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The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines

Academic Affairs Committee

invites you to the

In conjunction with the IIEE Annual National Convention 2016

November 23-26, 2016
SMX Convention Center, Pasay City

The EE Research Contest has been developed to promote creative research and highlight
advancement of academic thinking on electrical engineering and technology. For ten years, the
Contest has been the forum of knowledge-, technology-, idea- and concept-sharing among
universities and colleges offering electrical engineering program all over the country.

Contest Guidelines
1. Research Category - Research should be creative and innovative. Projects/models including
machines, gadgets, products, and processes developed by students and faculty members. These
projects/models should possess features and characteristics that may have significant
contribution to the promotion of science & technology that creates positive impact to the
society in general. Research entries must have an EE Application and ARE NOT LIMITED to the
a. Renewable Energy
b. Power Electronics
c. Energy Conversion
d. Energy Utilization and Environment
e. Software Application on EE
f. Instrumentation and Control
g. Mechatronics/Machine Automation
h. Microelectronics
i. Microcontroller-based/Microprocessor-based projects
j. Other EE-related applications
2. Eligibility of Entries - Each entry must be in accordance to the following:
a. Each entry shall consist of the following:
i. Duly accomplished EE Research Contest Form (Annex A);
ii. Printed copy of the full paper of the research, in A4 white bond paper, bound in
sliding folder with transparent front cover;
iii. Soft copy of the full paper of the research, stored in the compact disk; and
iv. Notarized Declaration of Originality of the Research, duly signed by a competent
school authority. Please see Annex B.
b. Each entry shall follow the EE Research Contest Content and Format Guide. Please see the
attached Annex C.
c. All entries must be submitted on or before September 1, 2016 and must be forwarded to
the address provided below.
d. For a project that has already been submitted in the past, proponents must be able to
demonstrate how the research has been advanced. This information is required during
e. IIEE Academic Affairs Committee presumes that each research entry is an original work of
the proponents. IIEE, IIEE Academic Affairs Committee and the Board of Judges are not
liable for any violation related to intellectual property rights.
f. Projects that violate laws or school regulations--or place any student, judge, or observer in
danger--are not eligible.

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EE Research Contest Design Competition – Guidelines

3. Eligibility of Proponents - The EE Research Contest is open to:

a. Bona fide undergraduate students of electrical engineering of a university, college or
institute in the Philippines of the school year 2016-2017.
b. 2016 graduates of BS Electrical Engineering of a university, college or institute in the
c. Each entry must have at least two (2) student proponents and a faculty adviser.
d. Proponents must be an active member of IIEE and IIEE-Council of Student Chapters.
4. Exhibit and Oral Presentation – All research finalists are enjoined to present their entry during
the IIEE Annual National Convention Expo and Presentation and Awarding Ceremonies.
a. Poster Presentation
i. Setting-up of the poster presentation must be conducted during the ingress and
egress of the Expo. The IIEE Academic Affairs Training Staff will be coordinating to
your representative regarding the schedule and the assigned booth.
ii. Poster size may be no more than A0. A0 size poster measures 841 mm width x 1189
mm height. Oversized posters will obscure an adjacent poster and will be rejected.
iii. Each presenter is allotted of a table and chairs for the exhibit. Additional equipment
and paraphernalia must be provided by the exhibitor.
iv. Poster presentation is open to the public.
b. Oral Presentation
i. Oral presentation and Q&A is also open to the public.
ii. All results and data presented during the oral presentation, poster and Q&A session
must be documented in the original report.
iii. Presentation is timed and can be no longer than 15 minutes. Presenter is given a
signal after every five minutes. No materials may be distributed during the oral
presentation. All team members, except the faculty adviser, may participate in the
oral presentation.
iv. Q&A is limited up to 25 minutes. The distinguished members of the panel of judges
are the only one who may raise questions to the presenter after their presentation
and will be facilitated by the moderator.
v. The Contest secretariat shall provide a laptop, projection wall and LCD projector for
the presenters. The technical support is limited only to Windows-based formats.
vi. Presenters are encouraged to bring presentation on CD-ROM, USB or on a laptop
computer, in case of some technical problems encountered.
5. Judging Process–There are two phases to the Contest.
a. Initial Screening
i. All entries submitted will be screened by the Academic Affairs Committee of the
ii. The Committee will determine the five (5) finalists that will be feature in the IIEE
Annual National Convention Expo and qualified for the oral presentation during the
final round of the Contest.
iii. Finalist selected by the Committee will be endorsed by the Academic Affairs
Committee to the IIEE Vice President for Technical Affairs for approval.
iv. Proponents of all entries submitted will be notified thru their respective schools
about the status of their submission.
b. Final Judging
i. Final judging will be made by the distinguished panel of judges selected by the
Academic Affairs Committee.
ii. The finalist will be judge based on the criteria for judging.
iii. Winner of the Best Poster Presentation shall be judged by the same panel based on
the criteria presented below.
iv. Results of the Contest will be announced after the presentation of all finalists.

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EE Research Contest Design Competition – Guidelines

v. Decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.

c. Criteria for Judging of Oral Presentation – All entries will be judge based on the following:
Creative Thought 30%
Scientific and Engineering Thought 30%
Skills 15%
Clarity 15%
Social Impact 10%
i. Creative Thought–Does the project show creative ability and originality in the
approach to solving the problem, analysis and interpretation of data, use of
equipment and construction or design of new equipment? Does it support an
investigation and help answer a question in an original way? Is the creative
contribution promotes an efficient and reliable method for solving a problem? Is the
project exhibit gadgeteering or ingenuity? Does the project involve indigenous
ii. Scientific and Engineering Thought – Does the project have a clear objective? Is it
useful and relevant to the potential user? Could the solution successful in design or
construction of an end product, without harming any other, including the
environment? Is the project a significant solution over previous alternative? Has the
solution been tested to its optimum performance under general conditions?
iii. Skills – Does the team employed electrical engineering theory and practice in
carrying out the project? Does the project undergone competitive and valid
computational, observational and design skills to support the data presented?
Where was the project performed? Did the team received assistance from experts
other than their faculty advisers, in the undertaking?
iv. Clarity – Is the project understandable? Is the material presented logically and
coherently? Are the key points, problems, and solutions stated clearly and precisely?
Does the student use tables and figures appropriately? Was the Research Report
carefully proofread for spelling and grammar? Is the method of presentation
consistent with the nature of the work and with scientific practice in the discipline
v. Social Impact– Into what extent does the project is beneficial to all levels of society
considering the economic, political, scientific and cultural impact? Is the project help
to mitigate global warming? Does it harm the environment?
d. Criteria for Judging Poster Presentation
i. Given the number of posters, judges may only have 10 minutes or less to review,
discuss, and evaluate a poster presentation.
ii. Poster presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Quality and relevance of the abstract
2. Content and lay out of the poster
a) The title, names of authors, and the institution(s) where the research was
performed should be included at the top of the poster.
b) Poster layout should be in a logical order, including text and graphics that
explain the objectives of the research and why the research is important;
hypothesis/statement of the problem; methods and controls; results;
conclusions and future research; and references and acknowledgements.
3. Presentation
a) Presenters should demonstrate a good understanding of the study and
related areas and responds effectively and clearly to questions.

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EE Research Contest Design Competition – Guidelines

6. Awards – Winning entries will be as follows:

a. Grand Winner – will receive cash prize of Php 30,000.00, plaque of recognition for the
school and certificates for proponents.
b. First runner-up – will receive cash price of Php 20,000.00, plaque of recognition for the
school and certificates for proponents.
c. Second runner-up – will receive cash price of Php 10,000.00, plaque of recognition for the
school and certificates for proponents.
d. Best Poster Presentation – will receive cash prince of Php 10,000.00, plaque of recognition
for the school and certificates for proponents.
e. Finalists will receive certificate of merits for participating the competition.
7. For more information, please contact:
The Secretariat
IIEE Research Competition
c/o The Academic Affairs Committee
Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineering of the Philippines
IIEE Building, Monte de Piedad Street, Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone number: 414-5626 local 107
Mobile number: (+63) 928507-4674; (+63) 917562-4975; (+63) 922866-9282
Electronic mail address:

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