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FORE School of Management, New Delhi

Course Outline
Programme: PGDM (FMG)
Name of the Course: Marketing Management 1 Credit: 01
Term: 1 Academic Year: 2017-2018
Faculty: Prof Freda Swaminathan; Prof Payal S. Kapoor Office Contact No. : 466; 521
Email ID:;

Marketing is the system of activities designed to scan and identify market opportunities and plan
Product, promotions, pricing, and distribution strategies. The course is covered in two terms. This
course provides an applications perspective of marketing processes and marketing principles.

Marketing Management - 1 Marketing Management - 2

The Marketing Concept Marketing Strategy & Plans

Developing a Consumer Orientation Forecasting and Market Research
Environment & Competition Customer Relationship Management
STP Organizational Buying Behavior
Product Management Pricing
Brand Management Place: Marketing Channels
Integrated Marketing Communications Global Markets
Rural Marketing
Digital Marketing

 To provide a foundation in the subject by developing a conceptual understanding of marketing
management, including concepts like STP, Competitive analysis, the Environment etc.
 To explore the marketing mix tools and be able to design a market offering in terms of
‘Product’ and ‘Promotion’.

Text Book:
Marketing Management – Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller: 15th Ed, by Pearson Education

Reference Book:
 Marketing Management by Ramaswamy and Namyakumari 5th edition
 MM - What's Inside by Iacobucci – Cengage
 MKTG by Lamb, Hair, Sharma, Mcdaniel – Cengage
Suggested Journals and Websites:
Journal of Marketing, Brand Equity supplement of Economic Times

Case methodology, role plays, film screening group presentations, lectures, field activities and
conceptual discussions.

Evaluation Component and weightage:

Quiz : 10%
Group Article Review : 5%
Group Project : 15%
Class Participation : 10%
Mid Term : 20%
End Term : 40%
Total 100 Marks

Group Case Analysis:

All groups must submit Case Analysis Report in from of PPT before every session case is planned.
The PPT are to be emailed, and must be done before session start. One group will be randomly
called for presentation. In the end of the term a single case will be picked for evaluation per group,
randomly. Analysis Report is expected to be detailed and all group members are expected to
contribute (Refer to on how
to write a Case Analysis Report).

Group Project:
Details will be shared in the first session.

Session Plan
Session Topic Chapter and Case Additional Readings Learning Outcomes
1. Shapiro Benson, P. (1998). What the
Hell is Marketing Oriented. Harvard
 Understanding marketing management
Decision areas in Business Review, 66(6).
1 Chapter 1  Core marketing concepts
Marketing 2. Levitt, T. (1960). Marketing
 Broadening of marketing
myopia. Harvard business
review, 38(4), 24-47.
Chapter 1
Case: Back in Fashion (Marks  Value philosophy of marketing
Decision areas in and Spencer)  Understanding impact of environment
Marketing Abridged annual report of  Basics of segmentation and application of 8 Cs
Marks and Spencer 2015 –  Basics of brand building through the Ps of marketing
Chief Executive’s Overview
Analysing the  Macro-environment theory
3 Marketing Chapter 4 (Pages 101 to 118) 1. Competitor Analysis Examples  Global environment
Environment  Indian environment and the marketing challenges
1. Porter, Michael E. "How competitive
 Importance of Industry
4 Industry Analysis forces shape strategy." (1979):
 Understanding industry forces
Harvard business review, 21-38
Chapter 12
Understanding and  Concept of leader, defender, challenger and follower
Case: Marketing Twitter:
5 Dealing with  Balancing between customer orientation and
Competing as a social media
Competition competition orientation
1. Gopal, A., & Srinivasan, R. (2006).
Consumer Chapter 6
6 The new Indian consumer. Harvard
Business Review, 84(10), 22-23.  What influences consumer behaviour
Chapter 6  Psychological processes underlying consumer
Case: Montreaux Chocolates behaviour
Consumer  Consumer Decision Process
7 USA: Are Americans ready for
Healthy Dark Chocolate
1. Yankelovich, D., & Meer, D. (2006).
Rediscovering market segmentation.
Segmentation Harvard Business Review, 84(2),  Principles of segmentation
8 Targeting and Chapter 9,10 122.  Types of segmentation
Positioning 2. Barnett, N. L. (1969). Beyond  Choosing the target market
market segmentation. Harvard
Business Review,47(1), 152-166.
Session Topic/Objective Chapter and Case Readings/Instructions Issues/Coverage
Segmentation Chapter 9,10  Product differentiation
9 Targeting and Case: Positioning the Tata  The Positioning Process
Positioning Nano (A)  Perceptual Positioning Map
Setting Product Chapter 13
Chapter 13  Product characteristics and classification
Case: Fairness Products  Product Life Cycle
Setting Product
11 Market in India: Who is the  Packaging, Labelling, Warranties and Guarantees

1. Shostack, G. L. (1977). Breaking free  Unique features of Services

Marketing of
12 Chapter 14 from product marketing. The Journal of  The 7 Ps of Services Marketing
Marketing, 73-80.  Tasks involved in Services Marketing
 Challenges in new product development
New Product Chapter 15
13  New product development process – from ideation to
Development Case: Netflix: Streaming Away
from DVDs
1. Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand
equity across products and markets.
14 Brand Management Chapter 11
California Management Review, 38(3),
 Devising a Brand Strategy
 Definition and building Brand Equity
Chapter 11  Measuring Brand Equity
15 Brand Management Case: Trouble Brews at
Integrated 1. Kirby, J. (2013). Creative That Cracks
16 Marketing Chapter 17 the Code.(cover story). Harvard business
 Developing and Managing Integrated Marketing
Communications review, 91(3), 86-89.
Integrated Chapter 17
 Understanding Promotion Mix
17 Marketing Case: Launching the BMW Z3
Communication Roadster (HBS)
Wrap Up and  Environment and Competitive Analysis
18 to 20 Project Group project presentations by students  Segmentation Targeting and Positioning
Presentations  Product and Promotion Strategy

1. The teaching will be drawn from the text book and the support books.
2. All the students are expected to have read the relevant chapters (including all cases in the chapters) before attempting the case
analysis and the class discussions.
1. All participants are expected to meaningfully participate in each and every session and
demonstrate that they have thoroughly read all of the assigned material.

2. All the additional reading material can be downloaded from the library resources
( , EBSCO Business Source- Premium). Each
group will be given a chance to present one article from the additional reading section.
Details of which will be shared in the class.

3. There will be zero tolerance to the use of mobile phones during the session. Here use
includes even looking at the phone.

4. All sessions will begin promptly and late entrants will not be allowed.

5. Quiz can be both surprize or announced.

6. Class participation is critical for effective learning. Class participation will be graded on
the basis of constructive discussion points brought forward by the participant during the
lecture. The instructor may also cold call on participants.

7. Any form of plagiarism will lead to a score of zero in that component, whether individual
or to the whole group (to know more about Plagiarism please read ). All submissions need to be
done in hard copy as well as soft (except Case Summary), and submissions will be run
through the plagiarism software.

8. All deadlines have already been mentioned. No extensions will be allowed.

9. If any form of feedback is desired, participants are free to visit me personally. Evaluation
components may or may not have a structured feedback mechanism. This should not deter
participant from seeking feedback, if he/she so desires.

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