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Material Master Creation

SAP menu – Logistics - Sales and Distribution - Master Data - Products – Material- Other Material- MM01
– Create / MM02 – Change/ MM03 – Display

Industry sector:- Mechanical Engineering

Material Type:- Finished Goods (Always 1st one)

Fields to be selected:- Basic Data 1/ Sales: Sales Org. Data 1/ Sales: Sales Org. Data 2/ Sales: General-
Plant Data/ MRP 1/ General Plant Data / Storage 1/ Accounting 1/ General Plant Data - Storage 1.
Customer Material Information records

SAP menu – Logistics - Sales and Distribution - Master Data- Rebate Arrangements- Rebate
Arrangement- VD51 - Create / VD52 - Change / VD53 – Display/ VD54 - Display for Material.
Note: - If any new material has to be created the following steps are to be followed

 MM01
 VK11 Separately for all the 4 conditions
 MB1C Stock Posting
 If required do Inquery

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