The Hunger Games Trilogy

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Rayos, Kathleen Faye M.



While everyone is raving about sparkling vampires and their silver Volvos, a new wave of, no, not
zombies, but, young adult novel series is hitting the shelves and selling like hotcakes like crazy. The
Hunger Games trilogy has proven that real life could be more surreal than the supernatural.

Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games trilogy is set on a world in dystopia where quite literally, hunger and
power become the most surfaced of all problems. The dystopia nation is called Panem (formerly known
as North America), where places are divided into 12 districts. Panem used to be made up of 13 districts
but since the rebellion by the districts, the last one was obliterated and the remaining 12 was left to
submission. As a result, the Capitol devised a punishment where one boy and one girl from every district
(tributes), is chosen randomly to engage in a televised death match called the Hunger Games.

The whole series revolves around Katniss Everdeen and her struggle to keep her family from starvation
and in the same process keep out of harm’s way in hunting with her bestfriend/love interest, Gale
Hawthorne. Katniss finds her quiet life completely overturned when her sister’s name is called out as
one of the tributes. Katniss quickly volunteers to replace her and teams up with District 12’s male
tribute, Peeta Mellark. (The Hunger Games)

Suzzane Collins brings on the succeeding twists in the books that followed namely; Catching Fire and the
last installment, Mockingjay. Fans and would be fans of the book would experience swooning, crying
and hair-pulling moments when they read the whole series. The way Collins writes Katniss’ story piques
not just the curiosity of the characters’ motives but also the interest to know what could happen next.

The Hunger Games trilogy is a must read for all ages. If you want something that could neutralize your
‘thirst for blood’ then, Collins’ series is for you. Having been placed in New York Time’s Best Selling
Books for Young Adults and having received high praises from renowned thriller author, Stephen King,
The Hunger Games Trilogy, will surely not disappoint. After all, a movie adaptation is set to hit screens
hopefully by 2011.

Publication date: Hunger Games (September 14, 2008), Catching Fire (September 1, 2009) and
Mockingjay (August 24, 2010)

Rating: A+

Genre: Young Adult, Teen Romance, Science Fiction

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