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Office of the Director of Research and Extension

Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur-1700

Application form for Research Project/Proposal

1. Name and designation of the Project Director: Dr. Fazlul Hasan Siddiqui
(Assistant Professor, CSE, DUET)
2. Name and designation of Associate Director(s) Sabah Binte Noor
(Lecturer, CSE, DUET)
3. Name of the Department/Institute: Department of Computer Science and
4. Name of the University Dhaka University of Engineering &
Technology, Gazipur-1700
5. Title of the Project: Automated (Web-based) Payroll
Management System for DUET
6. Section in which the project is to be considered: DUET Comptroller & Account Section
7. Place where the work will be performed:
 Name of the University Dhaka University of Engineering &
Technology, Gazipur-1700
 Name of the Department/Institute Department of Computer Science and
8. Brief description of the project:
The purpose of developing this project is to fully automate the payroll system of DUET. The
automated system will be web-based and should be capable of computing net pay of an employee.
The system should prepare pay slips and a payroll ledger containing the computed pay of
employees and the month in which they earned the pay. In order to compute the net pay of an
employee, the system should be capable of computing the employee's total basic pay with personal
pay, various supplementary allowances (e.g., the allowances for house rent, medical, etc.), and
various deductions (e.g., general provident fund, loans, etc.). The system should also be capable of
calculating tax payable by the employees of DUET, and record all the payroll data (such as,
employee information, salaries, etc.) in a large database for subsequent processing, e.g., enquerying
the “year-to-date total” [1] that is the summation of all the previous earnings till the month before
the current month.
(a) Objectives and aims of the project
(b) Review of literature on the subject matter of the project and rationale behind this initiative
(c) Expected results:
(d) Relevance of the project to national development
(e) Methodology to be adopted in the investigation
9. Description of the annual work plan
10 Basic facilities available in your department/institute for the proposed investigation:
11. Financial support sought from UGC (item wise):
Serial no Items Cost (Taka)
(a) Honorarium for the Project Director (basic salary of one month) 50,000/-
(b) Honorarium for the Research Assistant (RA): 60,000/-
(5000 per month x 12 months)

(c) Cost of materials and accessories to support research;
(Price list of items not available from own department)
(i) One high speed printer
(ii) Software tools (code editor, software deployment, and others)
(d) Data collection/Data migration/data entry/survey/data 30,000/-
validation/user acceptance testing
(e) Travel and local transport expenses …….
(f) Stationary 2,500/-
(g) Preparation, drafting and binding of report 2,500/-
(h) Miscellaneous 3,000/-
Total expenses for a one-year project 1,98,000/-
12. Particulars of any earlier project funded by the University Grants Commission: N/A
(a) Year in which the project was approved
(b) Amount of grant
(c) Date of submission of the final report
(d) State of the project if the final report has not been
13. If a similar project is under implementation with financial help from some other agencies: N/A

Name of the funding agency:

Name of the project:
Amount of the grant:
Date of completion of the project:
14. Name of the degree, for which the results from
the project will be used.

Counter signature of Signature of the Project Director

Head/Chairperson of the Department
(Seal of the Office) Fazlul Hasan Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and
Dhaka University of Engineering &
Technology, Gazipur-1700
Phone: 01957964549
Signature with recommendation of the
University Authority
(Seal of the Office)

Appendix I

Objectives and aims of the project

The main objective of this project is to automate the payroll system of DUET, which aims to perform
the following functions:
✔ System should be able to calculate the total salary for every (and all) employee(s) per month
and per year.
✔ Once the payroll administrators have compiled and check the salary calculations for the
current month, the month is set as “frozen”, i.e., amendments can not be made in the system
after this. Consequently salary slips will be auto generated and also be visible in the
employees' web account.
✔ System should also be capable of calculating tax payable by the employees of DUET, and
record all the payroll data in a database for further enquiry.
In order to achieve the above aims, we have to understand and analyze the problem statement, identify
the input and output requirements of the system, and design a user-friendly interface to interact with
the system, and prepare a well-organized documentation of the project to understand the system.

Appendix II

Review of literature on the subject matter of the project and rationale behind the
present initiative
Payroll Management System is basically used to build an application program, that a company or
institute uses to manage the records of the employees working there. Payroll Management can help
you avoid penalties for miscalculations. Only the administration has the legal rights to work with the
system. Employees can only log on to the system to see their current status. The term payroll
encompasses every employee who receives a regular wage or other compensation [1,2]. The different
payment methods are calculated by a payroll specialist and the appropriate payslips are issued. A
payroll system involves everything that has to do with the payment of employees and the filing of
employment taxes, keeping track of casual (or other) leave, calculating salary, printing and delivering
salary slips.

Today almost every renowned educational institute or university has its own payroll system to support
its work within the organization. Our university, DUET, is still using a manual system to maintain the
record of all employees and to calculate salaries, general provident fund (GPF), and tax of the
employees. Our existing payroll management system also has to calculate and keep record of tax of
whole university and maintain tax files manually. The existing system also has to deal with payroll
slips manually. All this work requires a lot of paper work and man power, which is extremely time
consuming and costly as well. Since there is always a risk of human errors present in a manual system
so the chances of errors are very high and to figure out such errors is also a very lengthy procedure.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to switch from a manual system to an automated computerized salary
management system.

The system we are going to develop is according to the university requirements which will perform
salary calculation as well as tax calculation, file handling such as salary slips along with bank invoices
in response of queries from the data stored in the database, and finally maintain its database.
Moreover, the system will be user friendly and flexible enough to be enhanced according to the needs
of the users in future. The requirement of the university is to develop a web based application that is
able to fulfill the above requirements.

Appendix III

Expected results
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop such an automated payroll system that is expected to
support our university administrations to maintain the salary record of its employees. The end system
should be capable of doing the following tasks:
✔ Can register the new employee entry.
✔ Can see or update the detail of any registered employee.
✔ Can compute and show the gross and net pay, various supplementary pays (e.g., yearly bonus
bill), GPF, and various deductions in the payment of an employee for any duration (e.g.,
monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.).
✔ Can generate pay slips of any employee.
✔ Can maintain ledgers for salary and GPF.
✔ Can compute tax payable by the employees.

Appendix IV

Relevance of the project to national development

Web-based applications makes our lives easy to lead. Accessing the web-based technologies through
PCs or hand held mobile devices (such as, smartphone and tab) are very common now a days to most
people. However, as mentioned, our university is still using a manual system to maintain the record
of all employees and to calculate salaries, general provident fund (GPF), and tax of the employees.
The existing system also has to deal with payroll slips manually. All this work requires a lot of paper
work and man power, which is extremely time consuming and costly as well. Since there is always a
risk of human errors present in a manual system so the chances of errors are very high and to figure
out such errors is also a very lengthy procedure. Therefore, the outcome of this project should provide
an error free payroll system of the employee that will reduce the national budget by restricting
employees from performing illegal task and misuse of resources. Furthermore, the system will
indirectly help the university administrations to get the information regarding the employees' working
status (e.g., how much earn leave someone has taken).

Appendix V

Methodology to be adopted in the investigation

The most suitable and appropriate software development methodology we found for our software
development is waterfall software development model, which gave us a clear view about our software
and helped us to achieve our goal. The details of our model is described Appendix VI. As in this
model all the phases are in a sequence and are dependent with one another, therefore a phase can not
be started until the previous phase is completed and fully documented. This approach is most
appropriate for our project, because all the requirements and goals of our project are very clear.
Secondly, it is easy to do work in components and waterfall model is providing this approach. After
the completion of all the phases individually, they are integrated together. This model is very
economical and risk free due to its sequential approach.

The tools for our software development are as follows:

✔ MySQL database at the backend.
✔ Python programming language.
✔ Django – a free and open source web application framework, written in Python.
✔ Linux server for hosting.

Appendix VI
Description of the annual work plan
This project is divided into six stages that are interrelated with each other in a top-down approach
named as waterfall [3]. In such approach, the output of one stage initializes the input of the next stage.
The first stage of the model is the project initiation stage in which we clearly mention the high level
requirements or goals of our project. It helps to make feasibility and risks associated with the project
and also provides the basic project structure. The next stage is the requirement analysis stage, where
the project goals are defined into a set of one or more requirements. Analysis of the existing system,
conducting interviews and workshops, and major functionalities are defined under this stage. In the
design and implementation stage, first the project work is designed with the help of pseudo code and
entity-relationship diagram. These design elements provide detail description about the software and
each element is related to a specific requirement. Then the implementation of the final design is
started using different programming languages and software components. In the integration and test
stage, the developed software components are integrated with each other to provide a complete
software package providing all the high-level requirements. This software is the passed through
different test cases to check the validity, correctness, completeness and hence enables us to achieve
our goals regarding our project. In the installation and acceptance stage, the software is loaded to the
web server and tested with different test cases once again to check that it is working correctly. If the
web-based software passes through the acceptance test, it is officially handed over to the university
and the necessary maintenance work is initiated to smoothly run the software for future.

The duration of this project is one year and the time frame is as follows:

Annual Work Months

Plan 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Design and
Testing and
Installation and
Submission and


Basic facilities available in your department/institute for the proposed investigation

The following instruments/software are available in our department laboratory to carry out the
proposed project- (i) Desktop PCs (ii) Switch/Hub (iii) Web Server (iv) Programming software.



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