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Marian Knights


Defensive Line Drill Manual

EDD (Every Day Drills) ................................................................................................................................... 4
Base Stance ............................................................................................................................................... 4
6 inch power step...................................................................................................................................... 4
Get Offs ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1-2-3 .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Base ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Veer ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Reach......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Cut ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Jet Stance .................................................................................................................................................. 8
One Legged Jets ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Hoops ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Speed ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Throw-By ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Knife ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Chop ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
TKC (Throw-By, Knife, Chop) ................................................................................................................... 12
Sled Punch............................................................................................................................................... 12
EODD (Every Other Day Drill) ...................................................................................................................... 13
Double Team ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Disengage/Re-engage ............................................................................................................................. 13
Trap ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Chasing ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Attacking Puller ................................................................................................................................... 15
Hand Signals ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Re-Trace .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Rabbit .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Landmarks ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Hoop Variants ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Hands Up ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Sack Fumble ........................................................................................................................................ 18

Marian Knights

Rabbit .................................................................................................................................................. 19
TKC ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Counters .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Club and Rip or Sit and Spin ................................................................................................................ 20
Slants ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Slant 1-2 .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Stunts ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
½ gap movement ................................................................................................................................ 21
Full gap movement ............................................................................................................................. 21
Long Stick ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Cross Stunts......................................................................................................................................... 23
Playbook Review ..................................................................................................................................... 23
CPD (Change of Pace Drills)......................................................................................................................... 23
Draw ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Screen ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Hand Signals (Pass/Draw/Screen) ........................................................................................................... 24
Hand Flash............................................................................................................................................... 25
Light Hands.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Heavy Hands ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Pass Rush Lanes ...................................................................................................................................... 25
6 Man Lev Sled ........................................................................................................................................ 26
4 Point Stance ..................................................................................................................................... 26
2 point stance...................................................................................................................................... 26
6 Point Stance ..................................................................................................................................... 26
3 Point Stance ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Hips ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Pop ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
½ man movement ............................................................................................................................... 28
Full gap movement ............................................................................................................................. 28
Long Stick ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Strike and Stem ................................................................................................................................... 29
Additional Hoop Variants ........................................................................................................................ 30
Race ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

Marian Knights

High Point ............................................................................................................................................ 30

Club ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Pop up dummies ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Gauntlet .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Tight Gauntlet ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Chutes ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Two gap ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Get off ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Slant .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Boards ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Cut Ball .................................................................................................................................................... 34
Root hog/Sub ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Cut ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
6 inch power step................................................................................................................................ 35

Marian Knights

EDD (Every Day Drills)

Base Stance
 Players Line up in one line
 Working first Right handed stance
 On my command they will click their
heel to toe
o shoulder width apart
o creating a stagger, their right
foot should be back and left
foot up
o Inspect everyone’s toe to
heel relationship then move
 Then on my command they will “sit on the bar stool”
o Dropping their butts as if they were sitting on a barstool
o Chest up
o Arms hanging
o In an athletic position
o Inspect everyone’s athletic stance then move on
 Then on the command, “Hand out, turn the wrist”
o Taking their right hand, they will extend it and turn their wrist away from their body so
their thumb is sticking up
o Make sure everyone’s wrist is turned then move on
 Finally, on the command, “Come on Down”
o They will place their extended hand on the ground 6 inches in front of their face
o Butt should be slightly raised above their head
o Toes and knees going forward
o Offhand should be hanging freely so both hands arrive from ground to contact at the
same time.
o Player should be on their finger tips
o Have players hold their stance for a varying amount of time.
 This could be as short as 5-10 seconds or as long as 1-2 minutes
o Individually inspect each players stance
 Repeat repping both right and left handed stance

6 inch power step

 On command, players get in their stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 The is drill is done preferably with a line drawn on the field
o Players will make sure their hand is placed on the line when they are in a quality stance
 On my foot movement or ball movement players will take their first step out of their stance

Marian Knights

o Have the players key off movement, during this drill give a lot of hard counts or silent
 Their 6 inch power step will consist of:
o Firing out of their stance
o Taking a step no further then where hand was placed on the ground.
 Or past the line you may be using
 Staying low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out
 Have players hold this stance and inspect first step
 Repeat repping both right and left handed stance

Get Offs
 On command, players get in their stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk C
them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come
on down
 The is drill is done preferably with two lines drawn on the field
anywhere from 5-10 yards apart
o Players will use the line as the Line of Scrimmage
 On my foot movement or ball movement players will take their first step out of their stance
o Have the players key off movement, during this drill give a lot of hard counts or silent
 Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and getting their
second step in the ground as quick as possible
 They will then finish by bursting through the given area
 They will turn around and repeat this drill going the other way, alternating their stance

 Players will partner up B
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive dummy T
 Dummies will stand very close to the defensive man, with bend in their knees,
giving the defensive man a clean surface to strike and not have to over stride
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On Command “1”, players will take their 6 inch power step
o Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch power step, firing low out of their stance,
shooting their hands with their thumbs up, hands at eye level, attacking half the man
and with no bend in their arms (steel cable lock out).
 Inspect every player. Players will hold this position and wait for the next
 On Command “2”, players will Push Pull.
o Already being fitted up properly from their 6 inch power step, players will: Take their
second step into shaded gap. Pulling with the inside hand and pushing with the outside

Marian Knights

hand. Keeping shoulders as square as possible. Taking away the power of the lineman
and gaining control of the offensive player. All while continuing to stay low.
 Inspect every player. Players will hold this position and wait for the next
 On Command “3”, players will finish.
o After already being fitted up in a proper Push Pull, players will: Dip low, putting the
shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive lineman, replacing the heels of the
lineman, creating the new LOS and finishing in an athletic position.
 Inspect every player. Players will hold this position and wait for the next
command which will be to alternate the stance.

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On Command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a base block
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was placed on
the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out,
Attacking half the man
o Push/Pull
 Taking the second step into shaded gap. Pulling with the inside hand and
pushing with the outside hand. Taking away the power of the lineman and
gaining control of the offensive player. All while continuing to stay low.
o Defeat the Block
 Dipping low, putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive lineman,
replacing the heels of the lineman, creating the new LOS, finishing in an athletic
 Inspect each player assuring proper technique. Switch stances and switch hands.

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down

Marian Knights

 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a veer block
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was placed on
the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out,
Attacking half the man
o Squeeze and Disrupt
 Keeping shoulders square to the LOS, Gaining ground, replace the space the
lineman vacated, disrupting the path of the offensive lineman by delivering a
violent punch, keeping steel cable lock out and ready to make a play on the
 Inspect each player assuring proper technique. Switch stances and switch hands.

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a reach block
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was placed on
the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out,
Attacking half the man
o Push/Pull – Hip Out
 Feeling and seeing the Offensive Lineman attempting to cross face, Pulling with
the inside hand and pushing with the outside hand. Taking away the power of
the lineman and gaining control of the offensive player. At the same time
players will throw their hip into the gap stopping/blocking the momentum of
the offensive lineman. All while continuing to stay low.
o 3. Defeat the Block
 Putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive lineman, replacing the
heels of the lineman, creating the new LOS, finishing in an athletic position.
 Players are allowed no more than three shuffles in order to defeat the
block, if this does not happen players must push vertical in an attempt
to disrupt the path of the ball carrier.

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 If players are fully padded this drill is always 100% live. If players are not, I ask
the cutters to lazily fall out of their stance

Marian Knights

 You can get away with practicing cut blocks by informing players the cut
block is coming so they can properly protect themselves.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a cut block
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was placed on
the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out,
Attacking half the man
o Hands on/Feet back
 Seeing and feeling the Offensive lineman attempting to get into the legs, hands
will force the player into the ground, legs will kick back (much like a wrestlers
o Finish
 Get around the Offensive Lineman, playing through your gap, finish in an
athletic position, ready to make a play on the football

Jet Stance
 This Drill is the pass rush variant of Get Offs
 On command, players get in their pass rush “Jet Stance”
o Players will enter their normal stance and then narrow their base and raise their butts
up high over their heads.
 The is drill is done preferably with two lines drawn on the field anywhere from 5-10 yards apart
o Players will use the line as the Line of Scrimmage
 On my foot movement or ball movement players will take their first step out of their stance
o In the jet stance players will attempt to gain as much ground as possible taking a large
step out of their stance, firing out low, shooting their hands and getting their second
step in the ground as quick as possible
 They will then finish by bursting through the given area
 They will turn around and repeat this drill going the other way, alternating their stance

One Legged Jets

 This Drill is the pass rush variant of Jet Stance
 On command, players get in their pass rush “Jet Stance”
o Players will enter their normal stance and then narrow their base and raise their butts
up high over their heads.
 The is drill is done preferably with two lines drawn on the field anywhere from 5-10 yards apart
o Players will use the line as the Line of Scrimmage
 This drill is done with a cadence
o On “Down, Set”
 Players will hold their stance and lift their first step leg off the ground
o On “Hit”

Marian Knights

 Players will focus on kneeing themselves in the chest, gain as much ground as
possible taking a large step out of their stance, firing out low, shooting their
hands and getting their second step in the ground as quick as possible
 They will then finish by bursting through the given area
 They will turn around and repeat this drill going the other way, alternating their stance

 There are a couple of variants
to the hoops but the one we
will do every day is Figure 8
 Players will align in a single
file line, the first player will
be ready awaiting in his
stance, with his man hand to
the hoop.
o On my foot
movement the drill will begin
o When the first player starts the drill, the second player in line will get into his stance
waiting for the player to finish. When the first player runs across the second players face
the drill begins for him.
 Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling “pass”
 Player will run around the hoops; he will follow a course that resembles a number 8.
 Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their toes
around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
o You may instruct the players to “grab grass”, having them keep their inside hand on the
ground in order to assure they are staying low.
 Switch sides and work both stances.

Marian Knights

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the
other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may
choose to have the offensive man
do one of the following: have him
do a 3 or 5 step kick slide while
either being a dummy, going 50% or
100% live.
 On command, players get in their stance and start
in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season
you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn
the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps
necessary to complete a speed rush
o Players will take their 6 inch power step,
shoot their hands, read their visual key and
respond by yelling “Pass”
o Then they will attack the sweet spot
 The point of attack in which they will be able to reach the hip of the offensive
o They should be focused on keeping the hands of the offensive lineman off them, dipping
low, running the hoop and finishing around/inside the offensive lineman.
 Switch sides and work both stances

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: have him do a 3 or 5 step kick slide while either being a dummy, going
50% or 100% live.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to complete a Throw-By rush
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key and
respond by yelling “Pass”
 Then they will attack the sweet spot
o The point of attack in which they will be able to reach the hip of the offensive lineman
 They should focus on delivering a powerful punch attacking half the man, thumbs up, steel cable
lock out

Marian Knights

o Players will drop their hip level and throw the offensive man into the gap, ripping by,
running the hoop and finishing around/inside the offensive lineman.
 Work both sides and both stances.

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: have him do a 3 or 5 step kick slide while either being a dummy, going
50% or 100% live.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to complete a Knife rush
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key and
respond by yelling “Pass”
 Then they will attack the sweet spot
o The point of attack in which they will be able to reach the hip of the offensive lineman
 Players will focus on clubbing the hands of the offensive lineman with their outside arm and
punch with their inside arm over the shoulder pad of the offensive lineman. Players will finish by
running the hoop and finishing around/inside the offensive lineman.
o This should be a short and compact move in order to protect the ribs.
 Player will club the hands away with his outside hand and punch inside arm over pad level. This
is a short and compact move, protecting the ribs, finish running the hoop.
 Work both sides and both stances.

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: have him do a 3 or 5 step kick slide while either being a dummy, going
50% or 100% live.
 For this drill the offensive man must give extend arms out to give the defensive
man a target.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to complete a Chop rush
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key and
respond by yelling “Pass”
 Then they will attack the sweet spot
o The point of attack in which they will be able to reach the hip of the offensive lineman

Marian Knights

 Attacking an offensive lineman who has superior reach or is holding you, players will throw a
tight upper cut with their inside hand knocking the inside hand of the offensive lineman off
 Player will then immediately bring their elbow onto the forearm of the offensive lineman (with
nasty intentions), knocking the outside hand of the offensive lineman off them.
 Players will use the momentum of their down movement forcing the player into a speed rush,
running the hoop and finishing around/inside the offensive lineman.
 Work both sides and both stances.

TKC (Throw-By, Knife, Chop)

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 This drill may look sloppy the very first time it is done. It is
imperative that the offensive man works with the defensive
man. Giving him an area to strike, turning around ready for
the next move, and giving him your arms when it is time for
 Players will start “Sitting on the barstool” in an athletic position, Shading to the right of the
offensive man.
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to complete TKC.
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key and
respond by yelling “Pass”
 Players will continually attack the near shoulder.
 Player will complete a throw by then immediately turn around and complete a knife, then
immediately turn around and complete a chop.
o This is done as quickly as possible, in a short area. The offensive man must be quick and
not slow down the drill
 Work both sides and both stances.

Sled Punch
 Players will align in two single file lines, each at the end
of the sled
o We use a rugby sled, but any sled or padded
surface can be used
 Players will “Sit on the barstool” being in an athletic
position with their inside foot back
 On command, players will strike and step the sled 3
times in rapid succession.
o Players will focus on keeping thumbs up, hands
at eye level, only moving their inside foot, and
keeping a steel cable lock out.
 Upon completing three strikes, players will rip off the sled, and pause for 1 second in an athletic
 Next players step up ready to go. Switch lines every time.

Marian Knights

EODD (Every Other Day Drill)

Double Team
 Players will partner up in groups of three.
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a double team block
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was placed on
the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out,
Attacking half the man
o Visual Key/Pressure key
 Players will learn to understand that the man they are keying is their visual key
and the man to their outside is their pressure key.
 Players will see their visual key and think base block, then feel their pressure key
and reach to the double team
o Push/Pull - Hip In
 Player will keep hands on his visual key. Push with his outside and pulling with
his inside hand taking away the power of the offensive lineman. Simultaneously,
staying low, keeping a steel cable lock out and shuffling his feet and hips into his
pressure key.
 Hipping in to the pressure key is the essential part of defeating the
double team. It prevents the player from getting washed, prevents the
lineman from working up to the Linebackers and helps create
o Finish
 Upon creating separation and turning the shoulders of the visual key, players
will finish by ripping low, shoulder on the thigh board and finishing in an athletic
 If players feel they are losing ground, collapse to the ground and create
a pile
o Rotate the group and work both hands

 Players will partner up in groups of three.
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%

Marian Knights

 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a double team block coming
from a wing.
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was placed on
the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel cable lock out,
Attacking half the man
o Visual Key/Pressure key
 Players will learn to understand that the man they are keying is their visual key
and the man to their outside is their pressure key.
 Players will see their visual key and think base block, then feel their pressure key
and reach to the double team
 As a 5 or 7 technique this double team could be anyone from a HB, FB, WR, or
looping Offensive lineman.
o Disengage/Reengage
 Player should feel and possibly see an offensive man attempting to seal him and
force the end to lose contain.
 Player will disengage from his original visual key, and reengage on his pressure
key attempting to free his outside shoulder
o Push/Pull – Hip Out
 Upon getting his outside free, feeling, the defensive man will Pull with the inside
hand and pushing with the outside hand. Taking away the power of the
offensive man and gaining control of the offensive player. At the same time
players will throw their hip into the gap stopping/blocking the momentum of
the offensive lineman. All while continuing to stay low.
o 3. Defeat the Block
 Putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive man, replacing the
heels of the man, creating the new LOS, finishing in an athletic position.
 Players are allowed no more than three shuffles in order to defeat the
block, if this does not happen players must push vertical in an attempt
to disrupt the path of the ball carrier.
o Rotate the group and work both hands

o Players will partner up in groups of three.
 One side is designated as the defense the other is the
 To practice this block, you may choose to have
the offensive man do one of the following: simply stand there, have him
take the first step, go at 50% or go 100% live.
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance

Marian Knights

 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command players will go through the steps necessary to chase a trap
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Visual Key/Pressure Key
 Seeing the visual key leaving, player must understand that a trap is
 Rip Now or Fight Pressure
 Rip Now
o If quick enough, upon seeing visual key leave, player will dip
now, giving a low surface area to be blocked, following the
puller to the point of attack.
 Fight Pressure
o If unsuccessful on Rip Now, player will keep shoulders square to
the Line of Scrimmage, squeezing pressure key into opposite
o Rotate players and work both stances.

Attacking Puller
o This drill can be done in groups of three or as one group where
players rotate from defender, to veer, to trapper, to the back of the
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive
man do one of the following: simply stand there, have him
take the first step, go at 50% or go 100% live.
 Players will react to a veer block then attack the puller.
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command players will go through the steps necessary to attack a puller
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Squeeze and Disrupt
 Keeping shoulders square to the LOS, Gaining ground, replace the space
the lineman vacated, disrupting the path of the offensive lineman by
delivering a violent punch, keeping steel cable lock out and ready to
make a play on the football

Marian Knights

Hammer or Wrong Arm

 Hammer
o Seeing the puller come down the line, player will not turn his
shoulders, he will deliver a blow to the puller, leading with the
forearm, anchoring with his outside foot, squeezing the gap,
ready to make a play if the ball carrier bounces.
 Wrong Arm
o Only wrong arm if there is a player to spill the ball to
o Taking the inside arm and clubbing the puller, the player will go
over the top of the lineman, square his shoulder and make a
play at the point of attack.

Hand Signals
 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%
 All players are instructed of 4 signals. Base, reach, veer and pass.
o If you wish to include the cut block, simply yell out cut so both sides know it’s coming,
for safety reasons.
 On command, Defensive players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o At this time, the coach is standing behind the defensive players giving the offensive man
the hand signal.
o The coach then commands the offensive players to get in their stance
 On command, players will execute their blocks
 Switch sides and stance.
 Focus on a few players at a time, making sure to coach every player.
o Another variant to this drill to increase competition is by adding a “Positive Punishment”
 Instruct the players that the loser will do 5x (X being anything from up downs to
sit ups). Instruct the players that there is always a loser and if they cannot
decide then they both lost.
 This will slow down the reps but I find by simply adding 5x, you will get a
better look out of the offensive man.

Marian Knights

o Players will align in two single file lines
 In front of each line, one player will step out and be the rabbit, the
other will step up and be the offensive veer man.
 Players must be moving at 100% to get any sort of benefit from this
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
in the right line and a left handed stance in the left line.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a veer block and
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Squeeze and Disrupt
 Keeping shoulders square to the LOS, Gaining ground, replace the space
the lineman vacated, disrupting the path of the offensive lineman by
delivering a violent punch, keeping steel cable lock out and ready to
make a play on the football
 Retrace
 Players already in a disadvantaged position must take a pursuit angle
that will allow a play to be made on the ball, if the angle is 2 yards in
front of the LOS then that is the angle that should be taken. Attack the
outside shoulder forcing player back towards help.
 Rotate lines every time.

o Players will align in two single file lines
 In front of each line, one player will step out and be the offensive veer man.
 The coach will stand behind the offensive veer men
o 6 Cones will be set up: Two 5 yards behind the LOS, Two on the
LOS and Two 5 yards in front of the LOS
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right
handed stance in the right line and a left handed stance in the left
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also
walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a veer block and

Marian Knights

 6 inch power step

 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Squeeze and Disrupt
 Keeping shoulders square to the LOS, Gaining ground, replace the space
the lineman vacated, disrupting the path of the offensive lineman by
delivering a violent punch, keeping steel cable lock out and ready to
make a play on the football
 Retrace
 Players will be in an athletic position with eyes in the backfield looking
at the coach. The coach will hold up a number 1, 2 or 3. Players will
respond with the according number then run to either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd
 Rotate Lines every time.

Hoop Variants
Hands Up
o Players will align in a single file line, the first player will be ready awaiting in his stance,
with his man hand to the hoop.
o On cadence the drill will begin.
o Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling
o Player will run around the hoop. Running a course of a “U”
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
o Upon reaching the apex of the “U”, players will look to the coach who is standing
adjacent to the line of players
 When the coaches arm cocks back as if he is going to throw a football the
players hands come together in attempt to deflect the pass
 Make sure players time up their hands well and do not leave their feet
 Players will run by the coach and the next player will begin upon coach’s
o Switch sides and work both stances.

Sack Fumble
o Players will align in a single file line, the first player will be ready awaiting in his stance,
with his man hand to the hoop.
o On foot or ball movement, the drill begins.
o Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling
o Player will run around the hoop. Running a course of a “U”
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible

Marian Knights

o Upon reaching the apex of the “U”, players will look to the dummy who is standing
adjacent to the line of players with his back turned to the hoop.
 Players will run through the dummy securing the tackle with their inside hand
 Wrapping it around the waist of the dummy
 And chopping down at the ball with the outside hand
 This can be done with or without an actual ball. If done with a ball make
sure players scoop and secure the football then advance it for a score.
o This drill is best if using a pop up dummy but can be done without one
 If not using a pop up dummy, instruct players to throttle down upon contact in
order to not hurt and blindside every one of your players.

o Two players will align on the hoops on their designated marks.
 We have taped marks on the hoops for the purpose of this drill.
o The drill will begin on rabbits movement
 Coach should be giving a cadence that players should ignore.
o Upon rabbits movements, both Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step,
shooting their hands and yelling “pass”
o Player will then run around the hoops; they will follow a course that resembles a
number 8.
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
o The goal is to tag, catch, or pass the rabbit before the figure 8 is completed.
o Switch sides and work both stances.

o Players will align in a single file line, the first player will be ready awaiting in his stance,
with his man hand to the hoop. And another player will be standing in front of him
inside the hoop.
 On my foot movement the drill will begin
 When the first player starts the drill, the second player in line will move to the
dummy inside the hoop and the previous dummy will get into his stance waiting
for the player to finish. When the first player runs across the face of the player
in his stance, the drill starts again.
o Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling
o Players will rep either Throw-By, Knife or Chop as designated by the coach. Player will
complete these moves on the player standing inside the hoop.
o Player will then run around the hoops; he will follow a course that resembles a number
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
 You may instruct the players to “grab grass”, having them keep their inside hand
on the ground in order to assure they are staying low.
o Switch sides and work both stances.

Marian Knights

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, it must be 100% live. In addition the offensive man really
needs to be a good partner and bust their butt to kick slide to QB Depth.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to complete a Knife rush
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key and
respond by yelling “Pass”
 Players will purposely push vertical in order to get to depth of the QB (5-7 yards behind the LOS)

Club and Rip or Sit and Spin

o Club and Rip
 Upon reaching the depth of the QB players will plant with their outside foot,
club with their inside hand, step flat down the line, pointing toes in toward the
QB, rip low and accelerate to the QB.
o Sit and Spin
 Upon reaching the depth of the QB players will plant with their outside foot,
sitting low, they will swing their outside elbow around, rotating their hips,
pointing their toes in towards the QB and accelerate to the QB.

Slant 1-2
o Players will partner up
 One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive dummy
 Dummies will stand very close to the defensive man, with bend in their
knees, giving the defensive man a clean surface to strike and not have
to over stride
o On command, players get in a right handed stance and align head up.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command “1”, players will take their 6inch flat step
 Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch flat step to the assigned direction,
firing low out of their stance, shooting their hands with their thumbs up, hands
at eye level, attacking half the man and with no bend in their arms (steel cable
lock out).
 Inspect every player. Players will hold this position and wait for the next

Marian Knights

o On Command “2”, players will finish.

 After already being fitted up in a proper 6 inch flat step, players will: Dip low,
putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive lineman, replacing the
heels of the lineman, creating the new LOS and finishing in an athletic position.
 Inspect every player. Players will hold this position and wait for the next
command which will be to alternate the stance.
o Switch sides and slant both right and left

½ gap movement
o Players will partner up
 One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man either
stand as a striking dummy or fire out in attempt to base block the
defending man.
o On command, players align in a right handed stance head up on the offensive lineman.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a ½ gap movement
 6 inch flat step
 Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch flat step to the assigned
direction, firing low out of their stance, shooting their hands with their
thumbs up, hands at eye level, attacking half the man and with no bend
in their arms (steel cable lock out).
 Finish
 Dip low, putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive
lineman, replacing the heels of the lineman, creating the new LOS and
finishing in an athletic position.
o Switch sides and slant both right and left

Full gap movement

o Players will partner up
 One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man either
stand as a striking dummy or fire out in attempt to base block the
defending man.
o On command, players align in a right handed stance shading the right shoulder of the
offensive lineman.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the

Marian Knights

 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a Full gap
 6 inch flat step
 Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch flat step to the assigned
direction, firing low out of their stance
 When slanting, only on ½ gap movements are players required to punch
and get hands on.
 Finish
 Dip low, putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive
lineman, replacing the heels of the lineman, creating the new LOS and
finishing in an athletic position.
o Switch sides and slant both right and left

Long Stick
o Players will partner up
 One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man either
stand as a striking dummy or fire out in attempt to base block the
defending man.
 Players should run this drill close together, as if the dummy offensive
men are one single offensive line.
o On command, players align in a right handed stance shading the right shoulder of the
offensive lineman.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a Full gap
 6 foot flat step
 Players take a large flat step pointing their toes down the LOS. Keeping
their chest to their thighs and gaining as much ground as possible.
 Finish
 Keeping chest down, getting to your gap, Dip low, putting the shoulder
on the thigh board of the offensive lineman, replacing the heels of the
lineman, creating the new LOS and finishing in an athletic position.

Marian Knights

o Switch sides and slant both right and left

Cross Stunts
o Players will combine into groups of 4
 One side is designated as the defenders the other as the
offensive dummies.
 Instead of using bodies as dummies, using barrels or a 6 man sled works
just as well
 The player designated as the man closest to the center will align in an inside
shade, the player designated as the man farthest from the center will align in an
outside shade.
 On command players will get in their stance and execute a cross stunt.
 The man closets to the center always goes first long sticking around the
furthest dummy.
 The furthest man from the center will take a jab step to the outside, go
over the top of the other defender and finish around the furthest
dummy from him.
 Both players will be accomplishing this using the long stick technique
o 6 foot flat step
 Players take a large flat step pointing their toes down
the LOS. Keeping their chest to their thighs and gaining
as much ground as possible.
o Finish
 Keeping chest down, getting to your gap, Dip low,
putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive
lineman, replacing the heels of the lineman, creating
the new LOS and finishing in an athletic position.
 Rotate players and sides.

Playbook Review
 4 players will line up against a dummy offensive line or barrels representing the offensive line

In base the base front “Shade Strong”.

 On Command, coach will give a play/stunt/blitz/ or check and players must execute it.
 Players finish in the gap in an athletic position waiting to be told they are finished. The next
group lines up in base “Shade Strong” ready, waiting to go.

CPD (Change of Pace Drills)

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you must teach the offensive man how to block on a draw
 Ask offensive man to pass set, invite the defensive man up field, then drive the
man to the sidelines.

Marian Knights

 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a draw
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key, seeing
a pass set and respond by yelling “Pass”
o Player will see and feel the draw. He will respond by yelling “Draw”.
 At the same time he will plant with his outside foot, keeping eyes in the
backfield he will retrace his steps to the LOS
o Make sure players finish in an athletic position with shoulders square
 If using a dummy QB, have players squeeze on QB
o Rotate and switch stance

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 To practice this block, you must teach the offensive man how to block on a
 Ask offensive man to pass set, invite the defensive man up field, then plant and
run towards the LOS.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a screen
o Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key, seeing
a pass set and respond by yelling “Pass”
o Player will see and feel the screen. He will respond by yelling “Screed”.
 At the same time he will plant with his outside foot, He will turn towards the
offensive lineman, attempt to grab his jersey and find the intended receiver.
o Rotate and switch stance

Hand Signals (Pass/Draw/Screen)

 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 All players are instructed of 3 signals. Pass, Draw and Screen
 On command, Defensive players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o At this time, the coach is standing behind the defensive players giving the offensive man
the hand signal.
o The coach then commands the offensive players to get in their stance
 On command, players will execute their blocks
 Switch sides and stance.
 Focus on a few players at a time, making sure to coach every player.

Marian Knights

Hand Flash
 Players will partner up
o One side is designated as the defense the other is the offensive
 All players are instructed of 2 signals. Light Hands and Heavy Hands
 On command, Defensive players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o At this time, the coach is standing behind the defensive players giving the offensive man
the hand signal.
o The coach then commands the offensive players to get in their stance
 Coach will have players hold their stance and respond accordingly

Light Hands
 The defensive man will observe the offensive man.
 If the offensive man has no white knuckles, is rocking in his stance or any other
such key telling the defensive man he will be pass setting or pulling then:
 Defensive man will quickly wave his offhand behind him to inform the
Linebackers and Secondary

Heavy Hands
 The defensive man will observe the offensive man
 If the offensive man has white knuckles, is leaning forward, or any other such
key telling the defensive man he will be run blocking then:
 The Defensive man does nothing.
 Switch sides and stance.
 Make sure all players get the correct key.

Pass Rush Lanes

 Players will align in four single file lines
o This drill is set up to essentially be 4 vs 4
pass rush.
o Players must be moving at 100% to get
any sort of benefit from this drill
o Coach should be standing at QB position,
and emphasize/coach pass rush lanes.
 On command, players get in their stance and start in an outside shade. Two in a left handed
stance, two in a right handed stance.
o Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the steps
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 On command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a pass block
o 6 inch power step
 Players will take their 6 inch power step, shoot their hands, read their visual key,
seeing a pass set and respond by yelling “Pass”
o Speed TKC

Marian Knights

 Players will then either perform a Speed Rush, Throw-By, Knife or Chop.
o Squeeze to QB
 The emphasis of this drill is to maintain pass rush lanes. Working with other
defensive lineman, players should understand how much room they have to
work their pass rush move while staying in their lanes. And squeezing to the QB
if they do not defeat the block.
 All 4 Lineman squeeze on QB taking away throwing windows and scramble
lanes, Tackles give inside pressure, ends contain.
o Rotate lines every time.

6 Man Lev Sled

4 Point Stance
o Players align on each dummy of
the sled
o Shading to right, players will align
with their knees on the ground,
toes curled underneath them, big
chest and arms hanging.
o On command, players will strike the sled ten times consecutively
 Striking their inside hand on the center of the dummy and their outside hand on
the shoulder of the dummy
 Thumbs should be up, steel cable lock out, hips should be engaging
o Switch shade and rotate

2 point stance
o Players align on each dummy of the sled
o Shading to right, players will in a right handed stance, staying in “his bar stool”, in an
athletic position.
o On command, players will strike the sled ten times consecutively
 Striking their inside hand on the center of the dummy and their outside hand on
the shoulder of the dummy
 Thumbs should be up, hands at eye level, only stepping with their inside foot,
steel cable lock out.
o Switch shade and rotate

6 Point Stance
o Players align on each dummy of the sled with the lev sled unlocked.
o Shading to right, players will align with their knees on the ground, toes curled hands on
the ground, wrist turned, head up.
o On command, players will strike the sled
 Striking their inside hand on the center of the dummy and their outside hand on
the shoulder of the dummy
 Thumbs should be up, steel cable lock out
 Players should be fully engaging their hips. There should be a nice banana bend
in their back, “sticking their pecker to the ground”

Marian Knights

 After striking, all players will rip off the dummy, have their chest hit the ground,
and reset ready for the command to go again.
 If players do not pop their dummy up, have them rip off immediately,
we do not want to coach our players to stay tied up with offensive
o Switch shade and rotate

3 Point Stance
o Players align on each dummy of the sled
o On command, Defensive players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command, players will strike the sled taking their 6 inch power step.
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Have players hold this stance
 Repeat repping both right and left handed stance

o Players align on each dummy of the sled. The Lev sled should be unlocked.
o Players will align head up on the sled and fit their hands under the armpits of the
o On command, players will explode through and engage their hips
 Thumbs should be up, steel cable lock
 Players should be fully engaging their
hips. There should be a nice banana
bend in their back, “sticking their pecker
to the ground”
 If the sled pops, and their hips engage,
players will rip off the sled. If they fall
and lose their balance that is okay, the
purpose of this drill is that they feel and
understand engaging their hips.
 If players do not pop their dummy up, have the players hold until coach
affirms they rolled their hips, then have them rip off immediately
o Rip both right and left then rotate

o Players align on each dummy of the sled. The Lev sled should be unlocked.
o On command, Defensive players get in their stance. The three player to the left will be in
a right handed stance and the three player to the right will be in a left handed stance.

Marian Knights

 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command, players will strike, pop and finish on the sled
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Pop
 Players will attempt to pop the bag up and rip underneath the arms of
the dummy.
 If players do not pop their dummy up, have them rip off immediately,
ripping under the arms of the dummy. We do not want to coach our
players to stay tied up with offensive lineman.
 Finish
 Players will finish behind the cross member of the sled in an athletic
position until coach gives the command they can leave.
o Players will go around the sled, switching lines every time.

½ man movement
o Players align on each dummy of the sled
o On command, players align in a right handed stance head up on the offensive lineman.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a ½ gap movement
 6 inch flat step
 Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch flat step to the assigned
direction, firing low out of their stance, shooting their hands with their
thumbs up, hands at eye level, attacking half the man and with no bend
in their arms (steel cable lock out).
 Finish
 Dip low, ripping under the arms of the dummy, finishing behind the
cross member of the sled in an athletic position.
o Players will jog around the sled, slant both right and left

Full gap movement

o Players align on each dummy of the sled
o On command, players align in a right handed stance shading the right shoulder of the
offensive lineman.

Marian Knights

 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a Full gap
 6 inch flat step
 Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch flat step to the assigned
direction, firing low out of their stance
 When slanting, only on ½ gap movements are players required to punch
and get hands on.
 Finish
 Dip low, ripping under the arms of the dummy, finishing behind the
cross member of the sled in an athletic position.
o Players will jog around the sled, slant both right and left

Long Stick
o Players align on each dummy of the sled
o On command, players align in a right handed stance shading the right shoulder of the
offensive lineman.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not change;
however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their stagger so their
feet are almost parallel.
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a Full gap
 6 foot flat step
 Players take a large flat step pointing their toes down the LOS. Keeping
their chest to their thighs and gaining as much ground as possible.
 Finish
 Dip low, ripping under the arms of the dummy, finishing behind the
cross member of the sled in an athletic position.
o Players will jog around the sled, slant both right and left

Strike and Stem

o Players will line up single file on the first dummy of the sled. The Lev Sled should be
o On command, the first player will align in a right handed stance shading the right
shoulder of the dummy.
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the

Marian Knights

 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On command, the players will strike the bag, and stem until everyone has gone.
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Stem
 Upon striking the sled, players will return to their stance and stem to
the next bag
o Players will keep their hands on the ground doing a sideways
bear crawl, set their stance and be ready to strike again.
 Finish
 Upon reaching the last dummy, and executing their 6 inch power step,
players will rip off the sled and finish with a 5 yard burst downhill.
 Repeat with the left hand coming back
 This should be a drill done for maximum reps and possibly as additional cardio

Additional Hoop Variants

o Players will align in two single file lines with their man hand on the hoop, each player on
the outside edge of the hoop. The coach should be between the players, between the
two hoops.
o On ball or foot movement the drill will begin.
o Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling
o Player will run around the hoop. Running a course of a “U”
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
o Players will race around their individual hoop attempting to be the first to run through
the coach.
o Switch sides and work both stances.

High Point
o Players will align in a single file line, the first player will be ready awaiting in his stance,
with his man hand to the hoop.
o On cadence the drill will begin.
o Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling
o Player will run around the hoop. Running a course of a “U”
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
o Upon reaching the apex of the “U”, players will look to the coach who is standing
adjacent to the line of players

Marian Knights

 When the coaches arm cocks back to throw the football, players arms shoot up.
 Players will attempt to catch the ball, thus forcing their hands together
 Make sure players time up their hands well and do not leave their feet
 Players will run the ball back to the coach and the next player will begin upon
coach’s cadence.
o Switch sides and work both stances.

o Players will align in a single file line, the first player will be ready awaiting in his stance,
with his man hand to the hoop. The coach will have combat pads on his arm standing
inside the hoop.
 On my foot movement the drill will begin
o Players will fire out low, taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands and yelling
o Players will rep either Club and rip, Chop or club and knife. Player will complete these
moves on the coach’s combat pads.
o Player will run around the hoop. Running a course of a “U”
o Players will focus on dipping their shoulders into the hoop, staying low, pointing their
toes around the hoop and finishing the course as fast as possible
o Upon reaching the apex of the “U”, players will look to the coach who has moved to the
other side of the hoop and will rep the designated move again.
o Switch sides and work both stances.

Pop up dummies
o 3 pop up dummies will be aligned 3 yards apart in a single line.
o Players will align in one single file line, with one man facing the line as an offensive
 To practice this block, you may choose to have the offensive man do one of the
following: simply stand there, have him take the first step, go at 50% or go 100%
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a base block
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Push/Pull
 Taking the second step into shaded gap. Pulling with the inside hand
and pushing with the outside hand. Taking away the power of the

Marian Knights

lineman and gaining control of the offensive player. All while continuing
to stay low.
 Defeat the Block
 Dipping low, putting the shoulder on the thigh board of the offensive
lineman, replacing the heels of the lineman, creating the new LOS,
finishing in an athletic position.
 Enter the Gauntlet
 After defeating the block players will weave through the pop up
dummies alternating which outside hand they club with.
o Players will focus on clubbing with their outside hand, throwing
their hips with their clubs to generate power.
o After each club, follow with a rip.
 Finish
 Upon clearing the last pop up dummy, players will finish with a 5 yard
 Repeat coming back the other way switching stance.

Tight Gauntlet
o The same drill as Regular Gauntlet except pop up
dummies are 1 foot apart forcing players to really
work their footwork.

Two gap
o Players will partner up with the defensive man inside the chutes and the offensive man
outside the chutes.
 Offensive man will bend low giving a clean surface for the defender to strike.
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
o On Command players will go through the steps necessary to defeat a block from the 2
gap position.
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance, taking a step no further then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, attacking the man head up with thumbs on the breast
 Leverage
 Taking the second step towards the man. Staying low, keeping
separation, player will drive out of the chutes, exploding through the
offensive man.
 Defeat the Block
 Upon clearing the chutes, players will rip to designated direction,
dipping their shoulders low, finishing in an athletic position.
o Switch positions, rip both right and left.

Marian Knights

Get off
o Players will start with their heads under the chutes
o On command, players get in their stance
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On my foot movement or ball movement players will take their first step out of their
o Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch power step, shooting their hands, staying low
and getting their second step in the ground as quick as possible
o They will then finish by bursting through the chutes.
o They will turn around and repeat this drill going the other way, alternating their stance

o Players will start outside the chutes.
o ½ gap movement
 On command, players align in a right handed stance head up on the offensive
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them
through the steps
o Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
 When slanting to the player’s man hand their Base stance will not
change; however, when slanting away from it, the player will cheat their
stagger so their feet are almost parallel.
 On Command players will go through the steps necessary to execute a ½ gap
 6 inch flat step
o Players are focusing on taking their 6 inch flat step to the
assigned direction, firing low out of their stance, shooting their
hands with their thumbs up, hands at eye level and with no
bend in their arms (steel cable lock out).
 Finish
o Dip low, gain ground into the chutes, finish under the chutes in
an athletic position.
 Switch sides and slant both right and left

Marian Knights

 Players will partner up
meeting in the middle of a
leverage board.
 On command, players get
in their stance and start in
a right handed stance
 On Command players will
go through the steps
necessary to drive the
player off the board from a
2 gap position.
o 6 inch power step
 Fire out of
the stance,
taking a
step no
further then where hand was placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands
at eye level, Steel cable lock out, attacking the man head up with thumbs on the
breast plate.
o Leverage
 Taking the second step towards the man. Staying low, keeping separation,
player will try to dry each other off the board.
 Switch positions, rep both right and left handed stance.

Cut Ball
Root hog/Sub
o Players will align in a single line and enter their root hog stance
 Players will start in their base stance, they will put their off hand on the ground,
Heels completely off the ground, butt up, and chest down.
o Coach will get a “Down, Set” Command to prepare the player for the Large cut ball.
o Coach will roll the ball towards each player once at a time.
o Players will react to movement, exploding out of their stance, sweeping the base of the
ball with their outside arm and lunging through with their shoulder.
o Upon going down the line, bring the ball back having players use other arm.

o Players will align in a single line
o On command, players get in their stance and start in a right handed stance
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the

Marian Knights

 Heel to toe, barstool, hand

out turn the wrist, come on
o On ball movement players will go through
the steps necessary to defeat a cut block
 6 inch power step
 Fire out of the stance,
taking a step no further
then where hand was
placed on the ground. Stay low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Steel
cable lock out, Attacking half the man
 Hands on/Feet back
 Seeing and feeling the ball coming at them, hands will force the ball
back to the coach, legs will kick back (much like a wrestlers sprawl)
 Finish
 Get around where the Offensive Lineman would be, playing through
your gap, finish in an athletic position, ready to make a play on the

6 inch power step

o On command, players get in their stance
 Depending on where you are in the season you may also walk them through the
 Heel to toe, barstool, hand out turn the wrist, come on down
o On ball movement players will take their first step out of their stance
o Their 6 inch power step will consist of:
 Firing out of their stance
 Taking a step no further then where hand was placed on the ground.
 Staying low, thumbs up, Hands at eye level, Hands together, steel cable
lock out, knocking the ball back.
o Repeat repping both right and left handed stance


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