Environmental Monitoring and Management Practice Questions

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1. A) What is the meant by statistical sampling and representative sampling? (5)

B) Explain in detail with an example the different parameters that are needed to be monitored for
a new proposed project. (5)

2. A) Explain briefly the procedure for discharge of treated liquid effluents into water bodies. (2)
B) What are the different zones in the spoon curve? (1)
C) State the limits of CO, CO2, NO2, SO2 in the atmosphere (2)
D) Assume that the ELR is sub adiabatic, represented by an isothermal profile at 20 deg. And the
estimated maximum surface temp is 30 deg. The weather station anemometer of height 10m
in a rough terrain of city indicate an average wind speed of 2.5 m/s. Estimate the mixing
height and the ventilation co-efficient. Also comment on the mixing of pollutant. (5)

3. A) Explain the occupational and safety requirements that are to be taken up in a construction of a
water treatment plant. (5)
B) State the establishment of different environmental legislations chronologically. (5)

4. A) State the necessity for an EIA process for a proposed project. (3)
B) Why an environmental management and monitoring programme is required for a new
project? (3)
C) Explain the role of rapid EIA studies with their advantages and disadvantages (4)

5. A) What is environmental auditing and state the types of auditing. (3)

B) Explain the link between auditing and cleaner technologies in an industry. (4)
C) What is an NCR? What is its role in improving the industry’s environmental standards? (3)

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