Part 1: The Life Your Genes Want

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Part 1: The life your Genes Want

1 I allow my life to unfold naturally , without a hectic schedule and constant demands
2 I get sufficient sleep every night (at least 8 hours) and wake up feeling refreshed
3 I follow a regular but not rigid daily routine
4 I pay attention to staying in balance with my diet, eating from all the healthy food groups
5 I avoid toxic food, air, and water, including food loaded with artificial ingredients
6 I don't skip meals
7 I don't snack
8 I take steps to minimize my stress and manage the stresses that are unavoidable
9 I give myself some time out every day to let my body reset itself
10 I meditate
11 I do yoga
12 I eat moderately and maintain a healthy diet
13 I avoid long periods of sitting, moving my body at least once an hour
14 I don't smoke
15 I drink alcohol sparingly or not at all
16 I avoid red meat, and if I do eat it, I do so sparingly
17 I do my best to eat only organic foods
18 I am physically active
19 I understand the danger of chronic inflammation and take steps to avoid it
20 I place a high value on my own well-being and practice self-care every day

Part 2: The life your Genes Don't Want

1 I approach my day as an endless round of things I have to get done
2 I feel exhausted by the end of the day.
3 I habitually drink to unwind
4 I am driven to be a success, even though it has personal costs
5 I get poor or erratic sleep, I wake up still feeling tired
6 I go to bed with my mind full of thoughts, often worrisome
7 I smoke
8 I allow my body to get pretty far out of balance before I tend to it
9 I don't bother about food labels and the ingredients on the package
10 I complain aabout stress but do little to manage it
11 I am constantly busy and on the run, leaving no time for me to be quiet and calm
12 My diet is careless
13 I snack, particularly late at night
14 My weight isn't where it sould be
15 I don't pay attention to whether food is organic or not
16 I prefer red meat over chicken and fish
17 I sit for long periods of time (2 hours or more) without moving
18 I am considerably less active than I was ten years ago
19 I worry about aging but don't follow any anti-aging regimen
20 I don't think much about caring for myselfe


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