Structural Analysis Report

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Tuki Cooperative Resource Center



Date: JULY, 2015

Table of Contents
1. Background ........................................................................................................................3
2. Objective ............................................................................................................................ 3
3. Scope of work .................................................................................................................... 3
4. Evaluation Process ............................................................................................................ 4
5. Detail evaluation of the existing Office Building……………………………………….6
6. Conclusion .........................................................................................................................6

7. Analysis and Design for retrofit building

(i) Retrofit Option .............................................................................................7
(ii) Structural analysis , check and design of retrofit option ..............................8
I. Demand Capacity check of retrofitted members
a) Column flexure capacity check ................................................10
b) Shear capacity of column check ..............................................10
c) Beam shear capacity check ......................................................10
d) Strong column weak beam check ............................................11
II. Design of retrofit members ............................................................12

8. Construction Methodologies ...........................................................................................15

9. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................20

10. Codes and Standards .......................................................................................................21

TUKI is located at the centre of Sindhupalchowk. The office building is one of
the most important infrastructure of the northern part of central development region of
Nepal. It is imperative that they remain structurally sound and fully operational at time of
earthquake. They must be ready to save lives and continue providing official service to
community especially at the times of disasters and emergencies.
An expert engineer team from MORPHOGENESIS CONSULTANT (P) LTD.
Kathmandu visited the office site in order to make seismic vulnerability assessment of the
existing buildings.
Hence, this report presents the seismic vulnerability assessment of the existing
office building of Sindhupalchowk, with proper consideration of the earthquake resistant
design criteria following the NBC 105-1994, NBC 206-2000, IS 1893:2002, and other
required design codes.
The objective of this report is to check the building whether they are technically
fit for operating as office building or not according to Nepal National Building Codes &
other required codes. For the purpose of Seismic evaluation of office building, the
structural analysis tool SAP 2000 vs 15.0.0 were used. To evaluate the strength of
concrete, number & size of longitudinal reinforcement bars in column, beam & slab the
non-destructive tests i.e. Rebound hammer & Rebar test were done. Seismic evaluation
and strengthening of the building can be done in accordance with the Indian Standard.

The main objective of this structural report is to check existing building, whether
they could be considered earthquake safer building for Office or not. Detail Evaluation of
the existing building is done and Retrofitting design is to be carried out if it is found
vulnerable to earthquake force.
The scope of the works for detail seismic vulnerability assessment is as follows:
 Site visit in order to conduct a survey to determine the structural characteristics of the
existing building.
 Modeling of the existing building using the data for the Office Building.
 Structural analysis of the modeled building.
 Reinforced concrete design of the structural elements considering SAP results.
 Compare the obtained & existing design of structural elements of the office building.
 Recommend whether buildings are earthquake safer or not for the Office uses.
 Retrofit design the members of building if found unsafe.
This existing building is checked whether it is designed in accordance with the
principles and philosophies and requirements of current seismic standards. The
evaluation procedure has followed as the steps suggested by the IS-15988, as given

a) Preliminary evaluation: This involves broad assessment of its physical condition,

robustness, structural integrity and strength of structure, including simple calculations. If
the results of this evaluation for strength, overall stability and integrity are acceptable, no
further action is required.

b) Detailed evaluation: It includes numerical checks on stability and integrity of the whole
structure as well as the strength of each member. Conventional design calculations for
these checks shall use modified demands and strengths.
The follows flow chart is used to further evaluation works:
The detailed evaluation procedure is based on determining the probable strength of lateral
load resisting elements and comparing them with the expected seismic demands. The
probable strengths determined are modified with appropriate knowledge factor K.
The lateral force obtained from the IS 1893 (Part 1) calculation method is reduced by
useable life factor.
Trem = remaining life of the building = 45
Tdes = design useful life of the building = 60
U = 86 % =100%


The structural analysis has been done making the following model considering the design
parameters required for the office building.
The reinforced concrete frame with infill masonry wall
The structural elements were designed based on IS 456-2000. Reinforced concrete
designs of structural elements are in ANNEX-IV. It is shown that most of the columns
were overstressed due to the less number of reinforcement used and geometrical size of
column itself.

The following conclusions could be made based on the physical site survey, non
destructive test, SAP structural analysis & design of the existing buildings.

 Most of the structural columns are overstressed.

 Improper structural arrangements of the buildings
 Architectural requirements for Office Building as per Nepal National Building
Code 206 are also not completely compliance
 Quality of the construction works is poor
 Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings show the lack of Earthquake resistant features
as per IS 1893:2002
Hence, it is concluded that the existing buildings to use as a Office Building is not
acceptable and it is Non Engineered Building based on the requirements of Nepal
National Building Codes, construction quality and architectural design. Retrofitting is
recommended for the building.
The deficient frame members and joints are identified during detailed evaluation of
building. Members requiring strengthening or enhanced ductility shall be jacketed by
reinforced concrete jacketing, steel profile jacketing, and steel encasement wrapping with
FRPs where possible, the deficient members shall first be stress relieved by propping.
Reinforced concrete jacketing improves column flexural strength and ductility. Closely
spaced transverse reinforcement provided in the jacket improves the shear strength and
ductility of the column.


From the design of existing building with the actual amount of concrete and
reinforcement, we obtained that most of the beam columns are overstressed. Although the
building is regular in plan and elevation, inadequate longitudinal reinforcement in column
is main cause that vertical member failed the most. It means either need to increase
number of column to support the induced load due to earthquake or need to retrofit the
column. The addition of shear wall is also helps to increase the global stiffness of the
building as well as to maintain the torsional criteria.
In this option, the column sections are enlarged according to the design section and
The different sections for column and beam jacketing are provided below:

Column Jacketing Options

Rectangular Column Section is Jacketing with of

the size of 430 x 430 and with the detailing of 4-
16mm Ф+4-12mmФ.
The detailing for the columns with this option is
provided in the drawing.

Modelling feature of retrofit office building:

 Shell Element has been used for modeling of existing slab

 RCC Frame Sections are used to model the existing the Beam, Column.

 Linear and elastic finite element Model was run for the Lateral load corresponding to the
basic seismic Coefficient as calculated below table of Base Shear Calculation.

 The response reduction factor was assumed to 5 including there must be reserved
potential in structure to deform up to 5 times the maximum elastic deformation without

 IS codes are used for further analysis and design.

(a) Calculation of base shear:

Calculation Using IS 1893: 2002:
Horizontal Seismic Coefficient Calculation by IS-1893 Method
Seismic Zone V
seismic zone factor,Z 0.36
Structural Type Building
Importance Factor, I 1
Lateral Load Resisting System Structure
Response Reduction Factor, R 5
Hight of the building, h, m 11.43
Dimension of the building along X, dx , m 15.7
Dimension of the building along Y,dy, m 8.76
Time Period of the building along X, Tx 0.466
Soil Type III(Soft soil)
Average Response Acceleration Coefficients along X,
(Sa/g)x 2.5
Average Response Acceleration Coefficients along Y,
(Sa/g)y 2.5
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient along X,
Ahx=ZISa/(2Rg) 0.09
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient along Y,
Ahy=ZISa/(2Rg) 0.09
Seismic Weight W = 4672.53
Base Shear along X = 420.528
Base Shear along Y = 420.528
(b) Load cases:
Following loads have been considered in the analysis of the building as per IS 456-2000
and IS1893-2002.
Dead Load (DL)
Live load (LL)
Earthquake load in X-direction (EQX)
Earthquake load in Y-direction (EQY)

(c) Load Combination

Following load combinations have been adopted as per IS 1893:2002.

1.5 x (Dead load + Live load)

1.5 x (Dead load  Earthquake load/Wind Load in X-direction)
1.5 x (Dead load  Earthquake load/Wind Load in Y-direction)
0.9 x (Dead load )  1.5 (Earthquake Load/Wind Load in X-direction)
0.9 x (Dead load )  1.5 (Earthquake Load/Wind Load in Y-direction)
1.2 x (Dead load +Live load  Earthquake load/Wind Load in X-direction)

(d) Inter storey drift check:

Along X-direction
TABLE: Story Response
Story Elevation X-Dir
m Drift %
2 8.688
1 5.792 0.12
Ground 2.896 0.13
Base 0.00 0.00
Since, the drift ratio is less than 0.4% of storey height. Hence, check is satisfied for drift in X-

Along Y-direction
TABLE: Story Response
Story Elevation Y-Dir
m Drift %
2 8.688
1 5.792 0.15
Ground 2.896 0.16
Base 0.00 0.00
Since, the drift ratio is less than 0.4% of Storey height. Hence, check is satisfied for drift in Y-

a. Column Flexure Capacity Check (Critical Column)

Calculating the column bending capacity for ground storey column(c69):
The column demand given by load case with maximum value is:
Pu = 777.165 kN
Mu = 36.5761 kNm
fck = 15Mpa
fy = 500 Mpa
Clear cover = 40mm
D = 375 mm
dc = 40 + 16/2 = 48
dc/D = 0.12

Percentage of reinforcement,
p = 1.63%
p/fck = 0.11
Pu/(fckbD) = 777.165 x 1000/(15 x 345 x 345)
= 0.368
Referring to chart 48 of SP: 16,
Mu ′/ (fck b D2) = 0.15
Mu′ = 118.65 kNm
DCR = 0.31<1
Hence the check is satisfied.

b. Shear Capacity Of Column Check

Considering that the steel in one face will be in tension,
As = 2* π *16^2/4 = 402.12 mm2
Therefore, 100As/bd = 0.28
τc= 0.36 Mpa
Stirrups are 2- legged, 10mm Ø @ 100mm c/c spacing
Vus = 0.87 x fy x Asv x d/Sv
= 0.87 x 415x157.1x 335/100
= 190.0 kN
Therefore, Vu = Vus + τc bd
= 240.64kN
Shear force per analysis = 80.03 kN
Moment Capacity of Beam
Mu,limbR = 224.87 kNm
Mu,limbL = 40.085 kNm
hst= 2.896 m
V from capacity design (IS13920)
= Vu = 1.4 (Mu,limbL + Mu,limbR)/hst
Hence, Vu = 128.08 kN
So, Final shear demand = 128.08 kN
DCR = 0.53
Hence, the check is satisfied.

c. Beam Shear Capacity Check

The shear reinforcement provided in the existing beam at support section is 2-legged 6Ф
@ 100mm c/c.
As =452 mm2
pt = 100 As/bd = 100x515.22/(230 x 325) = 0.6%
Using table 19 of IS456:2000, for M15 grade of concrete and 100As/bd = 0.6,
τc= 0.492 MPa
Stirrups are 2-legged 6Ф @ 100mm c/c, hence from cl. 40.4 of IS456:2000
Vus = 0.87 fy*Asv *d / Sv
Vu = Vus + τc bd
= (0.87 x 415 x 56.54 x 300)/100 + 0.492 x 300 x 230 = 95.19 kN
Shear Demand in beam:
V as per analysis = 35.14 kN
Moment capacity of beam
MRH = 224.87 kNm
MRS = 40.085 kNm
Lc = 2.13 m
VaD+L = VbD+L = 7.12 kN
V from capacity design (IS13920)
= Vu = 7.12 + 1.4 (MRH + MRS)/ Lc = 181.3 kN
Hence final shear demand in beam = 181.3 kN
DCR = 1.9 >1
Hence, the check is not satisfied for beam. So Beam shall be strengthened at support for
shear capacity.

d. Strong Column Weak Beam Check

The flexure strengths of the columns shall satisfy the condition:
∑Mc ≥ 1.1 ∑Mb
Checking Capacity of Column at Ground Floor:
The longitudinal beam of size 345 X 345 is reinforced with 2-16dia.+ 1-12dia(i.e.
515.22mm2) at top and 2-16 dia.+1-12dia (i.e. 515.22 mm2) at bottom.
b = 230mm; d= 300mm
The hogging and sagging moment capacities are evaluated as 40.085kNm and 224.87
kNm respectively.
Moment capacity of column determined,
Mu = 118.65 kNm
∑Mc = 118.65 + 118.65 = 237.3 kNm
∑Mb = 40.085 + 224.87 = 264.95 8kNm
1.1∑Mb = 291.44 kNm
∑Mc < 1.1 ∑Mb
Hence, check is not satisfied.
Therefore extra longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided in retrofit column so that
moment capacity of column is greater than that of beam.


Design of column:

Size of column = 375 x 375 mm

Grade of steel = Fe 500
Grade of concrete = M15
L (length) = 2.57 m
L ef
= 6.86 < 12 (Hence Short Column)
For Column 179 (Combination 9)
Factored moment acting along X-direction
Mux = 36.5761 KN-m
Factored moment acting along Y-direction
Muy = 1.1 KN-m
Corresponding axial load, (Pu) = 777.165 KN
Checking for minimum eccentricity, (IS 456:2000 Clause 25.4)
Mux 36.57  10 3
For Mux, ey = =
Pu 777.165
=47 mm

 L D
20mm or    =17.64
 500 30 
Muy 1.0893  10 3
For Muy, ex= =
Pu 777.165

 L D
= 1.4 mm <20mm or    =17.64mm
 500 30 
Therefore, the column should be designed as compression member subjected to axial
load and biiaxial bending.
Assuming percentage of steel (p) = 1.65%
p/fck =0.11
Assuming Steel is distributed uniformly on four sides,
Biaxial moment capacity of the column about Y- axis,
d' 48
= =0.128
D 375
From code SP-16 (Chart No 48)
Pu 777.165  10 3
= = 0.368
fck  bD 15  375  375

= 0.15
fck  bD 2
M uy1 = 0.15×15×375×3752 /106 = 118.65 KN-m
Muy1 = Mux1 = 118.65 KN-m (Since the column section is square.)
Calculation of Puz,
For, p = 1.65 %, f y = 500Mpa, fck= 15 MPa
Puz  0.45 fck  Ac  0.75 fy  Asc (IS: 456-2000, Clause 39.6)
0.45  15  375  375) * (1  0.0165  0.75  500  0.0165  375  375
Puz  = 1803.6
10 3
Therefore,777.165 /1803.6= 0.43<1 ok
Now,  n =1.38 (IS 456:2000 Clause 39.6)
n n
 M ux   M uy 
    1 (IS 456:2000 Clause 39.6)
M 
 M ux1   uy1 
1.38 1.38
 36.576   15.54 
    = 0.26<1 (Ok)
 118.56   118.56 

Hence reinforcement of 1.65 % will be sufficient for the column section of 345x345 mm.
So, Area of steel, Ast = 0.0165 ×345×345 = 2320.31 mm2
Now, Assuming 4 numbers of 16 mm Φ bars and 4 numbers of 12 mm Φ bars,
reinforcement is distributed equally on all four sides, A = 1256 mm2
Existing reinforcement A’=1030 mm2
Therefore, Total area of reinforcement = 2286 (Also area of steel obtained from SAP
design for column 2286 mm2, ok)

Design of Transverse Reinforcement:

Diameter of ties (Φ )< ¼ × largest bar diameter used in column>6mm
So, adopt dia. of ties (Φ) =8mm
Determination of Pitch:
<16ф of longitudinal
P<48фtranverse bar
Spacing≤.5times least lateral dimension of the section
=.5x430 =215 mm
For end portion of ‘hc/6’ from both ends:
Spacing of ties = (B or D)/4 < 100mm =390/4 =97.5mm <100mm
So spacing of ties at ends in hc/6 portion = 8mm@Φ 75mm c/c
For mid portion:
Spacing of ties = (B or D) /2 = 390/2 =195mm
So spacing of ties at mid portion= 8mm@Φ 150mm c/c
Spacing of ties according to IS 15988:2013
Adopt spacing of ties = 10mm@Φ 100mm c/c throught the column.

The above design also fulfills the standards of IS 13920: 1993, clause 7.1.1, clause 7.1.2,
clause 7.1.3, and detailing is done also considering the standards of code IS 13920: 1993,
clause 7.2, clause 7.3 and clause 7.4.
Figure: 3-D View of Beam Column Joint
A. Columns Jacketing Methodology:

Figure1: Chiseling the Existing Column Surface

Figure1: Typical Anchorage bar Detailing

Figure2: Enlarged View of Typical Anchor Bar on Retrofitted Column

Typical Sections& Details of Retrofitted Column:

Figure: Typical Cross Section of Retrofitted Column

Typical Pictures of Retrofitted Column:

Figure: Typical Arrangement of Longitudinal Bars, Lateral Ties & Anchorage Bars

B. Beam-Column Joint Jacketing Methodology:

The most critical region of a moment resisting frame for seismic loading, the beam to the
column joint, is undoubtedly the most difficult to strengthen because of the great number
of elements assembled at this place and the high stresses this region is subjected to in an
earthquake. Under earthquake loading joints suffer shear and/or bond failures.
The retrofitting at the beam column joint is selected as the option like reinforced concrete
Figure: Vertical Sectional View of Jacketed Beam-Column Joint

1. Weld the added reinforcement with the existing bar nearer to the junction to hold
the bottom longitudinal bar of beam during construction. Welding details provided

2. Fill the hole with micro concreting and compacting sufficiently.

3. Finally, provide the layer of additional micro concrete.
4. Curing the prepared micro concrete layer with drink water upto 7 days, regularly.
C.1. Typical Sections& Details of Retrofitted Column:
The typical sectional plan and elevation of retrofitted Beam-Column joint are given below.

Figure: Sectional Plan of Beam Column Joint

(Section A-A)
Figure: Sectional Elevation of Beam Column Joint
Figure: 3-D View of Beam Column Joint

After the analysis of the office building, we conclude that the existing building has not sufficient
capacity to resist the seismic force during the seismic activities. So the seismic retrofitting works
are essential to this building.

The main design standards followed for existing structural design & retrofitting are given
below, indicating their area of application.
S.N. Code and Standards Description
1 IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
2 IS 875 (Part 1): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 1 Dead Loads – Unit Weights of
Building Material and Stored Materials (Second Revision)
3 IS 875 (Part 2): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 2 Imposed Loads (Second
4 IS 875 (Part 3): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 3 Wind Loads (Second
5 SP 34: 1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
6 IS 13920: 1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected
to seismic forces - Code of practice
7 IS 1893: 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures
8 IS 1786: 1985 Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires
for concrete reinforcement (superseding IS:1139 -1966)
9 IS 800: 2007 Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel (Third
10 SP 16 : 1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456 : 1978

Jain, A.K. Reinforced Concrete, Limit State Design, fifth edition, Nem Chand and
Bros, Roorkee, 1999
Sinha, S. N. Reinforced Concrete Design, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1996
Pillai,U.C. and Reinforced Concrete Design, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Menon,D. Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2003

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