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Orient Air Service v. CA:

“The personality of the principal is extended
through the facility of the agent; but the same
can only be effected with the consent of the
CHAPTER 1 principal.”
OF AGENCY Litonjua Jr. v. Eternit Corp:
“The agent, by legal fiction, becomes the
Article 1317 – No one may contract in the name principal, authorized to perform all acts which
of another without being authorized by the latter, the latter would have him do.”
or unless he has by law a right to represent him.
“Can only be effected with consent; cannot be
A contract entered into in the name of another by compelled by law or by any court”
one who has no authority or legal representation,
or who has acted beyond powers or, shall be Doles v. Angeles:
unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or Argument: No agency since principal never
impliedly, by the person on whose behalf it has confirmed agency to the third parties
been executed before it is revoked by the other
contracting party. SC: “It is sufficient that agent disclosed to the
third party that the former was acting in behalf of
Article 1403 (1) – The Following Contracts are her principals.”
unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
(1) Those entered into in the name of >No such requirement of requiring the principal
another person by one who has to personally meet the third party to confirm the
been given no authority or legal existence of a contract of agency
representation, or who has acted
beyond his powers Eurotech Industrial Technologies v. Cuizon:
“The Underlying Principle of a Contract of
>No authority to represent, or in excess of Agenecy is to accomplish results by using the
authority given, contract of agency is services of others”
Philex Mining Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal
Article 1868 – By Contract of Agency a person Revenue:
binds himself to render some service or to do ESSENCE OF AN AGENCY: “Agent’s ability
something in representation or on behalf of to represent his principal and bring about
another, with the consent or authority of the business relations between the latter and third
latter. parties.”

Philpotts v. Phil Manufacturing Co: Doctrine of Representation – “By this Legal

“Agent who binds himself to enter into juridical fiction of representation, the actual or legal
acts in the name of the principal, and thereby absence of the principal is converted into his
emphasizes the characteristic of the contract as legal or juridical presence.”
part of being unilateral”

Personal Nature of Contract of Agency:

Rallos v. Felix Go & Sons Realty: “Ongoing legal relationship which imposes
Principal = Mandante personal obligations on both parties”
Agent = Mandatario
“Co-owners of the same property are not
ELEMENTS OF A CONTRACT OF automatically agents to one another.”
(WORCC) Victorias Milling Co. v. CA:
Agent acts Within the Agent is not On emphasizing that the Basis of Agency is
scope of his authority personally liable Representation
Object/Subject Matter Execution of a
juridical act in Principal – actual intention to appoint or an
relation to third intention naturally inferable from his words or
parties actions

Service: The Legal Agent – Intention to accept the appointment and

undertaking of the act on it
agent to enter into
juridical acts with EXCEPTION: Agency by Estoppel
third persons on
behalf of the CAPACITY OF PARTIES:
principal Principal must have capacity to contract
Agent, assuming no personal liability, does not
Unilateral Personal need to possess full capacity to act in so far as
Obligation “to do” third persons are concerned.
Agent acts as Basis of Agency
Representative Principal(w/ capacity) Contract of Agency:
Consent Express or implied Agent(w/o capacity) VOIDABLE
Intention of the
parties to establish Contract with Third
the relationship Party: VALID
Consideration/Commission Compensation or
commission that >If Principal has
the principal capacity to Contract,
agreed or agent’s capacity is
committed to pay immaterial since he is
to the agent for the acting in behalf of the
latter’s services principal
Principal(w/o capacity) Contract of Agency:
Art 1875 Agent(w/ capacity) VOIDABLE
Agency is
presumed to be for Contract with Third
a compensation, Party: VOIDABLE
unless there is
proof to the
contrary Article 1919 – Agency is extinguished:
(3) by the death, civil interdiction, insanity or
NOTE: For purposes of perfection of contract, insolvency of the principal or of the agent.
only Consent, Object, and Consideration are
required. Principle of Relativity – Since agency is
essentially a personal relationship based on the
> If agent acts for himself in dealing with third purpose of representation, then when either party
parties, both principal and third party have no dies or becomes legally incapacitated, then the
cause of action towards each other. agency relation should ipso jure cease

Bordador v. Luz: Contract of Agency as a Preparatory Contract:

Basis of Agency is Representation -Through the agent, Contracts and other juridical
relationships of the principal with third parties
are effected
Dizon v. CA:

Public Policy – Third parties who act in good “Although the sale of the object of the agency to
faith with an agent have a right to expect their sell was perfected three days after the expiration
contracts would be valid and binding on the of the agency period, the agent was still entitled
principal to receive the commission stipulated, being the
efficient procuring cause in bringing about the
>Agent + Third Party who contract, unaware of sale.”
the principal’s incapacity, is valid.
AGENCY: Nominate
>The Compensation or commission that the Principal It can stand on its own
principal agreed or committed to pay the agent without need of
for the latter’s services another contract to
validate it
>If a party is claiming that the contract of agency Consensual Perfected by mere
was gratuitous, he/she claiming such shall have consent
the burden of proving the gratuitous nature of the Unilateral Only the fulfillment of
contract the primary obligations
of the agent shall give
PRESUMED TO BE FOR A subordinate obligation
COMPENSATION! of the principal to pay
the former
Urban Bank v. Pena: Primarily Onerous Agent expects
The intent of the principal to compensate the compensation for his
agent for services performed on behalf of the services in the form of
former will inferred from the principal’s request commission
for the agent’s services. Personal
Representation Most distinguishing
De Castro v. CA: characteristic
The mere fact that the other agent’s intervened in Qui facit per alim facit
the consummation of the sale and were thus paid, per se
could not vary the terms of the contract that the (He who acts through
original agent is entitled to 5% Commission another acts himself)
Contract of Agency as a Commercial Contract: Fiduciary Relations are based on
>Customary and Equitable Trust and Confidence
Therefore, compensation must be part of the
Revocable Legal consequence of
meeting of the minds
being a fiduciary
contract. Neither
BASIS FOR AGENT’S COMPENSATION Principal nor the agent
Mere rendering of the Entitled to can be legally made to
service compensation after remain in the
rendering such service, relationship when they
regardless of the chosose to have it
results terminated
Compensation upon No results, despite Preparatory Created in order for an
results rendering of the agent to enter into
service, no juridical acts
Progressive Pliable legal
relationship which
may be able to achieve
commercial ends
Manotok Brothers Inc v. CA:
>Conflict-of-Interest Situation, Agent must part of the
choose what is favorable to the principal agent.
Universal NOTE:
>Agent cannot purchase for himself, the property Agency Depends on the
of the principal which has been given to his Authorized to nature of the
management for sale or disposition, unless: do all acts for business of the
-There is express consent of the his principal principal
principal which can
lawfully be
-Agent purchases the property after the delegated to
agency is terminated an agent

Orient Air Services v. CA: General Rule: Unless so expressly stated, when
“Decision of the lower court ordering the an agency is constituted, it only covers the
principal airline company to reinstate defendant powers to execute acts of administration in
as its general sales agent for passenger relation to the business, venture or transaction
transportation in the Philippines in accordance referred to in the commission.
with said GSA agreement was unlawful since
courts have no authority to compel the principal Note: A Special Power of Attorney executed in a
to reinstate a contract of agency it has foreign country is generally not admissible in
terminated.” evidence as a public document in our local courts
unless it is certified in accordance with the rules
KINDS OF AGENCY of court by an officer in the foreign service of the
Art 1875 – An agency is either general or Philippines stationed in the foreign country
special. The former comprises all the business of where it was executed
the principal. The latter, one or more specific
transactions. Atty: “Consul of the Philippines in the particular
Business or Litigation Acts of Country”
Transactions Matters Administration
General Attorney-at- General Power Agency vs No Element of
Agency Law of Attorney Employment Contract Representation
Encompasses The Covers only Agency vs Contract for No Element of Control
all of the appointment acts of a Piece-of-Work
business of of an agent administration; Agency vs Agency – Basis is
the principal to represent power to pursue Management Representation
the principal the ordinary or Agreement
on legal regular course Management
matters of business of Agreement – Basis is
the principal employment
Special Attorney-in- Special Power Agency vs Contract of Art 1466 – In
Agency Fact of Attorney Sale Construing a contract
Covers only All agents Covers acts of containing provisions
one or more appointed by dominion or characteristic of both
specific a principal to Strict the contract of sale and
transactions act on ownership; the contract of agency
juridical Extraordinary to sell, the essential
relations that conditions or clauses of the whole
have nothing those pursued instrument shall be
to do with not in the considered
legal matters ordinary course
and do not of business Quiroga v. Parsons: “A
constitute a true agent does not
practice of assume personal
law on the responsibility for the

payment of the price of FORMALITIES OF AGENCY

the object of the
agency; his obligation Art 1869 – Agency may be express, or implied
is merely to turnover to from the acts of the principal, from his silence or
the principal the lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the
proceeds of the sale agency, knowing that another person is acting on
once he receives them his behalf without authority. Agency may be
from the buyer oral, unless the law requires a specific form

Ker & Co. v. Lingad: Art 1870 – Acceptance by the agent may also be
Essence of Contract of express, or implied from his acts, which carry out
Sale: agreement to the agency, or from his silence or inaction
transfer or transfer of according to the circumstances
title for a price;
relinquishment of title, 1. Perfection from the side of the Principal
ownership and control -Acts
-Silence or Inaction
Essence of a Contract -Failure to repudiate the agency knowing
of Agency to Sell: The someone is acting in his name
delivery to an agent of
the property but still Ideal Form: Written Power of Attorney
owned by the principal (NOTE: Not required, merely ideal) Hence, it
and can alter such, not may still be valid in any form, unless the law
the agent specifically requires it to be in a particular form
Agency vs Contract of Agent – Power to enter
Brokerage into contracts in behalf Equitable PCI-Bank v. Ku:
of the principal “Law firm allowed the employee of its client to
occasionally receive its email, and not having
Broker – No power to formally objected to the receipt by said employee
enter into contracts for of a court process, or taken any steps to put a
others; No Fiduciary stop to it, it was construed to mean that an
Obligations to the agency relationship had been established, to
parties (middleman); which receipt of the court process by said
may negotiate in behalf employee was legally deemed to be service to the
of a party but cannot law firm”
perfect a contract in
behalf of a party Conde v. CA:
“Buyers-a-retro failed for several years to clear
Note: A broker may be their title to the property purchased and allowed
given powers and the seller-a-retro to remain in possession in spite
authority of an agent of the expiration of the period of redemption,
and in fact is already an then the execution of the memorandum of
agent but still bears the repurchase by the buyers’ son-in-law, which
title of broker stood unrepudiated for many years, constituted
an implied agency from their silence or lack of
Note: Efficient or Procuring Cause Doctrine action, or their failure to repudiate the agency”
cannot overcome express stipulations in the
agreement providing when exactly the broker is 2. Perfection from the side of the Agent
entitled to have earned his commission Acceptance of the agency may be:
-Silence or Inaction according to the

CHAPTER 2 Principle behind “Implied Acceptance”

-One who accepts an agency, in order to avoid
liability, cannot later on claim that he had not Article 1921 - If the agency has been entrusted
accepted the designation for the purpose of contracting with specified
persons; its revocation shall not prejudice the
However, The Principal should never presume latter if they were not given notice thereof.
that a designated person has accepted the agency
by mere silence so that he should be vigilant in Article 1922 - If the agent had general powers,
protecting his rights. revocation of the agency does not prejudice third
persons who acted in good faith and without
knowledge of the revocation. Notice of the
Instances where there is deemed to be revocation in a newspaper of general circulation
MEETING OF THE MINDS of the Principal is a sufficient warning to third persons.
and the Agent:
NOTE: Principal informs another person that he
Article 1871 – Between persons who are present, has given a power of attorney to a third person
the acceptance of the agency may also be implied (the agent), the latter thereby becomes a duly
if the principal delivers his power of attorney to authorized agent with respect to the person who
the agent and the latter receives it without any received the special information
NOTE: Principal states by advertisement that he
Article 1872 – Between Persons who are absent, as given a power of attorney to a particular
the acceptance of the agency cannot be implied individual (the agent), the latter becomes a duly
from the silence of the agent, except: authorized agent with regard to any person

(1) When the Principal transmits his

power of attorney to the agent, who RULES ON EXISTENCE OF AGENCY, AS
receives it without any objection TO THIRD PARTIES

(2) When the principal entrusts to him Lopez v. Tan Tioco:

by letter or telegram a power of attorney “Agency arrangement is never presumed”
with respect to the business in which he
is habitually engaged as an agent, and Yoshizaki v. Joy Training Center of Aurora Inc:
he did not reply to the letter or telegram “Persons dealing with an agent must ascertain
not only the fact of agency, but also the nature
NOTE: Other than the two situations above, and extent of the agent’s authority”
there can be no implied acceptance from the
silence or inaction on the part of the purported Harry E. Keeler Electric Co. v. Rodriguez:
agent. “A third person must act with ordinary prudence
and reasonable diligence to ascertain whether the
NOTE: “Power of Attorney” constitutes a agent is acting and dealing with him within the
written instrument by the phrase “principal scope of his powers”
delivers/transmits”. Including electronic
documents and electronic mails. People v. Yabut:
“Perfection of a contract of agency may take an
3. Perfection as it affects Third Persons implied form, the existence of an agency
relationship is never presumed.”
Article 1873 - If a person specially informs
another or states by public advertisement that he NOTE: Ordinary prudence and Reasonable
has given a power of attorney to a third person, Diligence, ascertain:
the latter thereby becomes a duly authorized (1) Existence of Agency
agent, in the former case with respect to the (2) Extent of Scope of Authority
person who received the special information, and
in the latter case with regard to any person. The
power shall continue to be in full force until the
notice is rescinded in the same manner in which AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL
it was given.

Article 1873 - If a person specially informs 1. General Principles on Contracts Entered

another or states by public advertisement that he into by Agents
has given a power of attorney to a third person,
the latter thereby becomes a duly authorized Article 1317 - No one may contract in the name
agent, in the former case with respect to the of another without being authorized by the latter,
person who received the special information, and or unless he has by law a right to represent him.
in the latter case with regard to any person. The
power shall continue to be in full force until the A contract entered into in the name of another by
notice is rescinded in the same manner in which one who has no authority or legal representation,
it was given. or who has acted beyond his powers, shall be
unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or
Article 1911 - Even when the agent has impliedly, by the person on whose behalf it has
exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily been executed, before it is revoked by the other
liable with the agent if the former allowed the contracting party
latter to act as though he had full powers.
Article 1403 (1) - The following contracts are
Macke v. Camps: unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
“One who clothes another apparent authority as (1) Those entered into in the name of
his agent and holds out to the public as such, another person by one who has been
cannot be permitted to deny the authority of such given no authority or legal
person to act as his agent, to the prejudice of representation, or who has acted beyond
innocent third parties dealing with such person in his powers;
good faith and in the following pre-assumptions
or deductions, which the law expressly directs to NOTE: (According to Villanueva) The formal
be made from particular facts, are deemed requirements pertaining to the contracts of
conclusive” agency, and issues relating to the powers of
agents to enter into contracts in the name of the
NOTE: NAGUAIT v. CA: principal, go into the issues of “enforceability”
“If by the interaction between a purported and not into issues of “nullity”.
principaland a purported agent in the presence of
a third person, the latter was given the 2. General Powers of Attorney
impression of the existence of a principal-agency
relation, and the purported principal did nothing Article 1877 - An agency couched in general
to correct the third party’s impression, an agency terms comprises only acts of administration,
by estoppel is deemed to have been constituted.” even if the principal should state that he
withholds no power or that the agent may
execute such acts as he may consider
NOTE: LITONJUA JR. v. ETERNIT CORP: appropriate, or even though the agency should
REQUISITES OF AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL authorize a general and unlimited management.

(1) Principal manifested a representation of the NOTE: Despite the fact that the principal states:
agent’s authority or knowingly allowed the agent
to assume such authority -He withholds no power from the agent
-Agent may execute acts he considers
(2) The third person, in good faith, relied upon appropriate
such representation -Authorizes general and unlimited
(3) Relying upons such representation, such third
persons has changed his position to his detriment Absent of the grant of special power of attorney,
the agent is deemed to have been granted only a
general power of attorney, and his powers cover
only acts of administration
OF POWERS TO AGENT -To act in the ordinary course of business
-A matter that from the nature of the business is Article 1878 - Special powers of attorney are
expected to occur and for which action is necessary in the following cases:
expected without much changing the course of
the business (1) To make such payments as are not usually
considered as acts of administration;

3. Must Powers of Attorney be in writing? (2) To effect novations which put an end to
obligations already in existence at the time the
Kuenzle and Streiff v. Collector of Customs: agency was constituted;
“The clearest manner by which there is specific
grant of power of strict ownership is that it be in (3) To compromise, to submit questions to
writing, otherwise, Art 1877 must prevail, that arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal from a
presumption of agent may must only pursue acts judgment, to waive objections to the venue of an
of administration” action or to abandon a prescription already
Bordador v. Luz:
Minimum Requirement of due diligence of (4) To waive any obligation gratuitously;
third party: Demand written authority coming
grom the principal (5) To enter into any contract by which the
ownership of an immovable is transmitted or
Otherwise, such third party would be grossly and acquired either gratuitously or for a valuable
inexcusably negligent consideration;

Veloso v. CA: (6) To make gifts, except customary ones for

“Every contract entered into by the agent on charity or those made to employees in the
behalf of the principal to a Verbal Special Power business managed by the agent;
of Attorney would not be void, but rather
unenforceable, for the principal has every (7) To loan or borrow money, unless the latter
authority to pursue the resulting contract.” act be urgent and indispensable for the
preservation of the things which are under
Linan v. Puno: administration;
“The real intention of the parties is primarily to
be determined from the language used. The (8) To lease any real property to another person
intention of the parties must be sustained rather for more than one year;
than defeated. If the contract be open to two
constructions, one of which would uphold while (9) To bind the principal to render some service
the other would overthrow it, the former is to be without compensation;
(10) To bind the principal in a contract of
NOTE: Construction of Power of Attorney: partnership;
Determined not from the title of the instrument,
but from the nature of the power given under the (11) To obligate the principal as a guarantor or
operative provisions of such instrument. surety;

Patrimonio v. Gutierrez: (12) To create or convey real rights over

“The only reliable manner by which to prove the immovable property;
existence of a special power of attorney is
through a written instrument signed by the (13) To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
(14) To ratify or recognize obligations contracted
before the agency;

(15) Any other act of strict dominion.

4. Special Powers of Attorney


Article 1879 - A special power to sell excludes Article 1898 - If the agent contracts in the name
the power to mortgage; and a special power to of the principal, exceeding the scope of his
mortgage does not include the power to sell. authority, and the principal does not ratify the
contract, it shall be void if the party with whom
Article 1880 - A special power to compromise the agent contracted is aware of the limits of the
does not authorize submission to arbitration. powers granted by the principal. In this case,
however, the agent is liable if he undertook to
NOTE: An agent has special power of attorney, secure the principal's ratification.
not based on the name or title given in the deed
issued, but only when the act or contract Article 1901 - A third person cannot set up the
enumerated specifically under Article 1878 has fact that the agent has exceeded his powers, if the
been literally named in the grant of commission principal has ratified, or has signified his
by the principal. willingness to ratify the agent's acts.

Orbeta v. Sendiong: Doctrine of Implied Powers – The grant of

“A document captioned as “General Power of express powers or special power of attorney must
Attorney” cannot militate against its being necessarily include all power implied or
construed to grant special power of attorney incidental to such express powers, even if they
since a general power of attorney may includes a amount to acts of ownership or strict dominion
special power if such special power is mentioned
or referred to in the general power.” Article 1926 - A general power of attorney is
revoked by a special one granted to another
ATTY: Other than the Sale of land, where the agent, as regards the special matter involved in
authority of the agent must be in writing the latter.
otherwise the sale shall be void (1874), the
general rule of special power of attorney when it NOTE: The grant of specific power of attorney
comes to immovable property, if not followed, exclude from the agent the power to execute all
only renders the resulting contracts other acts of administration. If the principal
unenforceable. decides to detail the powers he grants to the
agent, then he means to exclude all other powers
NOTE: Article 1874 does not cover an agency to of administration other than those that are
purchase a piece of land or an interest therein; incidental to those specifically granted.
and that if the special power of the agent who
acts for the buyer is not in writing, the resulting Pineda v. CA:
sale would be valid. “When an agent has been granted an express
power of attorney, then the agent cannot execute
any other act, whether it be an act of
Jimenez v. Rabot: administration or an act of ownership outside the
“A power of attorney to convey real property language of the power of attorney”
need not be in a public document, it need only be
in writing, since a private document is competent
to create, transmit, modify, or extinguish a right
in real property.”

VILLANUEVA: Under Article 1874, if the

agent of the seller does not meet the requirement
of being supported by a written special power of
attorney, the contract of sale is unenforceable
rather than void, or to consider them “void as to
the principal” and therefore subject to ratification
on the part of the principal.
CHAPTER 3 Agent who Declines Agent who withdraws
POWER & AUTHORITY, DUTIES & Agency from the agency for a
He (Person who He must continue to
General Obligation of Agent who Accepts the declined the agency) is act until the principal
Agency bound to observe the has had reasonable
diligence of a good opportunity to take the
Article 1884 - The agent is bound by his father of a family in necessary steps to meet
acceptance to carry out the agency, and is liable the custody and the situation
for the damages which, through his non- preservation of the
performance, the principal may suffer. goods forwarded to
him by the owner until
He must also finish the business already begun the latter should
on the death of the principal, should delay entail appoint an agent,
any danger. within a reasonable
>Once the agent accepts the principal’s NOTE: Both these instances constitute a rare
appointment, the agent is bound to comply with instance where a duty of diligence is owed by a
his duty of diligence or care person to another outside of an existing
contractual bond.
>Obligations arising from Contracts have the
force and effect of law between the contracting GENERAL RULE ON AGENT’S POWER
parties and should be complied with in good faith AND AUTHORITY

Remedy of Principal should an agent refuse to Article 1881 - The agent must act within the
comply with his obligations: scope of his authority. He may do such acts as
-Sue the agent for damages may be conducive to the accomplishment of the
purpose of the agency.
NOTE: Action for specific performance is not
available for personal obligations to do Article 1882 - The limits of the agent's authority
shall not be considered exceeded should it have
NOTE: The obligatory force of the duty of the been performed in a manner more advantageous
agent to act with diligence exceeds the formal to the principal than that specified by him.
termination of the agency relationship, which
automatically comes about by the death of the Article 1887 - In the execution of the agency, the
principal. agent shall act in accordance with the
instructions of the principal.

Obligation of agent who declines Agency In default thereof, he shall do all that a good
father of a family would do, as required by the
Article 1885 – In case a person declines an nature of the business.
agency, he is bound to observe the diligence of a
good father of a family in the custody and Article 1888 - An agent shall not carry out an
preservation of the goods forwarded to him by agency if its execution would manifestly result in
the owner until the latter should appoint an agent loss or damage to the principal.
or take charge of the goods.
Article 1889 - The agent shall be liable for
No Contract of Agency, No Ovligation, No damages if, there being a conflict between his
liability: Art 1885 is the exception: interests and those of the principal, he should
prefer his own.
NOTE: He (Person who declined the agency) is
bound to observe the diligence of a good father Article 1899 - If a duly authorized agent acts in
of a family in the custody and preservation of the accordance with the orders of the principal, the
goods forwarded to him by the owner until the latter cannot set up the ignorance of the agent as
latter should appoint an agent (reasonable period) to circumstances whereof he himself was, or
ought to have been, aware.

Twin measures of how agent should act agent constituted fraud, entitling the principal to
annul the contract of sale.”
Duty of Obedience – The agent must act in
accordance with the instructions of the principal. Duty of Loyalty – Agency relation is essentially
It is the foremost duty of every agent to follow fiduciary in character, that requires the agent to
the instructions of the principal. observe utmost good faith and loyalty to the
Breach of Duty of Obedience:
(1) Agent becomes personally liable for damages Article 1889 – The agent shall ne liable for
for breach of duty of obedience damages if, there being a conflict between his
interests and those of the principal, he should
(2) Principal is not personally bound by the terms prefer his own.
of contracts with third parties since agent had not
given the principal’s consent Breach of Duty of Loyalty:
The Principal has the right to demand that the
(3) Agent may become personally liable for the agent should turn-over to him whatever contract,
contract or transaction property, or business has been acquired by the
agent in breach of his duty of loyalty.

Duty of Diligence – In default of guiding In jurisprudence, A guilty agent is made to

instructions, the agent shall do all that a good forfeit the commission that otherwise should be
father of a family would do, as required by the due to him, as penalty for violation of his duty of
nature of the business. The agent is expected to loyalty.
use his business discretion as the principal would
or could, if personally present. In criminal law, the agent who refuses or fails to
return to the principal the funds or property
Tan Tiong Teck v. SEC: received may be held liable for estafa.
“An agent is not deemed to have exceeded his
authority should he perform the agency in a Severino v. Severino:
manner more advantageous to the principal than “The agent is estopped from acquiring or
that indicated by the principal” asserting a title adverse to that of the principal”

Breach of Duty of Diligence: Aboitiz v. De Silva:

Agent becomes personally liable to the principal “An agent cannot represent both himself and his
for the damages caused to the principal by reason principal”
of his fraud or negligence
VILLANUEVA: Whether the agent has used his
Responsibility for Fraud or Negligence own funds or property, or those of the
principal’s, he would still be in breach of this
Article 1909 - The agent is responsible not only fiduciary duty, and under Art 1891, he is “bound
for fraud, but also for negligence, which shall be to render an account of his transactions and to
judged with more or less rigor by the courts, deliver to the principal whatever he may have
according to whether the agency was or was not received by virtue of the agency, even though it
for a compensation. may not be owing to the principal.”

Cadwalladerv. Smith bell: Miguel v. CA:

“The agent, by means of misrepresentation of the “If the agent violates his duty as fiduciary, a
market conditions induces his principal to sell to constructive trust arises.”
him the property consigned to his custody, at a
price less than that for which he has already
contracted to sell part of it, and who thereafter
disposed of the whole at an advance, was held to
be liable to the principal for the difference. The
Court held that such conduct on the part of the
Art. 1455 – When any trustee, guardian, or other
person holding fiduciary relationship uses trust OBLIGATION TO RENDER AN ACCOUNT
funds for the purchase of property and causes the AND TURN-OVER TO PRINCIPAL WHAT
conveyance to be made to him or to a third IS RECEIVED BY VIRTUE OF THE
person, a trust is established by operation of law AGENCY
in favor of the person to whom the funds belong.
Article 1891 – Every agent is bound to render an
account of his transactions and to deliver to the
CONFLICT OF INTERESTS SITUATIONS principal whatever he may have received by
(1) Purchase of principal’s property virtue of the agency, even though it may not be
owing to the principal. Every stipulation
Article 1491 – The following persons cannot exempting the agent from the obligation to
acquire by purchase, even at a public or judicial render an account shall be void.
auction, either in person or through the mediation
of another >The duty to account and to turn over to
the principal all profits and gains
(2) Agents, the property whose received in the pursuit of the agency is
administration or sale may have been an integral part of the agent’s fiduciary
entrusted to them, unless the consent of duty of loyalty
the principal has been given
Domingo v. Domingo:
Article 1492 – The prohibition in the two “An agent who takes a secret profit in the nature
preceding articles are applicable to sales in legal of a bonus, gratuity or personal benefit from the
redemption, compromise and renunciation vendee, without revealing the same to his
principal, the vendor, is guilty of breach of his
Barton v. Leyte Ashpalt: loyalty to the principal and forfeits his right to
“No agent shall purchase for himself or for collect the commission from his principal, even
another that which he has been ordered to sell, it if the principal does not suffer any injury by
was held that a sale by a broker to himself reason of such breach of fidelity, or that he
without the consent of the principal would be obtained better results or that the agency is a
void and ineffectual whether the broker has been gratuitous one, or that usage or customs allows
guilty of fraudulent conduct or not. it; because the rule is to prevent the possibility of
Consequently, such broker is not entitled to any wrong, not to remedy or repair an actual
receive any commission under the contract, damage. The fact that the principal may have
much less any reimbursement of expenses been benefited by the valuable services of the
incurred in pursuing and closing such sales.” said agent does not exculpate the agent who has
only himself to blame for such a result by reason
(2) When Agent Empowered to Borrow or of his treachery or perfidy.”
Lend Money

Article 1890 – If the agent has been empowered Specific Obligation Rules on Funds
to borrow money, he may himself be the lender 1. Obligation to Advance Funds
at the current rate of interest. If he has been
authorized to lend money at interest, he cannot Article 1886 – Should there be a stipulation that
borrow it without the consent of the principal. the agent shall advance the necessary funds, he
shall be bound to do so except when the principal
>Empowered to borrow – agent may be lender is insolvent
If Agent charges a higher interest:
return to principal the difference NOTE: According to the above provision, the
only time that an agent is legally bound to
>Empowered to lend – agent cannot be borrower advance personal funds in the pursuit of the
If Agent borrows for himself, agent is agency is when such obligation has been
liable for interest the principal would expressly agreed upon in the creation of the
have earned from third parties + contract of agency.
damages the principal may have

instructions of then every contracts of

2. Liability of Agent for interest the principal, agent has the the substitute
clearly, the power to were his own.
Article 1896 – The agent owes interest on the sub-agent is appoint a sub- All acts of the
sums he has applied to his own use from the day really an agent agent; but in substitute
on which he did so, and on those which he still of the such a case, shall be void.
owes after the extinguishment of the agency principal as the agent is Principal has
well, and responsible no cause of
Interest on: privity exists for acts of the action towards
-Sums agent applied to his own use between the substitute. the substitute,
-Sums owing to the principal that remain principal and but must go to
outstanding at the time of extinguishment of the the sub-agent. the agent.
agency The agent
does not bear
Power of the Agent to appoint a substitute personal
Article 1892 - The agent may appoint a for the fraud
substitute if the principal has not prohibited him or negligence
from doing so; but he shall be responsible for the of the sub-
acts of the substitute: agent, for the
agent merely
(1) When he was not given the power to acted within
appoint one; the scope of
his author
(2) When he was given such power, but when he
without designating the person, and the appointed the
person appointed was notoriously sub-agent.
incompetent or insolvent.
All acts of the substitute appointed against the Article
prohibition of the principal shall be void. (1721) 1892(2):
“When the
Article 1893 - In the cases mentioned in Nos. 1 agent has been
and 2 of the preceding article, the principal may given power ,
furthermore bring an action against the substitute but without
with respect to the obligations which the latter the principal
has contracted under the substitution. designating a
person, and
the person
SUBSTITUTE notoriously
Substitute Substitute Substitute or insolvent.”
pursuant to not granted against
the nor prohibition
instructions prohibited by of the
of the the principal principal
When the Under 1892, Agent is
agent appoints when there is personally
a substitute no prohibition liable for the
agent in on the part of acts of the
accordance the principal substitute, as
with the on the matter, though the
PARTIES (a) General Rule: Agent is not personally
liable to third parties
Article 1900 - So far as third persons are
concerned, an act is deemed to have been Principle of Relativity – A contract is binding
performed within the scope of the agent's only as between the parties and their successors-
authority, if such act is within the terms of the in-interest. Consequently, a person acting as a
power of attorney, as written, even if the agent mere representative of another acquires no rights
has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority whatsoever, nor does he incur any liabilities
according to an understanding between the arising from the said contract between his
principal and the agent. principal and another party.

Article 1901 - A third person cannot set up the (b) Exception: When the agent expressly
fact that the agent has exceeded his powers, if the makes himself personally liable
principal has ratified, or has signified his
willingness to ratify the agent's acts. -The personal liability of the agent arises from
voluntary contractual commitment. The liability
Article 1902 - A third person with whom the of the agent with the principal is merely joint, not
agent wishes to contract on behalf of the solidary.
principal may require the presentation of the
power of attorney, or the instructions as regards (c) Exception: When agent is guilty of fraud
the agency. Private or secret orders and or negligence
instructions of the principal do not prejudice
third persons who have relied upon the power of Article 1909 – The agent is responsible not only
attorney or instructions shown them for fraud, but also for negligence, which shall be
judged with more or less rigor by the courts,
Article 1911 - Even when the agent has according to whether the agency was or was not
exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily for a compensation
liable with the agent if the former allowed the
latter to act as though he had full powers. Two-level effect of fraud or negligence:
One, in so far as the principal is concerned, and
VILLANUEVA: As to third parties in good the other, in so far as third parties are concerned
faith, the written instructions of the principal are
the binding powers of the agent, and cannot be National Power Corp. v. National Merch. Corp:
overcome by non-written instructions of the “An agent becomes liable when by his wrong or
principal not made known to them. omission, he deprives the third person with
whom he contracts of any remedy against the
Outside of the written power of attorney of an principal; otherwise, the third person would be
agent, third parties who deal with such agent are defrauded if he would not be allowed to recover
not supposed to presume that the agent is fully from the agent.”
NOTE: Art 1909 should not be read to conclude
1. Effects on the agent of Contracts entered that because the agent becomes liable personally
into within the scope of his authority on a contract entered into or pursued in the name
of the principal tainted with fraud or negligence,
Article 1897 - The agent who acts as such is not the principal is therefore exempted from liability.
personally liable to the party with whom he Art 1909 presumes that the fraudulent or
contracts, unless he expressly binds himself or negligent act of the agent were in pursuit of the
exceeds the limits of his authority without giving business or affairs of the principal, and since the
such party sufficient notice of his powers. acts of the agent are by law those of the
principal, it means that both the principal and the
Article 1910 - The principal must comply with agent are deemed joint torfeasors, and are
all the obligations which the agent may have deemed iable solidarily insofar as third parties
contracted within the scope of his authority. are concerned. The remedy of the principal is to

sue the agent for damages sustained due to “The agent is not bound nor liable for damages
agent’s fraudulent or negligent acts. in case he gave notice of his power to the person
with whom he contracted, nor in case such
person is aware of the limit of the agent’s power.
British Airways v. CA: The resulting contract would be void even as
“When one airline company (BA) subcontracts a between the agent and the third party, and
leg of the international trip of its passenger to consequently not legally binding as between
another airline company (PAL), the contract of them. However, if the agent promised or
air transportation was exclusively between undertook to secure the principal’s ratification
passenger and BA, with PAL merely acting as its and failed, he is personally liable. If the
agent on the manila to hong kong leg of the ratification is obtained, then the principal
journey. The well-settled rule is that an agent is becomes liable.
also responsible for any negligence in the
performance of its function and is liable for Eurotech Industrial Technologies v. Cuizon:
damages which the principal may suffer by “A claim interposed under Article 1898 would
reason of the agent’s negligent act.” not allow the third party to recover against both
the principal and the agent.”
2. Effects of Acts done by agent without
authority or in excess of his authority VILLANUEVA: Although Art 1898 describes
the contract entered into by the agent in the name
Article 1898 – If the agent contracts in the name of the principal without or in excess of authority
of the principal, exceeding the scope of his as being “void”, if the party with whom the agent
authority, and the principal does not ratify the contracted is unaware of the limits of its powers
contract, it shall be void if the party with whom granted by the principal, the contract is
the agent contracted is aware of the limits of the unenforceable under Art 1403(1).
powers granted by the principal. In this case,
however, the agent is liable if he undertook to
secure the principal’s ratification. Exception: Principal may be bound

General Rule: The principal is not liable; >Principal Ratifies Contract or

Agent may be liable transaction (1898,1910)

(1) Void as to the principal, if such third party >As to third parties who relied upon
with whom the agent contracted was aware of the the terms of the power of attorney as
limits of the powers granted by the principal written, even if in fact the agent had
exceeded the limits of his authority
(2) In such case, agent is personally liable to according to an understanding
third party if he undertook to secure the between the principal and the agent
principal’s ratification (1900,1901)

(3) IF he did not undertake to secure the

principal’s ratification, the agent does not Cason v. Richards:
become liable on the contract since the third “Money was received by the agent, and that
party has no one to blame but himself, knowing money is turned over to the principal with notice
fully well the limits to the agent’s authority that it is the money of the depositor, the principal
was held to be bound to deliver to the depositor,
NOTE: Liability of an agent who exceeds the even if his agent was not authorized to receive
scope of his authority depends upon whether the such deposit, since there was, in effect,
third person was aware of the limits of the ratification of the unauthorized act of the agent.”
agent’s power.
NOTE: Art 1901 states that a third person
Safic Alcan v. Imperial Vegetable & DBP v. CA: cannot setup the fact that the agent has exceeded
his powers, if the principal has ratified, or has
signified his willingness to ratify the agent’s act. Liability:
(a) Joint, when nothing is stipulated
(b) Solidary, if so stipulated

Phil. Products Co. v. Primateria: 5. When third party liable to the agent himself
“When the agent exceeds his authority, the (Even on contracts entered into pursuant to the
matter can be raised only by the principal, and agency arrangement)
when not so raised, recovery can be made by the
third person only against the principal.” (a) Where the agent contracts in his own
name, on a matter that it within the
Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego: scope of the agency
“Lack of authority may be questioned only by
the principal or client, since it is within the right (b) Where the agent possesses a
or prerogative of the principal to ratify even the beneficial interest in the subject matter
unauthorized acts of the agent.” of the agency, such as a factor selling
under a del credere commission
NOTE: Art 1897 does not hold that in case of
excess of authority, both the agent and the (c) Where a third party commits a tort
principal are liable to the other contracting party. against the agent


3. Consequences when the agent acts in his COMMISSION AGENTS
own name
1. Nature of Factor or Commission Agent
Article 1883 – If an agent acts in his own name, Commission Agent – One who receives and sells
the principal has no right of action against the goods for a commission, and who is entrusted by
persons with whom the agent has contracted; the principal with the possession of the goods to
neither have such persons against the principal be sold, and usually selling in his own name.

In such case the agent is the one directly bound Ordinary Agent: Need not have possession of
in favor of the person with whom he has goods
contracted, as if the transactions were his own,
except when the contract involves things Commission Agent: Must have possession of the
belonging to the principal. goods

The Provisions of this article shall be understood 2. Specific Obligations of a Commission Agent
to be without prejudice to the actions between
the principal and agent. (a) Take Custody of Goods

Exception: When the property involved in the (b) Not to commingle similar goods
contract belongs to the principal belonging to different principals

>Principal is bound even when the (c) Not to sell on credit without
contract was entered into in the name of principal’s authorization
the agent, which is a necessary rule to
protect third persons against possible (d) Inform the Principal of every pre-
collusion between the agent and the authorized sale on credit
(e) Bear the risk of collection under Del
Remedy of the Principal: Recover damages Credere Commission set-up
from the agent
(f) Collect Credits of the principal

4. When Two or more agents appointed by (g) Return goods unsold

same principal

In Principal’s behalf – UNAUTHORIZED AND

>May be ratified; validated from the

(Slides from Lecture) In Agent’s behalf – VALID, whether or not the

subject matter belongs to the principal, provided
Qualifications to bind the principal that at the time of the delivery is to be made, the
“agent” can transfer legally the ownership of the
(1) Where the principal’s acts have contributed thing. Otherwise, he will be held liable for
to deceive a third person in good faith breach of guaranty against eviction (1883 does
not apply)
(2) Where the limitations upon the power created
by the principal could not have been known by a
third person

(3) Where the principal has placed in the hands

of the agent instruments signed by him in blank

Doctrine of Agency by Necessity (5 conditions)

(1) The real existence of an emergency

(2) Inability of the agent to communicate with

the principal

(3) Exercise of the additional authority for the

principal’s own protection

(4) Adoption of fairly reasonable means,

premises duly considered

(5) Ceasing of the authority the moment the

emergency no longer demands the same

(Missing the prior slide)

With Authority:
In Principal’s Behalf – VALID (Principal is
bound; agent not personally liable unless he
bound himself)

In Agent’s behalf – Apply Art 1883 (Generally,

not binding on principal; agent and stranger are
the only parties; except regarding things
belonging to the principal)

Without Authority:

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