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Chapter 1


1.1 Definitions :

1.1.1. Refrigeration:
“Refrigeration refers to the production of cool confinement with respect to
It may be defined as the article withdrawal of heat producing in a substance
or within a space at a temp. Lower than that which would exist under the
natural influence of surrounding. According to ASHRAE, it is defined as the
science of providing & maintaining temp. Below that of surrounding.

Figure 1.1

1.1.2. Air Conditioning:

“The simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, cleanliness & air
motion of a particular confined space.”
Air conditioning is Sub-divided into the Comfort & Industrial air conditioning.
The former deals with the human comfort which as well requires noise control

while the latter is meant for the production of an environment suitable for
commercial products or commodities.

1.1.3. Cold Storage:

“The Storage of things on an artificially cooled place for preservation”
It is based on Air Conditioning System.
Generally cold storage is misunderstood to be merely an application of
refrigeration. It is in fact completely air conditioning system in which room air
cooled too much lower temp. Over a cooling coil & supplied back to storage
space. The condition maintained inside the storage space depends on the nature
of product stored. It is to be noted that in a cold storage, often strictly control of
both temp. & relative humidity is required. Also the storage life depends on a
great deal on the product at which is stored.

Figure 1.2

1.2 Necessity of Cold Storage:
The old concept of refrigeration & air conditioning as luxurious branch
has evaporated from the minds of most of the people after realizing its dire
In India alone there is wastage of perishable commodities worth over Rs
3000 Crore due to unavailability of suitable condition, despite tremendous
increase in refrigeration for cold storage. The cold storage in India has grown
from just of 143 tonnes in 1947 to the storage capacity of about 3.6 million
tonnes in 1984.
It is cold storage due to which the sessional foods & commodities are
becoming available throughout the year. The producers are not under pressure to
sell their perishable sessional gluts during harvest at through away prices but
they may get their due price for their product by selling the same as & when
prices are reasonable.
This clearly demonstrates that the cold storage industry has to gain ground to
serve mankind in more purposeful & effective number.

1.3 Components of cold Storage:

1. Compressor: It creates the high pressure at which the refrigerants can
condense at a temperature much above the temperature of refrigerated space.
2. Condenser: Here a refrigerant condenses & gives up heat which it collects
from the evaporator to the condensing fluid & comes to a mixture of liquid &
gaseous phase from gaseous phase.
3. Evaporator: It is the space from where refrigerant picks up heat & evaporate
to mixture of gaseous & liquid phase from complete liquid phase.
4. Throttling valve: Before coming to the evaporator refrigerants goes to
through the throttling value. Here it expands & thus it’s temp. & pressure drops.

1.4 Applications:

a) Freezers
b) Coolers
c) Cool Loading Dock
d) Labs
e) Environmental or Humidity Controlled Rooms
f) Agricultural Rooms
g) Non-Refrigerated Structures.

Chapter 2

2.1 Related Research Works:

2.1.1 Direct contact PCM–water cold storage

Comfort cooling demand continues to increase throughout the world.

Conventional cooling production results in high demand for electrical power
during peak hours, leading to high emissions for producing cooling, and
potential power shortages in electric grids. With a cold storage, the peak power
demand is effectively managed and enables free-cooling. This paper examines
one concept using phase change materials (PCM) for storing of cold, where the
cold carrier (water) is in direct contact with the PCM. This is in order to enable
high power for charging and discharging while providing a high storage
capacity. A theoretical model highlights important design parameters for
reaching large storage and power capacity.
The capacity increases with the Packing Factor and temperature difference
across the storage. For high power, the flow rate, temperature difference, and
drop size is important parameters which is also verified in an experimental
evaluation. The obtainable power is between 30 and 80 kW/m3 storage.
Practical limitations of this concept are shown to be PCM–water bed expansion
and non-uniform channelling due to asymmetric and unstable PCM shells.
- Victoria Martin, Bo He, Fredrik Setterwall
- journal homepage: locate/apenergy

2.1.2 Adsorption cold storage system with zeolite–water:

Adsorption cold storage has lately attracted attention for its large storage
capacity and zero cold energy loss during the storing process. Thermodynamic
and experimental studies on the cold storage capacity and the cold discharging

process, in which the adsorber is either air cooled or adiabatic, have been
An adsorption cold storage system with zeolite–water working pair has been
developed, and some operating results are summarized. This system is used for
providing air conditioning for the drivers cab of an internal combustion
locomotive. Unlike a normal adsorption air conditioner, the system starts
running with the adsorption process, during which the cold energy stored is
discharged, and ends running with the generation process. The adsorbent
temperature decreases during the cold storing period between two runs.
The refrigeration power output for the whole running cycle is about 4.1 kW. It
appears that such a system is quite energetically efficient and is comparatively
suitable for providing discontinuous refrigeration capacity when powered by
low grade thermal energy, such as industrial exhausted heat or solar energy.
- Y.Z. Lu, R.Z. Wang , M. Zhang, S. Jiangzhou

2.1.3 Analysis of a metal hydride cold storage module

The concept of using metal hydrides in cold storage modules is discussed.

Refrigeration can be stored in such modules at ambient temperature for
subsequent cooling applications. Analysis of a system based on ZrMnFe=LaNi5
is done for various operating conditions and its performance characteristics are
presented. Optimum heat source temperatures to yield maximum COP are
computed. In view of the high cost of hydrogen valves, cold storage module
without hydrogen valve is also comparatively studied.
- Kevin Abraham, M. Prakash Maiya, S. Srinivasa Murthy

2.2 Psychrometrics:

2.2.1 Terminologies:

1. Dry Air: Air that contains no Vapour.

2. Moist Air: Mixture of Dry Air & water Vapor.

3. Dry bulb temperature: Temperature of air measured by ordinary


4. Wet Bulb Temperature: Temperature measured by thermometer whose bulb

is covered with Wetted Wick exposed to a current of air blowing with a velocity
of 270m/min.

5. Wet Bulb Depression: Difference between Dry Bulb & Wet Bulb

6. Dew Point Temperature: Saturation temperature corresponding to partial

pressure of water vapor.

7. Relative Humidity: Ratio of partial pressure of water vapor to its saturation

pressure at the same Dry Bulb Temperature.


8.Relative humidity: - Relative humidity is defined as the ration of actual mass
of water vapor in a given volume to the mass of water vapor of the air is
saturated at the same temperature. At a given temperature of the air is holding in
its maximum amount of water vapour, it is then called fully saturated and its
humidity is 100%. Therefore the saturation curve is also a line of 100%
humidity curve & the rest of relative humidity curves are of similar shape.

9. Specific humidity: - It is the rate of water vapour present per kg. Of dry air.
Since the actual amount of water in the air is very small, specific humidity is
measured in ‘Grains’, where 1 lb of water is equal to7000 grains. The scale for
specific humidity in along the right hand vertical axis.

10. Enthalpy: - It is defined as the sum of the sensible & latent heat constrained
in the air 7 it is measured in BTU/hr. of dry air. Enthalpy is measured on the
psychometric chart as sloped lines running from the upper left to the lower right.

11. Specific volume: - It is the amount of space taken up by the air measured in
cubic ft. /lb of dry air. The specific volume lines are shown on the psychometric
chart by sloped lines running from the upper left to the lower right.

2.2.2 Description of Factors:

1. Sensible Heat Factor: The thermal properties of air can be separated into
latent and sensible heat factor is the ratio of sensible heat to the total heat, where
the total heat is the sum of sensible and latent heat.
2. Room Sensible Heat Factor: The room sensible heating factor is the ratio of
room sensible heat to the summation of room sensible heat and room latent heat.

3. Grand Sensible Heat Factor: It is the ratio of the total sensible heat to the
total heat load that the conditioning apparatus must handle including the outdoor
air heat load.
4. By Pass Factor: is the function of the physical and operating characteristics
of conditioning apparatus and as such represents that portion of the air which is
considered to have passed through the conditioning apparatus completely
unaltered. The un contact air remains at the entering state. The end state of the
air is the same as that produced my mixing of contacted and uncontacted

BPF = (T2 – Ts ) / (T1 – Ts )

5. Effective Sensible Heat Factor: It is the term which relates by pass factor,
ADP, and effective room sensible heat. The effective sensible heat factor is the
ration of effective room sensible heat to the effective room sensible and latent

2.3 Psychrometric Processes:

1. Sensible Heating: Heat addition to air at constant moisture content.

Fig. 2.1

2. Sensible Cooling: Heat removal from air at constant moisture content.

Fig. 2.2

3. Heating & Humidification: Simultaneous addition of heat and moisture

to the air.

Fig. 2.3

4. Cooling & Humidification: Simultaneous removal of heat and addition

of moisture to the air.

Fig. 2.4

5. Cooling & Dehumidification: Simultaneous removal of heat and
moisture from the air.
This is the process being carried out during Cold Storage.

Fig. 2.5

Chapter 3

3.1 Problems Identified:

1. Temperature Fluctuation: The temperature of inside air fluctuates during

storage period which gives rise to an unsteady cooling rate. Due to this unsteady
cooling rate, the problem of decomposition of commodities stored arises. Odor
and physical nature of the product tends to change during storage period due to
the temperature fluctuation.
2. Evaporator Coil Icing: The moisture removed from the storage space forms
condensate on the surface of the cooling or evaporator coil which can form frost
and may build up into a coil icing problem.
3. High Power Consumption: Due to improper insulation of walls and ceiling,
heat transmission takes place from outside atmosphere to the storage space
which has to be removed. This increases the work done by the cold storage
system and hence increases the power consumption.
4. Refrigerant Leakage: The reduction in quantity of the refrigerant (NH3)
from system due to leakage from various sites leads to the reduction in
efficiency of cold storage system. The various sites of refrigerant leakage are:
a) Evaporator coil
b) Valves (including Expansion valve)
c) Accumulators
d) Filter dryers

Chapter 4

4.1 Preservation Condition:

The preservation condition depends upon the type of commodity since the
spoilage takes place according to their microstructure.

4.1.1 Mechanical Theory: According to the mechanical theory, the ice

formation rates varies with the amount of cooling which in turn causes variation
in the size of ice crystal.
The size of ice crystal varies inversely with the speed of freezing. Thus slow
cooling produces larger sized crystal, which may damage the cell tissue. The
commodities with damaged tissues lose its original texture and taste. The animal
cells are more elastic than that of fruits, and therefore they are not so easily
spoiled as such, the freezing rate for the former is not so critical.
4.1.2 Physio-chemical theory: It says that during the formation of the ice
crystal the remaining solution containing salts becomes more concentrated. The
causes chemical salting effect resulting in soluble proteins to be less soluble and
thus precipitates out. The osmosis of concentrated salts causes dehydration of
commodity. The fast freezing may cause colloidal solution and protects the loss
of water due to osmosis.

4.2 Inside Design Condition:

4.2.1. Selection of Optimum Effective Temperature:

The cell of animal are stronger than fruits, therefore it call for different temp.
And freezing rates depending upon the type of commodity.

4.2.2. Preservation period: The preservation period strongly depends upon the
temperature at which commodities are preserved. The preservation period and
conditions for various commodities are given in table.

Commodity Temperature Relative Period % Loss

Degree C Humidity Months days
Apples 0 90 6-8 3-4
5 75 8-50 0-18
Carrot 0 98 1 1.5
Cucumber 0 98 1 6
Onions -0.5 98 6-8 6-8
Eggs 0 99 3 7
Cauliflower 0 98 1 11
Cabbage -0.5 85 6-8 8-10

4.2.3. Relative Humidity: In cold storage a strict control of relative humidity is

also required with temperature.

4.3 Outside Design Condition:

The dry bulb temperature of outside air varies with time any single day
sinusoidally, starting from minimum valve at about 1 hr. before dawn and
reaches maximum calve after lapse of about 12 hrs.
The relative humidity of outside air has got a reverse trend, i.e. it reaches a
minimum value in afternoon hours. The WBT remains more or less same for a
particular day.

The outside temperature for calculation purpose is taken as the mean of daily or
monthly maximum and minimum temperature in combination with the
corresponding relative humidities or WBT.

4.4 Economic Considerations:

The cold storage can be economically constructed by minimizing the cost of
insulation, building const. and maintenance cost. The insulation material should
have low thermal conductivity which permits smaller thickness of insulation.
The economic thickness of insulation is obtained after optimizing the cost
of insulation and running cost of the system to give total minimum cost.

4.5. Design data:

1. Outdoor design conditions:
Dry Bulb Temp. : 400 C
Wet Bulb Temp: 280 C
2. Indoor design conditions:
Dry Bulb Temp. : 00 C
Relative Humidity: 85-90%
3. Daily Range:
Dry Bulb Temp. : 29-400 C
Difference: 110 C
4. Occupancy:
No. of worker = 15
5. Electrical Equipment:
No. of Tube lights = 16 (60 watt each)
No. of Fans = 20 (100 watt each)
6. Working Hours:
16 to 20 hours (per day, during loading and unloading)

4.6. Stacking arrangement and building size estimate:

4.6.1. Stacking arrangement: In case of apples, a good aeration for each and
every box is required to prevent the apples from decaying. Therefore, the boxes
are arranged in such a manner so as to provide sufficient for air circulation. For
this 50% excess space is provided between the boxes.

Actual space required for apples = 1.5 x Volume of apple boxes.

If the boxes are arranged flat, horizontal, the apples may get reformed. In order
to prevent this, boxes are placed vertically to minimize the load on apples.

4.6.2. Building size estimate: Different considerations to estimate the building

size are as follows:

a) Space to keep the apples

It depends on the volume of boxes, mass of apples in each box and the space left
for aeration between the boxes.

Volume of boxes = 19cm x 39cm x 38cm = 27436 cc

Weight of apples in each box = 15kg.

Storage capacity of cold storage = 175 tons

Total volume occupied by apple boxes = = 320.08 𝑐𝑢. 𝑚.

Space left for aeration = 0.5 x 320.08 = 160.04

Actual volume required to keep the apples = 320.08 + 160.04

= 480.12 m3

b) Space for air circulation/ worker movement: The storage chamber is

designed so as to provide enough space for air circulation and to enable
movement of workers carrying boxes without any difficulty. To fulfill these
requirements, we have to provide 6 passages along the length and 2 passages
along the width of the chamber. The width of each passages is estimated to be
1.2192m. Hence,

Increase in length of chamber = 6* 1.2192 = 7.3152m

Increase in width of chamber = 2*1.2192 = 2.438m

c) Wall thickness: Wall thickness also contributes to size of cold storage which
is equal to 0.4064m .

d) Space for evaporator coil: Evaporator coil are install to the top most floors of
cooling chamber.

e) Height of cold storage: It may be limited by the norms made by the

Government of India for a particular region. It also depends on air circulation.

4.7. Construction data for cold storage building :

4.7.1. Dimensions:

a) Dimensions of cold storage chamber :

Length = 65 feet (19.8120m)

Width = 44 feet (13.4112m)

Height = 35 feet (10.668m)

b) Dimensions of east wall :

Length = 44 feet (13.4112m)

Height = 35 feet (10.668m)

Thickness = 1 feet 4 inch (0.4064m)

c) Dimensions of west wall :

Length = 44 feet (13.4112m)

Height = 35 feet (10.668m)

Thickness = 1 feet 4 inch (0.4064m)

d) Dimensions of south wall:

Length = 65 feet (19.8120m)

Height = 35 feet (10.668m)

Thickness = 1 feet 4 inch (0.4064m)

e) Dimensions of north wall:

Length = 44 feet (13.4112m)

Height = 35 feet (10.668m)

Thickness = 1 feet 4 inch (0.4064m)

f) Dimensions of door:

Thickness = 5.26 inch (0.1336m)

Height = 4 feet (1.2192m)

Length = 1 feet 4 inch (0.4064m)


a) All walls:

Plaster= 1 inch (2.54 cm)

Brick blocks= 9 inch (22.86cm)

Thermocole= 4 inch (10.16cm)

Plaster= 2 inch (5.08cm)

b) Floor:

Concrete on both side = 2 inch (5.08cm)

Thermocole = 8 inch (20.32cm)

Brick block= 9 inch (22.86cm)

c) Ceiling:

Concrete =2 inch (5.08cm)

Thermocoal = 4 inch (10.16cm)

Concrete = 4 inch (10.16cm)

4.8. Over all heat transfer coefficient:

From eq.3.2

1 1 ∆𝑋 1
= + ∑( ) +
𝑈 𝐹𝑜 𝐾 𝐹𝑖

Outside Wall:

1 1 ∆𝑋 ∆𝑋 ∆𝑋
= + ( ) 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡 + ( ) 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑘 + ( ) 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑒
𝑈 𝐹𝑜 𝐾 𝐾 𝐾
∆𝑋 1
+ ( ) 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 +
𝐾 𝐹𝑖

1 0.0254 0.2286 0.1016 0.0508 1

+( 8.65
)+( 0.77
) + (0.0330) + 8.65
+ 8.5


Therefore, U = 0.2828W/m2K

1 1 ∆𝑋 ∆𝑋 ∆𝑋
= + ( ) 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛 + ( ) 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑘 + ( ) 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑒
𝑈 𝐹𝑖 𝐾 𝐾 𝐾
+ ( ) 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡

1 0.0508 0.2286 0.2032 0.0508

+( 9
) + ( 0.033 ) + ( 8.65
)+ 9

Therefore, U = 0.1520 W/m2K

1 1 ∆𝑋 ∆𝑋 ∆𝑋
= + ( ) 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 + ( ) 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑒 + ( ) 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛
𝑈 𝐹𝑜 𝐾 𝐾 𝐾

1 0.0508 0.1016 0.1016 1

+( 9
) + ( 0.033 ) + ( 9
)+ 8.5

= 3.246

Therefore, U = 0.308 W/m2K



North: 211.3544 m2

East: 143.070 m2

South: 211.3544 m2

West: 143.070 m2


Area = 265.7027 m2

Time Te Corrected Q = U.te q = Q.A

1 45.895 12.98 1857
2 45.475 12.86 1840
3 43.535 12.31 1761
4 42.475 12.01 7719
5 41.415 11.75 1676

1 36.688 10.375 2193
2 38.775 10.966 2318
3 40.375 11.418 2413
4 41.075 11.616 2455
5 42.645 12.06 2549

1 36.45 10.312 1474
2 36.975 10.465 196
3 37.975 10.75 1536
4 39.075 11.05 1581
5 41.575 11.757 1682

1 32.975 93.25 1971
2 33.979 96.08 2031
3 34.075 96.36 2037
4 34.575 97.78 2067
5 35.175 99.47 2102

Transmission Heat gain through walls at hours:

Direction/Time 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm

East 1857 1840 1761 1719 1676

South 1292 2318 2413 2455 2549

West 1475 1496 1536 1581 1682

North 1971 2031 2037 2067 2102

TOTAL 7495 7685 7747 7822 8009

Transmission load is maximum around 5 pm = 8009 W.


Load = Uceiling A (to – ti) = 0.308 x 265.7 x (40-0) = 3273.5 W


Load: Ffloor. A(t0-ti) = 0.1520 x 265.7 x (40-0) = 1615.5 W

4.9 Equipment Load:

(a) Fan Load:

Total number of fans = 20

Qf = Number of fans x wattage of each fan = 20 x 100 = 2000W

(b) Lightning Load:

Number of tubelight = 16

Ql = No. of tubelight x wattage of each tubelight x 1.25

= 16 x 60 x 1.25 = 1200 W

4.10 Product Load:

(a) Cooling Load:

In cooling the product to cold storage temperature

Dead Load

Ql = mcp (to-ti)

= (3000x3640x(28-0) / (24x3600)

= 3538.9 W

(b) Respiration Load: Qg = mhg(lLatent Heat)

=(176000x1500)/(24x3600) = 3055.56 W

4.11 Occupancy Load:

No. of workers = 15

Sensible Heat = 15x75=1125W

Latent Heat = 15x55=825W

Safety Factor:

To account for probable errors in estimation. 5% safety factor is taken.

Sensible Heat Load.

Fabric Watts
Walls 8009

Ceiling 3275

Floor 1616

Equipment Load

Fan 2000

Lightning 1200

Occupancy Load

People working inside 1125

Dead Load of apples 3539

Sub Load 20763

Safey Factor (5%) 1038 W

Sensible Heat 21810 W

Latent Heat Load

Product Load Watts

Heat of Respiration (apples) 3056

Occupancy Load

People 825

Sub Total 3881

Safety Factor (5%) 194 W

Latent Heat 4075 W

Total Heat Gain.

Sensible Heat Gain 21801

System losses 1090

Room Sensible Heat (RSH) 22891

Latent heat gain 4075

System losses (10%) 408

Room Latent Heat (RLH) 4483

Total effective room heat = RSH + RLH = 27374 W

RSHF = 22891/27374 = 0.8362

Total refrigeration load = 27374 W

Total tons of refrigeration load = 27374/3500 = 7.785 TR

= 8 TR (Approx)
4.6. Heat Load Calculation:

The basic purpose of providing a Cold Storage System is to fulfill following


a) To maintain the desired inside conditions which are best suited for storage
of commodities.
b) Maintain suitable conditions for product and processing within the space.

In order to satisfy the above requirements, it is imperative that the
equipment is selected/installed which are of right capacities. It is therefore,
very important to understand the heat load calculation and to access the
correct capacity (with some amount of safety) of the system. An
undersized system will not meet the desired functions and an oversized
system will be unnecessarily expensive.

4.6 Details Required for Carrying-out Heat Load Calculation:

1. Drawing/Sketch showing plan and sectional elevation, with dimensions
clearly marked.
2. Orientation of the area.
3. Door details and dimensions.
4. Occupancy.
5. Ambient conditions.
6. Indoor conditions.
7. Lighting load.
8. Equipment load.
9. Boundary walls details with thickness.
10. Parting walls details with thickness.
11. Roof/Floor detail with slab thickness.

Chapter 5

5.1 Results:

The results expected are

1. Decreased power consumption and hence increase in efficiency for the same
load and operating conditions.
2. The leakage of the Refrigerant shall be controlled or restricted.
3. Reduced temperature fluctuations.

5.2 Discussions:
The value of power consumption will be obtained under all extreme conditions,
such as fully loaded, which is the maximum capacity of cold storage at a time.
Hence the result obtained is the maximum power consumption.
Also, for purchasing the equipment from the market, we have to take
observations on different seasons and based on the observations, calculations
from the given formulae can be made. Finally, we can easily suggest equipments
available in the market.

Chapter 6
Scope of Future Work

6.1 Scope of future work

Project training at MAHAVEER COLD STORAGE, Dhamtari (and if possible

some others also).

Detailed Analysis & Synthesis on problems due to:

1. Temperature fluctuations.
2. Refrigerant (Ammonia) Leakage.
3. Excess Power Consumption


1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – C.P.Arora – TMH Publications
2. Applied Thermodynamics – P.K.Nag – TMH Publications
3. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning - A. R. Trott and T. Welch -
Butterworth- Heinemann Publications



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