Allusion Means 'Reference'. ... Allusions in Writing Help The Reader To Visualize What's Happening

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English Test

Allusion: An allusion is a literary device that stimulates ideas. An allusion is a literary device that
stimulates ideas, associations, and extra information in the reader's mind with only a word or two.
Allusion means 'reference'. ... Allusions in writing help the reader to visualize what's happening
by evoking a mental picture.

Analogy: Analogies are a comparison of two things with the purpose of explanation or clarification.
“Is America collapsing like the Roman empire?”. The author is suggesting that we can understand
aspects of America today by appreciating their similarity with aspects of the Roman Empire.
Analogy may attempt to point out several areas of similarity while metaphor and simile limit the
comparison to the one area. It aims at explaining that idea or thing by comparing it to something
that is familiar.

Dialogue: Dialogue is one of the main techniques you will refer to, and it is good to use them along
with other techniques. For example; you may refer to the dictation in a speaker’s dialogue,
indicating their level of education.

Fragmented sentences/fragmentation: Sentence fragments are phrases that cannot stand on their
own. Fragmentation usually convey notions of destruction and decay.

Imagery: Olfactory imagery, visual imagery, auditory imagery

The accumulation of intense visual imagery…

Salience- standing out

salient point
Most salient view, if you can prove that it exists within the text, then you are right.

alliteration & assonance & onomatopoeia : appeals to their sense of hearing, enhances auditory
imagery of the poem

Symbolism develops imagery and evokes emotions

creates cognitive dissonance which therefore emphsises the idea.


Imperative mood: switch to second person, rhetorical device

Point is trying to be made,

Repetition : emphasize its significance in the entire text. The repetition or restatement of an idea
at intervals not only promotes clarity, but encourages the acceptance of an idea. When you repeat
and emphasize one idea, competing ideas are subordinated and sometimes are driven completely
out of the audience's mind.

Effects of literary devices

- stimulates ideas
- visualize what's happening by evoking a mental picture.
- convey notions of
- develops imagery and evokes emotions
- emphasize its significance in the entire text
- encourages the acceptance of an idea

the notion of reconciling

"If I Should Have a Daughter" by Sarah Kay communicate social commentary to the audience
through non traditional methods of poetry. The structure doesn't follow many rules, but instead the
lines bind with one another through themes. Sarah Kay utilises apostrophe, speaking through an
imagined figure to deliver her ideas. " "And, baby," I'll tell her, don't keep your nose up in the air like
that. I know that trick; I've done it a million times. " The use of apostrophe highlights the idea that
life is difficult, and that the poet will teach her "daughter" how to deal with the struggles.

"London" by William Blake comments on the negative, impoverished aspects of society. Contrary
to Sarah Kay's poem, "London" is delivered through traditional poetry structure. William Blake
comments on the dark side of society that disregard the sufferings people experience. The use of
oxymoron as Blake describes a “Black’ning church” presents the ambiguous nature of society.
London is seemingly an untroubled place to be, and churches are a symbol of purity. However
Blake comments on the hidden dark side of the church that contradicts with the norm, suggesting
that the seemingly untroubled society

Reading Task

1. Visual techniques: 2 techniques, 2 effects: 2~3 sentences each

2 mark 2 visual technique + 2 explanation + 2 sentences

4 marks - Poetic techniques (2) + 2 explanation + 2 aspects + 4-6 sentences

The artist utilises visual techniques to illustrate individuals that are under social oppression. The
people are all depicted as being alike, symbolising lack of freedom. The nervous stance of the
characters demonstrate their conformity.
symbol for social position & hierarchy

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