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Part I. Socio-Demographic Profile

Name (Optional):
Address (Optional):
Age: 37 years old Sex: Female
Civil Status:
( ) Single
( ) Married
(✔) Separated
( ) Widow/widower
( ) Others, please specify. _____________________
Household Size: Nine (9)
Educational Attainment:
( ) Elementary Level (✔) College Level
( ) Elementary Graduate ( ) College Graduate
( ) High School Level ( ) Post-College Level
( ) High School Graduate ( ) Post-College Graduate
( ) Others, please specify. __________________________
Occupation. Self-employed
(✔) Roman Catholic
( ) Protestant
( ) Born Again
( ) Jehovah’s Witnesses
( ) Seventh Day Adventist
( ) Others, please specify. _____________________
( ) Within the poblacion of San Antonio
(✔) Outside the poblacion of San Antonio

Part II. On the Poverty Causation.

The following statements on poverty causation are

formulated based on the theories on poverty causation of Ted K.
Bradshaw, a professor of community development at University of
California, to identify your perceived causes of poverty as a 4Ps
grantee. Please indicate at least five (5) check marks (✔) on the
lines before each statement if you agree.

__ I am poor ✔ I am poor __ I am poor ✔ I am poor ✔ I am poor

because I am because this because I do because our because our
incompetent has been the not have location is community
and lazy culture of income and inhabited lacks
person. our assets to by the poor employment
predecessors. sustain our people. opportunitie
daily needs. s to recruit
new business
to our area.
✔ I am poor __ I am poor ✔ I am poor __ I am __ I am poor
because I am because our because our poor because I
illiterate. family, since government because our fail to
my birth, is has no place is invest good
already poor. actions to vulnerable education to
alleviate our to natural our
poor calamities, children.
condition. such as
__ I am poor __ I am poor __ I am poor __ I am __ I am poor
because this because our because I am poor because of
is what I culture of always because the my
perceived poverty is discriminated great part perspective
and believed continually by the people of our land that
to be. discriminated of higher is not individual
by the other class. agricultura lack of jobs
of higher lly-ideal and income.
class in our for the
community. farmers to

__ If you do not have any choices on the statements above, what

is the reason why do you not consider yourself as a poor? Please
specify. ________________________________________________________

Part III. On the Perception Towards the Poverty Reduction

Capacity of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

1. The statements below will determine your perception towards

the poverty reduction capacity of the 4Ps. Please indicate a
check mark () after each statement if you “strongly agree”
(SA), “agree” (A), “neutral” (N), “disagree” (D), or “strongly
disagree” (SD).

Statement SA A N D SD
1. With cash grants of 4Ps, we are ✔
able to eat properly.
2. The 4Ps’ cash grant is so small ✔
that it cannot be enough to
assist the health and
educational needs of the
3. With 4Ps’ cash grants, we are ✔
able to buy our clothes.
4. With 4Ps we are able to buy ✔
things beyond our daily needs,
such as television set, electric
fan, stove, and other
5. The 4Ps makes me dependent on ✔
the government that I no longer
find a stable job for my family.
6. With 4Ps, we are able to ✔
sustainably meet our basic
7. The 4Ps expands our knowledge ✔
about family planning.
8. The 4Ps paves way to the growth ✔
of some other welfare programs
of the government.
9. With 4Ps, I become lazy to find ✔
a job.
10. With 4Ps, I have better ✔
chance of supporting the
education of my children until I
find a better job.
11. For me, 4Ps helps me to ✔
look for a stable job.
12. With 4Ps, I develop a ✔
positive outlook towards
economic improvement of my
13. Due to cash grants of 4Ps, ✔
I am not motivated to look for a
better and more stable job.
14. With 4Ps’ cash grants, I ✔
have a better chance of
maintaining my vices such as
drinking liquor, smoking,
gambling, etc.
15. With 4Ps, I become ✔
important to my family,
especially to my husband/wife.
16. I find the 4Ps ✔
conditionalities difficult to
comply, as part of the program’s
cash incentive.
17. With 4Ps, my financial ✔
worries have lessened due to 4Ps
cash grants.
18. The 4Ps’ cash grants are ✔
not enough to sustain our basic
19. The 4Ps cash grants ✔
motivate me in encouraging my
family to help our community in
maintaining cleanliness and
20. In general, 4Ps has ✔
greatly/substantially reduced

2. In a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represents least effective and

10 represents most effective in terms of the 4Ps’
effectiveness in reducing poverty, how will you rate the
program? Please encircle the number which corresponds to your
perceived effectiveness of the 4Ps.


1 ② 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Part IV. Problems and Recommendations

1. What are the problems you have encountered in the 4Ps



(Overcoming these problems)

2. What suggestions can you give for the improvement of the

4Ps as a strategy to reduce poverty?
The 4Ps employees should do their job well.

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