Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy

• is a field in which an exceptionally talented person can find challenge and reward

• attractive to those persons who desires variety in his work

• Opportunity to practice “comprehensive” rather than “episodic” care

• GOAL: Help the patient reach his maximum potential and to assume his due place in
society while learning to live within the limits of his capabilities.

• therapeutic effects of various exercises & physical agents

Physical Therapist

• One of the members of the medical team who are qualified to utilize such physical
agents as therapeutic heat, light, electricity, water, exercise, or massage in treating

• Helps people to overcome the effects of injury and diseases.

• They assist patients with temporary or permanent physical disability to achieve the
highest possible degree of recovery.

• May assume responsibilities in the:

1. Administration of a department

2. Supervision of other physical therapist

3. Academic or clinical teaching

4. Clinical or laboratory research

5. Consultation

6. Community service

7. Advocacy

 Teaching-learning process are involved in all of these positions

Definition of Physical Therapy (APTA)

Is a profession which develops, coordinates and utilizes selected knowledge and skill in planning,
organizing and directing programs for the care of individuals whose ability to function is impaired or
threatened by disease or injury.

Focuses primarily on those individuals whose potential or actual impairment is related to:

1. Neuro-musculo-skeletal system

2. Pulmonary system

3. Cardiovascular system

4. Integumentary system

5. Selection & application of appropriate therapeutic procedures to maintain, improve or restore

these functions.

Model Definition of Physical Therapy for State Practice Acts

Physical therapy which is limited to the care and services provided by or under the direction and
supervision of a PT includes:

1. Examining (history, systems review, test and measures) individuals with impairments, functional
limitations, and disability or other health-related conditions in order to determine a diagnosis, and
intervention; tests and measures may include the following:

 Aerobic capacity & endurance

 Anthropometric characteristics
 Arousal, attention and cognition
 Assistive and adaptive devices
 Circulation (arterial, venous, lymphatic)
 Cranial & peripheral nerve integrity
 Environmental, home and work (job/school/play) barriers
 Ergonomics and body mechanics
 Gait, locomotion and balance
 Integumentary integrity
 Joint integrity and mobility
 Motor function (motor control, motor learning)
 Muscle performance (strength, power, endurance)
 Neuromotor development and sensory integration
 Orthotic, protective and supportive devices
 Pain
 Posture
 Prosthetic requirements
 Range of Motion
 Reflex integrity
 Self-care and home management (ADL, Instrumental ADL)
 Sensory integrity
 Ventilation, respiration and circulation
 Work (job/school/play), community, leisure integration or reintegration (Instrumental ADL)

2. Alleviating impairment and functional limitation by designing, implementing and modifying

therapeutic interventions that include, but are not limited to:

 Coordination, communication and documentation

 Patient/client-related instruction
 Therapeutic exercise (aerobic conditioning)
 Functional training in self-care and home management (ADL and instrumental ADL)
 Functional training in community and work (job/school/play) and community & leisure
integration or reintegration activities (instrumental ADL, work hardening and work conditioning)
 Manual therapy techniques (mobilization and manipulation)
 Prescription, application and, as appropriate, fabrication of devices and equipment (assistive,
adaptive, orthotic, protective, supportive and prosthetic)
 Airway clearance techniques
 Integumentary repair and protection techniques (wound management)
 Electrotherapeutic modalities
 Physical agents and mechanical modalities

3. Preventing injury, impairment, functional limitation, and disability, including the promotion and
maintenance of health, wellness, fitness, and quality of life in all age populations.

4. Engaging in consultation, education and research.

Position on Physical Therapy as a Health Profession

• Physical therapy is a heath profession whose primary purpose is the promotion of optimal
health and function.

 This purpose is accomplished through the application of scientific principles to the processes of
examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and intervention to prevent or remediate
impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities as related to movement and health.
 Physical therapy encompasses areas of specialized competence and includes the development
of new principles and applications to meet existing and emerging health needs. Other
professional activities that serve the purpose of physical therapy are research, education,
consultation and administration.

Principles on the Practice of Physical Therapy

1. The evaluation & management of patients who have physical disabilities is an integral aspect of
medical care.
2. Disability can often be prevented or reduced through appropriate PT measures.
3. Goal of management includes improvements in the physical, social, psychological & vocational
4. Physical therapist practices as part of a large & varied team personnel and as members of the
lay community.
5. Physical therapist must include family & community resources in his therapeutic efforts.

6. The responsibilities of the practicing PT are varied - provider of service, administrator,

supervisor, teacher, program planner & consultant.
7. PT services are provided in a wide variety of settings & through varied patterns of service
8. Due to individual variations in patient response, selection of treatment goals & methods should
be made through a process which is imaginative, thorough and based on scientific principles. It
is equally important that planning includes specific measures to assess the actual effectiveness
of treatment.

Related Terms:


-are the consequences of pathologic conditions

-they are the signs and symptoms that reflect abnormalities at the body function or structure at the
cellular, tissue, organ or system level

-any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function, whether

permanent or temporary

-Examples: loss of leg due to amputation and speech disorders

Functional Limitations

• are the results of impairment

• characterized by the reduced ability of a person to perform actions or activities in an efficient or
typically expected manner


• is the inability to perform or participate in activities or tasks related to one’s self, home, work,
recreation, or the community in a manner or to the extent that the individual or the community
as a whole perceive as “normal”

• any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range
considered normal for a person of the same age, culture, and education

• may be permanent or temporary

• Examples: loss of leg inhibits an individual from walking OR patients with aphasia cannot speak


• is a social disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or a disability, that
limits or prevents fulfillment of a role that is normal for that individual

• inability to perform what is expected of him or her by the society

• A professional driver who has lost a leg can no longer drive.

Physical Therapy as a Health Profession

• Profession – hierarchy

• Primary purpose is the promotion of optimal health and function – is a goal established with
patient/ client/ family input

5. Autonomy of judgment

4. Service to clients

3. Specialized education

2. Representative organization

1. Lifetime commitment
Lifetime commitment

• Requires dedication to profession

Representative organization

• Provides standards, regulations, structure and a vehicle for communication – PPTA

Specialized education

• Ensures competency to practice – minimum of 4-year baccalaureate degree

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