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-- When there are few or no

images, the structure of two

uneven columns can support
a page with nothing in the
.......... ... _:rln. ...... _ ........_ ...
~ ~ ..... ..
..1'rr.~ .. lM_... " ................. _ ......... smaller text column .
........... .-4.ftIIPIN ...... ~ ... - . . . . - - ...'_~
,..Icd .. _ -. . . - , . _ _ ..... ~.....t .......... _
,......... m-,-WI..... IIMIdrIl......... u.-.

.... _____ --.IM



Iit-. .. _ .. .....
........ 1IIIu _ _ ....... II~,..,.,

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.. _~-'r .. i ... ........-.,.....-..-_.........,
-"'-d ........ '*"'-......,.-.... tt..b-ta_
...... th. . . . . . . . . . . . -.;.. _ _ _ ..... ~......- •

...................... --.a.._,.......,
.... _ ......... _ . . _1 . . . . . . . ....,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. ___ ......... _ ... ....,
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..,.,...- ..... -..

............. -...........~n.."....... _
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......... -..-",... ntIIdMMetllktllo_ .... •... OI_--..,l" ... ..aiIII, ...... ..... ............. ~ . . IIMr ....... ..,. ....... _ . . ........
~ .......... _ ......... MWtI... -w.I_IM_U... ..... _ .. IMt-. _ _ .............. ~.............. ........
r..--.... a.m.~. _____ __ .....

-................ ...... _.--.-.I... -.... .............


O" ................................. ablht, ......... _ . . .

lIXDlC.lo............... tl 11"''-' ,.......,._ ..... A _ ...... ......
.... .....,.....«1 . . .1\... _I~~ ........I,. . . . . fMO· .... 111 . . . . . . . ,... .. - - _ ......................... ..........
n.. .... _ .... -. ........... .-i... _ _ ......I .......... ......
• ~......,. ..... IiIIII..--. ...... __ -'"''''_ ...... _, .. ,... . _..... .....a .......... totilI ... "'...... _ .. _ .....
_ . . . . e ..... _liIIbtle.ur-......... "' ........... ... .c ...... ~.. - ' - I .. _ _ ....... ..........,.

........ 1IIt:u.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . .. . - -
a.r,.. .........,._v..-.LiIIII_Itf'IUIfUI..,.. ..... U.
.loIIl'f7IIIIIII,..,.. ................ Iior.tW_~ ......... --..
1N-. ..........................
. . . . . '"' . . ~..."Ih9ta""""""
n.. ..... '"Il. ....... ......
.itk-n ......................... .tIltNot _ _
... - . - ....... d _ .... ~ISbItL,..~ .. It.a.. 1-._""........ .,,.. ........ . Rules can function as devices
......... "'~ ......... _____ hl'' ....._
................... ~ ......,"-"' ...._ ..,.....a. ....... _
.... MII"-_..... IMau..~ ...
........ 0.. ..",......,... r.I ...... ,..." . .
_.11 II .......
0....."""""" to either divide the space or

- . -........... ................,........ ..-...- ---- ....-.,. ...... --..... ....

"""""' ...............Ilhh ........................ " , - - . 1.......·_ . - . . . . ................ dJOtltlt'ft.".~
.....- .. -'I .............,.,.. ............ ~Mlu.. ...
.... ...............111_
"'-o.... ...... It.t .............. ~.-.... . . ......
...... connect columns within the
space. Here, the blue rules
,.. ........ _ .... ~ .. I*~.OI .....
'...-_ _ 111'...................... ., . . .
t.1.-t.a ....................... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . .•

..,...0. ... ... -tfIIdIII:~ • .,....,., . . wMfIIt, ........... .......

_ ••"' ..... ______ w.-.......... .....
~ ~

become part of the weave of

................I -..~ ..... - .. ......-,-... r.... ~ .............. DIoeM_ .... IbN ... e-...
....... _ .............. -r ... _
iM ................... ..,. ....... - . , . . -........ . .~~
the page without overwhelming
the material; they also denote
new paragraphs.

ft. ___ • __ ....... ,.,.,.....

liber... aad lito ...... o.bfallol"''''Iatont. 111.0110 iliON ","anl tho_ otCUrIkh.
..,...-J ___ .. _ . . , . . . . . .....
. PRO, aNI LCP to UY radiation aad dlom.Ical ..11' b _11:.. lor ~1Ig" allllltlih

"' .....................
_n.-....... _ ...
............ .....".. .. u..
tdiloll tI,.t..d corbolilibet ..... M • •p!opd cha.... COCIOA

du«ld to conduct ellc:1nd.ty ia a bghlbuib 1M patllloMei 1l1ll111la. 0..17 In 11 ... thai float IMd wuhQO.tld tM MIa. . . WIll olllOhlw.'ghl. cul.,
__ 1_ po.- lib'.,......~. hot! CIIIt.. ~"a h"......Ir.-gth. high, ,IoYMO!MI ptOItCtl.... OlItIQleI well CIt fIee""a",1J balUttlcGfmo&.

~~ .... mocIv.lvelibM.· OItidiaid thoMt ~ lrocn pol'l'OCf'rlOGltriS. (PAN) Of
pI~..--, GIld .od.'u..ary an Ib
til compotilft. II lInd.llllpcK'1In1llGoc.OM ......rvr ubIorpIloa .. glo..· Of
ClJl'baft.mllloJ<..ed producu. HJo1P£~ all'JlOl' 1IIO.lldlkhy.....inov ~I

..ottlog ea..noJ. oed~" .oaufoctuN,'
LHI . . . . dlo.e.fOfftIU' ..... llth.....tUco:ttIoft..hbtt_'.U..
.awlultl wMn IlMd III CMro.poc.aDdalikHaOtl... ftbic:Ie.. 1hIyolM .ok.
lew atraag. .ffidenllpCWtaequIpmem."-'ocIlag. cmbaa rlhdGreempta
- .........
lhm.pu"''''. rodaJ.ltHJ.fPEdoet...,. .I,tt.taad UUIII_"ay ..... Uliallon .....
_ a low rn.ltIn; \4I_perol",. al1511 'C QIIO'"F)-twoquaUtl.. that
pr«II.Ide'", u .. wMr, h:lgb lMnJ*alllr~ IMillolKII a.a 1Il_,

P'OL'tPHCH'rLC"' .tJflO.,IOIAlOLl . PlOt
=-~ -~~ PBO lib.r1I Mlrpa_ cnamkh I. .... ~no.. dJ., .....loamllkdJlllty. aDd
rlMn... Fi.. 6 . . . . corbanlibenanWVI'HbllotOihloralal.....lAIkh,.11
- = - == ''''Itmtce. but m . . .~ll"'l0 phallldegradatlan • .ad
<: __ 1InI aDd abnzslcm
IJI ouler appcu_1, aubon. 6beta pwIIDCI wwbnovaUmoplC IIcmtn ("I)J lID
.- ~
=~~ Itm'Cll.IOOT)01Id """" bu"'~ 1IOJO_'hoer.m .. $pItt-ODd dirinll:.....,. lIydHlllpitlln wann.. flloIlll!lIHMfit~" T1taIr ItlU molaeuln bill Ill"h!, rigid

- - -- Una. la hlg' ~tO'IWII!LIl

..-- tI,,,,In> ,trUe!WH. .... khgfCllftl Oft ~.~IJ ill" .. t.e:ncJcl1' D!Id !IIOdlllu .. App'rsa

-- ----
.- ~=~--

.. =
AIa_1dI.1UCb N ""'Sol tDuPMQood1Wo:roo·CTefjiA1 aM iamoas tor dwir
COCItol.lng ZyIon'1TooroboL lbe Ofttr P8O!lbM In ~al ~~PfO'
'ricIH bollla1ic ptOl~iOD: ~ of III hSg'h.MfCIY oblorplioo and cliMtpo-
ticm.af1Illlpo:LZ.,.lon lIedM uNCI (alba kMI pads 01 1DCMOICyd. cppateL lor
....1,'esiMClnl _Ik wear. aDd ill IIII.MII fDr ,10"

... 1. ~ _til GIIII otMr larmac:i halIlSlic: pI(IIK&Iota. CD -.11 em kit
• • • _ _ 4_. . •
- .......- . ,.........
_ ~

G'f.... ,""VbeecntMtbtPlrt-g'"'~dIa'Mate-tuJtr~Gndp!ldl:ed '''D

PlPD. US ~I CWIllJlOUall Sri.... lnMmadanan expICI-': to eaIMIn.lo
d ...17 IDgltbm.HtUdtlD(jlIa
conun..rdol J)I'OdUC1_ ln ~ lII'Ia~ .. ...edt. otG.. kla oed PaC) 14
~olld~IILotPIW. . . u.dlftOM1aladJrlOOl'~
rot!'" GDd CClMtI'IICtiM cow... Oftd fI'O'I'ide aedwmkal ptOtec:tlae Ia optJcal
fib..- cabIM.... Ub cadtIJft. ~~U. maII:doIa amb lipl alJaah
_a _. ilia,*\, 0111. PfOpItnJ... ~ btcInIM Ill. mot«ul. 110.... 1"009 kll.tol
baadl"'iJ. '" . . U 01 a'oo' ""nISI'" alonv 1M Oflttl,td <bole.. M~ * mudI
be(I4!, "H' Gild CICHIIPl"tioa ru~'a..c., In ~lItpotll.. 11 thowa toad adII~
eo-J**I" cmd spar1I. . ~ hul ara.w. a.a.. the added od_~"
... ~
Impad ~DCtCl8d eMf'ITobeorpCjoa.
doe 1o'._L ltl dLmern:illllal.labllil, WId" 1wGt.lnitlaDce 10 UV rodia.

--=- --- LIQUID C.YstAL .OLYM'. tLe,.
Allhwgh IpilA hom dlll".1II1 poIr-er. oM f»OCM'
I*, and II,.. ad tl'Olllpurelle}' Ia "1Ilar elqIOrub ltl paulbl. u-. PDtentlal
OPpjleol1oru lneillde ,oil cmcIbald bcI1 Ilk p~1on" JII. ptOtICdoa.lopeI
all!ld~lMft._ IlNCtlllGl ~_JI

:::. ~=--
--. __._.......
.... Gfo.mkliia their 1Uftlam,1_pott ......~aJMI....". abitlqcioa. . . .lI _, . . ,Ctl
~ atabelr _IUlril, to UV ligIIL C-pored to ammIch. VICIIG_ fCUJ-l,
iliaan" CO/II,..tdaU, 0'f0t1cdM LCP.lI mot. I.Po," 190"'. hell ..,... ,
A bl.nd of ~Irmer. In a tabrlc-. yvm. 01 fiJMr .1nIct\.W.
CO" ad...,.
a rnGMriaJ bet~1 .lIllod Jar Its.Ad,..,,clDni. antl-
OtlJbUW"ond ,Mowlt»lttftlQda'" . . . . . . . . . to h"h McnJ*011U'"
01_ ... I4alic dothlttg tIIGJ be ..oven p1l11OfJ), from alGlIllid Jiben bu. t.a!"r. the

- ~~--- v.ct.rcm qIQ. . . . G.a." a" HMP£ Ia di.ene.lanol ~a.bllil., CUld cui

_. • • • II rHhlollc.::II"UMd 10 wt_.Us lor A-nan Cup ~ bt:Oatob:!. llrur-

f'eD\Ilof ~ oj a c:arbotl !ilamonl 10 dt.tpat.14a1k <:barp. 't'antI lot
CVI·t"Wonl app!lco1kM11 Il101111101 .. FOCi 1GI:tlle PI..,..I_ with. a Wtappl""
- -- .....
lW... topM.coWMaod rMll.t.Jlaee.adM-,....1OIl1 doiIhUIg.n lecau..
I) C*O ta. .... Iu.d br ....... t01' V«t1GA" bDtlticoI """'" MKh '*" .. CIOU_ 010l&lld HMPC ood tlbet910" cot. . O. G I'i.Mf"~ a "1111~ "btt
QUI be •• ,rudId"omIWOOl tMH dlll....1II1 poIJ1Mtlln '1'0,1.- COfltlgllJOo
_I_plaaboacl ~I""" a.bOIcabIn."
do. . lID uhlblt 11M prClpftt," of boIll.

IIICH-MODQ1.U' ~I.'n.nt"r: [""'ID

KMPE. blow_ by !.be ba_ . . . . Dr.,.... {1'OfCIbo/DSNlc- $pKtlo:
CHoe.,..UL .Il'10'' ben altnt.Mgh ~""ht poI,...w,,,, bra
1. . . . 9*I. . ft.ft',. ........................otalllhthfgtt·I*ror_'*

Two Column
• 31

16. Rules Rule!

Dmetimes, instructional material includes so Horizontal rules can separate information within col-
S many discrete chunks of information that a page
needs more than mere space between the columns
umns by dividing running text from boxed material, or
by separating the overall te xt area from the running
for readability. In such cases, a vertical rule can feet and folios by means of another horizontal rule.
function as a dividing line between columns. Caution: Too many rules can dull a page.
~ ~

This vertical rule keeps chunks

of different information,
sometimes with different type
attributes-such as bolds, all
MAKES al>o\It I ~Q.IPS "A Ki,S abOut 1 ~ p
capitals, italics, fractions-in PREP TIM E; 10 mfttutos PAEP 'tIME: 10 minutC'S

their respective columns. TO'fAL fl"E : 2 hourt Cindf.ldtt 1 Joi.hQurs f"Oesting end lOT"," TIME: 1 hour (fndud" 45 minultS lirrwnoring
cooling U"",,) and cooling ti",.)

'Th 1'«1' ,1,;s trti~ UCt'Ifi", If ... a/ltrta ("If IUtldl ,«I,A AI,',mrg" !resJ'·li'frt...."'td "n"Jg(' j,l/1t ",m 'JUtt' bat,
lIiqll~ forroasting garii(, rr:plnri,'R ,I,,. oil iflit' lyp;(ally a"y slU«-bouglrr om't~ juict' will ,,~rl: I,m. Villas
liSt u;,t, 1I'11(fT. )"Cl j ,,,mt a vi"nigrc"co .,,;,1, offJlan)fJ m(ll~ smr 10
,..dll« tilt onlll~ jrrkr i" " rrom'Nnil't SUti"lrss 11m
2 large 90Irlic heads pm,.
2 tAblespoons w~t. ,
s.~ 2 cups orillnge Julce (ne note .bove)
2 tabl.'PGOnJ DlJon mustard 3 labl.'Poona ftHh lime Juice
2 tabtHpoonl l'Ion-v 1 labf.,poon I»ney
6 tablespoon, c.lct., vlnega' 1 tables.poon minced .,..Uot
~ te.spoon pepper ¥i. til:npoon Nltt
2 teaspoons mlttc::ed tre"h thyme, Dr )S te-.spoon pepper
~ teupoon dried 2 l .. bf.~oan5 .xtrill-YlrlJln olive 011
~ cup 1ow-5OCIlum chlcbn broth
1. Simme.r the orange: juict in a ~m;a.1I ~ucep;a.ft
1. Adjwl an O\'CJ\ Dck (0 r.h~ up per-nlid dJ ~ po!lii- ,,"er medium h.. t unoJ ,6gh ~ y ~tick.llcd .nd
don and he-at the oven to -100 deg~~. FoIlO\vlI1g reduc('(j (0 ~ cup. about 30 nllnU(t'5. Tnnsfer (0
tI,. photos on poge 000. cu t ~ inch off d,e tOP :. slnOlll bowl :md refriger.ue until cool. about 15
of th. prlic h..d to ."""'" the tops of tI,. minules.
dovcs. Set thf: g;arlic hcnd cut side down on :t
$111111 <heet or
aluminu m foil, 1nd sprinkle with 2. Sh:ake the chilled. th ltkcncd Juice WIth the
1111: w:at~r :and :a pindl or ulL G:ather tile foil up ~lUljni ll g iUh.,-edienu in 2 j:ar widl :a tight-fit-
::around th~ g::artic tightly ro (onn l p2clcel. pl:u:e rin@. lid until c:ombil1ed. The. dressil'8 an ~
It dire<tly on tho 0\"" rock. and 10."
(or 45 ~frig<ro t ed (o r up to 4 doy>: bri ng to room
mlnu rn . r(,l1lpt'r:ml~, then shake vigorously 10 f«ombine
bcrorc usi ng.
Project 2. ('.....tully open ju.. Ih. 101' of Ih. foil 10
America's Test Kitchen Family expose Ihe gJ rlic and continue 1,0 A);asr unti l thl:
g;arJic is 1:of1 J.nd golden broWl1 , lbout 20 mimue$ 5"L Jlitd".1 5ip: REDUCE
Cookbook Jonh't!r. Allow the ~led goariie to cool for 20

minUlel. tHerving :U1y j uices in till! foil p:aCkCL W.nllng to IIIcrit1c. Cllorl... but not "I"IOt or
te.;Iure. wo adopt.ed a lod1n5quo oflon u~ by
Client spa chefs In which the viscous qUI lit)! of 011 II
3. FoIIO\vlO1l th. photo on OOO.sql1e.ze th.
America's Test Kitchen duplicated b)! using reduced fruit juice syrup or
g;a rJic fmm ,he iikil'K . Puree the g;trtic. rese rvt."tI
gilrlic: juic~. ~ In~poon ~It. :and (he renl:lining roasted varilc purIM_Th. ntsul1lng dressings ar. full
ingredients tog;C',hc.r in ~ blender (or food pro- bodied and lively enough 10 mimic full·fat dressings
Art Direction Cd50r) until duck ;and 511100rh, ;about I nunUIe. but without the eMmk:lls or emulsinl" otten
The dM..ung. c~rnI. all be refri.b~Dled ror up In commercl.1 lOw'' '
\II.rsiOns. Don't ~ puC off by
Amy Klee
to .. ~ bring to room t"C'mperarure and \\'hi~k the lo~ pttp.e'IUon tlmos 0'
these r«lpo.-mott
vigorously to recombine before u.sing. of It Is unottendocl roo.sUng, slmmerlna. Of' cooling

Horizontal rules at the head

and foot can set off information
or frame an entire box.


32 • Layout Essentials
TY~I 01" ......" 01'" ...AN. 01'" WATIUt COOKING TIM'
EASY JEllY-ROll CAKE z. Whip the t"A' with m ~kctt" mlXln' on b,,,
~pcot:d. urltil 11»111)'. I fO .l minute$.. 11M"ttJ.)C dlC BLt.CKBEAH5
"un MI '"""" . .
NY TI"' I.: 50 minute

TOTAL "Mil 1 how

Ifpm<notJ iJUt Itt 1W41Jtrt. Ftlt.m IIIMtyl

mi!fft ~d 10 1Ik'dlum aud ~ 1)' add dlC WJCJf
111:1 Jt~~ hKft';lSoC rm spt't"d to high and
connnue: to b<.at until lh< qqp .a~ 'TrY duc:L
and. pit.: ydlaw coIot.5 to 10 mUluta lkat
......... , oound
, pound .........
rmN.$pmlkk llMpI rffmJi Mrlo m't'r IhI "'", btfotr in lilt( "''ilnllL1.
IJIm", "I' ,hr fit~. nIt ntI;ot kdu pm'1 ItnJ taflr"

...... ...... ........

""" Irlom Jm<td .',h doll..", "pI, ,.!.lpptII 3. Sift tllC' {lour mUttuft' O\'U' abc heal"" C'JQl:I :and

- ', oound
"""" I". _ 000) ".d jiDh "'""" fo ld in l!j:lUjt a brp: rvbbn- ~,lIl1 1 11 unnl no mC'O 1 to l K t.lts
of tklur Mluin 5-,> l K to1~ho4.n
cup .n-purpoM Hour

~. FoUowmg dlt' pooCOJ. pour d,e Imtc:, Into CANNB..UN1 BEANS

K tN5poon

I ..... ..vt. et room

tMtPOOft oqrtl. . . .UKt

the pR1JQrcd cak~ ~n and JPR"~d out C'\'na
lh icl",~ Illkt' ullul ,be O'Ikc kch firm lind
'JInnp ~d: .... h"l'i toud,~. to to 15 tllu"'td.
roullng lite )M" h:lJf"-.ay through boLking.
......... ' .......
1 pound
l tol K ~
1 ~ to 11' hoI.n

1K CUJ)I tnit~.
CoftMcUOMorl' IUoft&t

1. AdJU'lt .lI'I C)\~n tack to d\C' Jew.'n'-ntiddlt pes.",

don ~nd helt the Mom to .l5O ~ L~htly
COJC;I 12 by l ..... itKh nnmK'd ~klug J.h«t ".,.h
5. lk(ort' cooting. OIn a knife- :ltound the rdgr
of 11K" ok.r. lO Joot,n., Olnd flip the cake OU1 0010
a I.ll)lt ih~t or p;U(hIUC'111 palM" (dlftluly Iongtr
dun the cae). <ic:tUly pkI oil' the JW'Chn~t
p~pc'r llftKMd to thC' bottom or
the' n" and
........... ,......
1 pound
\~bIc: oil ~p~ th('n Itn.: W1 th ~rd'mK'ut roll the ukC' and p.lrtblltnll up m lO .a 101 .and let GREAT NORTHEftH
P'I'<' (... P'1l' (100). WIwIc the IIour, b.1ltin~
po\\'~r. and gJt 1lOh"tth('r ;a.nd Jt1 Hidc-.
cool (or 15 minutes.

' .......
5 .......
lto l )4 houn
1)S to 1 ~ houri


......... ' .......
' ....... '--' lto ."''*'"

5-,> 1K to 1Y. hoIHt


....... ' .......

...... 1 to 1)4 ,*,,,,

' 5 ....... l)i tC)l ~ ho4M1

" Using ... dMt M»tuIa....,c1y
~tt.c-. ~ ~ to."
.. WIIerltf'w eMIl .. ~ fmm U.
ttw aM III Iooun. .rid lip It OIoIt IJI'1tD
• " ' " ' 0( CJIII't:MIMI ~
.. SUrmg trcJm U. short IIIir:Ie, IVA n.
~and ~ ...,.Iag.
t...I trw
at'- caoI-..a. duwfI (tit ~
unrtanQ) IIDf tS ~

...... '......
5 .......
• to 1>' hot.In
1 ~ to 1Y- hour&

lENTILS &QWl'\ Gt..n

(tiOf'llc.'OlPltJ'. . t<MdJbf
f'«I tIt;oetbw)

, oound ........ 20 to JO 1MWt"

4 . UrroIU. caI& Sptud,)4 CUPI .. ""I"0Il ,file ca1DI """" tM IINIOIr ... 1l'1'" 1Nft ~ 01 tf'4 MoQCMd .oon
)11m Of _ ltle _r.c. 01
II"OIoIftI:I tIIIe ItrtInO ~~ rrom Nd\ ..... ~ "" U6iJt 10.
tlw~ ........ HN:tI.-at MIW'ICl .. ~ QOo eMU.,..... MltI c;:4141• • •• tuOICo
eftd Nt .rMO . . ..


. Ice , Grillllll , .ft •••• ft.

The space between units of information separates horizontal Horizontal rules can also help control components. When there's
elements and gives a page clarity. a lot of informational action going on, a horizontal rule can
separate a page number or a running foot from the rest of the
hard-core information.

Two Column
• 33

17. Use the Entire Area

two-column grid is a pronounced framework work is determined, there is room to vary the spreads.
A that makes a piece easy to follow. Images can
fit comfortably within a column, with captions above
Wider images, sized to two columns, or captions set
out into the margin, can enliven the overall project,
or below. But why stop there? Once the basic frame- adding rhythm as well as order.

~ ~

thcJral Worship . M ini rry

u ...... o.r--~.~~.-
.... • 11w,..... ~ ... ....- .. .
..,.111,.-. •• _ .................. .
.. h ...................... ,' • ..., . . .
.... ,....._-.. .... "'_ ...-&.r,....._
......... n. ~ t.. .... "'. . /~.
Iw..IotorAl.'t. ........oho, ..........
...... _rn-. ........ n-,.. ............ ~
W ,-'.,....,........... _
l _ .......... ..,."" ...............~ca-
..._ ...... .-." ....... :0>,........
tlw ........... _ _-... ...... ~

n... ___ ..........

_ _ _ ""~_II
l ......... "'- ... ~ -......,,1 ..... ,...............1... """

'. _ _ 1.........1...,. ......... _ _

.-- n.. ... .1.._ . . . . u ....... _"""-r-.l _ _ --.. ..

,"' ..........-
.._ .. _
.. .... _ - t ............ -.l~~_d..a _thoIJndfoo....,..... .... ~ ...........,
... ,.. w... .... "" .. ".f .. }..... ....... rt.1. _ _ ....... .. .....,.

............. .. ... .....

...... ~ . . . . . . ! ... ~ ....... ~ • . . - . - I l .......... . \JI~L

................ .. ,ww_·r...l ..........................

" . . . . - - ' " .....-
.IH:.."',........ "... ' .......... '..1
, w ............ ...a .. --w--.t ..." ...... t-.. ,.~

...--... "'--_
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Annual report

Client Variations include making the images wider and using various
Cathedral Church of type widths.
St. John the Divine

Carapellucci Design

An easy·to-follow report
varies image widths.

• Layout Essentials

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