School Center Edelmira Molina

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School Center Edelmira

Alejandra Saraí Osorio Colocho
Hugo Alexander Valle Navarro
Kathy Margarita Vásquez
Karla Alexandra Rojas Pérez
Víctor Manuel Calles Carranza
Tutor: Víctor Bonilla
English subject
Topic: My favorite recipes.
Grade: 2 Second YEAR
Date: 7/21/2018
Advantages: The biggest advantages of fast food consumption are the
time savings, since when eating in a fast food restaurant you do not
have to cook, and many of these restaurants offer the possibility of
bringing food to your own home.

Another advantage is the price, since many times you can buy
complete fast food menus for very cheap prices.

Following a balanced and healthy diet is also possible with fast foods,
since they offer a multitude of different dishes, such as salads, fish or
100% vegan dishes.

Disadvantages: The biggest problem that can arise when consuming

regular fast food is that it influences many high-calorie diseases, such
as cardiovascular diseases or obesity.

Fast food menus are usually very caloric and are accompanied by
drinks with a high content of sugars and excess fats.

In addition, although it may seem comfortable to order food at home

because delivery is expected to be fast, in many cases, due to the
traffic of the city or the excess of orders to the restaurant, the food may
be late.

Advantages: In home cooking, much more care is taken with the
preparation, such as washing hands properly, washing food, paying
more attention to the expiration dates of the products and their
appearance, the good cooking of the food, using boiled water correctly
or in some cases where the water is not clean enough for human
consumption drinking water, even the oils since we know that we would
not use more than two fried foods in our house.

Disadvantages: Well, the only disadvantage I see to homemade food is

the routine and monotonous of the meals and of course having to do
them yourself.

Cooking recommendation’s



 Knowledge of the ingredients  It is not always cooked what is

 Greater control of proportions planned
 Saving money  You will not have all the materials
 Planning at hand
 Avoid spending more  The ingredients may be expired
 Almost always the recipes look
Cooking recommendation’s


 It has many calories that give energy  The energy comes from saturated
to the body fats and sugars that, in excess, are
 It also provides carbohydrates, detrimental to health and lack other
essential nutrients.
proteins, fats, vitamins and
 they do not replace grilled and
natural foods.
 Easy to prepare
 They contain high sugars harmful to
 If they do not have dressings the stomach, added to the gas that
they are a good source of produce flatulence
carbohydrates, proteins and

Cooking recipe
A recipe for cooking (or simply recipe), in gastronomy, is an ordered description of
a culinary procedure. It usually consists first of a list of necessary ingredients,
followed by a series of instructions with which a specific dish or drink is
elaborated.1 It usually includes in some cases a list of suitable cooking utensils for
its realization. Occasionally it includes a social, historical description that motivates
the recipe.
Salvadoran food recipes

Recipes Salvadorian England

1 kg. of cacahuazintle corn flour or
1 kg. de harina de maíz
MINSA. 1 tablespoon of baking
cacahuazintle o MINSA.
powder. 1 1/2 cups of butter. 1/2
1 cucharada sopera de polvo de cup chicken broth (or cinnamon
hornear. infusion for sweet tamales) 10

1 1/2 tazas de manteca. tomato peels 2 tablespoons of

anise. Washed corn leaves Salt
1/2 taza de caldo de pollo.(o
(or sugar to taste for sweet
infusión de canela para tamales
de dulce)

10 cáscaras de tomate.

2 cucharadas soperas de anís.

Hojas de maíz lavadas.

Sal. (o azúcar al gusto para

tamales dulces).

kilo de camarones medianos, kilo of medium shrimp, washed
lavados y pelados. and peeled. 6 garlic cloves,
crushed. 1 ¼ cups of flour. 1 cup
6 dientes de ajo, machacados.
of clear beer 2 whole eggs 2
1 ¼ tazas de harina.
tablespoons melted butter. Salt
1 taza de cerveza clara. and pepper. Vegetable oil for
2 huevos enteros. frying.

2 cucharadas de mantequilla

Sal y pimienta.
Aceite vegetal para freír.

3 dientes de ajo
Sopa de tortilla
1/2 cebolla cortada en trozos

3 tomates maduros

6 tazas de caldo de pollo

3 garlic cloves
1/2 onion cut into pieces
1 cucharada de aceite 3 ripe tomatoes
6 cups of chicken broth
2 ramas de epazote fresco 1 tablespoon of oil
2 branches of fresh epazote
10 tortillas de maíz del dia anterior 10 corn tortillas from the previous
2 chiles pasilla (o 3 si están 2 chiles pasilla (or 3 if they are boys)
2 avocados, peeled, boneless and
155 grams of fresh cheese cut into
2 aguacates pelados, sin hueso y strips
cortados en cuadritos 1/2 cup thick cream
3 lemons in half
155 gramos de queso fresco to the taste of pepper

cortado en tiras

1/2 taza de crema espesa

3 limones a la mitad

al gusto de pimienta

1 libra de callos de res

Sopa de pata o (mondongo), cortado en trozos
El jugo de 1 limón

1/4 de cucharadita de 1 pound beef tripe (tripe), cut into

small pieces
bicarbonato de sodio The juice of 1 lemon
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 libras de carne de cerdo, 1 1/2 pounds of pork, cut into
cortada en trozos pequeños small pieces
3 Colombian chorizos, sliced
1 tomato, chopped
3 chorizos colombianos, en
2 long onions, chopped
rodajas 1/4 cup of white onion, chopped
1 tomate, picado 4 small potatoes, peeled and cut
into cubes
2 cebollas largas, picadas 1 pound of yucca, peeled and cut
into cubes
1/4 taza de cebolla blanca, Salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
picada 1/4 teaspoon achiote
1/3 cup fresh coriander
4 papas pequeñas,peladas y 1 clove of garlic, chopped
cortadas en cubos Water

1 libra de yuca, pelada y

cortada en cubitos

Sal y pimienta

1/2 cucharadita de comino


1/4 cucharadita de achiote

1/3 taza de cilantro fresco

1 diente de ajo, picado


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