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Acute Management of Open Fractures: Proposal of a New Multidisciplinary


Article  in  Orthopedics · October 2012

DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20120919-08 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Cyril Mauffrey James R Bailey

University of Colorado and Denver Health Medical Center Naval Medical Center San Diego


Connie S Price David Hak

Denver Health and Hospital Authority Denver Health and Hospital Authority


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n trauma update
Section Editors: David J. Hak, MD, MBA & Philip F. Stahel, MD

Acute Management of Open Fractures:

Proposal of a New Multidisciplinary Algorithm
Cyril Mauffrey, MD, FRCS; James R. Bailey, MD; Richard J. Bowles, MD; Connie Price, MD; Duke Hasson, MD;
David J. Hak, MD, MBA; Philip F. Stahel, MD, FACS

open fractures during the de- • Determine whether the

Abstract: Despite the frequency of open fractures, their bridement process based on patient’s needs exceed a
management remains one of the greatest and most debated
muscle, bone, soft tissue, and facility’s capacity.
orthopedic challenges. The current challenges that health
vascular injury and has been • Arrange appropriately for
care faces financially and clinically offer an opportunity to
designed to aid in predicting the patient’s interhospi-
develop a universal reliable, reproducible, evidence-based
the outcome and treatment tal transfer (who, what,
protocol. The authors review the current evidence concern-
based on the complexity of when, and how).
ing the acute management of open fractures and suggest a
modern treatment algorithm. the injury. In this article, the • Assure that optimum
authors review the current care is provided and that
evidence concerning the acute the level of care does not

T he acute management of
open fractures has long
been a topic of debate and
classification and on clas-
sic articles that are several
decades old.2,3 Since then,
management of open frac-
tures and propose a modern
algorithm for treatment from
deteriorate at any point
during the evaluation,
resuscitation, or transfer
controversy among orthope- the epidemiology of bacteria the emergency department to process.
dic surgeons. Complications has changed, and little has the operating room. The decision about wheth-
associated with incomplete or been done to adapt our prac- er to keep or transfer the pa-
inappropriate treatment carry tice. The Orthopedic Trauma Management in the tient must be made at this
significant consequences for Association has been work- Emergency Department time. The receiving center
the patient and treating sur- ing on a new classification When seeing the patient should have experience in
geon. The acute treatment of scheme for open fractures that in the emergency depart- dealing with these complex
these injuries has been based is currently being validated.4 ment, physicians and other injuries and have a microvas-
on the Gustilo and Anderson1 This scheme aims to classify health care providers should cular or plastic surgeon avail-
follow the Advanced Trauma able for early care planning.
Life Support guidelines es- The receiving center should
Drs Mauffrey, Price, Hasson, Hak, and Stahel are from the Denver
Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado; Dr Bailey is from the Naval
tablished by the American also have a dedicated operat-
Medical Center, San Diego, California; and Dr Bowles is from Beth Israel College of Surgeons and its ing room time where ortho-
Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Committee on Trauma. These pedic and plastic surgeons
Drs Mauffrey, Bailey, Bowles, Price, Hasson, Hak, and Stahel have no principles are: can collaborate early. Radio-
relevant financial relationships to disclose.
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
• Assess the patient’s con- graphs or photographs of the
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the dition rapidly and accu- injury should be taken, and
Navy, Department of Defense, or the US government. rately. the wounds should be dressed
Correspondence should be addressed to: Cyril Mauffrey, MD, FRCS, • Resuscitate and stabilize appropriately, using a normal
Denver Health Medical Center, 777 Bannock St, Denver, CO 80204 (cyril.
the patient according to saline-soaked dressing. The
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20120919-08 priority. patient’s tetanus immuniza-

OCTOBER 2012 | Volume 35 • Number 10 877

n trauma update

tion status should be checked prophylaxis started more than Organism-specific positive bacteria in open frac-
and, if necessary, a tetanus 3 hours after the injury.5 Antibiotics tures; however, Carsenti-Etesse
vaccine administered. Antibi- Prophylactic antibiotic ther- The role of wound culture et al11 raised concern about the
otics should be administered apy should be considered an in open fracture has been chal- potential development of gram-
as soon as possible after injury. adjunct to, and not a substitute lenged. Lee9 confirmed that negative bacterial infection in
for, a systematic open fracture infections following open frac- this setting. In 2000, Patzakis
Antibiotic Prophylaxis management protocol that in- tures were caused in only 8% of et al5 compared the use of cip-
Versus Placebo cludes early and aggressive de- cases by organisms identified rofloxacin alone vs a combina-
The occurrence of infec- bridement and irrigation, frac- at the predebridement stage, tion of cefamandole and gen-
tion in an open fracture is a ture stabilization, and wound whereas 7% of open fractures tamicin. For open type I and II
dramatic complication lead- coverage. Nonetheless, pro- with negative cultures dur- fractures, no differences in the
ing to significant morbidity, phylactic antibiotics are essen- ing the predebridement phase infection rates were noted be-
to include delayed union, non- tial because, in their absence, eventually developed an infec- tween the 2 groups. However,
union, multiple additional sur- infection can be expected to oc- tion. Valenziano et al10 reached when type II open fractures
geries, or amputation. The risk cur in 20% of open fractures.2 similar conclusions. were isolated, the infection
of infection is multifactoral This was investigated by Bacteriological studies fo- rate decreased from 31% in the
and often host, injury, and sur- several authors. A randomized cusing on wound cultures in ciprofloxacin group to 7.7% in
geon or management depen- trial by Patzakis et al3 revealed open fractures have taught us the group of patients who were
dent. Antibiotic prophylaxis that a first-generation cephalo- that, among patients who de- prescribed gram-positive and
is an aspect of open-fracture sporine, such as cephalotin, re- veloped a deep infection, pa- gram-negative prophylaxis.
management where the gold duced the infection rate more tients who were given prophy- This fact is supported by the
standard remains unclear. In efficiently than a placebo or a laxis against gram-negative recently published East guide-
fact, the ideal antibiotics for combination of streptomycin bacteria grew primarily gram- lines12 (Level I) emphasizing
infection prophylaxis, as well and penicillin. More com- positive bacteria, whereas the importance of additional
as their timing and duration, parative studies, such as those patients who were given pro- gram-negative coverage for
are still debated. by Bergman6 or Braun et al,7 phylaxis against gram-positive type III fractures.
The difficulty lies in the reached similar conclusions bacteria grew gram-negative Moreover, it is only follow-
fact that decisions are based when comparing penicillin, bacteria from deep infected ing the initial debridement that
on level I articles that are dicloxacillin, or cloxacillin tissue.11 the severity and type of open
now several decades old, and use for 2 days with use of a Among 4 Level I trials fracture can be accurately de-
the epidemiology of bacte- placebo. A metanalysis on this studying antibiotic prophy- termined and classified. This
rial contamination of open specific topic was executed by laxis in open fractures,3,6,7,11 is often underestimated at the
fractures has since changed. the Cochrane group, confirm- all highlighted a prevalence of time of arrival in the emergency
A landmark article by Gustilo ing the efficiency of prophy- Staphylococcus aureus as the department. Hence, although
and Anderson1 revealed that lactic antibiotics vs a placebo number one cause of surgical antibiotics should be given in
in more than two-thirds of in open fractures.8 The result site infection, and one11 re- the emergency department as
158 open fracture wounds, a was a reduction of infection ported the rate of methicillin- soon as the patient arrives, and
positive bacterial culture was rate from 13.4% to 5.5%, with resistant S aureus (MRSA) ideally within 3 hours from the
identified. Stratification of in- the addition of intravenous an- as being nearly one-third of injury, the current authors be-
fection rates per open fracture tibiotics. the total staphylococcal in- lieve that final antibiotic pro-
types was 2% for type I frac- In summary: fections. With increasing use phylaxis protocol should not
tures, 2% to 15% for type II • Patients should be started of antibiotics in the general be based on the initial open
fractures, and 5% to 50% for on intravenous antibiotics population, we are faced with wound size but rather should
type III fractures. Most clini- within 3 hours of injury. a new concern that was prob- be chronologically based, fol-
cians agree that patients should • Antibiotics are an adjunct ably not present in clinical lowing a clear algorithm with
begin intravenous antibiotics to a thorough debridement, trials from prior decades: the a prophylaxis tailored to the
within 3 hours after injury. not a substitute. changing epidemiology of the surgical management of the
This has been shown to reduce • Level I data support the colonizing organisms. open wound, the fracture, the
the rate of infection from 7.4% use of antibiotics in open It is essential to pro- associated bone, and vascular
to 4.7% when compared with fractures. vide coverage against gram- and muscle injury.


n trauma update

Another controversial topic bridement and thorough irri- fit from irrigation and de- that the injury can be classified
is the total duration of anti- gation to reduce the risk of in- bridement within 6 hours. and a multidisciplinary treat-
biotic prophylaxis for open fection. This mantra has been • Other nonlimb-threatening ment plan elaborated by the
fractures. Dellinger et al13 strongly criticized because open fractures can undergo orthopedic and microvascular
performed a randomized trial several confounding factors irrigation and debridement surgery teams.
comparing 24 hours vs 5 days were present in their study. As within 24 hours. In summary:
of cefonicid. The infection rate a consequence, it is not fea- • Wash the limb with soapy
in both groups was compa- sible to reach significant con- Surgical Technique solution, then prep with
rable, with no added benefits clusions as to which factors In 2010, the British chlorhexidine alcohol,
in patients who were provided contributed to the reduction in Orthopaedic Association and avoiding the traumatic
with a prolonged prophylaxis. infection rates. the British Association of wound.
Others still believe that con- More recently, some ar- Plastic, Reconstructive and • Perform a systematic de-
tinuing the antibiotic prophy- ticles have emerged in sup- Aesthetic Surgeons working bridement.
laxis until 24 to 72 hours after port of debridement within 24 party on the management of • Classify the injury and
injury, at least for type III frac- hours. Patzakis and Wilkins16 open tibial fractures16 agreed on plan definitive reconstruc-
tures, is beneficial in reducing reviewed the infection rates a protocol that is now followed tion after debridement.
the infection rate.14 of patients with open fractures nationwide across the United • If definitive fixation is de-
In summary: treated with irrigation and Kingdom. This includes antibi- layed, plan for vacuum-
• Systematic culture of debridement within 12 hours otic prophylaxis, but also a well- assisted closure or a bead
open fractures is not rec- from injury or in a delayed defined step-by-step approach pouch.
ommended. fashion (more than 12 hours for initial wound debridement • Release the tourniquet to
• S aureus is the top cause from injury); the infection that includes removal of all assess bone end viability.
of surgical site infection. rate in both groups was 7%. dead tissue. Systematic debride- • Perform a “tug test” to as-
• MRSA is found in one- Charalambous et al17 studied ment occurs in the following sess bone fragments that
third of S aureus infec- a cutoff of 6 hours after in- sequence: (1) application of a require excision.
tions. jury for the timing of initial soapy solution; (2) preparation
• Level I evidence exists to irrigation and debridement, of the limb with a chlorhexi- Management of the
add gram-negative cover- and no statistically significant dine alcohol solution, avoiding Traumatic Wound
age (gentamicin) in type difference between early and direct contact of the chlorhexi- Wounds that can be closed
III fractures. delayed treatment groups was dine with the open wound; (3) primarily should be closed.
• Antibiotics prophylaxis can noted in terms of infection wound extension, ideally fol- Placement of temporary anti-
be discontinued 24 hours rates. Basic science studies lowing potential fasciotomy biotic beads reduces infection
after injury or surgery. support the common thought incisions; and (4) systematic rates in type III open fractures.
that thoroughness of debride- assessment of the tissues, from
Timing of Debridement ment is more important than superficial to deep and from the Primary or Delayed Closure
In 2009, the British its timing: a well-done de- periphery to the center of the No good evidence exists
Orthopaedic Association and bridement by an experienced wound. Next, to ensure bone vi- to guide the decision of ear-
the British Association of surgeon is better than an inad- ability during the debridement ly vs delayed closure of the
Plastic, Reconstructive and equate debridement performed process, deflation of the tour- skin wound. A review of the
Aesthetic Surgeons modified within 6 hours.18 Schlitzkus niquet should be performed to Cochrane Database by Eliya
the guidelines on debride- et al19 identified that fracture assess bleeding of the bony seg- and Banda20 found that no
ment timing of open tibia frac- grade, revised trauma score, ment. At this stage, nonviable randomized, controlled trials
tures from within 6 hours to and male sex were all indepen- fragments or loose fragments compared primary vs delayed
within 24 hours from injury.15 dent predictors of wound com- of bone with no attachment to wound closure. In the absence
Historically, the main drive plications but timing of initial soft tissue should be discarded. of data, it seems reasonable to
for emergent debridement was debridement was not. Finally, once the debridement advocate mitigating the risk of
Gustillo and Anderson’s1 clas- In summary: has been performed, thorough infection in open fractures by
sic article, which concluded • Grossly contaminated irrigation can be achieved. delaying wound closure until
that it was essential to man- wounds or sewage/farm- It is only following this rad- the risk of wound infection has
age the wound with urgent de- yard injuries might bene- ical and systematic approach been declared.

OCTOBER 2012 | Volume 35 • Number 10 879

n trauma update

fractures for chronic osteomy- by Ubbink et al25 found only

elitis. Henry et al23 performed a small number of flawed tri-
a similar nonrandomized study als, and thus little evidence to
and reached similar conclu- support the use of negative-
sions with a lower infection pressure wound therapy in the
rate in the group managed treatment of wounds.
with antibiotic beads and in- The Figure highlights the
travenous antibiotics than in authors’ multidisciplinary al-
the group managed with intra- gorithm for the management
venous antibiotics alone (both of open fractures. If antibiot-
groups had early irrigation and ics were not administered en
debridement). route, they should be admin-
The use of more modern istered immediately on arrival
antibiotic carriers is a chal- to the emergency department,
lenge for the industry. McKee and ideally within 3 hours of
et al24 studied the efficacy the injury. The authors propose
of calcium sulphate loaded systematic coverage against
with tobramycin vs PMMA gram-positive bacteria us-
loaded with tobramycin to ing intravenous cephazolin, 1
reduce and treat chronic non- gram every 8 hours for patients
hematogenous osteomyeli- weighing less than 80 kg and
tis or an infected nonunion. 2 grams for patients weighing
They reported a similar rate more than 80 kg, continued for
of eradication of infection but 24 hours after the first debride-
a slightly superior number of ment. Intravenous vancomycin
returns to the operating room is added for patients with a his-
in the PMMA group, reach- tory of MRSA infection. For
ing statistical significance.24 grossly contaminated wounds
To the current authors’ knowl- or farmyard/sewage injuries,
Figure: Proposed evidence-based algorithm for initial treatment of open edge, calcium sulphate use as cephazolin is replaced with
fractures. Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; I&D, irrigation and de- a carrier for antibiotics is not 600 mg of clindamycin intra-
bridement; IV, intravenous; OR, operating room; Post Op, postoperatively; approved by the US Food & venously every 8 hours for 24
q8H, every 8 hours; VAC, vacuum-assisted closure. Drug Adminstration. hours after initial debridement.
Intraoperative assessment
Vacuum-assisted Therapy of the injury during the de-
Antibiotic Beads studied a consecutive series Negative-pressure wound bridement will determine the
A classic trial in arthroplas- of 1085 severe open fractures therapy, in which vacuum suc- final antibiotic regime. If the
ty and infection was performed and examined infection rates tion is applied across an air- wound edges are not closeable
by Lidwell et al21 and pub- in a group managed with in- tight topical dressing, has been or muscle necrosis or bone loss
lished in the British Medical travenous antibiotics alone vs used in the treatment of chron- is present, a single intravenous
Journal in 1982. The authors a second group managed with ic and surgical wounds. The dose of 5 mg/kg of gentamicin
assessed factors that most sig- the addition of polymethyl- negative pressure is thought should be added at the time of
nificantly reduced the risk of methacrylate (PMMA)-loaded to aid the drainage of excess the initial debridement.
infection in 8000 patients un- gentamicin beads. The infec- fluid, reduce infection rates, At the time of definitive
dergoing hip or knee replace- tion rate was 12% in the for- and increase localized blood skeletal stabilization and skin
ment and quantified them in- mer group vs 3.7% in the latter flow. It is also known as topi- closure, patients should be giv-
dividually. Of note, infection group. Statistical significance cal negative-pressure therapy, en a single intravenous dose of
rates were reduced 11-fold was achieved for type IIIB and vacuum-assisted closure, and cefazolin 1 g,80 kg or 2 g.80
when antibiotic-loaded cement IIIC fractures for acute infec- sealed-surface wound suction. kg. One gram of vancomycin
was used. Ostermann et al22 tion and for type II and IIIB A systematic review in 2008 intravenously should be added


n trauma update

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OCTOBER 2012 | Volume 35 • Number 10 881

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