goals tent and eliminate unnecessary content.
n Inform participants about what new informa-
Learning objectives differ from overall training objec- tion or skills they will be learning. Participants
tives or goals. Goals define the overall purpose of the can take more responsibility for their own
training in broad, general terms and do not usually learning when they know what they are ex-
provide guidance on how to achieve them. Learning pected to achieve.
objectives are predictive statements describing the n Guide trainers in choosing appropriate meth-
specific outcomes that a training session is intended ods and materials to enhance participants’
to achieve; they are a benchmark by which to mea- learning.
sure progress towards the achievement of larger n Assist trainers in designing appropriate as-
goals. Learning objectives are learner-centered, and sessment and evaluation tools that accurately
are written for an individual unit of study or module. reflect the curriculum, and inform whether or
not outcomes have been achieved.
Example of a training goal: “Increase awareness of n Support meaningful review of curricula, lead-
the importance of providing voluntary counseling and ing to more balanced and well-sequenced
testing (VCT) services to pregnant women.” training products.
n Ensure that the desired program goals and
Example of a learning objective: “By the end of this objectives are achieved.
training session, participants will be able to list three
barriers to implementing effective voluntary counsel-
ing and testing (VCT) services in antenatal clinics.”
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 2

How to Write Learning Objectives Condition: Determine under what conditions the
task must be performed. The actual conditions under
Once the goals and scope of the overall training pack- which the task will occur or be observed speak to
age have been defined, trainers can identify specific time and place. For example, “By the end of the work-
knowledge, information, attitudes, and skills that partic- shop, participants will be able to list three criteria for
ipants are expected to gain from the training sessions. initiating ART.” The condition might also identify tools,
These will become the basis for the learning objectives procedures, materials, aids, or facilities to be used in
for each individual session. At this stage, you should performing the task, for example, “without reference
consider what exactly you would like participants to be to a manual” or “by checking a chart.”
able to do by the end of each training session.
When you combine these elements, you get effective
Components of Learning Objectives learning objectives.

Educational theorist Robert Mager created a clear

framework for developing learning objectives, in which
Examples of Learning Objectives
they are constructed around four main components:
audience, behavior, standard, and condition. INTENDED
Condition AUDIENCE behavior

Audience: Specify the intended audience. In most  ollowing this lecture, the participants will label
cases, this will be the intended participants of the correctly the five major organs of the female repro-
training. For example: “Participants/nurse supervi- ductive system.
sors/lab technicians will…”
standard standard
Behavior (observable action verb): Choose an action
verb that best describes the type of behavior that the
participant needs to display after the training. Action
verbs state the specific behaviors the participant is
expected to perform after attending the training ses- After attending this training session, a trained
sion. These might include “list,” “explain,” or “identify.” lab technologist will correctly conduct a Western
The action verb is the most important component of Blot test to detect HIV.
the learning objective because it indicates what will be
INTENDED standard behavior
accomplished through the training. Try to avoid verbs AUDIENCE
such as “understand,” “know,” or “increase awareness
of,” as these are not easily measurable. For example,
it is preferable to have an objective that says, “Partici-
Making Learning Objectives “SMART”
pants will be able to list the criteria for initiating ART,”
rather than “Participants will understand the criteria for Effective learning objectives are SMART: Specific,
initiating ART.” Measurable, Action-oriented, Reasonable, and Time-
bound. Rather than trying to develop learning objec-
Standard: Determine to what standards the task must tives based on these criteria, use SMART as a check-
be performed. Standards describe the level of profi- list to help ensure that you have considered each item
ciency to be elicited by the training—in other words, in formulating learning objectives.
how the learner will be able to perform in terms of n Specific means that the learning objective
quantity, quality, and time limitations. It will answer a describes the knowledge, attitudes, or skills
question such as “How many?” “How fast?” or “How that a learner should be able to demonstrate
well?” Examples of standards include “Within a given following exposure to a teaching strategy or
time period,” “In compliance with criteria presented learning activity.
by instructor,” “90% of responses.”
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 3

 easurable means that achievement of learn-

n M not. The verb, “understand,” is not an action
ing objectives can be measured by test items, verb and is not easy to measure. Although we
observation, problem-solving exercises, or other could try to measure understanding through a
evaluation methods during or after the session. test or demonstration of some kind, there are
n Action-oriented means that the objective more specific verbs to use in place of under-
includes an action verb that demonstrates stand, which will be illustrated next.
change or acquisition of knowledge, attitudes,
or behaviors.
n Reasonable means that the objective reflects SMART Objectives
realistic expectations of knowledge, attitude,
or behavior acquisition/change given the con- Specific: precisely states what the learner will be able
to do
ditions for instruction (e.g., time and size of
group, scope of training). Measurable: can be observed or counted during or
n Time-bound means that the objective speci- after the training session
fies a time frame in which learners are expect- Action-oriented: uses an active verb that represents a
ed to achieve the learning objective(s)—usually behavior change or acquisition
by the end of the session.
Reasonable: is appropriate to the time and scope
Examples of SMART objectives Time-bound: can be achieved by the end of the training
n Following this session (time-bound), partici-
pants will describe (action-oriented) four factors
(specific, measurable, reasonable) that increase
Categories of Learning and Learning
the risk of HIV transmission in women. Objectives
n After attending the lecture and studying the
Learning and mastery of a subject require more than
assigned handouts (time-bound, reasonable),
simply acquiring new knowledge or facts. Educators
participants will list (action-oriented) three
often classify learning into three domains or categories
types of tests (specific, measurable) per-
based on a classification system created by Bloom at
formed in India to detect HIV.
the University of Chicago (1956). These include cogni-
n Participants will be able to demonstrate (action-
tive, affective, and psychomotor; each domain includes
oriented) correct WHO staging of HIV-positive
subcategories that move from simple to more complex
patients (specific, measurable, reasonable) in
processes. Many trainers may be familiar with the cat-
their clinical practice one month after the train-
egorization of learning according to the categories of
ing (time-bound).
“knowledge,” “attitudes,” and “practice.” Bloom’s cat-
egorization is similar, though in Bloom’s system, knowl-
Examples of poorly written objectives
edge is a subcategory within the cognitive domain.
(not SMART)
n To have adequate knowledge of PMTCT inter-
When designing a training, it is important to think
about these three domains of learning and their sub-
This objective is not time-bound, which makes
categories, and to develop objectives for the training
it difficult to determine if it is reasonable or not.
that address each domain. This will lead to activities
The action verb is “have,” which is not specific.
that engage the different domains of learning, and will
Simply stating “adequate knowledge” is not
result in a more holistic and comprehensive training.
specific enough to measure.
n To understand risk reduction strategies used
The three domains of learning and their subcategories
for counseling patients.
are explained below; note that the subcategories are
This objective is not time-bound, which makes
organized by order of difficulty, with the most complex
it difficult to determine if it is reasonable or
learning activities at the bottom.
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 4

The Cognitive Domain Why It Is Important

What It Is The cognitive domain and its subcategories are im-
The cognitive domain relates to knowledge and intel- portant to consider when developing a training. The
lectual skills such as understanding, organizing ideas, type of activities used to impart knowledge may be
analyzing and synthesizing information, applying very different from the type of activities used to fos-
knowledge, choosing among alternatives in problem ter cognitive skills, such as synthesis, application, and
solving, and evaluating ideas or actions. Subcategories evaluation. When developing objectives, think care-
in the cognitive domain, described in the table below, fully about the cognitive subcategories, and consider
move from simple cognitive processes — such as the developing objectives that enable participants to prog-
basic recall of information — to more complex cog- ress through this learning process.
nitive processes — such as the analysis and applica-
tion of knowledge. The idea is that these levels reflect
the process through which the learner moves in this
domain, mastering the lower-level subcategories
necessary to proceed to the next level.


Knowledge: recall; the ability to remem- Describe, define, identify, list, name, Identify the three primary modes of HIV
ber information recognize, reproduce, state transmission

Comprehension: understanding; the abil- Articulate, distinguish, estimate, explain, Explain the difference between HIV and
ity to interpret and explain information generalize, infer, interpret, paraphrase, AIDS
rewrite, summarize, translate

Application: the ability to use information Apply, change, construct, demonstrate, Use WHO clinical staging definitions to
in a new situation, to use knowledge and modify, operate, predict, prepare, assist in clinical decision making
skills acquired in the classroom to solve produce, show, solve, use
problems and create new approaches

Analysis: the ability to break down infor- Analyze, categorize, compare, contrast, Outline effective strategies for managing
mation to understand its structure, to cat- differentiate, identify, illustrate, infer, nutrition complications in HIV-infected
egorize, and to recognize patterns outline, relate, select, separate patients

Synthesis: the ability to bring together Compile, create, design, diagnose, Design an HIV-prevention counseling
sets of information to create or invent so- diagram, discriminate, explain, generate, program based on the Ministry of Health’s
lutions to problems, to illustrate relation- modify, organize, plan, relate, reorganize, counseling standards and guidelines
ships between parts of a whole separate, summarize, write

Evaluation: the ability to make a judg- Appraise, assess, compare, conclude, Evaluate the risk faced by health care
ment based upon evidence contrast, criticize, critique, describe, workers of contracting HIV on the job
evaluate, explain, interpret, justify,
summarize, support
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 5

The Affective Domain below, move from more simple affective components
What It Is — such as receiving and responding to new informa-
The affective domain relates to the emotional com- tion — to more complex ones — such as organizing
ponent of learning, and is concerned with changes or and internalizing values.
growth in interest, attitudes, and values. It emphasizes
feeling, tone, emotion, or degree of acceptance or re- Why It Is Important
jection. Learning in this domain can be demonstrated The affective domain is important to address when
by behaviors indicating awareness, empathy, interest, training health care providers, as the providers’ values,
attention, concern, responsibility, and ability to listen emotions, attitudes, and beliefs can have a great im-
and respond. Subcategories, described in the table pact on the type of care provided.


Receiving (willing to listen): awareness, Ask, choose, describe, give, identify, lo- Ask open-ended questions to elicit infor-
attention to new information cate, select mation during a counseling session

Responding (willing to participate): ac- Answer, assist, discuss, greet, help, par- Present clients with risk-reduction strate-
tive pursuit of an interest, willingness to ticipate, present, read, report, select, tell gies appropriate to their needs
respond, motivation

Valuing (willing to be involved): the Complete, demonstrate, differentiate, ex- Demonstrate ability to provide a client
worth or value a person attaches to a plain, follow, initiate, join, justify, propose, with an HIV-positive test result in a com-
particular object, situation, or behavior; read, share passionate and supportive manner
reflects internalization of a set of values

Organization (willing to be an advo- Adhere, alter, arrange, combine, com- Integrate professional standards of pa-
cate): the ability to prioritize and organize pare, defend, explain, integrate, modify tient confidentiality into personal life

Internalizing values (willing to change Act, display, influence, listen, modify, Act objectively when solving problems
one’s behavior): the ability to act consis- perform, propose, question, serve, solve,
tently and predictably according to a value verify
system or consistent philosophy
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 6

The Psychomotor Domain Why It Is Important

What It Is In clinical training, this domain might include perfor-
The psychomotor domain (developed by Rothwell and mance of a laboratory test or demonstration of a clini-
Kazanas in 1989) relates to the physical skills and/or cal procedure. Note that cognitive knowledge underly-
the performance of motor tasks according to a stan- ing the skill is generally necessary.
dard of accuracy, rapidity, or smoothness. Subcatego-
ries progress from observation to performance of a
procedure to mastery of a physical skill. Learning is
demonstrated by the learner performing the skill to a
designated standard or level of proficiency.


Perception: observation of behaviors Observe, attend to, ask, describe, partici- Observe correct technique for conduct-
involved in completing a task pate, answer ing a pelvic exam

Set: becoming mentally prepared to Question, explore, consider outcomes, Describe the steps involved in conduct-
perform the task participate, tell, give examples, express ing a rapid HIV test

Guided response: the early stage in Complete, demonstrate, replicate, Demonstrate an IV insertion procedure
learning a complex skill that includes share, point out, break down, put safely and correctly on multiple patients
imitation, performing a task with assis- together under supervision
tance, and trial and error; adequacy of
performance is achieved by practicing

Mechanism: the intermediate stage Arrange, choose, conduct, construct, Draw blood using universal precautions
in learning a complex skill; learned re- design, integrate, organize, perform,
sponses have become habitual, and modify, refine, respond, vary
the movements can be performed with
some confidence and proficiency (act-
ing without assistance)

Complex overt response: performing Arrange, choose, conduct, construct, Conducts a thorough physical exami-
automatically with facility and habitual- design, integrate, organize, perform, nation
ly; fine tuning and perfection of the skill modify, refine
or technique
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 7

Again, in writing learning objectives, the tables above course. Some of the most common evaluation methods
can help you to identify the behavioral verb within each are questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations,
domain that corresponds to the standard that learners tests, and participant portfolios of ongoing work. Evalu-
are expected to achieve. ation strategies should be incorporated into a learning
experience so that both trainers and participants know
As mentioned earlier, the tables are organized by or- if the learning objectives have been met.
der of difficulty, with the most complex learning ac-
tivities at the bottom. For example, within the cogni- Just as good learning objectives guide training con-
tive domain, being able to criticize a process (a verb tent and methods, they also guide the methods and
that falls into the evaluation level of learning) shows a tools used to assess the achievement of those objec-
much more complex behavior than simply being able tives. Cognitive domain evaluation questions focus
to identify a process (a verb that falls into the more on “What knowledge was gained, and how well can
simple knowledge level of learning). Knowledge must participants apply it?” Affective domain evaluation
be mastered before criticizing can take place. Identify- questions focus on “Did attitudes change, and in what
ing the domain and desired level of learning will dic- way?” Psychomotor domain evaluation questions fo-
tate the methodologies and types of activities utilized cus on “What skills were developed or enhanced?”
in the training. Whenever possible, choose evaluation methods that
most accurately reflect both the domain and the level
Example of learning described in the learning objective.
The following is an illustrative set of objectives for a
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and For example, imagine a learning objective that says,
AIDS (PMTCT) workshop; the learning domain and “Participants will be able to accurately perform rapid
subcategory are indicated after the objective: HIV tests.” An evaluation activity in which instructors
observe participants performing rapid HIV tests would
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: provide a stronger indication that the learning objec-
1. List and describe specific interventions to pre- tive had been achieved than a written exam in which
vent HIV transmission to infants (cognitive — participants describe how to conduct a rapid HIV test.
knowledge). If the learning objective was “Identify how provider
2. Correctly identify and describe prophylactic bias might affect interactions with HIV patients,” a
treatment regimens in five case studies of short self-reflective essay or a discussion following a
HIV-positive pregnant women (cognitive — role play would probably be a better evaluation activity
application). than a true/false test.
3. Develop a plan to integrate PMTCT into ante-
natal care (cognitive — synthesis). In addition to providing information about what par-
4. Explore and reflect on personal attitudes and ticipants learned, evaluation methods should provide
values related to pregnancy in HIV-positive information about the levels of understanding and ex-
women (affective — receiving, responding). pertise that participants have obtained. For example,
5. Demonstrate correct use of personal protective asking students to list five common opportunistic in-
equipment (psychomotor — guided response). fections is a good measurement of knowledge at the
level of recall. Asking students to read a case study
How Do You Know if Learning of an HIV patient, identify the opportunistic infections,
and recommend appropriate treatment calls upon stu-
Objectives Are Being Met?
dents to demonstrate more complex cognitive skills,
Learning objectives describe the desired outcomes of a involving both analysis and synthesis. If course learn-
learning experience by specifying the expected results. ing objectives are targeted at achieving higher-level
Assessment of the learner’s mastery of the objec- skills and expertise, the evaluation questions and ac-
tives thus provides a measure of the effectiveness of a tivities should be designed to reflect this.
writing good learning objectves: A Technical Implementation Guide PAGE 8

Evaluation activities can be conducted at any time during the learning experience. By observing class discus-
sions or question-and-answer sessions during the course, instructors can see whether participants seem to
be on track. This kind of ongoing assessment enables trainers to clarify any incorrect information with which
participants are operating. It can also provide trainers with an opportunity to encourage participants to advance
into more complex and sophisticated learning processes. More formal evaluations are usually conducted at the
end of a training course to see whether or not the learning objectives have been achieved. In some instances,
where learning objectives assume participants will need time back on the job to practice certain skills or imple-
ment certain strategies, it may make more sense to evaluate the achievement of learning objectives several
months after the formal course instruction ends.

Resource List

•A  merican Public Health Association. Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives. Available at:
• Bloom, B. S. (Ed.) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Susan Fauer Company, Inc.
• Clark, Don. Instructional System in Design: Design Phase. 1995. Available at:
• Clark, Don. Instructional System in Design: Learning Domains or Bloom’s Taxonomy. Available at: http://www.nwlink.
• Donovan, M. Suzanne, John D. Bransford, James W. Pellegrino, (Eds.) Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. National
Research Council, 2000.
• Dynamic Flight, Inc. The Learning Process. 2003. Available at:
• Kruse, Kevin. How to Write Great Learning Objectives. Available at:
• Piskurich, George M. Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
• Reproline: Reproductive Health Online. Training Works! Designing Training. Available at:
• Teaching and Learning with Technology. Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy. Pennsylvania State University. Available at:
• Vella, Jane, Paula Berardinelli, Jim Burrow. How Do They Know They Know?: Evaluating Adult Learning. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1998.
• Vinson, Cindy. Learning Domains and Delivery of Instruction. Available at:

January 2010 ©I-TECH

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