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Water Supply Systems

Lecture notes 1

dr Patryk Wójtowicz

Monday 1 December 14
• Introduction to water distribution systems
• History and evolution of water supply systems
• Primary function and design criteria of WDS
• Anatomy of water supply systems
• Layouts of water distribution system
• Criteria and classification of water systems

Monday 1 December 14
Water distribution system*
• Water distribution system (WDS) is a network of
pipelines and structures that distribute water to
the consumers

• WDS is designed to adequately satisfy the water

requirement for a combination of purposes:

• Domestic
• Commercial
• Industrial
• Firefighting purposes
(*also: Water Supply System - WSS)
Monday 1 December 14
History of water distribution systems
• The oldest water distribution systems discovered on the island of
Crete are 3500 years old (first usage of pipes). The City of Knossos
develops an aqueduct system that uses tubular conduits to convey
water. Other ancient civilizations have had surface water canals,
but these are probably the first pipes

• 250 B.C. - Archimedes principle developed

a) Closed/ pressured pipe system. The advanced urban water distribution system of the
closed type in the Minoan palaces and settlements is very interesting. The evidence
for it in Minoan Crete comes from the use of terracotta pipes, found at the palace of

• 100 A.D. - Roman aqueducts Knossos and Tylissos, along with several others, albeit in bad condition, at the palace
of Phaistos and at Palaikastro, Gournia, Lykastos and Zakro (House B). Among them
the best patterns are those of the palace at Knossos, belonging to the earliest middle
period and at Tylissos, assigned to the earliest late period although an earlier date has
also been proposed for it (Angelakis et al., 2005).

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Figure 1. Minoan water transfer projects: The proposed course (A’- B) of the aqueduct at Knossos with
higher spring elevation (Angelakis et al., 2007) (left) and water supply pipes (terracotta pipe sections):
cross section and dimensions (upper) and today view (down) (Koutsoyiannis et al., 2008) (right).

Hellenistic Period (ca. 323-67 B. C.)

Monday 1 December 14 During the succeeding Hellenistic period, impressive accomplishments were also achieved in
History of water distribution systems
• Early pipelines were made by drilling stones,
wood, clay and lead

• 1455 - first cast iron pipe

wooden pipes

ceramic pipelines
Monday 1 December 14
History of water distribution systems
• 1664 - Palace of Versailles: 35 km long cast iron
water main (flanged joints) from Marly-on-Seine
to the Palace of Versailles (still in operation).
Used for 1400 fountains of “Sun King” Louis XIV

Monday 1 December 14
History of water distribution systems
• 1738 — Bernoulli publishes Hydrodynamica.

• 1770 — Chezy develops head loss relationship

• 1845 — Darcy-Weisbach head loss equation


• 1920s — Cement-mortar lining of water mains

• 1936 — Hardy Cross method developed

• 1938 — Colebrook-White equation developed

Monday 1 December 14
History of water distribution systems
• 1960s and ’70s — Earliest pipe network digital
models created

• 1980 — Personal computers introduced

• 2001 — Automated calibration
Section 1.5 A Brief History of Water Distribution Technology

• 2002 — Integration with GIS

language, researchers at universities begin to develop pipe network models and make
them available to practicing engineers. Don Wood at the University of Kentucky, Al
Fowler at the University of British Columbia, Roland Jeppson of Utah State Univer-
sity, Chuck Howard and Uri Shamir at MIT, and Simsek Sarikelle at the University of
Akron all write pipe network models.

A compu

A computer punch card

1963 — First U.S. PVC pipe standards. The National Bureau of Standards accepts
CS256-63 “Commercial Standard for PVC Plastic Pipes (SDR-PR and Class T),”
which is the first U.S. standard for polyvinyl chloride water pipe.

1963 — URISA is founded. The Urban and Regional Information Systems Associa-
Monday 1 December 14
Primary function of WDS
• The purpose of the water distribution system is to
deliver water to consumer with appropriate quality,
quantity and pressure

• Distribution systems typically also provide storage,

as well as provide flow and pressure adequate for
fire protection.

Brewer Secretly Rigs Plumbing in Man's House to Make Beer Flow From Every Tap

Monday 1 December 14
System design criteria
• Water quality should not get deteriorated in the main
and distribution pipelines on the way from the treatment
facility to the customer

• System should be capable of supplying water to all

intended (and planned) places with sufficient pressure

• System should be also capable of supplying the required

amount of water during fire fighting

Monday 1 December 14
System design criteria contd.
• The layout of the system should be such that no
consumer would be without water supply, during the
repair or maintenance of any section of the water

• All the distribution pipelines should be preferably laid

above the sewer lines

• Pipes should be water-tight to keep water losses due

to leakage to the minimum

Monday 1 December 14
System configuration - anatomy of WDS
★water is carried over long distances through
★rivers, lakes, springs transmission mains
★man-made reservoirs ★pumping main if pressure head is created by
★groundwater sources (bores and wells) ★gravity main if flow maintained by gravitational
★intake structures and pumping stations potential (on account of elevation difference)
to extract water from source ★There are no intermediate withdrawals

water sources and intake

transmission mains

Water distribution system

treatment works and

distribution network

★raw water is transported to treatment plant for ★distribution network delivers water to
processing consumers through service connections
★water after treatment is stored in clear water ★water distribution network may have
reservoirs different layout (branched or looped)
★water reservoirs provides a buffer for water demand
variation (treatment plant is designed for average daily
Monday 1 December 14
Monday 1 December 14






FIGURE 1.15 Hierarchical relationship of components, subcomponents, and sub-subcomponents for a water distribution system (Cullinane, 1989).

Monday 1 December 14
Distribution System Layout
Water distribution mains may IRC_SCWS-book
be laid out
IRC_SCWS-book 27 gtb 20-11-2002 14:58 Pagina 467 in 20-11-2002
27 gtb grids, loops, or branches
14:58 Pagina 467 (much
like a tree). Two basic types can be distinguished:

Branched (dead-end) network Chapter 21

Looped network
Chapter 21
layout layout

Usually we have a mix of

branched and looped
layouts - depends heavily on
the history and general layout
plan of the city roads and

✓Grid or loop systems provide greater

✓Branched layouts result in a number of Fig. 21.1. Types of distribution systems
flow for fire protection and reduce the
dead-end lines that can lead to Fig. 21.1. Types of distribution systems

• Danger of contamination caused by the possibility that a large part of network will number ofpossibility
dead-end lines
bacteriological, taste, and odor problems
be without water during irregular situations
• Danger of contamination caused by the that a large part of network will

✓In addition,
be without water during irregular situations
theyof sediments,
• Accumulation require due more frequent
to stagnation of the water at the • system ends
Accumulation of sediments, due to stagnation of the water at the system ends
flushing• (“dead” ends) occasionally resulting in taste and odour problems (“dead” ends) occasionally resulting in taste and odour problems
Fluctuating water demand producing rather large pressure variations • Fluctuating water demand producing rather large pressure variations

14 systems are easy to design. The direction of the water flow and the flow rates
Monday 1 December Branched systems are easy to design. The direction of the water flow and the flow rates
Layout of network
• Urban water networks have mostly looped

• Rural water networks have branched (dead-end)


• The cost of a WDS depends upon proper

selection of the geometry of the network. The
selection of street layout adopted in the city
planning is important to provide a minimum-cost
water supply system

Monday 1 December 14
Advantages of the branched pattern
• The design calculation is simple and easy
• A smaller number of cut-off valves are required
and the operation and maintenance cost is low

• Pipe-laying is simple

Monday 1 December 14
Disadvantages of the branched pattern
• The system is less successful in maintaining satisfactory pressure in the
remote areas
and is therefore not favoured in modern waterworks practice

• One main pipeline provides the entire city, which is quite risky. Any defect,
or breakage at one point of this line will disrupt the supply of water beyond
that point, cutting off service to the whole area. This could be dangerous,
especially if there is a fire

• The head loss is relatively high, requiring larger pipe diameter, and/or larger
capacities for pumping units. Water hammer could also cause burst of lines

• Dead ends at line terminals might affect the quality of water by allowing
sedimentation and encouraging bacterial growth due to stagnation

• A large number of scour valves are required at the dead ends, which need
to be opened periodically for the removal of stale water and sediment

• The discharge available for fire fighting in the streets will be limited due to
high head loss in areas with weak pressure
Monday 1 December 14
Looped network configurations patterns

• The most common water supply configurations

of looped water supply systems are:

• gridiron pattern
• circular or ring pattern
• radial pattern

Monday 1 December 14
Gridiron pattern
• In the gridiron system the main supply line runs through the
center of the area and sub- mains takeoff from this in perpendicular

• The branch lines interconnect the sub-mains

• This system is ideal for cities laid out in a rectangular plan (e.g.
New York, most city centres)

• All of the pipelines are interconnected and there are no dead ends

• Water can reach a given point of withdrawal from several directions

Monday 1 December 14
Advantages of gridiron pattern
• The free circulation of water, without any stagnation
or sediment deposit, minimizes the the chances of
pollution due to stagnation

• Water is available at every point, with minimum loss

of head, because of the pipeline interconnections

• Enough water is available at streets fire hydrants,

as the hydrant will draw water from the various
branches of water lines

• During repairs, only a small area of distribution is


Monday 1 December 14
Disadvantages of gridiron pattern
• A large number of cut-off valves are required
• The system requires longer pipe lengths with
larger diameters

• The hydraulic calculations of discharge,

pressure and velocities in the pipes is difficult
and inconvenient

• The cost of pipe-laying is higher

Monday 1 December 14
Circular (ring) pattern

• In circular (also ring) pattern the supply main forms a ring

around the distribution area

• The branches are connected cross-wise to the mains and also

to each other

• Circular pattern is most reliable for a town with well planned

Figure 4-7: Layout of a Typical Looped Water Distribution System

streets and roads It is important to note that many older water systems have been updated. By laying a primary feeder
around the perimeter of the community to tie in all of the dead-end mains to improve both flow
distribution and water pressures through the community. A simple example of this concept is presented in
Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8: Typical Small City Distribution System

Monday 1 December 14
Advantages and disadvantages of circular pattern

• The advantages and disadvantages of circular

system are the same as those of the gridiron

• Only in case of fire, a larger quantity of water is

available, because the available length of the
distribution main is much larger

Monday 1 December 14
Radial pattern
• In a radial system, the whole area is divided into a number of
distribution districts

• Each district has a centrally located distribution reservoir (elevated)

from where distribution pipes run radially towards the periphery of the
distribution district

• This system provides swift service, without much loss of head

• The design calculations are much simpler

Monday 1 December 14
Water systems classifications - water pressure

• There are two basic types of water supply systems to

create water pressure within the distribution system:

• Gravity feed systems

• Pumping pressure systems

tertiary pumping station (or
booster station)

primary pumping secondary pumping station


Monday 1 December 14
Gravity water distribution
• Gravity distribution is possible when the treated water
source is located at some needed elevation above the
supplied community

• In this type of system, sufficient pressure is available due to

gravity to maintain water pressure in the mains for domestic
consumption and fire service demand.

• This is the most reliable and economical method of


• Higher pressures for firefighting, however, requires the use

of mobile fire department pumpers and, in some cases,
stationary booster pumps on the water system to provide
needed fire flows at representative fire hydrants with a
required residual pressure
Monday 1 December 14
Pumps and elevated storage
• Through the use of pumps and elevated storage,
the excess water pumped during periods of low
consumption is stored in elevated tanks or

• During periods of high consumption, the stored

water supplements the water that is being pumped

• This method allows fairly uniform flow rates and

pressures throughout the water system

• Since the stored water supplements the supply

used for fires and system breakdowns, this method
of operation is fairly reliable
Monday 1 December 14
Pumps without storage
• When stationary pumps are used to distribute water, and no
storage is provided on the distribution system, the pumps force
water at the required volume and pressure directly into the mains

• This is the least desirable type of distribution system because a

power failure could interrupt the water supply

• As water consumption varies, the pressure in the water mains is

most likely to fluctuate

• To conform to varying rates, several pumps are made available to

add water output when needed, a procedure requiring reliable
and tested automated control at the water plant

• Another disadvantage is the fact that the peak power demand of

the water plant is likely to occur during periods of high electric
power consumption, thus increasing power costs to operate the
water system
Monday 1 December 14
Classification of water distribution systems - water
source criterion
• Community water systems can be divided into four basic
classifications according to the water source:

• High or low reservoirs that hold water for gravity feed

• Pumping station systems where the raw water is pumped from

the source point to the treatment plant and then either pumped
directly into the distribution system or into storage to be used on
demand by the community

• Pumps at well sites that pump water to the treatment facility.

Based on the difference in elevation between the treatment facility
and the community to be served, the water may flow by gravity
through the distribution systems, or there may be the need for
another pumping station

• A combination of gravity flow and one or more pumping

stations to transport the water from the source point to all of the
water demand points on the distribution system
Monday 1 December 14
High-level reservoir system
• In a high-level reservoir system a water source must be at proper elevation above the
treatment facility in order to provide sufficient head pressure so that no pumping station is
required (usually at least 30 meters)

• If there is sufficient elevation difference between the treatment facility and the distribution piping
in the community, it is possible to design a water system that does not require pumping stations

• The head pressure for supplying water to the distribution system must be sufficient to meet both
consumer demand and needed fire flows at any conditions

• Gravity feed systems are highly reliable under all weather conditions that may cause disruption to
the pumped systems. There is no mechanical component to break down or fail when the power
source goes down.

• This is a very economical

• V . I: S
since there is noC substantial
requirement to run the

water system

Monday 1 December 14 Figure 4-2

Low level reservoir systems
• A low level reservoir systems typically require a pumping station to
transport water to the treatment plant

• If the land area is relatively flat, a second pumping station to pump

treated water directly to the distribution system or to elevated storage
to provide the required pressure and volume to meet instantaneous
flow demand

• The elevated storage can be designed to minimize the direct pumping

ATER • V . I: S
OL 4: W D

Monday 1 December 14
Direct pumping systems
• Direct pumping systems feeds water to the
treatment plant and then a second pumping system
transports water to a storage
Figure 4-3
holding area (clear well,
standpipe storage tank)
3) Direct pumping systems: Figure 4-4 illustrates how a direct pumping station feeds water to the

treatment plant and then a second pumping system transports water to a storage holding area, such as a
This combination of pipe and tank minimizes the time
clear well, to a standpipe storage tank that is maintained full as domestic consumption varies throughout
a single day. This minimizes the time the pump or pumps actually have to run. The pumps also may be

the pump or pumps actually have to run

designed and arranged to pump the treated water directly into the distribution system when there is a
high demand on the water system. This could occur when there is a major fire in the community.




Monday 1 December 14
Pumping station at well sites + gravity storage

4) Pumping station at well sites and gravity storage: In this type of supply system, one drilled well, or
• In pumping station from well sites to a gravity storage, one or
a field of wells, feed water to a ground-level pumping station. This concept is presented in Figure 4-5.
Chapter 3 indicates that the water treatment for ground water supplies may be less rigorous than for
a field of drilled well, feed water to a ground-level pumping station
surface water supplies. The quality of the ground water in many areas of the country is so good that
the only treatment necessary is chlorination through an injection method in the pipes that carry the

• non-potable water. In most cases, any other required water treatment generally is handled in a similar
The treated water either flows by gravity to the distribution system
manner. The treated water either flows by gravity to the distribution system or is pumped to one or
more elevated storage tanks. Potable water flows by gravity from the storage tank to the distribution
or is pumped to one or more elevated storage tanks
system. Small communities that essentially operate off individual wells might want to consider this
type of system. This is a more efficient way to provide water that is reliable year round, and is a

• Elevated tanks may be located at the beginning, centre or end of

system that can meet both consumer demands and needed fire flow requirements. This concept should
be investigated with reference to the reduction in fire insurance premiums as the result of having a
water networkrecognized water delivery system.

Monday 1 December 14
Composite water supply systems
• In some specific conditions of areas served by the water system, especially
topography may require using a composite system (mixed type) that uses
components from more than one of the typical water systems

• Examples of mixed water supply systems:

• Adding pumping stations to a gravity reservoir system to increase

pressure and volume during peak demand periods (esp. for a fire flow

• Booster pumping stations may be installed where there is a need for

more than one service level based on pressure demand

• Direct pumping into the distribution system may be supplemented by

gravity tanks that "float" on the system to maintain pressure and flow
characteristics during different demand periods through the day and

• Gravity tanks are especially useful for improving the reliability of any
water system, care must be taken to allow for proper mixing of water
Monday 1 December 14
Systemy strefowe

Monday 1 December 14
Supplementary reading
• Larry Mays (2000) Water Distribution System
Handbook, Chapter 1, McGraw-Hill, New York.

• Assignment:
Prepare short paper (4 A4 pages) summarizing
all important information from supplementary
Paper should include introduction and several

Monday 1 December 14
• Mays et al. (2000) Water distribution systems handbook,
McGraw-Hill, New York.

• Savic et al. (2011) Water distribution systems, ICE

Publishing, Thomas Telford Ltd, London.

• Swamee and Sharma (2008) Design of water supply pipe

networks, Wiley.

• Computer Modeling of Water Distribution Systems - Manual

of Water Supply Practices, M32 (3rd Edition). American
Water Works Association (AWWA).

Online version available at:

Monday 1 December 14

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