2timothy Hugh

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Summary of the book of 2nd Timothy

Some theologians claim that this would be Apostle Paul’s last epistle. It is a personal
letter from Paul to Timothy who is his son the Faith. He reflects the unfeigned faith of
Timothy which he has learned from his mother Eunice ang Lois his grandmother. Paul
wants to encourage Timothy to be strong in the Grace and to be steadfast in what he
has learned and be warned about the coming days of apostasy. He charged Timothy to
be always prepared in preaching the Word in season or out. We can also see here
Paul’s lasts words before his execution.

2 Timothy 1, opens with Paul encouraging Timothy to fan into flame the gifting of God
which he received through the laying on of hands. He reminded Timothy not be
ashamed of testifying about the Lord Jesus Christ, or ashamed of Paul even though he
was in chains. He then charges Timothy to keep the pattern of teaching and of sound
doctrine that he has learned from Paul guarding diligently what had been entrusted to

2 Timothy 2 is a reminder to be singular in mission. Paul tells Timothy to be strong in

the grace of Christ Jesus and endure hardship. He is to remain focused on Jesus, His
resurrection and persevering for the sake of the elect. Paul instructs Timothy not
quarrel over words rather to handle the Word of God with skill and accuracy. Being able
to gently instruct and explain the Word so through it, God can lead people into
knowledge of the truth.

2 Timothy 3 serves as a warning that a time of apostasy is coming. In the last days
people will be lovers of themselves, having a form of godliness but denying its power.
They will continually be seeking knowledge but never able to accept the truth. And Paul
firmly instructed that we should have nothing to do with these people. Instead we are
to combat this by knowing the Holy Scriptures which is able to make us wise and equip
us for every good work.

2 Timothy 4 is a charge to be prepared to preach the Word in season and out, always
being ready to correct, train and encourage others. Paul encourages Timothy to keep
calm and steady, endure hardship, and to fully perform all the duties of his ministry.
Paul closes with final instruction for Timothy to gather a few of his things and a few
people and come quickly.

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