String Vs Stringbuffer Vs Stringbuilder

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Favor Composition over Inheritance

When you use inheritance to reuse code from the superclass, rather than to
override methods and define another polymorphic behavior, it's often an indication that
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Java String related classes: String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder

String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder

1. String is immutable whereas StringBuffer and StringBuider are mutable
2. StringBuffer is thread safe and synchronized whereas StringBuilder is not,
thats why StringBuilder is more faster than StringBuffer.
3. String concat + operator internally uses StringBuffer or StringBuilder class.
4. For String manipulations in non-multi threaded environment, we should use
StringBuilder else use StringBuffer class.

Synchronized block vs Synchronized method

Object immutability in Java


Check your ability of coding task: algorithmic questions 1

1. Reverse a text

2. Check a given text is Palindrome or not

3. Implement a pool of objects by its object

Java Garbage collection methods

Java has four types of garbage collectors. These are:-

1. Serial Garbage Collector- S GC

2. Parallel Garbage Collector- P GC
3. CMS Garbage Collector- CMS GC
4. G1 Garbage Collector- G1 GC
Default implementations of GC in java -

- Java 7 - P GC
- Java 8 - P GC
- Java 9 - G1 GC
- Java 10- G1 GC

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