Am Art Ufo Profile

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Amar Tufo

Linux bloger | Arheolog | Upcoming GNU/Linux administrator.

Ja sam Amar Tufo, blogger, autor, Ubuntu Linux & open source software evangelist, student treće
godine Arheologije te uplifting trance music fan.

Linux blogger and author at TecMint: Linux Howto's Guide
July 2018  -  Present
TecMint is one of the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux article
(including guides, tools, tips, commands) on the web.

Arheolog - Istraživač at AmarTufo-blog

April 2014  -  Present
Ovdje možete pronači sve moje samostalne istraživačke radove i istaknute članke iz arheologije
naše zemlje, tu su i radovi iz arheologije i historije Starog Bliskog Istoka te mitologija naroda i
kultura širom svijeta.

Author at LiBRE! časopis

August 2015  -  Present
Dopisnik LiBRE časopisa o slobodnom softveru.

Linux blogger and Linux System administrator

January 2014  -  Present
Autor stručnih Linux članaka od instalacije Linux distribucija (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian,
Elementary, Puppy), do članaka iz Linux System administracije.

NDG Linux Essential course at Network Development Group

April 2017  -  Present
NDG Linux Essential course is a Linux education course for LPIC-1 that covers Linux terminology,
Open source software philosophy as well as Command Line Interface skills and BASH. I'm enrolled
as a NDG student in next three months from 2 April to 31 July. Entire progress of my course can
bee tracked via my web site

CEO and Founder

February 2013  -  Present

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AmarTufoIntearctive je zvanična web stranica koja objavljuje korisne tutorijale iz Ubuntu Linux-
a, programiranja, sigurnosti, savjeta migracije s Windows-a na Linux kao i top deset stvari koje
radimo svaki put kada je dostupan novi Ubuntu. Između ostalog, stranica prati i objavljuje moje
stručne radove iz Arheologije itd.

April 2014  -  Present
Autor nekoliko stručnih radova iz oblasti Japanske historije kao sto su: Hogen i Heiji incident te rad
47 Ronina u pripremi. Radovi su uglavnom objavljeni na portalu.

Bachelor Student
October 2012  -  Present
Undergraduate student of Archaeology, at Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo at third year of studies.
Author and researcher in a field of Archaeology and History of Ancient Near East, especially
interested in Late Bronze age period and the collapse of the Late Bronze age civilizations.

VB.NET Junior Developer

January 2011  -  Present
Minox Player je jedan od mojih prvih VB.NET projekata koji je i dalje u tijeku. Našminkana
računalna aplikacija za muziku, razvijena za Windows 7 OS u VB.NET programskom jeziku te
koristi moćni .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 kao i Windows Media Player API kao radni engine.

Web Developer at Codecademy

January 2013  -  June 2014 (1 year 6 months)

Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo
Bachelor's degree, Classical, Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and
Archaeology, 2012 - 2017

Honors and Awards

The Basic Concepts of Computer Sciences

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Amar Tufo
Linux bloger | Arheolog | Upcoming GNU/Linux administrator.

Contact Amar on LinkedIn

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