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Copyright © 2007 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance.

Gotts, N. M. 2007. Resilience, panarchy, and world-systems analysis. Ecology and Society 12(1): 24.
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Resilience, Panarchy, and World-Systems Analysis

Nicholas M. Gotts 1

ABSTRACT. The paper compares two ambitious conceptual structures. The first is the understanding of
social-ecological systems developed around the term "resilience," and more recently the term "panarchy,"
in the work of Holling, Gunderson, and others. The second is Wallerstein's "world-systems" approach to
analyzing hierarchical relationships between societies within global capitalism as developed and applied
across a broader historical range by Chase-Dunn and others. The two structures have important common
features, notably their multiscale explanatory framework, links with ideas concerning complex systems,
and interest in cyclical phenomena. They also have important differences. It is argued that there are gaps
in both sets of ideas that the other might remedy. Their greatest strengths lie at different spatiotemporal
scales and in different disciplinary areas, but each also has weaknesses the other does not address,
particularly with regard to the mechanisms underlying proposed cyclic patterns of events. The paper ends
with a sketch for a research program within which panarchical and world-systems insights might be
synthesised in the study of the "Great European Land-Grab," i.e., the expansion of European capitalism
and its distinctive social-ecological systems over the past five centuries.

Key Words: adaptive cycle; cross-scale interaction; panarchy; population; resilience; technology; world-

INTRODUCTION ideas about complex systems (Holland 1992, 1998)

and place considerable emphasis on cyclic
“Panarchy” refers here to the framework for phenomena, an interest they inherit from
conceptualizing the type of coupled human- Schumpeter (1939, 1943) and, via Schumpeter in
environment systems described in Gunderson and the panarchist case, Kondratieff (1979 [1926]),
Holling (2002) and more briefly, with some alternatively transliterated as “Kondratiev.” Major
changes, in Walker et al. (2006). This framework differences include the focal scale, which is regional
may be divided into two parts, referred to here as for panarchy and planetary for world-systems;
“the resilience conceptual framework” and “the greater emphasis on ecological processes and
adaptive cycle metaphor.” This paper critically social-ecological interactions in panarchy and on
compares aspects of panarchy with the “world- economic, political, and military processes in
systems” framework (Wallerstein 1974, 1993, world-systems theory; and more attention within
Denemark et al. 2000, Hall 2000), specifically the world-systems analysis to directional change over
variant of world-systems analysis developed by the course of multiple cycles.
Chase-Dunn and colleagues (Chase-Dunn and Hall
1997a,b, Chase-Dunn and Babones 2006). The two
approaches have much in common as well as THE PANARCHICAL FRAMEWORK
important differences. Their commonalities include
seeking broad-scale patterns in human social For my purposes here, the following aspects of the
systems and explaining them in terms of processes panarchical view of ecological and social-
that affect multiple, distinct, but interacting spatial ecological systems are central.
and temporal scales. They also have close links with

Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

The resilience conceptual framework variation. However, Holling and Gunderson

(2002) say that “ ...two additional functions
Characteristics of the resilience conceptual are needed.” The corresponding phases,
framework include: especially Ω, are typically much briefer: in a
forest, Ω might be a fire or insect outbreak
that frees nutrients from biomass, whereas the
1. multiple metastable regimes. Rather than a α phase involves soil processes limiting
single equilibrium point, such systems nutrient loss. The adaptive cycle involves
generally have multiple metastable regimes. changes in three main variables: resilience;
Within each regime, change may occur, but potential in the form of accumulated
the set of dynamically important variables resources in biomass or in physical, human,
and interactions remains fixed. and social capital; and connectedness,
meaning the tightness of coupling among the
2. the importance of episodic change. Systems controlling variables that determine the
with multiple metastable regimes may switch system’s ability to modulate external
rapidly between them as critical thresholds variability. In the r phase, potential and
are passed. Furthermore, hysteresis is connectedness are low but resilience is high;
common. in K, resilience decreases while the other
values increase. Eventually, some internal or
3. resilience. Holling and Gunderson (2002:28) external event triggers the Ω phase, in which
define ecosystem resilience as “ ... the potential crashes; finally, in α, resilience and
magnitude of disturbance that can be potential grow, connectedness falls, unpredi-
absorbed before the system changes its ctability peaks, and new system entrants can
structure by changing the variables and establish themselves. Holling and Gunderson
processes that control behavior.” Resilience (2002) stress that the adaptive cycle is a
in this sense is central to the resilience metaphor that can be used to generate specific
conceptual framework. hypotheses; exact interpretations of resilience,
potential, and connectedness are system
4. multiple distinctive scales with cross-scale dependent.
interactions. Holling et al. (2002c:72) argue
that ecological and social-ecological systems 2. panarchy. Ecological and social-ecological
form a multilevel hierarchical structure, but systems form nested sets of adaptive cycles.
that the different levels are of distinct kinds, The larger, slower cycles generally constrain
i.e., the structure is not scale-free. the smaller, faster ones and maintain system
integrity, but, during the Ω and α phases,
critical cross-scale interactions can operate,
particularly “Revolt” connections, in which
an Ω phase collapse on one level triggers a
The adaptive cycle metaphor crisis one level up, and “Remember”
connections, in which the α phase of a cycle
The characteristics of the adaptive cycle metaphor is organized by a higher-level K phase. The
include: Revolt and Remember forms of cross-scale
1. a four-phase adaptive cycle. Holling and interaction, and panarchy itself as described
Gunderson (2002:32) suggest that most, in Holling et al. (2002c), assume that the
although not all, such systems follow a four- hierarchically related systems are following
phase cycle of (1) “exploitation” (r); (2) adaptive cycles.
“conservation” (K); (3) “release” (Ω) or
“creative destruction,” a term derived from 3. three distinct kinds of change. Holling et al.
Schumpeter (1943); and (4) “reorganization” (2002a) identify three types of change within
(α). The first two stem from standard panarchies: incremental change in the r and
ecological theory, in which an ecosystem’s r K phases, which are smooth and fairly
phase is dominated by colonizing species predictable; abrupt change in the transitions
tolerant of environmental variation and the K from K through Ω and α; and
phase, by species adapted to modulate such transformational learning, meaning change
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

involving several panarchical levels, and quality goods. The semi-periphery hosts a
interaction between different sets of labile mixture of corelike and peripheral activities.
3. Individual states may move within the
The resilience conceptual framework underlies a hierarchy, but upward mobility is constrained
broad body of work, including a considerable by their trade relations within the world
number of detailed studies of regional social- economy and their geopolitical role and
ecological systems (see any issue of Ecology and power.
Society, and most of the chapters in Gunderson and
Holling 2002 and Berkes et al. 2003). This body of 4. Political, economic, and military interactions
work has now reached a state in which systematic between states are central to the maintenance
comparisons can be made, particularly with regard of elites within those states. Core elites
to thresholds and regime shifts (Walker and Meyers accumulate many of their resources from the
2004, Groffman et al. 2006). A significant subset of periphery and semi-periphery, use some of
recent work within the resilience conceptual those resources to buy support and/or pay
framework explores or makes use of the adaptive armed forces, and often maintain subordinate
cycle metaphor to varying degrees, and this paper elites in noncore areas.
focuses primarily on these, but also draws on the
broader resilience literature. 5. States and corporations are both essential to
the operation of the modern world-system.
Core corporations are the major economic
WORLD-SYSTEMS ANALYSIS actors, but rely on states to protect their assets
and market access. The existence of multiple
World-systems analysis (Wallerstein 1974, Denemark states stabilizes the system by allowing
et al. 2000, Chase-Dunn and Hall 1997a, Hall 2000) corporations mobility, thus limiting how far
centers on the premise that the modern world cannot any state can tax or regulate them.
be understood without considering it as a whole, and
over long periods of time. The stances of world- 6. There are important cyclical processes in
systems researchers differ considerably, but all world-system economics and interstate
would agree with the first point below, and most politics. The most widely discussed is the
with points 2–7. approximately 50-yr Kondratieff cycle of
economic activity (Schumpeter 1939,
1. “... the most important unit of analysis for the Kondratieff 1979 [1926]). This is widely but
study of social change is not societies or states by no means universally acknowledged to
but the entire world-system. Changes in exist by economic historians. It shows up best
organization are not endogenous to individual in price series (Berry et al. 2001), and there
societies. Rather, they are a consequence of is broad agreement that each cycle involves
complex interactions among local, regional, a wave of technological innovation. Within
societal, and global processes.” (Chase-Dunn world-system analysis, Kondratieff and other
and Hall 1997a:1). A world-system is not cycles are generally seen as aspects of longer-
necessarily planetary in scope, but does term directional processes; in particular, the
necessarily include multiple societies or innovations of each Kondratieff cycle are
polities, with long-term, highly structured generally retained. More specific to world-
interrelationships. system analysis is the longer “hegemonic
cycle” affecting the distribution of economic,
2. Within the current world-system, there is a political, and military power among core
geographical division of labor, with strong states.
hierarchical features, between “core,” “semi-
peripheral,” and “peripheral” regions. The 7. The modern world-system came into being
most sophisticated economic activities are with the growth of European capitalism and
concentrated in core states, which are also the overseas expansion of European states
strongest and best integrated. Peripheral around 1500, and now includes the whole
regions are economically subordinate, world.
generally supplying raw materials or low-
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

World-system theorists differ on how world- labor, taxes, and tributes are exacted by systematic
systems work, and how earlier intersocietal systems armed coercion from slaves, peasants, and weaker
differ from the modern world-system. This paper neighboring societies, as the main way for elites to
concentrates on the version of world-system accumulate resources. The development of
analysis developed in Chase-Dunn and Hall (1997a) capitalism replaced this in turn with the
and Chase-Dunn and Babones (2006), which predominance of profit derived from commodity
proposes an iteration model of world-system production and exchange, which provide incentives
evolution intended to apply to all the intersocietal for innovation independent of direct population
systems between the origins of sedentism and the pressure, as noted in point 5 above. Price-setting
present. The main points of this model are as markets, wages, credit, and other capitalist
follows: institutions all long preceded the capitalist world-
system, but, until the 17th century, the only states
1. Population growth and consequent intensification with primarily capitalist elites had been city states
of productive activity lead to environmental overshadowed by their far more powerful tribute-
degradation and hence to population based neighbors.
pressure, defined as the increased labor
required as a result of environmental Chase-Dunn’s model attributes particular importance
degradation. to the semi-periphery as the site of many major
innovations, because these societies have more
2. The first response to this pressure is generally resources than peripheral societies but are less
emigration, but if there are no accessible and invested in the old ways than core societies are. Hall
suitable uninhabited regions, this leads to and Chase-Dunn (2006) present a number of
intersocietal conflict. historical examples, including semi-peripheral
societies that founded large empires incorporating
3. This conflict may be sufficient to reduce the what had been former core societies, e.g., the
population pressure, but may also lead to the Persian, Macedonian, Roman, Ottoman, and
formation of larger polities and extended Manchu empires; capitalist city-states such as Tyre,
social hierarchies, reducing conflict but also Carthage, Malacca, Venice, and Genoa, which
stimulating technological changes, which are pioneered new trades and industries; and the rise of
needed to maintain and exploit the new social successive hegemons or leading powers of the
arrangements. capitalist system such as the Dutch Republic, the
UK, and the United States. The rise of western
4. Technological change itself may feed back Europe itself is held to have occurred from a semi-
into further hierarchy formation and reduce peripheral position in a multicore world-system,
the immediate population pressure by linked by trade in prestige goods and information
allowing greater production efficiency, but in exchange, that encompassed much of Afroeurasia,
the longer term it encourages further i.e., Eurasia plus Africa, during the medieval period.
population growth.
According to Hall and Chase-Dunn (2006), the
5. Institutional innovations can sometimes problems of environmental degradation and
accelerate technical innovation, hierarchy population pressure and conflict have not so far been
formation, and polity growth beyond what the solved, but rather shifted upscale. Early world-
cycle of stages 1–4 above would produce. systems analysis paid little heed to specific or
regional environmental issues, but in the last decade
The major institutional innovations in this model two special issues of the Journal of World-Systems
are transformations between predominant “modes Research have been dedicated to environmental
of accumulation” that modify the workings of the issues. A number of the articles are comparative,
iteration cycle. The two most important occurred linking world-system position, i.e., core, semi-
when chiefdoms developed into states, which peripheral, or peripheral, with indices of
happened on several independent occasions, and environmental damage or impact. Core states, as the
when capitalism developed in Western Europe. homelands of the strongest elites, might be expected
Chiefdom-state transitions replaced primarily to avoid or remedy forms of environmental damage
normative systems of obligation based on real or that would threaten the welfare of the elite, and
mythical kinship, with tributary systems in which perhaps that of the general population, whose
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

support or acquiescence is extremely helpful. volumes of goods, from spices to turtle oil to fine
However, they may well choose not to control woods to rubber to iron ore, more cheaply over
pollution that has only dispersed, long-term effects. greater distances. Some of these products became
Peripheral and semi-peripheral states would be obsolete, leading to regional economic downturns,
expected to suffer from the effects of e.g., turtle oil when mineral oils came into greater
environmentally damaging extractive industrial use, and rubber when the rubber tree was
activities that are often controlled by core-state domesticated and grown in plantations in southeast
corporations. Asia. In the Amazon, rubber trees cannot grow close
to each other because of an endemic fungus, an
Generally, these expectations are borne out. Bartley important driver of domestication efforts, and hence
and Bergesen (1997) cite several quantitative the replacement of distant native forests by rubber
studies indicating that deforestation is most intense plantations. An iron ore extraction project in the
in the semi-periphery, where the demand for timber 1980s, driven by rising world demand, brought
for construction is high but little reforestation many workers to construct transport infrastructure.
occurs. In contrast, Burns et al. (2003) find the Laid off when construction ended, they began
highest rates of deforestation in the periphery, which farming, in turn damaging Brazil nut production.
they attribute to recently intensified deforestation The Brazil nut tree needs to be surrounded by other
there; their own earlier work is cited in Bartley and trees for shelter and to support a pollinating bee.
Bergensen (1997). With regard to greenhouse gas Thus, Bunker elucidates the cross-scale linkages
emissions, Burns et al. (1997) report that CO2 output that, over the past four centuries, have tied the
declines monotonically from core to periphery, Amazon basin into the world-system and its
whereas states in a “semi-core” category, which technological development, changed its ecology,
they define as being between core and semi- and also allowed its ecology to influence distant
periphery, produce most of the world’s CH4 because regions.
of their heavy reliance on livestock farming. Grimes
and Kentor (2003) find that the penetration of
foreign capital raises CO2 production, which they CRITICISMS AND POSSIBLE SYNERGIES
attribute to the fact that transnational corporations
tend to relocate environmentally unfriendly In this section, some criticisms of each of the
production to countries with fewer environmental approaches discussed are identified, and it is
controls. Roberts et al. (2003) add that, when the considered how far each might compensate for
amount of CO2 released per unit of economic output weaknesses in the other.
is considered, semi-peripheral and “upper
peripheral” countries, which depend heavily on Taking the resilience conceptual framework first,
foreign capital, do the worst. In a more regionally points 1–4 above are not questioned here; criticisms
focused study, Frey (2003) analyzed examples of of this framework are purely in terms of what it
transfers of industrial processes from the United neglects. The adaptive cycle metaphor has been
States, which is part of the core, to the northern criticized from within the resilience conceptual
border region of Mexico, which is in the semi- framework; these criticisms are extended here.
periphery. The increased environmental regulation
in the United States is one reason for this, and the There is general agreement that the four-phase
rapid growth of population and hazardous industrial adaptive cycle is not universal across ecological and
processes has caused multiple forms of social-ecological systems: Holling and Gunderson
environmental damage. (2002:53-60) themselves describe systems stuck in
one region of the three-dimensional space defined
Among the special issue articles, Bunker (2003) by connectivity, potential, and resilience. However,
examines the social-ecological history of a specific more fundamental criticisms of the adaptive cycle
region in the most detail, analyzing 400 yr of raw metaphor, and specifically of whether this three-
material extraction from the Amazon and dimensional space adequately represents the key
demonstrating the interactions of regional aspects of ecosystem functioning, have recently
topography, climate, and ecology with advances in emerged within the resilience literature. Janssen et
transport technology and the increasing and al. (2006) distinguish three network characteristics
changing demands of core economies. Each relevant to resilience: centrality, i.e., the existence
extractive episode involved the transport of greater of key nodes, and two aspects of connectivity,
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

density of links and reachability of nodes from each these systems are not themselves social-ecological
other, which are only partially independent. They systems. The dynamics of the topmost member of
found no simple connectivity-resilience relation. a hierarchy of systems of a particular type must
Abel et al. (2006) found the theory of the adaptive surely have some special features; nothing in the
cycle useful for recognizing changes in system panarchist framework contradicts this, but neither
behavior during the various phases. However, they does it appear to have received much attention.
found several anomalies as well. The phases did not
necessarily occur in the order proposed, there was There is a systematic ambiguity in the term
no support for a fall in resilience during the K phase “adaptive,” as used in “adaptive cycle.” The key
or for a clustering of events late in K, and the question is: What adapts? In Holland (1992:184-185),
potential/connectedness distinction was not useful, adaptation is a property of organisms or of
so they replaced it with the concepts of natural, analogous components of an artificial system. In
physical, human, social, and financial “capitals.” this context, entities that adapt show a characteristic
subordination of their parts to the interests of the
Turning to cross-scale interactions, they found whole, just as the interests of the individual cells of
evidence of cross-scale effects outside the Revolt a healthy animal are subordinated to those of the
and Remember templates. In particular, government organism. In explanations of the adaptive cycle
intervention and, more generally, the ability of metaphor, it frequently appears that the system as a
power groups to appropriate resources were crucial whole adapts and shows an analogous subservience
both in maintaining regional rangeland systems in of parts. This is explicit in Holling and Gunderson
a particular condition in Zimbabwe and New South (2002): in the justification for adding the functions
Wales and in causing regional collapses. They also Ω and α quoted above, in “ ... the cycle shifts into
noted that the social-ecological systems of a ‘backloop’ to reorganize accumulated resources
Australian Aboriginals collapsed because of British for the initiation of a new cycle” (Holling and
colonization, with no reason to believe that these Gunderson 2002:41), and in their intuition (Holling
systems were intrinsically unstable. When and Gunderson 2002:47) that any complex system,
describing a social-ecological system in Western if adaptive, must alternate between the “objectives”
Australia, Allison and Hobbs (2004) identified the of maximizing first production and accumulation,
drivers of its cyclical behavior as the 45–60 yr then invention and reassortment. However, in the
Kondratieff cycles of global economics, which words of the resilience researcher Levin (2001): “ ...
produced alternating periods of favorable and the ecosystem is not an organism and has not been
unfavorable market conditions of roughly equal shaped by evolution to perform particular functions,
length, rather than internal dynamics of long, slow at least, so far as has been shown.” After arguing
accumulation of capital separated by short periods that natural selection acting on individuals can
of rapid change. produce a form of hierarchical organization within
an ecosystem in which most species interact
Thus it is not clear that system collapses are usually strongly with only a few others, and that this can
due, even in part, to internal dynamics. If a system favor ecosystem resilience, Levin (1999) notes that
on a more-or-less predictable trajectory spends a features that reduce resilience, such as the existence
short time in its early phases and a longer time in of keystone species, can evolve in the same way.
later ones, as in the classic r to K succession from From this viewpoint, ecosystems can become either
annuals to perennials to shrubs to trees, then an less or more resilient as they become more
externally triggered collapse is most likely to occur connected, depending on the details of the
in the later phases, even if the probability of collapse connection networks concerned.
per unit time remains constant or falls. Conversely,
economic and politically mediated links with larger Although the panarchical perspective admits
national or transnational systems may be primary political conflict, it has had little to say about social
determinants of events, rather than merely elites and the often violent and oppressive ways in
constraining or triggering factors in the dynamics which they maintain themselves. Nevertheless,
of the regional system. In such cases, world-systems elites and violent conflict are fundamental to social
analysis may have much to offer. It should be noted dynamics and highly relevant to environmental
that the planetary social-ecological system is at the sustainability. Homer-Dixon and Blitt (1998) show
top of a hierarchy; although it is part of larger how environmental scarcity interacts with power
systems such as the Earth, solar system, and galaxy, differences to generate destitution, violence, and
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

further environmental destruction; conversely, Sornette 2001), and probably far longer (Kremer
Diamond (2005) argues that the highly stable 1993). This is explicable if population density has
Tokugawa shogunate in Japan was able to enforce been limited by available technology, and larger
society-wide measures to reverse deforestation. populations innovate faster as evidence from
From the panarchical perspective, Abel et al. (2006) Kremer (1993) indicates, perhaps simply because
work on political influences on rangeland systems in total they give more time to it.
has already been mentioned. Pritchard and
Sanderson (2002) note that, even in pluralist The analysis above does not mean population
political systems, some interest groups can growth and innovation can accelerate indefinitely.
circumscribe debate and shape public preferences, Cohen (1995) explores the consequences of
hiding objectively divergent interests, and Alcorn assuming that population growth rate will rise with
et al. (2003) analyze how the Indonesian state has the spare carrying capacity for additional
legitimized elite interests and, in doing so, population, while population growth will, via
undermined Dayak social-ecological system innovation, increase carrying capacity. This can
management. However, today’s most powerful imply either a singularity, with infinite population
agents, states and large corporations, with their reached in a finite time, endless exponential growth,
economic power, media influence, and, for states, or super-exponential growth giving way to logistic
armed forces, remain largely unanalyzed. These growth so that the population levels off, depending
agents largely determine what kinds of disturbances on how innovation’s ability to increase carrying
regional systems need resilience against. Here, capacity itself changes with increasing population.
perhaps more than anywhere else, world-systems
analysis could strengthen work within the resilience Such models depend on innovations being able to
conceptual framework. spread across a population. Koratayev (2005) notes
that, by the first millennium BCE, iron metallurgy
The panarchical perspective has also had little to was able to spread from its southwest Asian origin
say about the long-term growth of world population, to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Afroeurasia
energy use and polity size, and the power of within a few centuries. Because iron axes and plows
technology available for human use. As with the are far more efficient than earlier forest-clearing and
comparative neglect of conflict and elite dynamics, tillage tools, this must have transformed agro-
this is perhaps unsurprising, given its disciplinary ecosystems across much of the Earth. Pacey (1990)
roots in economics, ecosystem science, institutional details extensive technological exchanges between
research, and adaptive complex system theory Afroeurasian civilizations in the period 700–1450
(Holling 2003). However, all these factors have CE. Thus the Afroeurasian regions, which include
enormous implications for the past and future most of the Earth’s population, have in terms of
development of social-ecological systems at all technical innovation formed a single, although
scales. decentralized, system for millennia. The history of
innovation challenges the linkage of “small” with
The cumulative nature of technological development “fast” and “large” with “slow” in descriptions of
and its ability to construct successive layers of panarchies; human social and technical systems
designed novelty differentiate it from the nested have often become larger and faster-changing
adaptive cycles of panarchy, although there are simultaneously. Clear examples come from
cyclic aspects to the replacement of one technical historical changes in communication and transport
or socio-technical regime by another (Smith 2003, networks. In recent centuries, largely European-
van der Brugge et al. 2005), and techniques can be derived changes in transport, communication, and
lost or abandoned. Technological development has military technologies have drastically reduced the
seemingly tended to accelerate. Chronologies of autonomy of regional-scale systems.
major technological innovations usually become
denser toward the present (Modis 2002), but this Of the work cited above, only Koratayev (2005)
could be because of the differential availability of derives directly from a world-systems perspective.
information, or the perception of which innovations Moreover, the apparent direct influence of
are important. However, there is another line of population size on innovation speed requires an
evidence: long-term human population growth. addition to the iteration model of world-system
Until the 1970s, the proportional rate of growth rose evolution. World-systems analysis has stressed
almost monotonically for 2000 yr (Johansen and institutional more than technological change, and in
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

this regard may require some rebalancing, but it has In summary, the panarchical framework and world-
been much more alive than panarchist researchers systems analysis each have weaknesses the other
to the work on technological change described does not address, and they perhaps share an
above. excessive expectation that homologous cyclic
patterns of change will recur across a wide range of
Whereas studies cited earlier show that significant situations, given the absence of sufficiently well-
work on regional social-ecological systems from a specified mechanisms underlying these cyclic
world-systems perspective is under way, there is patterns. However, the two have strengths in
nothing to match the breadth and depth of regional complementary areas, suggesting considerable
studies or of comparative work on thresholds and potential for synergy. Existing work in both
regime change within the resilience conceptual traditions (e.g., Bunker 2003, Allison and Hobbs
framework. Moreover, although the two frameworks 2004) shows what can be done when analyses of
share a concern with the factors that make for planetary and regional scales and of ecology,
stability or instability in systems, and specifically politics, and technology are integrated.
the insight that measures taken to preserve a desired
system feature can lead to eventual collapse and
radical reconfiguration of the system, the UNDERSTANDING RADICAL GLOBAL
developing theoretical and empirical work on the CHANGE
assessment of system resilience (Carpenter et al.
2005, Cumming et al. 2005) has no world-systems Holling (2004) assesses the possibility of using the
parallel. ideas that are central to panarchy, developed on a
regional scale, to help explain the changes that are
World-systems analysis also has problems that have being brought about on a global scale by the Internet
no relation whatsoever to panarchy. One is the and by climate, economic, and geopolitical changes.
difficulty of operationalizing the semi-periphery He suggests that the “international world of nations”
concept; Chase-Dunn and Hall (1997a), provide entered the backloop Ω and α phases of an adaptive
five overlapping meanings for the term. Another cycle with the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall. However,
relates to the significance, timing, and underlying the subsequent years have seen continued economic
mechanisms of Kondratieff, hegemonic, and other growth, technical intensification, growth of
cycles. The mechanism of Kondratieff cycles has transnational corporations, and primacy of the
not been agreed upon even by those who accept their United States; all these date at latest from 1945 and
existence, and, although most world-systems appeared most threatened during the 1970s with the
theorists accept the Dutch Republic, UK, and United American defeat in Indo-China, the oil shocks, and
States as successive hegemons, some (e.g., “stagflation.” Holling identifies the Internet as a
Modelski 2000) trace the series even further back. backloop phenomenon and regards the “global
Furthermore, it is clear that the successive instances interconnected communications-driven revolution”
of hegemony were very different. In particular, the as a third major transformation after the agricultural
Dutch Republic’s peak share of global economic and industrial revolutions. However, this has been
activity was much less than the UK’s, and the latter a very long revolution, under way, in successive
was much less than that of the United States. Again, waves, for more than two centuries when we
although all world-system networks are said to consider the telegraph (first visual, then electric),
pulsate and all but kin-based world-systems are telephone, radio, and television.
considered to have cycles of centralization and
decentralization (Chase-Dunn and Hall 1997a:251), It seems impossible to assign the planetary social-
detailed mechanisms and the degree of regularity to ecological system convincingly to any phase of the
be expected have not been established. A third such adaptive cycle. Connectedness and certain kinds of
weakness concerns the relationship of population to potential are rising, and resilience is probably
innovation. Aside from the point made above, the falling, suggesting that we are in a K phase. At the
demographic transition, which has led to declining same time, continuing rapid innovation suggests an
populations in some core states, does not appear to r phase, whereas the growing release of stored
fit the iteration model, even when it is modified to energy from fossil fuels, plus soil erosion,
take into account innovation without population extinctions, and deforestation would seem to
pressure under capitalism. indicate Ω. In contrast, although they disagree on
much else, Berry (2000), Devezas et al. (2005), and
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

the world-systems analyst Goldstein (2006) agree The scientific study of unique events is always
that the Kondratieff cycle should produce rising difficult, but two potential strategies are to find
growth and inflation, and technological diffusion events that share as many of their most important
rather than radical innovation, over the next decade features as possible and to compare spatio-
or more. temporally defined parts of such events with each
other. To follow the first strategy, I suggest seeking
Whether through war, full-scale ecological other situations in which populations from a large,
collapse, or a technological and/or socio-political rapidly innovating social-ecological system
revolution, it seems certain, as Holling (2004) notes, exploited new opportunities to cross long-
that radical global change is coming in this century, established boundaries and invade more stable
but this is evident even without the panarchical regions, subjecting those regions, and sometimes
perspective. We urgently need the scientific tools themselves, to profound transformation. Chase-
to understand the range of possibilities open to us. Dunn and Hall (1997a) have already compared the
Combining the panarchical perspective’s strengths western European rise to core status and the
at the regional scale and its key concept of resilience subsequent expansion of the world-system with
with the insights of world-systems theory could other world-system expansions and mergers, and
yield an understanding neither can provide alone. other cases of semi-peripheral rise, but say rather
This paper ends by sketching a research program little about the ecological aspects of these events.
within which this could be attempted.
Within human history and prehistory, the following
sources of case studies are suggested:
A suggested research program ● The first appearance of humans, plus their
commensals and parasites, in previously
Crosby (2004) shows how European imperialism, unsettled areas, e.g., Iceland, other Atlantic
dependent on technical developments, both led to islands, Madagascar, Polynesia, Australia-
and was facilitated by the introduction, both New Guinea, and the Americas. Diamond
deliberate and accidental, of European organisms to (2005) includes some comparative studies.
the “neo-Europes” of Australasia and temperate Comparing the ecological results of takeovers
America, transforming them ecologically as well as of such pristine ecosystems with those
socially and technically. This “Great European already modified by human inhabitants
Land-Grab” is neither a Revolt nor a Remember should be enlightening.
connection, but rather a takeover of many
autonomous systems by a more innovative system ● The expansion of Iron Age Bantu-speaking
at the same hierarchical level. Holling et al. agriculturalists across central and southern
(2002c:96) refer to Crosby’s work, but only with Africa, largely displacing or absorbing
regard to societies that collapse under the effects of existing gathering populations and transforming
both ecological and economic imperialism. The the ecosystem (Vogel 1997). This was the last
dynamics producing this imperial expansion and major geographical expansion of the
those of the resulting expanded system remain Afroeurasian system before European
unexamined, although it is this system, the focus of colonialism and was probably fuelled by the
world-systems approaches, that we all inhabit. spread of iron metallurgy to West Africa.
Novel linguistic and genetic methods are
As Holling et al. (2002b) argue, one road to currently transforming the prospects for
understanding current global change is by analogy reconstruction of population movements
with past events. They propose finding such such as this, for which written records do not
analogies in regional systems that have collapsed exist (Cavalli-Sforza 2000), and are now
and recovered in the recent past, and these could being applied to this episode (Beleza et al.
indeed be fruitful. However, the Great European 2005, Rexová et al. 2006).
Land-Grab was a planetary-scale process; if it leads
to collapse, there is no containing system from ● Greek colonzation around the Mediterranean
which to draw resources for recovery. It and Black Sea in the 8th to 6th centuries BCE.
revolutionized global distributions of societies, Like the Great European Land-Grab, this was
technologies, and agro-ecosystems and has imposed an overseas expansion stemming from
strong, directional change on effectively all recent multiple rival polities in a littoral region
regional systems. (McEvedy 2002); it was also linked to both
Ecology and Society 12(1): 24

political and technical innovation, although

with less radical effects on colonized areas. ● those colonized by different groups of
Littoral regions may favor innovation Europeans or at different times; and
through high diversity and trade and
information networks with many links per ● those in which Europeans forced or
node. It should be noted that this expansion encouraged other groups to migrate to the
from semi-peripheral into peripheral areas, colonized lands and those in which they did
like the European colonization of the not.
previously out-of-system neo-Europes, was
followed by predominance in the former core: These distinctions are not independent but do cut
Alexander’s conquest of the Achaemenid across each other, and it might pay to give particular
Empire. attention to unusual cases such as Siberia, the only
area within Afroeurasia in which colonizing
● The expansion of anatomically modern Europeans became the majority population, and to
humans from Africa, displacing earlier Homo marginal cases such as South Africa, where
populations in Eurasia. Although the triumph conditions were favorable enough ecologically for
of the newcomers is conventionally attributed mass European settlement to occur but the existing
to their cognitive superiority, Oppenheimer population remained a majority.
(2003) argues that, at least in comparison with
the Neandertals, the important differences Studying the similarities and differences between
were probably cultural, which would these and other episodes of radical change involving
strengthen the parallel. the transgression of long-established boundaries
between social-ecological systems is perhaps our
The second strategy mentioned above is to compare best hope of understanding current global
parts of the Great European Land-Grab with each turbulence and hence improving our survival
other. First, it would be worth comparing those few prospects.
areas that never came under formal European rule
or protection, which are all in eastern or southern
Asia, apart from the single case of Antarctica, with Responses to this article can be read online at:
the much greater areas that did. Do they show either
less cumulative social-ecological change, or a
different pattern of change? Did they have common
features that prevented European colonization, or
was their exemption from it a matter of chance? Acknowledgments:
Second, we might compare those colonizations that
involved displacing or subordinating existing Work for this paper was funded by the Scottish
populations with those few, principally on Atlantic Executive Environment and Rural Affairs
Islands, which did not. Particularly interesting Department under the "Environment - Land Use and
comparisons might be drawn between the Canaries, Rural Stewardship" Programme, and by the
which had a pre-European population, and the European Commission under the Sixth Framework
Azores, Madeiras, and Cape Verde, which did not. Programme CAVES project, no. 012816. Thanks to
Among the colonized areas with pre-existing Robin Matthews and two anonymous referees for
populations, systematic comparisons could be made useful comments on earlier versions.
● those within, on the edge of, and beyond the
medieval Afroeurasian world-system; LITERATURE CITED
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