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Consolidated Bank Ghana Limited (CBG) is pleased to inform our various customers, staff and
stakeholders that having successfully commenced operations on 2nd August 2018 all our branches and
strategic business units are fully opened for business.

Consolidated Bank Ghana Limited is a fully indigenous bank that is 100% owned by the Government of
Ghana and is well capitalized in excess of the new capital requirements of the Bank of Ghana.

The bank has a stated capital of GHS450 million, a branch network of 175, with presence in nine (9)
regions of Ghana.

We would like to thank all our loyal customers for their understanding at this time and once again
reassure you that, following the consolidation of the operations of the defunct Banks, there would be
absolutely no loss of customer deposits as we are able to meet your requirements through our various
branches and channels.

CBG starts on a strong footing and we intend to use our size as well as the knowledge and vast
experience of our staff to support large and small businesses across the country, play our part in ensuring
a stable financial sector and finally support the industrialization and economic transformation agenda of
the Government.

However, as a new Bank created out of several legacy institutions, there would of necessity, be a period
of stabilization required to synchronize our operations across all our products and channels.

It is our intention to make this as short as possible without disrupting or diluting our commitment to
providing outstanding services to all our stakeholders.

We would, however, require your continued support and understanding during this period, knowing fully
well that we are irrevocably committed to building an enduring institution that would become one of the
beacons of the Ghanaian nation.

Lastly, we are wholly committed to being an open, responsive and transparent organization and in this
light, we would strive to truly engage our stakeholders as partners in the growth of this proud Ghanaian

In this light, there would be further briefings on developments within the Bank as events unfold especially
with regards to our channels, products and services.

We thank you once again for your continued confidence.

Daniel Addo

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