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An Analysis

Copyright © 2007 by Don Wireman, Sr.

All rights reserved.

Printed by Lulu Press (
Printed in the United States of America.


There's no need for me to repeat the life story of Nostradamus. Books about
his life have been written profusely and well. Additionally, there have been
excellent video productions about his life and predictions. My intent
therefore is to concentrate on a dozen of his verses that seem to indicate the
use of nuclear weapons in World War II, and in a horrible future war that
may be just around the corner (hope not), directed by the third tyrant. To
date the third tyrant has not yet been identified. Napoleon is believed to be
the first tyrant that Nostradamus describes in his verses, Hitler the second,
and the one that I just referred to will be Nostradamus' third tyrant, also
known as Nostradamus' third antichrist.
It is not my intent to alarm anyone, merely to lay out the facts as I
understand them, and let you be the judge. However, they say a stitch in
time saves nine.
I was associated with nuclear testing for thirty years, and have
studied Nostradamus literature for thirty-five years, so when I say a certain
island in a Nostradamus verse trembles because of a nuclear explosion or
that a light appears on earth brighter than the Sun, I can explain, based on
considerable experience, why I think those instances indicate the use of
nuclear weapons.
I'm a data analyst, not a psychic, astrologer, or seer, although
according to a state examination I took in my teens, I do have an exceptional
ability called spatial visualization that allows me to visualize scenarios and

write words to fit them, and also the reverse, for example, to read a
Nostradamus verse and visualize the entire verse, hopefully visualizing the
exact same scenarios Nostradamus saw as he wrote about them. That's what
I'll be passing on to you the reader, so you can see what you make of it all.
First a word about Nostradamus' verses. Nostradamus wrote verses
of four-line stanzas called quatrains, as well as a few verses with six-line
stanzas. You and I will be taking a look at some of his four-line stanzas. He
called his book of four-line stanzas Centuries. Century 7, contains 42 four-
line stanzas, the other 9 centuries each contain 100 four-line stanzas. The
centuries are numbered 1 though 10 and, except for century 7, there are 100
four-line stanzas in each century (or chapter if you wish). So, for example,
the four-line stanza number 23 in century 8 will be designated 8-23. As we
go along, I'm going to tell you what the designation of each four-line stanza
that I discuss is, so in case you think I'm pulling your leg you can recheck
what I've written, if you so desire.


LETS BEGIN WITH 6-97, a Nostradamus verse that will gravely affect
America if the scenario in the verse should come to pass.

At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,

Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.

All Nostradamus scholars whose works I've read believe forty-five

degrees in the first line refers to 45 degrees north latitude, as do I.
Nostradamus was an excellent writer and when he wrote at forty-five
degrees I think he meant exactly at 45 degrees, not approximately at 45
degrees or about at 45 degrees.
With that in mind, drag out a map of North America and see just
where the 45 degree north latitude line is located. Oops! It's located about
300-400 miles north of New York City on the Canadian border! If you look
closely, you'll notice that about 160 miles of the Canadian border lies
exactly on the 45 degree line.
I'm going to give "the sky will burn" part of the first line a rest until
I finish discussing the next lines, then you'll be able to figure out for
yourself why the sky looks like it's burning—and why some of it actually
will be burning if this verse comes to pass!

Moving right along, lets take a look at line 2: "Fire to approach the
great new city". What was a new city in Nostradamus' mind? The same as
a new city is to your mind or my mind, one that is being built or one that
will be built in the future. In Nostradamus' case, one that was built in about
1550 or later. So, what great new cities have been built on or after 1550
near the 45 degree north latitude line anywhere in the world? Well, when I
look at a map of the entire globe I find that New York City is considered the
greatest city built after 1550 that fits the description. We could say Boston.
It's a great city, too and so are others near New York City and Portland,
Oregon, but I think you'll agree the world at large probably thinks New
York City is considered the greatest of any new city near the 45 degree line.
In line 3 Nostradamus writes, "In an instant a great scattered flame
will leap up." I'll clear that up in a moment, but now lets jump to line 4.
Who are the Normans in line 4? Well, Normans are French people
from Normandy, France. So what do Normans have to do with New York
I think you've got enough of an idea now where I'm headed, so let's
take it from the top as they say in show business.

Let's say it happens on a dark night. You and I plop ourselves down on a
couple of lawn chairs on the Canadian border, anywhere along the 160 mile
stretch where the border lies at exactly 45 degrees. All of a sudden, we see
the sky above us light up! Just above us it looks like the sky is on fire! I
say, "What the…over?" Shaking in our boots, we keep staring at the fire
above us—following it with our eyes. "Whoa! I think it's a damned missile,
headed right for New York City! New York City is 300-400 miles away
from us. So, do we see the fire drop down like it's going to hit the city? No,
it stays up in the sky where we can still see its fiery tail, even after it has

traveled 300-400 miles in the direction of New York City. We see it
explode at a high altitude. In an instant a great scattered flame leaps up! So
you look at me and ask, "What the…do you think happened?" I say,
"There's no doubt in my mind. With a conventional explosion, flames leap
out in all directions at the same time. Only with a nuclear bomb does a
great scattered flame leap up."
If you don't believe that, look at some government photos of high-
altitude nuclear explosions on the Internet, maybe even see a video about
them if you haven't already seen one on the news, or read about how they
act when they explode.
So, what about the Normans in line 4? You can recheck me on this
on the Internet, also. The ancestors of the French Canadians living in the
area just behind us, as we sit in our lawn chairs, originally came from
Normandy, France and settled that area, just above New York City.
So, do I think the French Canadians will pop a nuclear missile
across the border? No. I think it will come from a normal-looking cargo
ship. Around 14,000 of them travel in and out of the St. Lawrence Seaway
there every year. Our former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfelt said,
and you can find his quote on the Internet. He said something to the effect
that a rogue country has built and tested just such a vessel. The missile
remains hidden under the ship's deck, a hatch opens and out it flies towards
its target. It's also interesting to note that as of this writing, Iran has tested
missiles with a range of over 400 miles that climb to a high altitude and
explode. Our scientists have stated that the most likely reason missile tests
like that have been conducted is to be able to deliver a high-altitude EMP
(Electro-Magnetic Pulse) nuclear weapon. I've read that just one, if
exploded over the East coast would bring America to its knees (that's posted
on the Internet, too).

Back to line 4 for a moment. When one will want to demand proof
of the Normans probably means that someone will investigate to see if the
Normans (French Canadians) had anything to do with the missile. Like I
said, I don't think Canadians will have anything to do with it.
When will the Canadian missile prediction happen? Well, 6-97
doesn't say when, however Nostradamus' verse 9-73 predicts that in
February 2011 the head of some country, wearing a blue turban, will go to
oversee France and "will reign less than a revolution of Saturn", which is 29
and a half years. Apparently America can't stop him. Could be because
America has been brought to our knees before then and can't help France.
So, does all this mean America should spend a few bucks and set up
a missile defense system on our side of the border to try to stop the damned
missile in case things go that way? Of course we should, but you know
that's not a politically correct thing to do with Canada—so most likely
nobody is even going to try. They say to be forewarned is to be forearmed,
but telling your congressman the reason we need the missile defense system
is because of a Nostradamus prediction. "Say what?"
You may have read or heard about verse 6-97 before and was led to
understand it applies to 9/11. It doesn't. There's another Nostradamus verse
that does apply to 9/11 though, 10-72. Yes, and Nostradamus got the month
and year right, too! "The year 1999 plus seven months," he wrote. It's
important to note that he wrote seven months, not seventh month. His Julian
calendar September 2000 is our Gregorian calendar September 2001. You
read it here first, as they say! I suggest you check out what Wikipedia on
the Internet has to say about the Julian and Gregorian calendars. In my
fiction novel Four Lines to Hades, currently available at, I have one of my characters explain more about
that. In Four Lines to Hades in the chapter titled "A New King of Terror",

the parts about the calendars read like fiction, but it's the real skinny
disguised as fiction. By the way, the book you're reading right now, Nukes
and Nostradamus: An Analysis, is not fiction, unless it turns out to be, of

Next, we'll analyze the Nostradamus verse that begins, "The horrible war
which is being prepared in the West."


LIKE 6-97, 9-55 IS ANOTHER heads up verse.

9-55 goes like this:

The horrible war which is being prepared in the West,

The following year will come the pestilence
So very horrible that young, old, nor beast…,
Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.

In all the 3768 lines in Nostradamus' four-line stanzas, which include

military campaigns of Napoleon and Hitler, and America's nuclear bombing
of Hiroshima on my birthday and the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki, the only
verse in which Nostradamus writes the words "horrible war" is in the first
line of verse 9-55. This horrible war Nostradamus is telling us about must
be going to include many nukes. "The horrible war which is being prepared
in the West." Well, guess what—we're the West.
I'll skip lines 2 and 3 for the moment.
Let's take a look at line 4. Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in
France. What did Nostradamus mean by that? Well, blood and fire are easy
enough to understand. What does Nostradamus mean by Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter in France? He means when those planets are in conjunction with
each other and the earth, in other words when those three planets have
rotated around the Sun until they have lined up with each other and the earth
such that an observer can see only a little space between them. I haven't
checked the conjunctions of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter all the way back to
1550, but others have and say, prior to 2006, those three planets have been
in conjunction eight times and that on each of those dates there was no
preparations for war followed by pestilence the following year. I mentioned
2006. Yes, on 10 December 2006 there was a tight conjunction of Mercury,
Mars and Jupiter. For you astronomy buffs, there was less than one degree
between any of the three planets. I had the good fortune of being able to see
that conjunction early that morning through my 20 x 80 binoculars. So, the
question is, on 10 December 2006 was the West preparing for a horrible war
against the East? Don't look now (well, okay, look if you want to) but there
are articles on the Internet that say the West was preparing for war against
the East on 10 December 2006.
If the West was preparing for a horrible war against the East on 10
December 2006, then we need to take another look at Nostradamus' lines 2
and 3.
What did he mean by pestilence? According to my dictionary a
pestilence is a pandemic of a highly contagious or infectious disease such as
a plague—"So very horrible that young, old, nor beast…" Nostradamus
didn't even finish line 3 apparently because what he saw was so bad.
So when does the year following 10 December 2006 begin? It
begins 10 December 2007.
In line 4 Nostradamus wrote "in France". What does he mean by
that? He means that the conjunction will be visible if you are watching from
France. A conjunction will not be visible everywhere when it takes place,
because it may be on the opposite side of the earth from the observer.

Anyway, the conjunction of 10 December 2006 was visible in France. I


NOW LET'S TAKE a look at one of Nostradamus' verses that most

Nostradamus scholars agree, very accurately predicts the nuclear bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

Nostradamus' verse 2-6:

Near the ports and within the cities
there will be two scourges the like of which was never seen,
famine within plague, people put out by steel,
crying to the great immortal God for relief.

On my eighth birthday, 6 August 1945, the United States exploded an

atomic bomb over Hiroshima, Japan, then a second one over Nagasaki three
days later. The bombings had the desired affect, they ended World War II.
Let's look at what Nostradamus has to say.
In line 1 of this verse he says, "Near the ports and within the cities."
Let's get our maps out again. Okay, we can see that Hiroshima is located
near at least six Japanese ports, and yes, here is Nagasaki, also located near
Japanese ports.
Line 2: "there will be two scourges the like of which was never
seen." According to my dictionary, a scourge is a whip used for inflicting
punishment. And, Nostradamus writes that the scourges will be seen. When

those atomic bombs exploded, they were seen one way or the other by most
everyone in the world and are still being seen in photographs, videos, and
mental images. According to a Wikipedia article on the Internet: "After the
Hiroshima bombing, President Truman announced, "If they do not accept
our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air the likes of which has
never been seen on this earth."
Line 3: "famine within plague, people put out by steel"
An account on the Internet states, "my parents seldom talk about
their experiences about the life under the war.
They frantically escaped from barrage from ultra-low flying fighter planes.
They also used to talk about food shortage."
According to an article in Wikipedia on the Internet, "Some
estimates state up to 200,000 may have died by 1950, due to cancer and
other long-term effects." That would seem to be a plague to Nostradamus.
And, he added, "people put out by steel". If I recall correctly, the planes that
dropped the A-bombs looked like they were made of steel, but most likely
were mostly aluminum.
Line 4: "crying to the great immortal God for relief."
From the same Wikipedia article: "'Practically all living things,
human and animal, were literally seared to death,' A Japanese radio
announcer said in a broadcast captured by Allied sources." The survivers as
well as the terminally ill surely must have been, "crying to the immortal God
for relief".


NOW LET'S HEAD toward Russia (maybe).

Nostradamus verse 2-91:

At sunrise one will see a great fire,

noise and light extending towards Aquilon:
Within the circle, death, and one will hear cries,
through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.

Lines 1 and 2: According to an article in Wikipedia, Boreas, also known as

Aquilon was the Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter.
His name meant "North Wind".
I haven't found the word Aquilon used in the United States, but it
frequently pops up in Russia. In Nostradamus' verse 5-54, a verse some
Nostradamus scholars say is one of the many verses Nostradamus writes
about with respect to a coming Arab/European war. Nostradamus writes
about a leader in that conflict, "He will pierce through "Alania" (in southern
Russia) and Armenia." Based on the above, I believe Aquilon in verse 2-91
may be referring to Russia instead of to the United States, which is also of
course another country to the north of the world.

Whatever the case, in 2-91, lines 3 and 4, we read words very
similar to what Nostradamus used for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki verse.
"Within the circle, death, and one will hear cries, through steel, fire, famine,
death awaiting them."
The following quote is from an article on the Internet entitled
Bombing of Nagasaki, "One man described the dreadful scene as he walked
across the devastated city of Nagasaki. The closer he came to what must
have been the bomb centre the quieter it became. On the outer edges of the
circle of death, there were cries and shouts. As he moved inward, there
were moans and soft groaning. As he approached the centre, there was utter


WHAT'S THE PIG half-man? I'll tell you what Nostradamus scholars and I
think it is. No, it's not the man-bear-pig of comedy fame!

Nostradamus verse 1-64:

They will think they have seen the Sun at night

when they will see the pig half-man:
noise, chant, battle, fighting in the sky perceived,
and one will hear the brute beasts talking.

Line 1: Thirty-five years ago scholars believed by the words "seen the Sun
at night" Nostradamus was perhaps referring to tracer bullets or bombs that
explode during twilight dogfight battles, perhaps so, but now many of us
have seen something else that looks even more like the Sun at night—an
exploding nuclear bomb in the wee hours of the morning.
Line 2: "when they will see the pig half-man". This is a fascinating line. I'd
say Nostradamus saw a modern fighter pilot's head in profile against a
background of brilliant light from an exploding atomic or hydrogen bomb.
If you've seen a fighter pilot's up-close profile, suited up, with his
oxygen mask on, you understand why someone in the sixteenth century

might describe him as a "pig half-man". That's what one looks like, stop to
think of it.
Line 3: "noise, chant, battle, fighting in the sky perceived". This is
apparently a view from the ground. Looks to me like a battle is going on on
the ground with people chanting (sound familiar from the news?) as well as
"fighting in the sky".
Line 4: "and one will hear the brute beasts talking". That's my favorite line.
Nostradamus heard the pilots talking.


THIS VERSE IS an eye-opener.

Nostradamus verse 5-27:

Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea,
He will come from Iran to occupy Trebizond, Turkey:
Pharos, Egypt; Mytilene, Greece to tremble, the Sun joyful,
The Adriatic Sea covered with Arab blood.

Lines 1 and 2: The country of Turkey borders on the Black Sea.

Line 3: "Pharos, Egypt; Mytilene, Greece to tremble…" Two separate entire
cities tremble following Iran's invasion of Turkey. I doubt Nostradamus is
talking about two separate earthquakes. Looks like nukes to me. They
wouldn't be the West's nukes. I think "the Sun joyful" means it will happen
during the summer.
Line 4: The Adriatic Sea lies between the mainland of Eastern Europe and
Italy. "…covered with Arab blood". Could be that somebody nukes the
Arabs while they're trying to cross the Adriatic Sea to get to Italy.


THIS VERSE HAS to do with the pope being forced out of Italy.

Nostradamus verse 2-41:

The great star will burn for seven days,

the cloud will cause two Suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
when the great pontiff will change country.

Line 1: My guess is the "great star" is a supernova and will be able to be

seen day and night for seven days.
Line 2: This is the nuke line. When a nuclear bomb explodes, it creates the
familiar "mushroom cloud". It may well look like two Suns have appeared.
Lines 3 and 4: A big dog will howl all night because of the ruckus going on
around it. The pope will leave Italy.
This prediction is due to occur in 2019. How do we know that? We
know it because of another Nostradamus verse, 5-25. It reads:

The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,

The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Iran very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Istanbul, Turkey, and Egypt.


Line 1: "…Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo," What does that mean? It means when
the planet Mars, the Sun, and the planet Venus line up and the line points to
the constellation Leo. The next time that will happen will be 21 August


THEY SAY THE third time is a charm. In this case perhaps a very unlucky,
horrible charm. This may or may not be a nuke verse, but it could be,
because of the poisoned water referred to in line 4, so I'm including it just
for drill.

Nostradamus verse 10-49:

Garden of the world near the new city,

In the path of the hollow mountains:
It will be attacked and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.

Yes, as horrible as it is to contemplate, Nostradamus is apparently telling us

of a third attack on the WTC location, after that area has been rebuilt as the
"Gardens of the World" memorial to those who died on 9/11.
Line 1: I'm not making this up, the actual name of the new complex
that is being constructed on the WTC site as I write is to be called, "Gardens
of the World", also referred to as "Memory Foundations". You can look it
up on the Internet. I quote, "Libeskind envisions a spire of “vertical
gardens” on the world’s tallest building, which would rise to a symbolic

height of 1,776 feet and direct sunlight on a special space each September
Also, "near the new city (New York City I presume)" in line 1 must
be referring to Manhattan as that's where the "Gardens of the World" will be
Let's jump to line 3 for a moment. In the same article it says, "He
also wants to preserve the sunken “bathtub” of the site as a memorial space."
The sunken "bathtub" or "Tub" as Nostradamus writes, is formed by the
retaining walls that keep river water from filling the "bathtub" at the base of
the WTC site. Nostradamus writes: "It (Garden of the World) will be
attacked and plunged into the Tub."
Line 2: What about, "In the path of the hollow mountains"? Well,
also in the same article there's an illustration of how the complex is planned
to look after construction is complete. A picture is worth a thousand words.
If you take a close look at the shape of the intended buildings along the
"path of the hollow mountains" leading to the "Gardens of the World" you
will notice the building designs look like a Hollywood movie set for a movie
portraying hollow mountains more than they look like skyscrapers.
Line 4: "Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur." According to
what I've read about Nostradamus, and from reading his other verses, among
his many talents he also understood some things about alchemy. My
dictionary says "alchemy" is the predecessor of chemistry. Maybe
Nostradamus actually means sulfur, or perhaps that's the closest he could
come to identifying whatever is to poison the water. The "attacked" of line
3 can't be referring to a direct hit on the "Gardens of the World", not by a
nuke at least, as that would do more than just drop the "Gardens of the
World" into the "Tub". A nuke would cremate them. It's possible the
gardens could be dislodged by a nearby nuclear explosion and dropped into

the Tub and the waters could be poisoned by radioactive fallout. Or, the
gardens could be attacked by conventional means and the waters poisoned
by some chemical. Line 4 is not clear, but in any case we can hope
the…(you fill in the blank) that this verse doesn't come to pass.


THIS VERSE HAS nothing to do with nukes, but since many Nostradamus
scholars, who have probably not had the wonderful opportunity of visiting
Mexico City and the twin volcanoes nearby, have long believed it has
something to do with New York City and/or 9/11. Let's take a look at it.

Nostradamus verse 1-87:

Volcanic fire from the center of the earth

will cause trembling around the new city:
Two great crags will make war for a long time.
Then Arethusa will redden a new river.

Lines 1 and 2: "Volcanic fire from the center of the earth will cause
trembling around the new city." In other of his stanzas, as you have noticed,
Nostradamus uses the word "trembling." Sometimes, as we have seen,
"trembling" can be what happens to the earth following a nuclear detonation.
However verse 1-87 specifies what is going to cause the trembling in this
case, "volcanic fire from the center of the earth." Why does Nostradamus
say, "around the new city"? According to Wikipedia, the name of Ciudad
de México, the Spanish name for Mexico City, became official in 1585.

Nostradamus died in 1566, so Mexico City would be thought of as a new
city by him.
Line 3: "Two great crags will make war for a long time." There are
two huge volcanoes near Mexico City. According to an Internet article,
"Popocatepetl, the Nahuatl name given by the Aztecs to the second highest
volcano in Mexico, literally means "smoking volcano". Its name was coined
during the Pre-Hispanic era. This volcano (located approximately 19.02N,
98.62W) is about 72km southeast of Mexico City and 43km west of Puebla.
Its summit elevation, or the elevation of its highest peak, is 5,426m." It's an
active volcano, as you may have noticed in the news from time to time.
According to the same article, it has erupted at least 14 times since the
Spanish arrived there in 1519. Iztaccihuatl is the nearby "twin" volcano
20km away from Popocatepetl. Iztaccihuatl has been dormant for 80,000
years, but let's not let that fool us. By infrared satellite photography it has
been determined that underground, under both of the volcanoes and the pass
between them, lies a huge pool of molten magma. Also, there is a vent
partway up the side of Iztaccihuatl, the side facing Popocatepetl. Global
warming has already melted the glacier that was on top of Popocatepetl for
thousands of years. If both volcanoes should become extremely active,
spitting red magma, molten rocks could spew back and forth between the
volcanoes and look like "two great crags" at war with each other, as
Nostradamus puts it.
As you can perhaps tell from the photo on the cover of this book,
which shows me and my brother-in-law Jesse standing on Popocatepetl, it
and Iztaccihuatl are huge volcanic rock crags. I invite you to go take a look
for yourself, seeing being believing, and all that.
Line 4: "Then Arethusa will redden a new river." The English
translations of Nostradamus' French verses convert his beautifully-rhymed

stanzas into free verse, but let us not forget that his verses are poetry and
subject to the same freedom given to more modern poets. So, why did he
write "Arethusa will redden a new river"? In Greek mythology, Arethusa
was a woodland nymph changed into a stream by Artemis, the Greek
goddess of the moon. Nostradamus is saying the volcanoes eventually will
create a red river of magma between them.



THIS VERSE REQUIRED considerable analysis. It's quite tricky, but

written exceedingly well.

Nostradamus verse 6-44.

By night the rainbow will appear for Nantes, France,

By marine arts they will stir up rain:
In the Gulf of Arabia a great fleet will plunge to the bottom,
In Saxony, Germany a monster will be born of a bear and a sow.

In order to create a rainbow, there must be rain and light. A rainbow is

formed when light shines through rain. The rain bends the light like a
prism, creating a spray of magnificent colors.
Line 1: "By night the rainbow will appear for Nantes, France," So,
how do we get a rainbow to appear at night in France? Well, we need rain.
Line 2: "By marine arts they will stir up rain" Here's the rain.
Line 3: "In the Gulf of Arabia a great fleet will plunge to the
bottom." Ah. What could cause a great fleet of ships to plunge to the
bottom of the sea? You guessed it, a nuke. And since a nuclear explosion is
as bright as the sun, its light could travel through the rain and create a
rainbow at night.

Okay, let's get the maps out again. Until recently, there was no
place on my map named the "Gulf of Arabia", now there is. It's a small gulf
along the east coast of Saudi Arabia, across the Persian Gulf from Iran. I
understand it's a tourist vacation spot.
Lets go back to line 2 for a moment. "By marine arts they will stir
up rain." Who will stir up rain by marine arts? I happened onto an article
on the Internet titled "Saudi Arabia's Artificial Rain", which says, "
Everyone knows Saudi Arabia's hot desert doesn't see much rain. And this
year's season has been no exception. Rain is needed and badly so. But the
Kingdom isn't going to wait and leave it to chance. It's going to rain by
hook or by crook as the Saudis are looking to science for a solution.
Artificial rain is created by spraying a passing cloud with chemicals forcing
the creation of water and then pushing the cloud to a designated spot."
Another Internet article says artificial rain is being used right now in the
huge Najd desert that covers the western and southern part of Saudi Arabia
and that in the not to distant future all of Saudi Arabia will be able to do so.
Now, back to the map. Lets draw a straight line between the Gulf of
Arabia and Nantes, France. Yes, our line goes right through the northern
part of Saudi Arabia.
So, if some night someone in Nantes, France happens to be looking
toward Saudi Arabia when a nuke sinks a fleet of ships in the Gulf of
Arabia, they could definitely see a rainbow, at night.
Line 4: "In Saxony, Germany a monster will be born of a bear and a
sow." Until the recent advent of genetic engineering, creating cloned sheep
and the like, I didn't take this line literally. But now, genes from different
animals, like humans and mice for example, have been combined to form
hybrid animals of two species. Now, when Nostradamus says, "a monster

will be born of a bear and a sow", I believe he meant it literally. I think
Nostradamus is telling us about when this prediction is to take place.



I'M GOING TO combine the remaining five Nostradamus stanzas, that read
like they may be referring to nukes, into this section.

Nostradamus verse 8-77:

The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,

twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the ground.

Line 4: "red hail covering the ground" Following a nuclear

explosion at ground or water level, a great deal of vaporized soil or
vaporized water or vaporized whatever that is available to the detonation is
taken up into the atmosphere. Sometimes, especially over water, it forms
what look like snow flakes or hail. The flakes slowly fall to earth as what is
known as "fallout". I don't know what color the flakes would be if a
massive amount of blood and tissue was taken up, perhaps reddish-brown.
Or, perhaps Nostradamus was just using a metaphor. Either way, it's a
nasty-looking verse.

Nostradamus verse 2-3:


Because of the solar heat on the sea

of Euboea (Negroponte, a Greek island) the fishes half cooked:
The inhabitants will come to cut them,
when the biscuit will fail Rhodes (Greek island) and Genoa, Italy.

Line 1: At first glance, "Because of the solar heat on the sea" seems
to be referring to heat from the Sun on the sea.
Line 2: What about "fishes half cooked"? Why half-cooked?
Radiation from a nuclear bomb exploded over the sea would cook the top
half of any fish beneath the blast. Nostradamus must be talking about a
nuclear event, otherwise the inhabitants would also be cooked and would
not be able to "come to cut" the fishes.

Nostradamus verse 1-20:

Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes,

cities vexed through sudden change:
Tents will be pitched by those of foreign tongues,
rivers, darts at Rennes, trembling of the land and sea.

Line 4: "trembling of the land and sea" Looks nuclear to me.

Nostradamus verse 10-60:

I weep for Nice, France; Monaco; Pisa, Italy; Genoa, Italy,

Savona, Italy; Siena, Italy; Capua, Italy; Modena, Italy; Malta (Island south
of Italy):
For the above, blood and sword for a New Year's gift,
Fire, the earth will tremble, water, sorrowful confrontation.

Line 4: "Fire, the earth will tremble, water, sorrowful confrontation"
Looks very nuclear.

Nostradamus verse 9-44:

Leave, leave Geneva, Switzerland every last one of you,

Lead will be converted from gold from iron,
"Raypoz" will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs.

Line 2: "Lead will be converted from gold from iron," During a

nuclear reaction a sequence takes place called cascading. Atoms of
radioactive elements cascade and become a different element that has a
lower energy level, after many such changes all nuclear reactions eventually
reach the bottom of the cascade series and become stable lead. I'm not
familiar with a reaction that jumps from iron to gold to lead, but I can't think
what else it could be except a nuclear reaction that Nostradamus is
It interesting to note that in the original French verse Nostradamus
wrote "Saturne" will be converted from gold from iron. At first glance, one
would think he's talking about the planet Saturn, but my Cassell's French
Dictionary says "Saturne" means lead.



a The Internet
a Wikipedia
a The Prophecies of Nostradamus. Erika Cheetham. G. P. Putnam's Sons,
New York, N. Y. 1973.
a Nostradamus and His Prophesies. Edgar Leoni. Dover Publications,
Inc. Mineola, N.Y.
a Cassell's French Dictionary.


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