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Lecture Number 5 & 6 : Gender And Youth

M.D.G’s & SDG’s Goals :




Pakistan has adopted 16 Targets and 37 Indicators but, Even though for some of the MDGs
Pakistan’s progress may have been somewhat satisfactory, for most of the indicators
performance is not quite adequate. The One of the reasons for slow progress could be low
levels of public sector allocations for the social sectors (e.g. Health, Education, and Water &


The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that
were established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the
adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 189 United Nations member states
at the time (there are 193 currently) and at least 23 international organizations committed to
help achieve the following Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

SDG 1 :
End Poverty in all its forms.
SDG 2 :
End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and sustainable agriculture
SDG 3 :
Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages
SDG 4 :
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities
for all
SDG 5 :
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG 6 :
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
SDG 7 :
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
SDG 8 :
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
SDG 9 :
Build resilience infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster
SDG 10 :
Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG 11 :
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, and sustainable
SDG 12 :
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

SDG 13 :
Take urgent action to combat climate change
SDG 14 :
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
SDG 15 :
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage
forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG 16 :
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice
for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions
SDG 17 :
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable

 Agenda 2030 :

What is Gender : ?

Gender is a socially constructed definition of women and men.

Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as norms,
roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to
society and can be changed. While most people are born either male or female.

‘Gender’ refers to the socially-constructed roles of and relationships between men and women.
Gender concerns men and women.

Gender is a social construct which defines roles of men and women in the society or family.

Sex is a biological attribute of an individual and such words may be used right from the birth:
females and males.

Sex = male and female

Gender = masculine and feminine

So in essence:

Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex

Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or


'man' = male sex+ masculine social role.

'woman' = female sex + feminine social role.

Gender Equity :

Equity theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to both
relational partners. Equity is measured by comparing the ratio of contributions (or costs) and
benefits (or rewards) for each person.

Equity represents fairness, Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men.

Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective
needs. This may include equal treatment.

Gender equity is a set of actions, attitudes, and assumptions that provide opportunities and
create expectations about individuals.

Gender Main Streaming :

The Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), proposed gender mainstreaming as a
key strategy to reduce inequalities between women and men.

Gender mainstreaming is the public policy concept of assessing the different implications for
women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programmes, in all
areas and levels.

Gender Mainstreaming is a globally accepted strategy for promoting gender equality.

Gender mainstreaming is the integration of the gender perspective into every stage of policy
processes – design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation – with a view to promoting
equality between women and men.

Gender mainstreaming means observing and taking into account the inequalities between
women and men at all times and in all areas.

Gender equality means that structures and decision-making processes neither privilege nor
discriminate women or men, in all their diversity,
Gender equality means the full participation of women and men in all spheres of public and
private life. Gender equality means more than just ensuring equal treatment and opportunities;
it must be visible in a balanced distribution of power and resources and shared responsibilities
between women and men within society.

Gender mainstreaming is the globally recognized strategy for achieving gender equality.

Gender mainstreaming is …

 NOT a goal
 NOR a set of contents

 BUT instead a strategy to achieve equality between women and men in their diversity.
This means …

 Gender equality is the goal

 Gender mainstreaming is the strategy to achieve this goal and positive actions are one
way to compensate for existing inequalities
Definition Of Gender Role’s & Gender Relations :

Gender Roles :

They are the particular economic, social roles and responsibilities considered appropriate for
women and men in a given society.

These are those behaviors, tasks and responsibilities that a society considers appropriate for
men, women, boys and girls

In some rural societies, commercial agricultural production is mainly a male responsibility. Men
usually prepare land, irrigate crops, and harvest and transport produce to market. They own
and trade large animals such as cattle, and are responsible for cutting, hauling and selling
timber from forests.
Women and girls play an important, largely unpaid, role in generating family income, by
providing labour for planting, weeding, harvesting and threshing crops, and processing produce
for sale. Usually they are responsible for taking care of smaller animals.
In most societies rural women have also the primary responsibility for maintaining the
household. They raise children, grow and prepare food, manage poultry, and collect fuel wood
and water.
These gender roles can vary considerably depending on the geographical area, culture and
other factors.

Gender Relations :

Gender relations are the ways in which a society defines rights, responsibilities and the
identities of men and women in relation to one another.

Gender relations are the specific subset of social relations uniting women and men as social
groups in a particular community.

Since gender relations are a social construct, they can be transformed over time.

F.A.O :

Food And Agriculture Organization - FAO' A United Nations agency that works on international
efforts to defeat hunger by helping developing countries modernize and improve agriculture,
forestry and fisheries practices.

FAO has been fighting world poverty and hunger by working for agricultural development.

FAO plays a key role in supporting governments, producers, traders and other stakeholders to
move towards the responsible use of antimicrobials ( agent that kills microorganisms or stops
their growth ) in agriculture.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is an agency that combats
global hunger and promotes rural development.

FAO played the leading role in the global food and agriculture issue areas. And Today the FAO is
still the only global intergovernmental organization with a broad mandate in governing the
world’s food and agricultural system.

What does the FAO do ?

FAO’s mandate, written into the Preamble of the FAO Constitution, consists of four functions :
information gathering and dissemination, formulation of policy recommendations, provision of
technical assistance, and assistance to governments with FAO-related obligations.

 These functions serve the following goals :

1. Help eliminate hunger, food insecurity, and

2. Make agriculture more productive and sustainable
3. Reduce rural poverty
4. Ensure inclusive and efficient agricultural and food
5. Protect livelihoods from disasters

 Gender Dimensions Of Food Security And Nutrition : F.A.O

In developing countries, rural women and men play different roles in guaranteeing food
security for their households and communities. While men grow mainly field crops,
women are usually responsible for growing and preparing most of the food consumed in
the home and raising small livestock, which provides protein.

Rural women also carry out most home food processing, which ensures a diverse diet,
minimizes losses and provides marketable products.

The goal of FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality is to achieve equality between women and
men in sustainable agricultural production and rural development for the elimination of
hunger and poverty.

1. Women participate equally with men as decision-makers in rural institutions and

in shaping laws, policies and programmes.

1. Women and men have equal access to and control over decent employment and
income, land and other productive resources.

2. Women and men have equal access to goods and services for agricultural
development, and to markets.
Gender Issue’s : Pakistan’s Perspective’s

1. Lack Of Access To Education :

It is mandated in the Constitution of Pakistan to provide free and compulsory education

to all children between the ages of 5-16 years and enhance adult literacy. With the 18th
constitutional amendment the concurrent list which comprised.

Due to the problems in education system of Pakistan, the country is lagging behind in
achieving its M.D.G’s of education.

The Constitution of Pakistan states that every child has the right to free and
compulsory education, yet millions of children in the country remain deprived of their
Constitutional right.

The reforms required in the education system of Pakistan cannot be done by the
government alone, public-private participation and a mix of formal as well as non-formal
education can pull out majority of country’s population from illiteracy. Similarly, to
make the youth of the country an asset, attention should also be paid to vocational and
technical training.

Pakistan needs an extensive educational reform which must begin with a policy
reform that tackles the chronic under-investment in the education sector. Adding to
that, the government and the private sector must work as partners to provide quality
education especially primary education to all the school going citizens. It is a long-
term process which requires effort from each one of us as individuals too, to work
towards a quality education system along with providing the youth with hope.

2. Equal Pay :

The difference between women’s and men’s average full-time equivalent earnings
expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.

The Government Of Pakistan, is committed to implement the system of minimum

wage( equal pay ) system as a fundamental element of labor protection.

Wage difference means that one employee earns more than another.

The il-literacy, poor and low levels of education as well as low vocational, technical, and
professional competence are currently important facets of the labor market participants
in Pakistan.

The governments should take some concrete steps for equitable employment
opportunities, improving institutions and infrastructure, provision of quality education
and proper training, gender participation in decision-making and knowledge-based

3. Genocide :

The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or

cultural group.

Killing members of the group includes direct killing and actions causing death.

Causing serious bodily or mental harm includes inflicting trauma on members of the group through
widespread torture, rape, sexual violence, forced or coerced use of drugs, and mutilation.

For Example :

Many people point out that China’s one-child policy is genocidal, because it limits or reduces the
population growth of particular segments of China’s ethnic groups. However, it is obvious that
China’s aim is to reduce the growth rate of its enormous population.

Meaning’s :

Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as

an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part.

The right to practice religion is a universal one that extends to every inhabitant of the
world. In Pakistan, however, this right is frequently violated, as religious minorities face
social, political and economic marginalization on a daily basis.

In recent years Baluchistan has been a particular flashpoint, where armed separatist
groups have engaged in numerous clashes with the country’s security forces. This has
also manifested in attacks against civilians, including Punjabis living in Baluchistan and
Baloch citizens residing in various parts of the country.

Pakistan demanded the U.N. to take lead and stop the genocide of Rohingya Muslims in

Fresh violence erupted in Myanmar's Rakhine state nearly two weeks ago when security
forces launched an operation against the Rohingya community.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to raise the plight of Rohingya at the
UN General Assembly on Sept. 19.

4. Early Marriage :

The practice of child, early and forced marriage is widespread and occurs in all regions
of Pakistan, with the highest prevalence in the Sindh Province specially.

Several surveys have shown over a period of time that more number of females are
married at a young age.

The trend of child marriages has been a major cause of girls' illiteracy or lower level of
education. It can also damage the girls physical, mental and social health leading to
serious health issues in the future.

Pregnancy creates many problems for the females under the age of 18 which can even
send them to death. The issue of child marriage raises several health concerns for
young girls, some of which include pregnancy complications, health risks for babies
born to young mothers and the risk of death.

5. Early Pregnancy :

Child marriage is widespread in Pakistan. Girls as young as 13 are married off by their
parents or guardians. Poverty, illiteracy, religious beliefs, and cultural norms and
pressures are some of the reasons behind this practice.

In Pakistan - Over the past five decades, significant improvement has taken place in
battling child marriages. In Pakistan, though, teenage pregnancies result in additional

6. Poverty :

× Poverty is one of the main issues of Pakistan.

× Poverty is the lack of basic human needs.
× It is a growing concern, as it is a developing country.
× Where many children do not get their primary education.
o No employment source.
× Growing population facing lack of issues.
× Hence, poverty is everywhere in Pakistan that are cutting our roots.
× Should be resolved on urgent basis.
× Government is not aware of the exact present condition of the nation.
× Heavy taxes are imposed on the people.

o The main cause behind these ups and downs is that the political leaders of
Pakistan are not much aware of the global system and the ways to lead their
country to the progressive way.

× Government should provide more facilities to reduce the unemployment.
× Govt. should reduce the rate of tax.
× Proper maintenance of law and order in necessary to remove the poverty.
× In Pakistan, poverty is increasing day by day. Effective steps of government are required
to reduce it.

7. Sex Trafficking :

NGOs and police reported markets in Pakistan where girls and women are bought and
sold for sex and labour.

The Government of Pakistan does not fully meet the minimum standards for the
elimination of trafficking.

In Pakistan, powerful gangs of organized criminals are trafficking hundreds of women

and children from different parts of the country.

Pakistan is making significant efforts to eliminate human trafficking, says the official US
Trafficking in Persons report for 2017.
The report also deals with Pakistani men and women who migrate voluntarily to the
Gulf states and Europe for low-skilled employment but some become victims of labour
trafficking. False job offers and high recruitment fees charged by illegal labour agents or
sub-agents of licensed Pakistani overseas employment promoters entrap Pakistanis into
sex trafficking and bonded labour. Some Pakistani children and adults with disabilities
are forced to beg in Iran.

8. Domestic Violence :

In Pakistan, domestic violence is considered a private matter, as it occurs in the family.

Women have to face discrimination and violence on a daily basis due to the cultural and
religious norms that Pakistani society embraces. According to an estimate,
approximately 70 to 90 percent of Pakistani women are subject to domestic violence.
Some common types of violence include honor killing, spousal abuse including marital
rape, acid attacks and being burned by family members.

According to a study carried out in 2009 by Human Rights Watch, it is estimated that
between 70 and 90 percent of women in Pakistan have suffered some form of abuse.
Every second woman in Pakistan suffers from some form of domestic violence that has
an extremely damaging effect on her physical and mental well-being.

Women in Pakistan are regularly subject to violence. In Pakistan violence against women
has been categorized into crimes including, abduction/kidnapping, murder, domestic

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violence, suicide, honor killing, rape/gang rape, sexual assault, acid throwing and

The following acts are a common phenomenon in our society :  Acid throwing  Bride
burnings/"stove deaths”  Dowry death  Honor killing  Female genital mutilation 
Foot binding  Forced abortion.


9. Depression :

Depression, the leading cause of disability worldwide mostly.

Pakistan is one of the vulnerable countries where stress, anxiety and depression are at
highest level.

In Pakistan, 50 million people are suffering from common mental disorders and
Depression is also a major contributor to suicide deaths in Pakistan.

Depression is the result of a many of multiple factors including genetic, environment,

personality, social issues etc…... In addition, disproportionately high poverty,
unemployment, illiteracy, lack of health and education facilities, poor housing, poor
living conditions, pollution, no regulation of food, medicines, hospitals, poor justice
system just intensify the situation further.

Depression is affecting every class of society in a variety of ways, where adults are losing
interest or pleasure in their usual activities of life tends to isolate from society.

In Pakistani society, poverty is at its peak, socioeconomic crises are there in Pakistani
society, unemployment is rising, the population is expanding.

10. Women & Politics :

Gen Musharraf was increased the number of women’s seats in the National Assembly
and likewise in the provincial assemblies.

Women’s political participation and protection of women’s rights has always been a
challenge in the Developing countries. Despite the fact that Pakistan is a developing
country with a developing economy yet women have actively been attempting to take
part in government, and development of female-oriented civil society.
Women participation in politics has always played a great role in the political stage since
the reform of Pakistan in 1947 where Fatimah Jinnah sister of the founder of Pakistan

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah, had an active participation in the political sphere and that had
been an inspiration to all women in Pakistan.

Pakistan has experienced extensive violence within the political sphere against women
and men alike. Cases of women who have suffered Political violence include the former
Prime Minister Ms. Benazir Bhutto who was assassinated in 2007 and other’s.

11. Women & Media :

Pakistan is a nation that is as yet battling with gender roles.

Role of media regarding females in Pakistan is very important.

During the last decade, media has become stronger and more influential in Pakistan due
to the rapid development of communication technologies and infrastructure
development. Many privately owned commercial radio stations and TV channels have
been launched. Today media in Pakistan, is providing the masses with a lot of
information, which is both positive and negative. The media’s power to influence
masses has also increased through which it is able to shape the ideas, values, behavior
and concepts of the general public.

Unfortunately the media in Pakistan, most newspapers, magazines, TV channels, and

radio stations do not follow a commonly accepted code of ethics. In Pakistan, the media
showing Female as stereotypes in entertainment and news media, including on screen
portrayals of women have an effect on cultural ideas of beauty and the role of women
in society. These stereotypes also influence the social development of women.

In the current scenario, this does not earn women a lot of respect at the workplace or in
society in general. Women are faced with unrealistic expectations, created by the
media, which clearly have many negatives effects on women and the society.

The fact that the top management in most media houses is male and does not recognize
the rights of women, contributes greatly to the fact that women are excluded from top
jobs in media.

12. Stigma Against Feminism :

Feminism has been alive in Pakistan since the country was born. During partition of the
British Indian Empire in 1947, a Women’s Relief Committee, which oversaw refugee
transfers between India and Pakistan, was founded by Fatima Jinnah, the sister of
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan’s founding father. Then Begum Ra’ana Liaqat Ali, the
wife of Pakistan’s first prime minister, founded the All-Pakistan Women’s Association in
1949; that organization worked for the moral, social and economic welfare of Pakistani

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During the 1980’s, Pakistani feminist collectives continue to protest violence against
women, raise awareness about women’s education and political and legal rights.

For Example :

If a boy sees his mother being beaten or getting physically abused by his father, he will
grow up and do exactly the same with his own wife. This has been proven time and time
again to be true.

Youth : U.N.O

The period between childhood and adult age ( maturity ).

The condition of being young.

As members of societies, youth deserve full access to : „ U.N.O’s

1. Education „
2. Adequate healthcare „
3. Employment „
4. Financial services „
5. Participation in public life

Question : What Do We Mean by Youth ?

A young person (especially a young man or boy).

U.N.E.S.C.O : ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization )

UNESCO's objective is to help empower young people, reaching out to them, responding to
their expectations and ideas.

The United Nations defines ‘youth’ as persons between the ages of 15 and 24. However, we
know that the experience of being young can vary enormously across the world.

Statistics’ – Youth International :

Youth are a significant group in the world. The number of youth between the ages of 15 and 24
is 1.1 billion; youth constitute 18 percent of the global population. Youth and children
together, including all those aged 24 years and younger, account for nearly 40 percent of
the world's population.

Youth Rate’s In Pakistan Perspective’s :

The present Government promised, " the youth of Pakistan gainful employment, hope and
opportunity ". It is a defining moment for the country when the present democratic
government is at the helm ( fighting inside ) of affairs.

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Youth had played an acknowledged role in the creation of Pakistan. The founder of Pakistan
(Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah) had always reposed great trust in the young people as
the agents of future prosperity of Pakistan. The youth continued to be vibrant and active and
eager to play significant role in the progress and prosperity of the nation.

The rate of youth population entering the workforce is increasing 3% annually (Planning
Commission, Government of Pakistan). Pakistan, with a population majority of youth that is
constantly expanding, stands at a critical juncture in terms of education, development,
empowerment and engagement as far as socio-economic development is concerned. This
valuable national resource, a demographic dividend, could be harnessed and converted into a
tremendous force for sustainable social change; and the energies and talents of the youth could
be channeled into achieving sustainable, grassroots-level socio-economic development.

Issue’s & Challenges For Youth : Pakistan’s Perspective’s

Pakistan is among countries with the largest youth populations in the world.

Pakistan’s youth offers both unique opportunities and challenges. If provided opportunities for
growth and development, they can play an integral role in leading the country towards a
progressive future. Unfortunately due to constraints and limited financial resources, a vast
majority is currently unable to utilise its talents. For this, the government must offer a
combination of financing options to young adults so they are able to complete their education
and pursue desired career paths. Such initiatives can decrease the burden of unemployment on
the economy, as well as contribute to overall growth.

In most of the developing countries like Pakistan young people are growing up without
opportunities. There is no doubt that the youth have been at the centre of socio-economic and
socio-political changes taking place in Pakistan and elsewhere.
The problem our youth is facing at present is frustration. This thing is eating up our youth
slowly and gradually. The youth in Pakistan don’t have jobs, means of healthy entertainment,
health resources and awareness. This is the right time to look into the problems of youth and
give them viable solutions otherwise it will be too late in the day.
Though every government has done something for the youth with regards to eradication of
unemployment but the problem is sustainability of these programmes. One government
launches a couple of youth promotion and youth investment schemes, the next one slates all
the previous programmes and starts anew.
Our youth has lost its identity. We need to enable our youth to rediscover their identity .There
must be remedial measures at governmental, social and individual levels to restore the
confidence of the youth in their potential qualities.
Currently Pakistani youth is facing some serious issues, and if these issues are not properly
addressed then such a valuable resource will become a burden for the country instead of
having Allah’s blessing.

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There are Three Main Pillar’s Of Youth In Pakistan For Sustainable Development Growth :

1. Social Empowerment of Youth.

2. Economic Empowerment of Youth.
3. Political Empowerment of Youth.

We the youth of Pakistan may also referred as "Nation Builders". Because youth plays
significant role for development of Pakistan not only economically also morally and practically.
And today we are not only Baloch, Punjabi, Pathan, Sindhi or even and Urdu speaker, we realize
from where and what we belongs to which is the only one thing, Pakistan.

List Of Problems That Youth Of Pakistan Is Facing :

1. Quality Education
2. Poverty
3. Equal Opportunities’
4. Frustration
5. Education
6. Child Labour
7. Drug Abuse
8. Suicide
9. Politics
10. Media Effects


Importantly Notable’s :

The Young men and women are the only ones that can make Pakistan prosper.

They need to increase their activities as Nation Builders if they are to create an impact.

Pakistan is our beloved homeland which is going through challenging time. We can play a
significant role in the development of the country not only economically but also by morally
and practically. We have to make our efforts to grow Pakistan and fulfill the basic needs of the
people which are below the poverty line.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah used his ability and skills and by showing extraordinary
courage, which he manifested in the process of creation of Pakistan and the fight he fought in
all quarters during his lifetime.

Youth had played an acknowledged role in the creation of Pakistan. The founder of
Pakistan (Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah) had always reposed great trust in
the young people as the agents of future prosperity of Pakistan. The youth continued
to be vibrant and active and eager to play significant role in the progress and
prosperity of the nation. Pakistani Youth is brimming with ambition, enthusiasms,

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dynamism and commitment to rise. However, Pakistan does not have hitherto, any
comprehensive National Youth Policy though the subject had been pondered over
since 1989. Various Ministries and Departments have some programmes dealing
with various facets of the life of the youth but there has been a lack of integrated,
well synchronized policy with a futuristic vision. This policy document is meant to fill
this vital gap.
Pakistan’s Vision 2025 :
Vision 2025 does talk about young people in the context of education, employment, labor market
efficiency, skill development, and sports; a particularly encouraging aspect is its focus on development
of knowledge economy of youth through improvements for higher education attainment, advancement
in information and communication technology, and reforms in Pakistan’s labor market to develop a
demand-based skilled workforce.

Youth Policies Of Pakistan :

At the national level, the last policy for youth (15–29 years) was formulated in 2008. Since then, under
the 18th Constitutional Amendment, matters of youth development have been devolved to provincial
governments, precluding the need for a national youth policy. With respect to administration, currently
no federal ministry or other national level organization or association has been mandated to spearhead
efforts for youth. However, all provinces have developed their youth policies, essentially on the pattern
of the 2008 national policy. The youth policies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been approved
(in 2012 and 2016, respectively) but Sindh and Balochistan still have draft policies (dated 2016 and 2015,
respectively). These youth policies have been developed by the provincial departments of “Youth
Affairs, Sports, Archaeology and Tourism” in Punjab, “Environment, Sports and Youth Affairs” in
Balochistan, “Sports, Tourism, Culture, Archaeology, Museums and Youth Affairs” in KP, and “Sports and
Youth Affairs” in Sindh.

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Government Initiatives for Youth :
In recent years, the federal and provincial governments have launched a number of initiatives to
empower youth, which are listed below (Table 4.3). There are a few “Prime Ministers’ initiatives” for
youth aimed at developing the skills of youth, providing them loans for businesses, reimbursing their
fees, and giving them internship opportunities. For the most part, these efforts are targeted at
unemployed, less educated, and unprivileged/poor youth, and there is a conscious focus on gender
equality. These are very positive steps that indicate the federal government’s concern for youth
development. However, the scope of assistance to youth is limited to education and economic
development, while all other important areas, such as health, reproductive health, family planning,
sports, and particularly politics are neglected.

But lack of implementation makes it nothing more than rhetoric.

Without implementation mechanisms that spell out how any policy
decision will be carried out, the document is nothing but words written
on paper, and cannot be called a policy. Unfortunately, none of our
state policies can be called that. The policy gives the impression that
most of the country is urban, educated and middle-class. The reality is
quite different. A good 50 per cent of our population live in small towns
and villages and are either semi-literate or uneducated. They are
excluded from this policy.
Professionals from all walks of life should be encouraged to take part in
it and a plan should be devised where the youth from the public sector
will get a mentor who will guide them in matters of academics and
personal growth. Mentors should be encouraged to take responsibility
of their wards’ academic well-being.
The failures of effective youth policy practical implementations and of fully integrating the interrelated
issues relevant to the youth population produce un-favourable educational outcomes in terms of
economic, political, and social engagement etc…. The political parties in Pakistan, are not taking
concrete measures to reintegrate or re-engage the youth in mainstream politics. Rather, political parties
operate through patronage-based policy approaches, through which they make commitments to the
youth, but do not create opportunities for youth representation or inclusion within the political
structure. As a result, the youth are politically marginalized and disinterested in political engagement.
Also lacking critical thinking, social consciences, and the energy and power to vote, a substantial
majority of youth is being exploited by the political parties to further their own agendas. Political parties
have been accused of maintaining militant wings within their structure made up primarily of young

Brain Drain: A Real Challenge When the intellectuals of a country cannot get their desired standard of
life like salary and access to advanced political conditions, they migrate to some other country which
offers them all those opportunities. This is a drawback in developing countries, because these people
are unlikely to fall back. The recipient countries have the advantage, because they get young trained
work force for no expenses. There are numerous causes of brain drain in Pakistan. Some of the key
grounds include63 Attainment of job, higher education and a better political environment, and for

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research purposes. Hence, Europe and USA attract the research oriented youth. Pakistan is far behind in
the field of science and technology. Therefore, for higher and better education youth migrates to
advanced countries.

Youth’s contribution in education plays a key role in improving the literacy rate of the country, hence,
gaining more and more education and transmitting to the next generation. Pakistani youth while
promoting a culture of higher education can take country towards success by adopting new technologies
and ideas.

Additionally, naturally harsh environment, poor scientific values and society, lack of competition and a
very challenging culture, no place for development and research and finally, lack of merit criteria
compels youth to migrate to better destinations. Therefore, it is strongly felt that Pakistan must develop
a political environment which promises a better future to the youth. It will help decreasing the brain

As the father of the nation once said: You must concentrate on gaining knowledge and education. It is
your foremost responsibility. Political awareness of the era is also part of your education. You must be
aware of international events and environment. Education is a matter of life and death for our country.6

Pakistan is proud of her Youth, particularly the students, who

are nation builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip
themselves by discipline, education and training for the arduous
task lying ahead of them. Quaid-e- Azam Said.

The greatest poet of east Sir Iqbal wrote :

Hadsa Jo Abhi Perda E Aflaak Mai Hay

Aks Uska Meray Aaena Aay Adraak Mai Hay…

Na Sitaroon Mai Hay Na Gardish E Aflaak Mai Hay

Teri Taqdeer Meray Naala E Baybaak Mai Hay…!!

Role of youth in development of nation As Pakistan :

The youth have following role and responsibilities towards their nation.

i. They must get proper and complete education.

ii. Spread awareness and education among the masses about their rights
and responsibilities.
iii. Help other youths in building confidence and pursuing the field of
iv. Guide newcomers in every field on right lines.

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v. Promotes the fair image of the country before the world.
vi. Serve the country with their skills and talent in various fields.
vii. To refresh the culture, trend and traditions of the society.
viii. Help the government in the implementation of policies.
ix. They can play a vital role in the elimination of terrorism.
x. Their vibrant ideas can show the country a new path towards prosperity.
xi. Young people have energy to try out things and the patience to learn
from mistakes.

Giving them opportunities to plan, to decide and to work prepares them to face harsher
realities in life.

Iqbal and his words speaks the truth, it’s full of wisdom :

Though if this land is spoiled,

Its mean you need great toiled,

O' my eagles it’s time to stand,

For the land which is your sand !!

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