MAT A23H3 - Linear Algebra 1

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MATA23 Linear Algebra I Summer 2016

Course Syllabus and Schedule

Linear algebra is a vast and important part of modern mathematics. It is used in physics, chemistry,
economics, finance, engineering, and of course, in statistics, computer science and mathematics.
MATA23 is first course in linear algebra that deals with vectors and Euclidean spaces, matrices,
systems of linear equations, independence, subspaces, linear transformations, determinants, eigen-
values and eigenvectors, and diagonalization. We study theoretical, computational, and applied
aspects of linear algebra. MATA23 also serves as prerequisite for several B-level math courses at
UTSC. These are MATB24, MATB44, MATB41, and MATB61.

The parts of our textbook we hope to cover are Sections 1.1 − 1.6, 2.1 − 2.4, 4.1 − 4.3, 5.1, 5.2,
and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (Page 302). The following is a schedule we aim to follow. There
may be some occasions where the lectures are ahead or behind the schedule. There may also be
some occasions where Assignment Papers posted at the home page are a little behind or even ahead
of the lectures. You are strongly encouraged to study ahead of the lectures!. One of the
most powerful techniques for learning any math concept/topic is to study and learn it on your own
terms well before any formal lectures. This technique can be confusing and challenging, but it it
practically guaranteed to help you learn well.

1. Week 1 (May 2 - 6) Introduction to MATA23: course policies and overview. Sections

1.1: vectors and points in Euclidean spaces and their properties; linear combination. (No

2. Week 2 (May 9 - 13) Section 1.1 continued: row/column vectors, linear combination and
span. Section 1.2: norm/magnitude, unit vector, dot product and properties, angle between
vectors, perpendicularity/orthogonality, Schwarz and triangle inequality. Begin Section 1.3:
matrices, notation, and types. (Tutorial Assignment 1)

3. Week 3 (May 16 - 20) Section 1.3 continued: matrix algebra, operations, properties.
Section 1.4: Systems of linear equations, geometry, augmented/partitioned matrix, elementary
row operations, row equivalence, echelon forms, elementary matrices, Gauss reduction with
substitution and Gauss-Jordan method. (Tutorial Quiz 1)

4. Week 4 (May 24 - 27) Section 1.5: matrix inverse/invertibility, equivalent properties,

computation techniques. (Tutorial Assignment 2)

5. Week 5 (May 30 - June 3) Section 1.6: homogeneous systems, subspaces of Euclidean

spaces, row space, column space, null space, basis of these. (Tutorial Quiz 2)

6. Week 6 (June 6 - 10) Section 2.1: dependence/independence, spanning sets, basis,

dimension. Section 2.2: matrix rank, the rank equation. (Tutorial Assignment 3)
Reading Week is June 14 - 18. No MATA23 lectures or tutorials.

7. Week 7 (June 20 - 24) Section 2.3: linear transformations of Euclidean spaces, standard
matrix, properties, range and kernel, invertibility. (Maybe a little of Section 2.4: linear
transformations of the plane: reflections, rotations, projections.) (Tutorial Quiz 3)
8. Week 8 (June 27 - 30) Section 4.1: area, volume, cross-product, introduction to de-
terminants. Begin Section 4.2: general determinants. (Tutorial, but no Tutorial Quiz or

9. Week 9 (July 4 - 8) Section 4.2 and 4.3: determinants continued, cofactor expansion,
properties, adjoint, determinant and invertibility. (Tutorial Quiz 4)

10. Week 10 (July 11 - 15) Sections 4.2 and 4.3 continued: Cramer’s rule. Section 5.1:
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic polynomial, algebraic and geometric properties.
Begin Section 5.2: introduction to diagonalization. (Tutorial Assignment 4)

11. Week 11 (July 18 - 22) Section 5.2: diagonalization continued, similar matrices, alge-
braic/geometric multiplicity, applications. (Tutorial Quiz 5)

12. Week 12 (July 25 - 29) Cayley-Hamilton theorem (Page 302 and extra notes), powers of
a matrix. (Tutorial Assignment 5)

13. Tuesday August 2 This is a ”UTSC Friday”. It is the make-up day for Friday July 1

Monday May 23, Friday July 1, and Monday August 1 are holidays.
UTSC is closed those days

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