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Condeza, Arleen Claudette P.



1. Meaning

Grading means sorting of unlike lots of produce into different lots according to quality specification laid
down. Each lots has substantially the same characteristics as far as quality is concerned. Grading is an
important function of standardization. It implies the division of products into classes made up of unit
possessing similar characteristics of size and quality. Grading is mostly done in case of raw materials,
mineral products and agricultural products. There is no need to divided industrial product as they are
produced according to pre- determined standards. There may be difference in quality or size or shape or
characteristics of the products.

2. Purpose of Grading
- It is a means to describe the quality of produce for sale/purchase activity
- It protects consumers from unfair trade practices by traders or farmers and also enables farmers
to get price as per quality and grade
- It works as a basis for fixing price and premium price as per quality

3. Importance of grading

Grading in general is helpful to all the stockholders in agro-related activities: the farmers, traders, co-
operative and the ultimate consumers.

- Production of Large Scale:

Goods are produced on a large scale, as grading of goods helps in increasing its demand. It becomes
easy for a producer to produce these goods on a large scale as goods are graded.

- Increase in Sales:

Customers do not bother to enquire about the goods graded, as they are very easy to be sold.
Therefore, marketing of graded goods becomes easy.

- Quality Certainty:

Certainty provides producers a reasonable price for their products and provides standard goods of
uniform quality to customers at reasonable prices. It helps the producers as well as the buyers.

- Helpful In Financial Management:

For the financial management of the enterprise graded products are very helpful. These products can be
used easily, as security loans can be arranged as security of these products.
4. Problems in Standardization & Grading:
- Lack of Standards & Grades:

One difficulty in the development of standardization and grading is that for many products standards
have not been developed.

- Misuse of Standards & Grades:

It is seen that many producers use standards and grades in an authorized manner. There is lack of
feeling of responsibility and national character among our producers and it is a big hindrance in the
development of standardization and grading

- Lack of Public Consciousness:

Lack of public consciousness is the problem in the way of development of standardization and grading in
our country. The reasons for lack of public consciousness are low standard of living and Illiteracy

- Lack of Facilities:

There is lack of proper facilities for standardization and grading. Many industrial enterprises and
manufacturers do not like to indulge themselves because of this reason.

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