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Foreign phrases and their meanings

ab initio [L] - From the beginning
achtung [Ger] - Take care, look out
ad hoc [L] - arranged for the purpose
ad infinitum [L] - endlessly, to infinity
ad libitum (ad lib) [L] - at will, at pleasure
ad nauseam [L] - to a sickening degree; disgusting
ad valorem [L] - according to the value
aide-de-camp [F] - A military officer acting as secretary and
confidential assistant to a superior officer of general or flag
a la carta [F] - by the card
a la mode [F] - in fashion, fashionable
alibi [F] - the legal defence that the person was else where
when the crime was committed.
alter ego [L] - Another side of oneself; an intimate friend or
a constant companion
ante-meridiem [L] - before midday (am)
post-meridiem [L] - after midday (pm)
avant-garde [F]- front guard, pioneers, the front part of the
ambiguities latens – doubt
ambiguitas patens – doubt appears on first appearance
amicus curiae – a person who brings attention of court to a
point overlooked
audi alteram partem –to hear the otherside

beau monde [F] - beautiful world, a fashionable society.
bildungsroman [Ger] - a novel which charts its hero's early
life (tom sawyer)
bonafide [L] - good faith, sincere, genuine.
bon vivant [ F] - good living, a lover of good living,
epicure, gourmet

canard [F] - rumour
carte blanche [F] - blank sheet of paper, unlimited authority
certiorari [L] - be informed
charge de affairs [F] - an ambassador's deputy
coup de grace [F] - blow of mercy
coup d' etat [F] - blow of state
creme de la creme [F] cream of the cream
cul de sac [F] - bottom of the bag, dead end
curriculum vitae [L] - course of life

deja vu [F] - the strange feeling that in some way you have
experienced already
what is happening now
demarche [F] - way of walking, step taken to achieve some

esprit de corps [F] - team spirit
en masse [F] - all together
ex gratia [L] - a favour without any legal obligations
ex officio [L] - by virtue of his office
ex parte [L] - in the interest of one party only

facsimile [L] - a perfect copy
fait accompli [F] - accomplished fact, something that
cannot be changed
faux pas [F] - a miserable false step, a social blunder,

hors de combat [F] -out of fight, disabled, incapacitated
hors d' oeuvre [F] - outside normal course of events
habeas corpus [L] - you should have the body, a judicial
mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be
brought to the court

ibidem (ibid) [L] - in the same book chapter
infra dignitatem - infra dig [L] - beneath one's dignity
inter alia [L] - among other things
in toto [L] - on the whole, entirely, full

lingua franca [L] - common language
locus standi [L] - place of standing, right to appear and be
heard in the court
magnum opus [L] - a great work
mirabile dictu [L] - wonderful to day, believe it or not
modus operandi [L] - mode of working, a working
modus vivendi L] - mode of living, a temporary agreement
between two parties
mutatis mutandis [L] - make necessary changes

nota bene [L] - note well, mark well.(N.B)
numero uno [F] - number one

objet d' art [F] - objects of artistic value
ombudsman [Swe] - A man who investigates complaints
and mediates fair

par excellence [F]- by way of excellence
per se [L] - by itself, essentially
persona non grata [L] - unacceptable person
persona grata [L] - acceptable person
post mortem [L] - after death
prima donna [L] - leading female singer in an opera
primo uomo [L] - leading male singer in an opera
prima ballerina [L] - leading female dancer in a ballet
prima facie [L] - at first sight, on the surface
pro rata [L] - according to the rate, proportionally

que sera sera [Spa] - whatever will be will be
quid pro quo [L] -something for something, tit for tat, an
equivalent exchange
quo warranto [L] - by what warrant

raison d' etre [F] - reason to be, rational justification for its
respondez s'l vous plait [F] - (RSVP) respond if you please
sine die [L] -withour a day, indefinitely, without a day
specified for a future meeting
sine qua non [L] - without which not, an absolutely
essential thing
status quo [L] - present state of things
sub judice [L] - under judicial deliberation; before a judge
or court of law
sub poena [L] - a writ requiring appearance in court to give
sub rosa [L] - under the rose, in secret; privately or
Suo motu [L] - upon own initiative

tete a tete [F] - face to face; in intimate privacy
tour de force [F] - a feat of strength or skill
via media [L] - middle course
vis a vis [F] - Face to face with; opposite to. Compared
with. In relation to.
viva voce [L] - by living voice, by word of mouth, orally,
videlicet [L] - that is; namely, used to introduce examples,
lists, items (Abbr. viz)
volte face [F] - a reversal, as in policy; an about-face
vox populi [L] - voice of the people, popular opinion or
vox dei [L] - voice of god

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