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Problem Unites us, Religion Divides us

India is a land of diversity. Diversity is what gives rise to our strong cultural presence in the world.
Our country is more home to numerous religions and all enjoy equal rights and are given equal
freedom. This fosters a healthy environment with no discrimination or bias against any particular
religious group.

But the diversity, which we boast of, proves to be a hindrance in accomplishing a development
target or enacting a new law. There have been numerous instances when a particular rule or a law
could not be enacted as it would affect the beliefs of a select religious group. Religion is also used
as a political tool to stoke communal violence, and even one such incident scars the once friendly
relationship between the two warring groups.

But this is not always the case. There have been instances when people from different religions have
stood united to tackle adverse situations. We can take examples from the recent incident of Chennai
floods, where the people helped each other irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. Such
incidents, instill in us the belief, that we can shed the viel of religion and lend a helping hand to the
ones in need.

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