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9/12/2009 Service Marketing Assignment
Atithi Devo Bhavo (guest is
Bars &
Travel and
Service and
The driving
Recommendations to the
Recommendations to the hospitality
HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY – AN OVERVIEW Hospitality is all about offering warmth to
someone who looks for help at a strange or unfriendly the commercial context
refers to the activity of hotels, restaurants, catering, inn, resorts or clubs
who make a vocation of treating tourists. Helped With unique efforts by
government and all other stakeholders, including hotel owners, resort managers,
tour and travel operators and employees who work in the sector, Indian
hospitality industry has gained a level of acceptance world over. It has yet to
go miles for recognition as a world leader of hospitality. Many take Indian
hospitality service not for its quality of service but India being a cheap
destination for leisure tourism with unlimited tourism and untapped business
prospects, in the coming year’s Indian hospitality is seeing green pastures of
growth. Availability of qualified human resources and untapped geographical
resources give great prospects to the hospitality industry. The number of
tourists coming to India is growing year after year. Likewise, internal tourism
is another area with great potentials. The hospitality industry is a 3.5
trillion dollar service sector within the global economy. It is an umbrella term
for a broad variety of service industries including, but not limited to, hotels,
food service, casinos, and tourism. The hospitality industry is very diverse and
global. The industry is cyclical; dictated by the fluctuations that occur with
an economy every year. Today hospitality sector is one of the fastest growing
sectors in India. It is expected to grow at the rate of 8% between 2007 and
2016. Many international hotels including Sheraton, Hyatt, Radisson, Meridian,
Four Seasons Regent, and Marriott International are already established in the
Indian markets and are still expanding. Nowadays the travel and tourism industry
is also included in hospitality sector. The boom in travel and tourism has led
to the further development of hospitality industry. In 2003-04 the hospitality
industry contributed only 2% of the GDP. However, it is projected to grow at a
rate of 8.8% between 2007-16, which would place India as the second-fastest
growing tourism market in the world. This year the number of tourists visiting
India is estimated to have touched the figure of 4.4 million. With this huge
figure, India is becoming the hottest tourist destination. The arrival of
foreign tourists has shown a compounded annual growth of 6 per cent over the
past 10 years. Atithi Devo Bhavo (guest is God)
We have all heard this phrase many times during our childhood from our parents
and grand- parents. We can also find its presence in the earliest Vedas and
religious epics. Hospitality is deep-rooted in our traditions and comes as an
integral part of our heritage. In very simple terms, hospitality is the art of
being warm to strangers and has been Derived from the Latin word hospitalitem,
this means “friendliness to guests”. The hospitality industry covers a diverse
range of establishments in the form of accommodation, food and drinks. It
includes:- The concept of hospitality business started when people started
traveling away on business and they needed a place away from home which could
cater to all their needs. Today hospitality has evolved from the basic food and
accommodation industry and taken a very important position in almost all
businesses. In fact, it has become a huge industry and drives economies across
the globe. The scope of hospitality/ service industry today is far more than one
could have ever imagined a few years back. Earlier people who graduated from a
Hotel School could get
employed either in Hotels, Cruises or Airlines. But service is the BUZZ word
for all businesses today. Be it the Retail Sector, Banking Industry, BPO,
Telecom world, Real Estate or any other sector having direct customer contact, a
person with hospitality background has an edge above the rest, because of their
sheer capability of understanding the needs of a customer better and handling
difficult customers/ situations efficiently. Hotel industry depends largely upon
the foreign tourist arrivals further classified into business travelers (around
65% of the total foreign tourists) and leisure travelers. The following figures
show that business as well as the leisure travelers (both domestic and
international) formed major clientele for hotels in 2004. Over the last two
years, the hotel industry has seen higher growth rates due to greater number of
tourist arrivals, higher occupancy rate (being around 75% in FY 06) and
significant increase in average room rate (ARR). Accommodation Hotels,
Residential Public houses Motels R es o r ts S an ato r iu m Bars & Clubs
Public houses
Travel and Tourism Travel Agents Airline Cabin Staff Travel technology
Service and Support Accountancy Occupational Health and Spa CONTRIBUTION TO
INDIAN ECONOMY The Indian hospitality industry is going great guns presently,
with high operating margins and \ increase in the number of travelers visiting
India - both inbound and outbound. Thus, the only direction left for the sector
points upwards. However, what needs to be focused on is the fact that
opportunities are not missed, which presently includes the large gaps in rooms
supply as compared to demand. India has approximately 100,000 rooms only in
totality, which is lesser than that in Las Vegas, besides contributing to an
insignificant portion of the GDP - just 5.4 per cent, In comparison to nations
like China, Thailand and Malaysia where the hospitality share ranges between 12
and 15 per cent. Within the nation, major contribution as destinations will be
from the growing tier I and II cities with a special emphasis on business hotels
across categories as well as the prime leisure destinations like Goa, Rajasthan,
etc, which will remain on the growth path, creating the aura for India as a
leisure destination. Accordingly, the needs of the traveler will be nothing less
than perfection. With an increase in choices available, they will be less
forgiving of service deficiencies. Guests will require higher levels of service
in the full- service segments, which will warrant greater training requirements
for hotel staff. The limited service hotels will require a complete shift in the
perception of customer service. Future-wise The driving force behind these will
be global brand standards and therefore they will have standard specifications
creating a degree of uniformity and standardization in certain limited and
mid-market hotel segments. Differentiations in product type will evolve more at
the higher end of the market with:- boutique hotels r es o r ts convention
centers The need to differentiate design will play an important role. Various
brands and operators will play a larger role in driving design standards,
getting involved at early project planning stages. As hotel segments cater to
specific demand segments, design typologies will be more customized to suit
traveler’s lifestyle. Equal importance will also be given to green-building
concepts in terms of development and operations, which will go beyond
cost-saving, placating the demands from both investors and customers... In
addition, green-conscious business and corporate groups will patronize hotels
and brands that support green concepts. Besides all this, the reliance on
technology will move beyond Wi-Fi and internet requirements to tools to support
sales and marketing as well as yield management. Even basic interiors will be
upgraded with the use of technology like self check-in and information kiosks.
This will also revamp sales and marketing as international brands will leverage
their central reservation systems and will initiate networks with third party
reservation agencies. In addition, systems will become more sophisticated and
targeted, customizing sales and marketing efforts for each targeted traveler.
F&B, an area of immense importance within a hotel will also evolve, especially
for the select-service hotel categories. However when discussing service, which
is the main play of this industry, it has to be understood that the growth phase
is still on and the market is currently undersupplied in terms of trained hotel
staff to cater to the large supply pipeline. The driving force If the country is
able to sustain its economic growth especially in the service sector, it will
have a direct influence on the hotel industry. This is directly related to the
incoming foreign investments, not just in the hotels but the economy as a whole.
Also equally important is the fact that India has now discovered the power of
marketing and with campaigns like Incredible India, there are also the various
large scales regional and global events like the upcoming Commonwealth Games,
Asian Games and the recent Indian Premiere League that builds interest about the
nation... Apart from these external factors there are other factors where the
industry can be given a great boost. For instance if land prices became more
realistic, the process of getting approvals and licenses to build and operate
hotels are streamlined, together with strong infrastructure development and
investment and more tax/levy incentives being provided to build hotels, it would
prove very fruitful for the industry SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS 1. Natural and
cultural diversity: India has a rich cultural heritage. The "unity in diversity"
tag attracts most tourists. The coastlines, sunny beaches, backwaters of Kerala,
snow capped Himalayas and the quiescent lakes are incredible. 2. Demand-supply
gap: Indian hotel industry is facing a mismatch between the demand and supply of
rooms leading to higher room rates and occupancy levels. With the privilege of
hosting Commonwealth Games 2010 there is more demand of rooms in five star
hotels. This has led to the rapid expansion of the sector 3. Government support:
The government has realized the importance of tourism and has proposed a budget
of Rs. 540 crore for the development of the industry. The priority is being
given to the development of the infrastructure and of new tourist destinations
and circuits. The Department of Tourism (DOT) has already started the
"Incredible India" campaign for the promotion of tourism in India. 4. Increase
in the market share: India s share in international tourism and hospitality
market is expected to increase over the long-term. New budget and star hotels
are being established. Moreover, foreign hospitality players are heading towards
Indian markets. WEAKNESSES 1. Poor support infrastructure: Though the government
is taking necessary steps, many more things need to be done to improve the
infrastructure. In 2003, the total expenditure made in this regard was US $150
billion in China compared to US$ 21 billion in India. 2. Slow implementation:
The lack of adequate recognition for the tourism industry has been hampering its
growth prospects. Whatever steps are being taken by the government are
implemented at a slower pace. 3. Susceptible to political events: The internal
security scenario and social unrest also hamper the foreign tourist arrival
rates. OPPORTUNITIES 1. Rising income: Owing to the rise in income levels,
Indians have more spare money to spend, which is expected to enhance leisure
tourism. 2. Open sky benefits: With the open sky policy, the travel and tourism
industry has seen an increase in business. Increased airline activity has
stimulated demand and has helped improve the infrastructure. It has benefited
both international and domestic travels. THREATS 1. Fluctuations in
international tourist arrivals: The total dependency on foreign tourists can be
risky, as there are wide fluctuations in international tourism. Domestic tourism
needs to be given equal importance and measures should be taken to promote it.
2. Increasing competition: Several international majors like the Four Seasons,
Shangri-La and Amman Resorts are entering the Indian markets. Two other groups -
the Carlson Group and the Marriott chain - are also looking forward to join this

race. This will increase the competition for the existing Indian hotel majors
TRENDS IN HOSPITALITY SECTOR Trends that will shape the future of hospitality
sector are:
1. Low Cost Carriers
2. Budget Hotels
3. Service Apartments
4. Technology
5. Loyalty Travel
1. Low cost carriers: Travelers in general are more price sensitive to airfare
than they are to hotel room rates. Often a low airfare will stimulate demand for
travel even if hotel prices are increasing. LCCs are a good option for business
travelers, as they have advantages like low costs, more options and
connectivity. 2. Budget hotels: More than 50 per cent of occupancy of a majority
of hotels comes from the business travel segment. The average room rate (ARR)
realized from business travelers is normally higher than from leisure travelers.
Heightened demand and the healthy occupancy rates have resulted in an increase
in the number of budget hotels. Some of the new players entering into this
category of hotels include Hometel, Kamfotel, Courtyard by Marriott, Country
Inns & Suites, Ibis and Fairfield Inn. 3. Service apartments: The concept of
service apartments, though a recent phenomenon in India, is an established
global concept. Villas in Spain, flats in the UK and apartment complexes in the
US have all created a viable market for those who want more than just a room in
a hotel. Service apartments are the latest trend in accommodation, offering the
comfort and convenience of a home without the hassles of having to maintain or
look after it. Ideally suited for medium- to-long staying guests, service
apartments are a natural choice for corporate employees or expatriates
relocating to a particular city, non-resident Indians visiting the country for
long spells and foreigners visiting the city for long durations. 4. Technology:
Travel and technology have become inseparable. Technology is making its own
advances with high-tech video conferencing facilities, web cameras and virtual
reality mode of conferencing. On-line bookings, e-ticketing, Wi-Fi Internet
connectivity, easy access to information, etc. are just a few areas where
technology has completely changed the way we travel. 5. Loyalty travel: Today,
airline-credit card company tie-ups have brought a whole range of benefits to
the travelers. These include insurance cover, upgrades, free tickets, access to
executive lounges, and a host of other Goodies. CHALLENGES FOR HOSPITALITY
INDUSTRY 1. Shortage of skilled employees: One of the greatest challenges
plaguing the hospitality industry is the unavailability of quality workforce in
different skill levels. The hospitality industry has failed to retain good
professionals. 2. Retaining quality workforce: Retention of the workforce
through training and development in the hotel industry is a problem and
attrition levels are too high. One of the reasons for this is unattractive wage
packages. Though there is boom in the service sector, most of the hotel
management graduates are joining other sectors like retail and aviation. 3.
Shortage of rooms: The hotel industry is facing heavy shortage of rooms. It is
estimated that the current requirement is of 1, 50,000 rooms. Though the new
investment plan would add 53,000 rooms by 2011, the shortage will still persist.

4. Intense competition and image of India: The industry is witnessing

heightened competition with the arrival of new players, new products and new
systems. The competition from neighboring countries and negative perceptions
about Indian tourism product constrains the growth of tourism. The image of
India as a country overrun by poverty, political instability, safety concerns
and diseases also harms the tourism industry. 5. Customer expectations: As India

is emerging as a destination on the global travel map, expectations of customers

are rising. The companies have to focus on customer loyalty and repeat
purchases. 6. Manual back-end: Though most reputed chains have IT enabled
systems for property management, reservations, etc., almost all the data which
actually make the company work are filled in manual log books or are simply not
tracked. 7. Human resource development: Some of the services required in the
tourism and hotel industries are highly personalized, and no amount of
automation can substitute for personal service providers. India is focusing more
on white collar jobs than blue collar jobs. The shortage of blue collar
employees will pose various threats to the industry. RECOMMENDATIONS
Recommendations to the government The government could constitute a steering
committee to review the demand and supply of the human resources in the
hospitality industry and prepare plans for developing qualitative human
resources which are required for the present day global industry. The committee
should constitute with the members from all concerned areas like: State and
central tourism development commissioners Representatives from all areas of
hospitality industry Member’s / president / secretary of the hotel management
associations Member’s / president / secretary of the travel and tourism
associations Representative from hotel employees associations One member
representative from international hotel chain The committee should review the
present situation and suggest the steps to be taken to reduce the
gap between the demand and supply of human resources in the industry.
The committee should concentrate on the following issues mainly:
Create a policy on industry institute interaction Establish an apex body t
coordinate all the management institutes in the country For conducting common
entrance test for all Govt. university / AICTE / private institutes in the
country Curriculum development from time to time as industry requirement Fees
structure for different courses in different institutes Appoint a committee to
identify the requirements of qualified manpower for International Hotels and
also identify the ways to develop. Recommendations to the hospitality industry:
Tie – ups with institutes: It is the duty of the Industry t makes necessary
tie-up / arrangement for their required human resources with one or two
hospitality institutes in the country. Continuous training: There is a need of
continuous training to all categories of employees in the organization. when
they have a tie – up with the institutes , the institutes will offer in – house
training to different category of employees from time to time to update their
skills . Sponsoring: It is the duty of the industry to sponsor some amount /
equipment to the institute for their betterment. If possible the sponsor a chair
for continuous funding and research for that institute. Research: Every
institute must spend some amount for the research which is essential for further
development and understand the present situation. The industry should involve in
the researchers by providing timely information and data which is ultimately
useful for them only.
FUTURE OF HOSPITALITY SECTOR To boost up the growth of tourism in India, the
government has proposed to invest Rs. 520 crore in 2007-2008. Tourism in
expected to grow further over the next few years due to the changes taking place
on the demand and supply sides. The factors that will account for the further
growth of tourism will include the following: Change in standards of living
More disposable income
Better education
Long leisure time
Aging population Owing to growth of tourism sector, infrastructure will
improve, competition will increase, new products will come into markets and
better services will be provided. Due to the rapid growth in tourism, the hotel
industry is also booming. Many international players like Le Meridian and Accor
are heading towards Indian markets to expand their business. With government s
full support in developing infrastructure, increase in demand, open sky policies
and increased competition, the hospitality industry is getting consolidated and
has many more opportunities to grow further. HOTEL INDUSTRY OVERVIEW A hotel is
an establishment that provides paid lodging, usually on a short term basis.
Hotels often provide a number of additional guest services such as a restaurant,
a swimming pool or childcare. Some hotels have conference services and meeting
rooms and encourage groups to hold conventions and meetings at their location.
Some of the main features of the Indian hotel industry include the following:
The industry is more dependent on metropolitan cities as they account for 75%
to 80% of the revenues, with Delhi and Mumbai being on top. The average room
rate (ARR) and occupancy rate (OC) are the two most critical factors that
determine profitability. ARR depends on location, brand image, star rating,
quality of facilities and services offered. The occupancy rate depends on
other seasonal factors. India is an ideal destination for tourists.
Approximately 4.4 million tourists visit India every year. Thus the growth
prospects are very high. In the hotel sector, a number of multinationals have
strengthened their presence. Players like Four Seasons are also likely to enter
the Indian marketing the near future. Moreover, Indian hotel chains are also
expanding internationally. A combination of all these factors could result in a
strong emergence of budget hotels, which could potentially lower the cost of
travel and related costs. The hotel industry can be further categorized into
three segments: Hotels r es tau r an ts Contract caterers. HOTELS
The hotels in India can be broadly classified into the following segments: Star
rated hotels: They form 30% of the industry size. These are mainly situated in
the business districts of metro cities and cater to business travelers and
foreign tourists. These are considered to be very expensive. They are built over
an area of up to 18000 sq. meters The first 2 types are usually located in
business areas of metro cities and cater to foreign tourists, business
travelers, top government officials and political brass, offering luxury at a
high price.
You’ll find the next 2 types in tier II cities and tourist destinations,
preferred by mid-level executives and leisure tourists.The last 2 types are
found in smaller cities and around tourist spots, preferred by domestic
tourists. These are characterized by lesser capital expenditure and
affordability and include hotels running in palaces, castles, forts, hunting
lodges etc. The heritage hotels are further classified as: Budget hotels:
They’re usually preferred by domestic travelers seeking economical
accommodation. These are reasonably priced, offer limited luxury, seasonal
discounts and decent services. Some new global entrants include UK’s Dawnay Day
and Whitbread Premier Travel Inn, Shangri-la, Amman resorts, Golden Tulip budget
hotels, Fairfield inn, Country inns and suites, Courtyard by Marriott, Hometel,
Ibis and Kamfotel among others. Budget hotels are preferred by business
travelers contributing to greater ARR (average room rate) than leisure
travelers. Increased demand and healthy occupancy has fueled the growth of
budget hotels in a short time. Facility hotels:-
Unclassified hotels: They’re motels spread across the country. They form 19% of
the industry size. Low price is their only USP. B. RESTAURANTS These typically
include fast food chains, ethnic restaurants, fine dining and coffee bars. The
major players include Barista, Mc Donald’s, Ruby Tuesday, Bercos, etc. CONTRACT
CATERING This includes any catering business unit that is formally not a part of
the hotel industry but is closely allied to it. Some of the major players in
this category include Sodexho, Compass Group, etc.
LEADING COMPANIES IN HOTELS 1)EIH: - EIH, the flagship company of The Oberoi
Group, provides hospitality and related services. EIH is engaged in the
ownership and operation of hotels and other related services. The company
primarily operates in India, where it is headquartered in Kolkata. The company
recorded revenues of INR11, 938 million (approximately $260.5 million) in the
fiscal year ended March 2009. Its net profit was INR1, 699.5 million
(approximately $37.1 million) in fiscal 2009.
2)ITC limited: - ITC-WELCOM GROUP has pioneered the concept of "BRANDED
ACCOMMODATION" in the hospitality industry. Branding led to the segmentation of
room which was termed as branded Executive club, The Towers and ITC One. In
2007, ITC WELCOMGROUP tied up with STARWOOD with STARWOOD to launch its premium
brand, The ‘LUXURY COLLECTION’. The company has more than 75 hotels in India
with about 5500 rooms and is developing 27 more properties that will add about
3000 rooms. Indian Hotel Company limited: - The Indian Hotels Company (IHCL), a
subsidiary of Tata Group, is engaged in hoteliering and air catering business.
IHCL and its subsidiaries are collectively known as Taj Hotels Resorts and
Palaces. Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces comprises of 59 hotels at 40 locations
across India with an additional 17 international hotels in the
Maldives, Mauritius, Malaysia, UK, US, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Africa, the Middle
East and Australia. The company primarily operates in India. It is headquartered

in Mumbai, India. Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces is grouped into luxury, leisure
and business categories. The Taj luxury hotels offer suites and rooms, gourmet
specialty restaurants and bars, business facilities, fitness centers, spas, and
banquet and meeting facilities. It has restaurants and bars that serve a range
of cuisines from across the globe. The Taj leisure hotels include beach resorts,
palaces, garden retreats, and historic and pilgrim centers. It offers rooms by
the sea, restaurants, water sports facilities, tennis courts, freshwater
swimming pools, spas, and travel assistance. The Taj business hotels are spread
across India, Sri Lanka, Africa, and the Middle East. It offers rooms,
telecommunication facilities such as wireless internet connectivity, specialty
restaurants and bars, business centers, and conference facilities and banquet
areas. It also offers swimming pools, coffee shops, fitness centers, and travel
assistance. IHCL also operates Taj Air, a luxury private jet operation with
Falcon 2000 aircrafts designed by Dassault Aviation, France; and Taj Yachts, two
3-bedroom luxury yachts. The company also operates Taj Sats Air Catering, an
airline catering service in South Asia, as a joint venture with \ Singapore
Airport Terminal Services, a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines. IHCL also
operates Taj Wellington Mews Luxury Residences, which is a complex of 80
luxurious serviced apartments in South Mumbai. Additionally, the company also
operates the Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad, which offers a three
year diploma, designed with the help of international faculty and has
affiliations with several American and European programmers.
Market Value Forecast In 2013, the Indian hotels and motels industry is
forecast to have a value of $11.2billion, an increase of 96.5% since 2008. The
compound annual growth rate of the industry in the period 2008-2013 is predicted
to be 14.5%.
ROAD AHEAD: A focus on quality, behavior-based evaluation, market choice and
market response has predominantly shaped the country s hotel & hospitality
industry. Increased competition and increase in demand has consolidated the
hospitality segment, whilst opening up a plethora of opportunities. Fierce
competition has led to innovative ideas by hotel majors, thereby delivering
impressive hospitality products and services. This has, in turn, also prompted
them to generate new lines of revenue with creative approaches, be it by
reducing transaction costs, increasing productivity or promoting traditional
Indian values. Combining unparalleled growth prospects and unlimited business
potential, this industry is certainly on the foyer towards being a key player in
the nation s changing face.
Hospitality Industry
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..................... (More) Service Marketing Assignment 9/12/2009
HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY – AN OVERVIEW................. .........................
......................... .3 Atithi Devo Bhavo (guest is
God)..................... ......................... .........................
.....4 Accommodation............ .........................
......................... ......................... ...............5 Bars &
Clubs.................... ......................... .........................
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