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By Don-Vincent Snell

With Very Special Thanks to

Wizards of the Coast

for Dungeons and Dragons

Claudio Casini
Rick Hershery
for fantastic art

for wonderful templates

Chris Hansen
for the font ·•a Theme for murder..

The Sunday Game Group

(seriously. pick a name already)
for indulging my madness

Acquisitions Incorporated
Critical Role
for inspiration

My Father
for teaching me the joy of another's fantasy

My Mother
for encouraging the creation of my own

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. D&D. Wizards of the Coast. Forgotten Realms. the dragon ampersand. and all other
Wizards o f the Coast product names. and their respective logos are trademarks o f Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countrie-s.

This work contains material that is copyl"ight Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by Don-Vincent Snell and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Some Interior Art@ Claudio Casini

Publisher·s Choice Quality Stock Art© Rick Hershey I Fat Goblin Games

For Those Whose Work We Build Upon

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell


Being a short explanation on the origin of the Dead Arts

The Necromancer
Being a detailed account of the capabilties available to practitioners of the Dead Arts

Spell Lists
Being a listing of new magics available to those learned in the Arts

1 1

Spell Descriptions
Being thorough reports on the effects of the aforementioned new magics.


Magic Items
Being a catalog of new devices employed by practioners of the Dead Arts


Shade Vessels
Being a reference sheet f o r those who wish to utilize the capabilities of a bound Shade


@2016 Don-Vincent Snell

The Necromancer. In the minds of players, the word itself evokes images of cackling witches raising graveyards worth of undead minions
just ready for the smashing. ln the minds of characters, untold horrors rampage through a town snatching loved ones to an early grave.
The Necromancer has been integral to fantasy gaming from its earliest days and many of us have memorable stories that revolve around
the shenanigans we got up to going after "some guy with a lot of dead critters."

Being of variable difficulty and having usually nebulous powers, Necromancers are constantly the foil of player activities. Many groups
strive to discover, struggle against. and eventually thwart enemies who command the powers of death.

But what exactly is a Necromancer?

Spellcasters who can animate and control the dead are fairly common, so that must not be their defining feature. Any character is
capable ofleaving a wake of bodies behind them, so striking terror in NPC and PC alike is definently not their sole niche. Perhaps the
answer lies in the name itself.

Necromancer and its root necromancy can be chased through their !inguinal roots to a oompound of the Ancient Greek words nekr6s and
manteia, meaning "dead body" and "prophecy or divination" respectively. This points to the possiblity that the title of Necromancer is less
related to their control of undead and more to a particular relationship with the dead. The fact that necromancy as a method of
divination was common to the ancient world leads u s to believe that it was. at the very least, a publicly accepted practice. The ancient
Greeks in particular had many instances of heroes asking the dead for advice or aid, with varying degrees of success.

These stories portrayed heroic journeys to the underworld or bizarre rituals, though rarely were these actions considered outside normal
practices. As civilizations progressed these practices became only slightly more questionable than seeking out other diviners.

It wasn't until the Hellenistic period and the rise of the Abraha mic religions that necromancy started to shift from questionable, but
revered and apparently effective, to unholy and an avenue for evil. Eventually, necromancy was interpreted by religious leaders as
actually being consorting with demons. since, as the rising religions taught, mere humans were incapable of bringing the dead back to

Throughout the Middle Ages it became common knowledge that ressurection required the intervention of God, forcing the entire practice
of necromancy to be declared demonic in nature. As most banned practices. necromancy quickly gathered students who performed
assorted secret rites, but its attachment to the dead seemed only tangentially related by this point. Most of the "new" practitioners
believed they were communicating with demons or devils. This form of necromancy continued through the Renaissance with practitioners
using exotic, foreign beliefs to supplement their own religious doctrines.

In modern times, necromancy was reattached to its original roots as communicating with the dead thanks to the revival of the seance.
Popular culture shifted the aspects of necromancy even further to mean. not just communication, but full-on control of the dead. The
long-held beliefs in the sanctity of the dead kept the popular view of the necromancer squarely in the role of villain, leading to the current
position held in tabletop gaming.

So Why the Necromancer?

I was always curious as to why the necromancer enoountered in many games was usually a power-mad wizard with no real defining
characteristics beyond an obsession with death. Many are memorable. such as Vecna and Szass Tam. but they all relied on tired tropes.
I wondered if, ilke during the Middle Ages, these necromancers were imposters to a much older practice, hungry for power, but ultimately
missing the point. Our ancient ancestors appeared to encourage communicating with the dead for positive means. What if actual
necromancers were the same? I considered a hero Necromancer that was greater than "guy with a lot of dead critters and a desire to rule
over a deceased world." One who plodded through history, head down and shoulders bent. performing services for the good of everyone.

With all of this in mind, I set about to make a heroic Necromancer for our fair game. I thought such a class should contain a unique
casting mechanic to reflect their "forbidden" knowledge. Utilizing the soul essence of creatures seemed to mesh well, providing the
Necromancer with a power source that felt both thematically appropriate and slightly uneasy to observers.

I also thought the exhaustion mechanics of the core game allowed for some interesting effects and implemented them from the outset.
Tying it to their spellcasting allows this otherwise "dark" character to be quite heroic when pressed but at much personal risk. Giving the
Necromancer a slower overall spell progression but the potential for considerable bursts of power at the cost of their own lives felt proper.
Allowing for multiple playstyles permitted me to spread the other abilities across the board while the player could focus their efforts and
overall flair as they gained power.

The Shade mechanics allowed me to consolidate the "horde" mentality into a single. versatile entity. It also permitted me to reach back to
inspiration from the ancient Greeks and their contemporaries by having a quasi-mentor from the land of the dead to guide and aid the
Necromancer. One of the biggest bonuses in the design process of the Shade was allowing for progression in the class without directly
improving the Necromancer itself. This helped control its overall power without really leaving a place for stagnatio n.

Having laid out this framework, I added some thematically appropriate spells, though in my research I found many of the pre-existing
spells performed admirably. The magic items created mainly key off the new essence mechanic with some fun, old thematic stand-bys
with some fresh artifacts on the side.

Anyway, that is how we got to where we are now, even if it was a bit rambly and winding. I sincerely hope you enjoy this little booklet and
humbly request that if you don't. you reach out to me for corrections, clarifications. and constructive recommendations.

Have funf


©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 1

number that have been returned to their rest before the
spark could be flamed are countless and most of these are

A tiefling wreathed in shadow scatters herbs on a campfire thanks to the tireless actions of necromancers.

and asks questions about the tomb her companions seek Knowing the fact that even creatures who have yet to

from the spirit who answers her call, checking its lore develop even the most rudimentary religious framework

against the vast amount of legends she knows. still experience death, necromancers acknowledge the

Bringing his sword down in a shadowy arc. a human existance of something that oversees this process. They

with eyes filled with an unnatural light recites last rites for simply refer to it as Death and see themselves as its

the dragon at his feet. sending its soul to its final resting servants. maintaining the veil and ensuring that the

place and ending its reign of terror. proper rites to keep the dead in their final rest are followed.

Pointing to the wanted man, a halfling mutters an an­ Rumor has it that the oldest of the order. either long

cient command and her decaying thralls hurl themselves deceased or still hidden in the world have even

forward as she unleashes a terrible wave of darkness at encountered Death who has given its blessing or at least

her quarry. ambivalent acknowledgement of the order's presumed

His friends faltering against their terrible foe, a dwarf duties.

grasps his own precious soul and, as he fills with light,

releases a stream of life outward that just might keep them
alive long enough to win the day.
Necromancers act as agents of Death itself, holding
closed the veil tha.t separates the world of life and light
from creatures who would upset the balance by clawing
their way out of the grave. Ignoring centuries of bad
publicity by practitioners of the School of Death. they have
long moved in the shadows where they have continued
their thankless vigil. As more and more evil tries to undo
the balance. however, necromancers have been forced to
begin mingling with other competent beings.


Necromancers have access to information and techniques
directly from their usually long-deceased sources.
Educated by their dead predecessors in magics as old as
the planes. they use this knowledge to keep the balance.
While some see these magics as inherently evil, most
necromancers don't have time for nor even really care for
such moral discussions. Keeping the hungry dead from
washing over the lands of the living requires that the
keepers of the veil know as much about their enemies
methods and capabilities as possible. Necromancers
also see using this so-called forbidden knowledge in a
safe and practiced manner as an acceptable risk.
The source of their magic, the much respected
Essence. resides in all living and most unliving things and
is a font of considerable power. The necromancers keep
secret the methods they use to harness and
manipulate Essence and many of their calling
have died at the hands of some fool trying to
attain too much power too quickly.
Unfortunately they also acknowledge
that some of their own order are not immune
to this thirst and have been forced by the
Order to their final rest for much the same
reason. For those who stay true to the cause,
however. this knowledge can lead to untold power.

While every pantheon has their designated agent
of death. necromancers know that they perform
little more than a perfunctory duty. Shepherding
souls to their final resting place is a noble task. but
the deities who do this have shown a surprising lack
of interest in keeping those souls from returning.
History does not lack its undead tyrants and
maruading hordes of death and decay. But the
Profic i en c y Cantrips Highest
Level Bonus Features Known Spell Level
1st +2 Harvest, Soul Casting 1d6 2 1

2nd +2 Shade 1d6 2

3rd +2 Implement of Death, Reaving Harvest 1d6 2 2

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 3 2

5th +3 Soul Patch 2d6 3 3

6th +3 Residual memory 2d6 3 3

7th +3 Implement of Death Ability 3d6 3 4

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3d6 3 4

9th +4 Soul Train 3d6 3 5

10th +4 Welcome Burden 4d6 4 5

11th +4 Implement of Death Ability 4d6 4 6

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4d6 4 6

13th +5 Harvest of Sorrow 5d6 4 7

14th +5 Throw Shade 5d6 4 7

15th +5 Implement of Death Ability 5d6 4 8

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6d6 4 8

17th +6 Bountyful Harvest 6d6 4 9

18th +6 Shadowy Apotheorsis 6d6 4 9

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7d6 4 9

20th +6 Death's Embraced 7d6 4 9

As to the world as a whole, most necromancers really necromancer? How do others of the order see you? have
don't care for it. They tend to follow the local laws and you even met another of your order? Has Death itself ever
keep their noses out of the business of the living, unless it communicated with you? Why have you decided to break
overlaps with their own. This is not done out of aiTogance, with tradition and work with outsiders?
but necessity. When one is skulking around graveyards
and can use a persons very soul as fuel for dangerous
magics. one tends to not make waves. Those � ICK B UILD
necromancers who have foolishly flaunted their power have To make a necromancer quickly, make Wisdom your
discovered that they are usually no match for a horde of highest ability score followed by Constitution and take the
angry villagers. And so most go about thier secret sage background.
business. guarding the veil and learning from the
Breaking with the tradition of sticking to thier own C LA S S FEATU R E S
kind, most adventuring necromancers only look for As a necromancer, you gain the following class fealures.
companionship outside the order as a professional
necessity when they bite off more than they can chew.
Hit Dice: l d 12 per Necromancer Level

CREATING A NECROMANCER Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 +your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: ldl2 (or 7) +your
When creating a necromancer. the most important aspect Constitution Modifier per necromancer level after 1st
to worry aboul is which implement you hope to become.
This will alter how you play in combat and what role you
will fill in your adventuring party. The second most
important is the identity and personality of your shade. Armor: Light armor
You will inleracl with this creature a fair amounl in your Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
travels and many of your powers rely on it, so it pays to Tools: None
know whal drives it. Work with your DM to make a
framework for the shade's personality. but don't get too Saving Throws: Constitutions, Wisdom
tied up in it. Spending too much Lime interacting wilh Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History,
your shade might alienate the other players in your group Insight, Intimidation, and Religion
or even make your own character feel redundant.
Taking care of the two aspects above will help you EQYIPMENT
answer some fundamental questions aboul your character. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
How do you see yourself maintaining balance between the equipment granted by your background.
living and the dead? What made you become a

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 3

• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple half their proficiency bonus. 4th and 5th-Level spells may
weapon or (c) any martial weapon each be cast a number of times equal to one-third the
• (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus or (c) a necromancer's proficiency bonus.
holy symbol Exceeding these limits causes the necromancer to gain
• (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) a scholars pack or (c) a a level of exhaustion for each spell cast. For example. a
priest's pack 3rd level necromancer casts a 1st and 2nd-level spell
• leather armor, any simple weapon, a dagger. and a ritual during an encounter. If they choose to cast another spell
book of either level before taking a long rest. they will gain a
level of exhaustion. If they continue casting spells, the

HA RVE S T exhaustion level increases. Taking a long rest resets the

number of spells the necromancer can cast. but any
Essence fuels the necromancer's spells and other powers. accrued exhaustion remains until removed as normal.
Essence is collected when the necromancer uses the Casting a spell of level 6 or higher is exceptionally
Harvest ability. To Harvest, a necromancer uses their taxing on a Necromancer and puts them at &treat risk. The
action to target a willing creature within 30 feet. Your first time you cast a spell of each level higher than 5, there
necromancer level determines the damage of your Harvest is no penalty. If you try to cast a spell of the same level
as shown on the Harvest column of the Necromancer table. again before you have taken a long rest. the spell works
The necromancer may use a bonus action if they target but you immediately gain two stages of exhaustion.
themselves. Casting a spell of the same level again adds another
You can always choose to harvest less essence, rolling two levels of exhaustion. These effects are cumulative.
a decreased number of dice, or dealing only 1 damage if For example. a level 16 necromancer casts a 6th and
your Harvest damage is only l d6. 7th-level spell with no ill effect. If they then cast another
Necromancers lose unspent essence if they take a 6th-level spell before they have taken a long rest, they gain
short or long rest or become unconscious. two levels of exhaustion. If they cast another 6th-level
spell or a 7th-level spell later that same day. they gain

S ouL CAS TING another two exhaustion levels putting them at Exhaustion
Level 4. They can cast an 8th-level or 9th-level spell with
Soul Casting allows lhe necromancer to consume Essence little ill effect, but if they cast another 6th or 7th-level
to cast spells. spell they will gain another two exhaustion levels causing
them to die.
CANT RIPS The normal rules for removing exhaustion apply.
A t 1st level you know t w o cantr,ps o f your choice from the though the Soul Fatigue clears after taking a long rest, so
necromancer spell list. You learn additional necromancer even at 4 levels of exhaustion, after a long rest, the
cantrips of your choice at higher levels. as shown in the Necromancer may cast a 6th and 7th-level spell once each
Cantrips Known column of lhe necromancer table. without worry.
A Necromancer who dies due to the effects of Soul

PREPAR ING AND CASTI NG SPELLS Fatigue may only be returned to life with magic equivalent

The necromancer tale shows the highest level spells you to a wish spell.

may prepare and cast using Soul Casting. To cast a spell

you must expend a number of Essence points equal to the S P E LLCASTING ABILITY
level you wish to cast the spell at. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your necromancer
You prepare the list of necromancer spells that are spells. The power of your spells comes from knowledge you
available for you to cast. choosing from the necromancer have acquired from various so-called "forbiddentt sources
spell list. When you do so, choose a number of including the souls of the dead. You use your Wisdom
necromancer spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your whenever a necromancer spell refers to your spellcasting
necromancer level (minimum of one spell). The spells may ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when
not be of a higher level than indicated on the Highest Level setting the saving throw DC for a necromancer spell you
Spell column of the Necromancer table. cast when making an attack roll with one.
For example if you are a 3rd level necromancer you can
cast spells of up to 2nd-level. With a Wisdom of 16, your
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd
your Charisma modifier.
level in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell
inflict wounds you may use l or 2 Essence points to cast it Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
as a 1st or 2nd-level spell, respectively.
your Wisdom modifier
Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of
prepared spells.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you RITUAL CASTING
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of necromancer
You have a small book (or book-like object) in which you
spells requires time spent meditating on the secrets of the keep your collected rituals. You automatically pen any
dead equal to at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell Necromancer spells with the ritual tag into the book as
on your list. you acquire them. In addition you may add any written
ritual you find into the book. You may even make notes if
SOUL FATIGUE you witness a ritual being performed from start to finish
Casting spells using the life force o f other creatures puts a that will allow you to add that ritual to your book given
slTain on the necromancer. A necromancer can cast spells enough time, study, and experimentation.
of 1st. 2nd, and 3rd-level each a number of times equal to Doing so requires you to spend a number of hours

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 4

equal to lhe rilual's level in addition to lhe ritual's normal bonus to its AC, damage rolls, and Possession checks, as
casting time. You must also pay for five times the ritual's well as any saving throws or skills it is proficient in.
material componenl cosl as you experimenL The Shade is proficient with any weapon or armor that
Casting rituals that are not on the Necromancer's spell lhe necromancer is proficient with. though it may not use
lisl require double the casting time and triple the material weapons or armor unless it is possessing a body capable of
cost. doing so.
If the Shade is forced back to the afterlife or decides to
s P E LLCASTl NG Focus leave, the necromancer may appeal lo lhe Shade in a
You can use a holy symbol or arcane focus as a special ritual that takes 8 hours to perform. If the Shade
spellcasting focus for your necromancer spells. is appeased il will return lo the Necromancer's service
(though it will leave permanently if mistreated again). If
lhe Shade is not appeased the ritual will instead
S HADE attract a new Shade of similar power as the original.
At 2nd level, you attract the attention o f a Shade that Use the stat block below for the Shade when it is not
shares your alignment and goals. Work with your possessing a body.
Dungeon Master to determine your Shade's history,
personality, and reason for being drawn to you. Remember COMMANDING THE SHADE
that the Shade is an independent Non-Player Character The Shade can move and take one action on the
that may leave your service if mistreated. necromancer's initiative count and it will follow the
The Shade gains l d 8 hit die for each necromancer level necromancer's commands to lhe best of its abililies, even if
its owner gains which both increase its hit points per level, it disagrees with them. The Shade's personality
but can also be used during short rests to heal the shade determines whether or not il will voice its opinion. If the
and its possessed body. Shade is ordered to do something that goes fully against its
The Shade adds the necromancer's proficiency bonus alignmenl and personality and is not given a good reason
to both its hit point maximum roll and any dice spent by their necromancer, they may consider it mistreatment.
during a short rest. Hit dice the Shade spends to heal Wilhoul expending an action, lhe necromancer may
during short rests are recovered in the normal fashion. In command their Shade to use its action to dash, disengage,
addition, the Shade adds the necromancer's proficiency dodge, hide, possess. or search.

SHADE On a failure, the Shade is returned to the afterlife until the Necromancer

Medium undead, any alignment

uses the summoning ritual detailed below.

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 8 (1d8) Etherealness. The Shade enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice
Speed o �. fly 30 ft. (hover) versa. It is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal and vice
versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane. If it has been
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA forced out of a possessed body, it may not use Etherealness to re·enter the Material
3 (-4} 11 (+O) 10 (+O) 12 (+1) 13(+1) 14(+2) Plane for 1 minute.

Skills History +1 Limited Possession (3/day). One corpse that the Shade must touch of the Beast,

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Construct, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity, or Undead type may be possessed by the
Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak Shade. The Shade can only possess a creature whose Challenge Rating or level is
Challenge o (1o XP) less than or equal to half the Necromancer's level.
The Shade must make a Charisma check equal to 14 plus the carget's

Undead Nature. Challenge Rating or level, rounding up. On a success the Shade gains control of the

The Shade doesn't require air, food. drink. or sleep. body.

The Shade can not be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except
Ethereal Sight.
ones that turn undead. It also retains its personality, alignment, Intelligence,
The Shade can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane,
Wisdom, and Charisma scores. The body's hit points equal the Shade's current hit
and vice versa. If the Shade is possessing a body that does not have of a way of
points plus the body's Constitution Modifier. It otherwise uses the corpse's
perceiving the Ethereal Plane. the Shade can not use Ethereal Sight.
statistics, but doesn't gain access rn the target's knowledge. class features,

Incorporeal Movement. spellcasting abilities, or proficiencies though if the target was capable of speech,

The shade can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult the Shade can communicate in any language the Shade knows.

terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object The corpse appears as it did a moment before it died with any wounds being
closed or healed over and it stops decaying. This effectively extends the time limit
Limited Telepathy. on raising the corpse so long as the ongmal death is also within the time limit.
The shade can magically communicate simple ideas, emotions, and images The possessed corpse requires air, food, drink. or sleep if it normally
telepathically with their bound Necromancer at a range of 100 ft. If they are required these while living. If the target is raised or resurrected by any means the
possessing a body that has no telepathic abilities, the Shade can no longer use Shade is forced from the body and may not possess it again.
Limited Telepathy. The possession lasts until the possessed corpse drops too hit points, the
Shade ends it as an action, or the Shade is turned or forced out by an effect like the
Honored Dead.
dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends the Shade reappears in an
Unlike other undead spirits, a Shade has voluntarily returned from the afterlife
unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body and is forced into the Ethereal Plane for
and, as such, can never truly be destroyed. lf it is reduced to o hit points while not
1 minute during which it may not use Etherealness.
possessing a body, it is shunted to the Ethereal Plane where it will remain for 10
Ifthe Shade is removed from the body by any affect other than leaving
minutes. During this time, the Shade's Etherealness ability can not be used to move
voluntarily or if it fails its Possession Check, the body becomes immune to the
it back into the Material Plane. If it is attacked by a weapon or effect that affects
Shade's Lesser Possession ability for 24 hours.
Ethereal creatures. it must make a Death Saving Throw. On a success. the Shade
cakes no damage, though it remains Ethereal.

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell

Expending a bonus action allows the necromancer to
command their Shade to use its action to make one attack
against a target, begin to cast a spell with a casting time At level 3, you must decide how you wish to utilize the
longer than instant, help, ready an action. use knowledge you have obtained thus far, choosing which
Etherealness, or use an object. Implement of Death you wish to embody. You may choose
Other commands are dependent on the capabilities of to become Death's Eyes. Death's Scythe. Death's Scales or
the Shade's possessed body as well as the Shade's Death's Hands, all detailed at the end of your class
personality and disposition. Please consult your OM. description. Which Implement you become determines
features at 3rd level and then again at 7th, 11th, and 15th

Each Implement has a lisl of spells that you
gain when you become capable of casting spells
of that level as noted in the Implement
description. Once you gain these spells you
always have them prepared, and they don't
count against the number of spells you can
prepare each day. Spells on your Implement
Spell list are considered necromancer spells for

Starting at level 3 you learn how to pull
Essence from someone by force. As an
action. you may now Harvest from
unwilling creatures, though doing so
from people who thought you were
their ally will probably have
To use Reaving Harvest. make a
ranged spell attack against your target.
On a hit, you deal damage as detailed
under the Harvest column in the
Necromancer table. You may use
Reaving Harvest a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier. On a
miss, there is no effecl to your target,
but a use of Reaving
Harvest is still expended.
All uses of Reaving Harvest
return to you after a
long rest.

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 6

Beginning al level 5 you may use Essence to heal damage Beginning at level 14 the Shade gains lhe ability to force a
dealt to you and your Shade (or its possessed body) if they portion of itself into an enemy to great effect. While
are within 30 feet of you. possessing a body or being a Welcome Burden, lhe Shade
As a bonus action you may spend a number of Essence can touch a hostile creature and choose to inflict it with a
points equal to your necromancer level plus your debilitating condition. The target must make a DC 20
proficiency bonus to heal an equal amount of damage. You Charisma saving throw or be afe
f cted by one of the
may split the amount healed between you and your Shade following conditions: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
in any amount. Frightened, Poisoned. or Stunned.
You may use this effect a number of times equal to The condition remains as long as the Shade maintains
your Wisdom modifier. All uses of Soul Patch return after concentration regardless of range or planar location. If the
you take a Jong rest. target has Lesser Restoration or Remove Curse cast on
them, they may repeat their saving throw. If Dispel Good
RESI D UAL MEMORI ES or Evil or Greater Restoration is cast on them, they may
repeat their saving throw with advantage. The Shade may
Starting at 6th level, your Shade may cast cantrips its only use this ability once before requiring a long rest.
corpse knows and gains the proficiencies of any equipment
a body it possesses carries while it possesses that body. In
addition, the Shade learns of its possessed body's BOUNTIFUL HARVEST
personality, languages, and memories and gains
Starting at level 17 whenever you deal Necrotic damage
proficiency in Deception. Language proficiency only lasts
from a source other than your Harvest, gain 4 Essence
as long as the Shade possesses the body.

At level 9 you can bolster any ability or skill check you
- -

make with Essence. drawing on the experience of those At Level 18, the Shade has become a master of possessing
who have passed before. Every 5 points of essence you the dead. It is able to use all of the abilities of its host
spend as a bonus action while making an ability or skill body including any class features, spellcasting, and
check gives you a + 1 bonus to that roll up to a maximum proficiencies though the Possession check DC becomes 18
of +3. You can spend this essence after you have seen your plus the target's Challenge Rating with failure making the
die result but before you know if you have succeeded or targel permanently immune to this Shade's Possession.
failed. You may use this ability once and regain this use The Shade may only attempt this kind of possession
after taking a short or long rest. once every 7 days. The Shade chooses which form of
possession it would like to use after making its Possession


At 10th level, the Necromancer's Shade may temporarily

cohabitate in a willing creature. When the Shade uses
Lesser Possession on a willing target, the target becomes A t level 20, you become a n archon o f Death itself. You no
stunned until the start of its next turn. The Shade is able longer age, require food. drink, air, or sleep.
to share information, memories, skills, languages, and
proficiencies with its target. though doing so is draining to
the creature. Where proficiencies overlap between the IMPLEMENTS OF DEATH
Shade and willing creature, the higher value is used. Necromancers share the ability to manipulate Soul
The Shade also gains advantage to any saving throws il Essence and attract the attention of a Shade. but choosing
must make to avoid being forced out of the target. A living an Implement focuses their abilities even further. Taking
creature under lhe effects of a Welcome Burden must on the role of Death's Eyes allows a Necromancer to draw
make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw every hour the from the secret knowledge of the dead more readily and
Shade remains inside. The DC increases by 5 for every reliably. As Death's Scythe you hope to hasten your foes
hour that passes. fate using enhanced martial prowess. Death's Scales are
Failure causes the Shade to be forced into the nearest more concerned with the state of Undeath in the world and
unoccupied space within 5 feet of the creature with both hope to ensure that the balance between life and death is
the participants taking 5d6 Necrotic damage. The DC maintained. The misunderstood Death's Hands have
resets after the target creature takes a long rest while not perfected the art of Soul Casting and use their improved
under lhe effects of Welcome Burden. knowledge to mend wounds and heal illness wherever they
When the Shade leaves or is forced out, the target go. By choosing one of these at level 3, you cement your
suffers two levels of exhaustion. position in the Order and begin the path to greater power.


Starting al level 13, When a creature within 30 feet of you Choosing to become Death's Eyes expands your knowledge
dies you may Harvest its Essence as a reaction. This does and permits you to better connect with the dead. This
no additional damage to lhe target, bul you gain Essence honing of skill opens up new paths of divination to you.
as if you had Harvested as normal. The target is Usually acting as a seer or oracle. Death's Eyes are
considered a willing creature when this occurs. consulted by the lowborn and high. fypical Order

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 7

members who choose this path appear disheveled and You may use this ability a number of times equal to your
smell strongly of herbs and incense. While rarely telling Wisdom modifier and it recharges after you take a long
their petitioners where or how the information is obtained, rest.
Death's Eyes are perhaps the most accepted Implement of
Beginning at level 11 you may permit your Shade to enter
IMPlEMENT s P E LL$ your body via Welcome Burden with a few added
The spells gifted to Death's Eyes focus on the advantages. By spending 5 Essence, you gain advantage
accumulation of information. Many of these spells also on the next skill check you make with a skill you or the
facilitate fortelling the future, or revisiting events of the Shade are proficient with.
past. As a Death's Eyes, you are encouraged to choose In addition. divination or necromancy spells you cast
spells that alter the perceptions of others. provide you with clearer answers or more abundant
You gain the ability to cast these spells at the information. For example, casting Speak with Dead while
necromancer level listed below. under the effect of Possessed Seance may allow you to ask
more questions or provide you with details that would have
DEATH'S EYES SPELLS otherwise been ignored.
When you must make a Constitution Saving Throw as
outlined in the Welcome Burden ability, you may spend 5
Level Spells
Essence to automatically succeed.
comprehend languages, detect magic
3 augury, locate objects G RAVES IGHT
5 clairvoyance, tongues Starting a t level 15, a l the cost o f 1 Essence point. you
gain Truesight to a range of 60 feet for l minute.
7 divination, locate creature
9 legend lore, scrying
11 find the path D EATH'S S CYTHE
13 sequester
The Death's Scythes act as the Orders executioners. Their
15 mind blank ability to negate the natural resistances of their quarry
17 foresight ensures that they deliver a true death to whatever they are
sent to eliminate. Death's Scythes have considerable

NEAR DEATH EXPER.IENCE martial prowess bolstered by their magical ability. Many
Scythe Order members typically choose spells that hinder
Starting a t level 3 . you may petition the denizens o f the
their foes as this allows them to use secret techniques to
afterlife to aid you with certain skills. Choose two from the
reave their opponents Essence with each blow. This makes
follm"ing list: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Medicine,
them feared even by thier fellow necromancers.
Survival. or Performance.
You gain proficiency with that skill. Additionally, when
making a skill check with the chosen skills, after the die is I M P LEMENT SPELLS
cast but before the results are revealed, you may choose to Death's Scythe spells focus o n either increasing combat
reroll the die at the cost of 5 Essence points. You must capability or on hindering an opponent. These spells allow
use the second roll. tese implements to choose to either continue this trend or
You may use this ability once and it recharges after prepare spells that provide them with more flexibility.
you take a short or long rest. You gain the ability lo cast these spells al the
At level 11. you may pick two more skills from the list. necromancer level listed below.


At level 7, you learn a special ritual that costs 5 Essence Necromancer
points and takes 10 minutes to perform. After stating a Level Spells
year, era, or important historical event, you summon a
armor of agathys, compelled duel
random friendly spirit who can answer simple questions
3 blur, warding bond
about your current location, local customs and lore, and
any important seasonal events of the region as they 5 haste, slow
pertain to the previously stated time. 7 fire shield, freedom of movement
The spirit will answer you and your companions
9 cone of cold, dominate person
truthfully and to the best of their ability, however they only
1 1 flesh to stone
remember what they knew in life and their information
may not be entirely accurate. The spirit summoned 13 force shield
represents an average person of the area with information 15 dominate monster
pertinent to the time period stated at the beginning of the
17 power word kill
ritual and the place or area in which it is summoned.
For example, using this ability in a ruined keep may
summon a guardsman or chambermaid while a spirit REAPER'S EDGE
summoned in a tavern may be a barkeep or local At 3rd level, when you make a weapon attack, you may use
merchant. This spirit remains for a number of minutes yout Wisdom modifier as your attack and damage stat
equal to your necromancer level. The spirit may not leave instead of Strength or Dexterity. Once per turn, when you
the space in which it was summoned. hit with a weapon attack and your target is suffering from

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 8

a negative condition effect, you may deal additional REAPE R'S PROMISE
damage to your target equal to your Harvest damage, Starting at level 3, after dealing damage to a target with a
gaining an equal amount of Essence. The range of Harvest spell effect, you may deal an additional ld6 necrotic
and Reaving Harvest also increases to 150 feet. damage and gain an equal amount of Essence.


Starting at level 7, al the cost of 1 Essence point, when Beginning at level 7, you may expend 5 Essence and use
you take the attack action you may attack twice and your an action to assume the form of a swarm of ravens until
weapon is considered silvered and magical for the you dispel the effecl \vith another act
purposes of overcoming resistances. You may maintain concentration on any spell you cast
previously, lhough you may not cast new spells while in


While in this form you use the standard stat block of
Beginning at level 1 1 , you may permit your Shade to enter
the swarm but replace their hit points with your current
your body via Welcom Burden wilh a few added
hit point value and change the fly speed of the swarm to
advantages. While inhabiting your body you gain a +2
150 feet. If you are reduced to 0 hit points while in this
bonus to Armor Class. You may also attack three times
form, you revert to your original form al your previous hil
instead of two when using Tomb Breaker and gain a
point total. Any excess damage is applied to your original
number of temporary hit points equal lo your Necromancer
Your DM has the stat block for the swarm of ravens.
These temporary hit points stack with other sources of
You may use this feature a number of imes
t equal to
temporary hit points and trigger any effect that relies on
your Wisdom modifier and all uses return after taking a
temporary hit points, such as the damage effect of armor of
long rest.
agathys. When you must make a Constitution Saving
Throw as outlined in the Welcome Burden ability, you may
spend 5 Essence to automatically succeed. POSSESSED JUDGMENT
Al level 1 1 you may permit your Shade to enter your body
J N ESCAPABLE fATE via Welcome Burden with a few added advantages. Your
Starting at level 1 5 , when you use Tomb Breaker, you treat Reaving Harvest ability becomes a l O ft. sphere al a poinl
the immunities of your target as resistance while any other you designate in range. Additionally, any spell you cast
resistances your target has are ignored. deals additional damage equal lo your Necromancer level.
Half of this damage is radiant and the other half is
D EATH 'S S CALES If you use Bearer of Unkindness while under the effect
of Possessed Judgment the speed of your swarm is
Of all the Implements of Death, the Death's Scales are the
increased to 300 feet.
most likely to become corrupted in their search for power.
When you must make a Constitut
ion Saving Throw as
This is probably due to the amount of time they spend
outlined in the Welcome Burden ability, you may spend 5
keeping the undead in their graves. Their ability to bend Essence lo automatically succeed.
Essence into somewhat bizzare effects helps bolster their
offensive spellcasting and utility. The Lechnique that
permits them to break the shackles of bound undead is THANATO LOGLST
perhaps the most closely guarded secrel of the Order. Starting at level 15. you can sever the connection undead
have with their creators or controlling agents and instill
[MPLEMENT S P E LLS the threat of True Death upon them. You cause any
The spells available to Death's Scales reflect the number of undead you can see to become uncontrolled by
accumulation of secret knowledge useful in hunting the spending an amount of essence equal to their collective
undead. In that line of work, survival is just as important Challenge Ratings.
as destruction, and many other spells encourage this. Any undead that are already uncontrolled or do not
You gain the ability to cast these spells at the have masters instead become frightened of or charmed by
necromancer level listed below. the Necromancer even if the particular undead is normally
immune to fear or charm. The Necromancer chooses
DEATH'S SCALES SPELLS which effect for each undead that are affected.
Undead with a Wisdom score of 1 5 or higher can make
a Wisdom saving throw to avoid becoming uncontrolled,
Level Spells
charmed, or frightened. Undead who make this save
1 dissonant whispers, entangle cannot be targeted by this effect again for 24 hours.
3 alter self, misty step
5 fly, magic circle DEAT H 'S HANDS
7 banishment, phantasmal killer
The most compassionate of the Implements. Dealh's Hands
9 c/oudkil/, maelstrom still bear the stigma of using of dark magics. at least in the
11 bones of the earth eyes of the common folk. Bending their ability Lo
manipulate Essence into beneficial effects, many Death's
13 simulacrum
Hands act as ambassadors lo the outside world. They
15 feeblemind
travel freely from place to place healing what ills they may
17 weird and shielding the week from the plight of undeath. Some

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell

of their abilities are considered miraculous by most. and
this alone can act as a balm for the downtrodden. Death's
Hands may be the best chance the Order has to gaining If you have both the Spellcasting class feature and the
open acceptance. Soul Casting class feature from the necromancer class.
you can use Essence to cast spells you know or have
[MPLEMENT S P E LLS prepared from classes with the Spellcasting class feature.
Death's Hands have unlocked most of the secrets of the Any spells cast using Essence must observe the limitations
healing arls and every one of their gifted spells reflects put in place by the Soul Fatigue class feature.
this. Even spells thought the sole domain of certain Necromancer spells you know may not be cast using spell
specialists are available to an experienced Dealh's Hands slots provided by classes with the Spellcast
ing feature
necromancer. This makes them potent healers and allows unless the necromancer spell is also on the spell list of the
them lo focus their prepared spells on utility or combat. as class providing lhe spell slots. Casting spells you know or
needed. have prepared from classes with the Spellcasting feature
You gain the ability to cast lhese spells at the using spell slots does not lrigger the effects of Soul
necromancer level listed below. Fatigue. You may not use Essence to increase the effective
level of a spell cast using spell slots.
Level Spells
The Order maintains several detachments around the
cure wounds, healing word Planes. Several of the more familiar ones are detailed
3 lesser restoration, prayer of healing below.

5 mass healing word, revivify N ECROMANCERS I N THE FORGOTTEN REALMS

7 death ward, guardian of faith The Realms are home to a multitude of powerful undead

9 mass cure wounds, reincarnate who repeatedly attempt to encroach on the world of the
living. Many necromancers. usually working in secret,
11 heal
move about Toril trying to keep a lid on things. While not
13 regenerate overly impacted by the Spellplague, the reappearance of
15 holy aura Shadovar is of considerable concern to the Order.
Currently. the necromancers are still attempting to gather
17 mass heal
information on these bizarre, living anachronisms, though
they are spread thin dealing with other threats.
Beginning at 3rd level, at the cost of 5 Essence. you may N ECROMANCERS I N RAY E N LOFT
use an action to end a negative effect on yourself. You may The Baron's machinations keep the few necromancers
do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier contstantly busy. His influence has decreased the
and it recharges after you take a short or long rest. expected lifespan of Order members by a considerable
amount, though the survivers are exceptionally tough.
Soul M E N D The unique properties of the Demiplane of Dread increase
Starting a t 7th level , as a n action. your Soul Patch ability the powers of the necromancers who have avoided an
can target any creature in range and heals for double the untimely death, which in turn, alows them to survive
amount of Essence consumed. longer. Unfortunately. this tends to draw even more
negative altention. Those few scions of Dealh thal remain
POSSESSED FERVOUR are truly a force to be reckoned with.

Beginning at level 1 1 you may permit your Shade to enter

your body via Welcome Burden with a few added N ECROMANCERS I N EBE RRON
advantages. While your shade inhabits your body. you Able to act more openly due to the apparent acceptance of
gain immunity to poison and disease. specific undead. the Order wages a never-ending war with
As an action, you may move a negative condition from the Blood of Vol and their allies. While relations with the
a targel you touch to yourself. If you remove a condition Undying Court are strained. their mutual enemy keeps the
using Panacea. all creatures in a 20 ft. radius gain necromancers cordial. The greatest patron of the Order is
temporary hit poinls equal to your Necromancer level. the Library of Korranberg. These two organizations share
When you must make a Constitution Saving Throw as common goals and many expeditions chartered by the
outlined in the Welcome Burden abilily, you may spend 5 Library contain one or two necromancers.
Essence to automatically succeed.
DEATH'S OVERSIGHT It is believed that most necromancers are destined to end
At level 15, when a target within 120 ft. is reduced to zero up wandering the Great Wheel, performing their duties
hit points, you may spend any number of Essence points. eternally. This is probably due to the fact that their
to use your reaction to take half the triggering damage, deceased charges must eventually pass there before
shielding the target and leaving them with a number of hit finding their final rest. Many who would convert the
points equal to the Essence you spent. petitioners energies inlo the angered undead also make
their way here, so it is only natural that the Order
maintain a considerable presence in the planes.

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 10

Oerth's Order is still operat
ing in disgrace for their
Death Shroud
ineffectual resistance to the rise of Vecna. Many of the
upper echelon were killed when Vecna ascended. leaving
the Order broken and rudderless. The spite aimed their
way be lhe local populace due to their failure has also Eternal Guard
forced them to go to ground. More than a few
necromancers were blamed and many more necromancers S TH LEVEL
feel deserving of that blame. As such, most necromancers
Invoke True Death
are more likely to pretend to be something they are not
with many more outright forsaking their knowledge and
gifts. D RU I D S PE LLS
Necromancers rarely take to lhe aether, preferring to
Invoke True Death
simply use the planes to move about, though a few have
been seen plying their abililies n
i wildspace. A nominal
mobile detachment of the Order keeps their eyes peeled p ALAD I N S PE L LS
lest a power attempl to upset the balance from an
unexpected direction. Most necromancers performing this
duly keep to lhe shadows. passing themselves off as S TH LEVEL
simple spellcasters. Invoke True Death


Athasian necromancers are an exceptionally rare breed.
Since necromancers inherently power lheir abilties with
the life force of others, many common folk see them as 2 N D LEVEL
lillle helter than any other defiler. This tends not lo Death Shroud
concern this extant Order since they tend to keep their
draining to lhemselves. However, most of the Sorcerer
Kings see them as direct competition, and try to destroy
any necromancer foolish enough to reveal themselves. The
meddling of those attempting to become dragons has CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL)
reduced lhe numbers of necromancers considerably and
Ghost Lights
the dangers that lurk in the wastes need the attention of
the Lost Detachment now, more than ever.


Below you will find spell list additions for the current
Death Shroud
classes as well as the spell list for the necromancer class.
Following the lists are a few new spell descriptions as well 3 R D LEVEL
as some new magic items.
Bone Spur

Grave Repercussions
Ghost Lights
2 N D LEVEL Grave Repercussions
Death Shroud

Grave Repercussions
Ghost Lights

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 11

1 ST LEVEL Spider Climb
Flay Suggestion
Death Shroud
Animate Dead
3RD L EVEL Bestow Curse
Bone Spur Bone Spur
Graveyard Shift Feign Death
Gaseous Form
Glyph of Warding
(ANTRIPS ( 0 LEVEL) Phantom Steed
Chilling Touch Remove Curse
Dancing Lights Sending
Frostbite Speak with Dead
Ghost Lights Spirit Guardians
Grave Repercussions VampiricTouch
Light 4 T H LEVEL
Mage Hand Arcane Eye
Message Blight
Minor I l l u s i o n Confusion
Resistance Dimension Door
Spare the Dying Eternal Guard
Thaumaturgy Greater Invisibility
Hallucinatory Terrain
1 ST LEVEL Ice Storm
Catapult Animate Objects
Detect Evil and Good Antilife Shell
Disguise Self Awaken
Faerie Fire Circle of Power
False Life Contagion
Find Familiar Dream
Flay Geas
Fog Cloud Hal low
Ice Knife Hold Monster
I nflict Wounds Invoke True Death
Protection from Evil and Good Mislead
Silent Image Modify Memory
Unseen Servant Raise Dead
Aid 6T H L E V E L
Darkness Circle of Death
Darkvision Create Undead
Death Shroud Disintigrate
Earthbind Forbiddance
Enlarge/Reduce Guards and Wards
Gentle Repose Harm
Hold Person Magic Jar
Invisibility Mass Suggestion
Nystul's Magic Aura Move Earth
Phantasmal Force Programmed Illusion
See Invisibil ity True Seeing
Silence Word of Recall

@2016 Don-Vincent Snell 12

7TH LEVEL undead. Undead entities with an Intelligence of 12 or less
Divine Word encountering a group under this effect must make an
Intelligence check against your spellcaster DC or consider
the group fellow undead.
Finger of Death
If they succeed on their check, these undead will act
Graveyard Shift
normally. Most lesser undead will ignore you if they fail
Project Image their checks. Any hostile action the group takes will end
Ressurrection the spell. Other abilities that detect undead do detect
Symbol creatures under this effect as undead.


Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting 4th-level necromancy (ritual)
Clone Casting Time: 1 0 minutes
Range: Touch
Demi plane
Components: V, S. M (a small horn carved from bone
worth at least 50 gp which the spell consumes)
Glibness Duration: 24 hours
Power Word Stun
You summon a host of four spirits to defend a 200 square
9TH LEVEL foot area. These spirits appear to be a trio of guards led by
Astral Projection a single veteran (your DM has the appropriate game
Imprisonment statistics) except they are slighlly translucent and their
Time Stop type is undead.
Upon summoning, you must give specific orders to the
True Polymorph
veteran as to what defensive actions you want the spirits to
True Resurrection
lake. They defend their designated area until the spell
ends or they are destroyed.

SPELLS DESCRIPTIONS At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher you may designate an
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. additional 200 square fool area and call an extra single
BONE SPUR veteran spirit in command of three guard spirits for each
slot level above 4th. Each group summoned in this way
3rd-level necromancy
can be commanded to perform a different defensive action.
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet FLAY
Components: V, S , M (a bone splinter ·with a jagged tip) 1st-level necromancy (ritual)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You fling a bone splinter at a point you designate in range Range: Touch
where it explodes in a shower of necrotically-infused Components: V, S
shards. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius of the point of Duration: Instantaneous
impact takes 5d8 piercing damage and must make a
Dexterity saving throw. A common spell amongst those who raise the undead. flay
Those who fail must make a Constitution saving throw is primarily used to remove the flesh from a corpse in
at the start of each of their turns or have their speed order to raise it as a skeleton. A single corpse may be
halved and suffer an additional ld6 necrotic damage as targeted by this spell. Corpses prepared in this way gain
the shrapnel moves inside their bodies seeking out vital an additional 5 hit points added to their current and base
organs. If they succeed on two of these saving throws, values.
they are no longer affected by bone spur. This spell may also be used as an attack. Make a
At Higher Levels. Increase the initial damage by ld8 melee spell attack against a creature within your reach.
and the lingering damage by ld6 for each level above 3rd On a hit. deal l d l O slashing damage and, if the target took
that bone spur is cast at. damage from this spell, have the target make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure. they take 1 point
DEATH S H ROUD of damage at the start of their turn due to blood loss as
2nd-level necromancy magically rent wounds tear themselves open on the target.
This additional damage does not stack with other
Casting Time: l action sources of bleeding and may be stopped if any healing spell
Range: Self is cast on the target.
Components: V, S , M (a pinch of bone dust or drop of At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
ectoplasm) spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may target an
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour additional corpse to be prepared in this way. If used as an
attack, casting at 2nd level or higher f,fUarantees an
An aura of cold radiates out from your person, hiding your addtional point of damage from blood loss per spell slot
nature as a living creature and making you and each level.
creature you choose in a 30-foot radius appear to be

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 13

GHOST LIGHTS Otherwise, the undead will continue to attack whichever
Necromancy cantrip creatures are closest to them as a group until the spell
ends, they are destroyed, or your concentration is broken.
Casting time: 1 action If no elligible targets for the undead remain, they will cease
Range: Self hoslililies until the spell ends. If a new unprotected targel
Components: V, S is noticed by the undead. they will attack. When the spell
Duration: 1 hour ends, the dead are returned to lheir assorted resting
You caJI forth a lrio of eerie greenish-blue glowing flames At Higher Levels: Casting this spell at higher levels
that hover around you, staying in your space as you move summons more undead with a decreased duration.
for the duration. Each one emits light and heat as a Lorch. Casting this spell at 8th level summons a number of
though you may decrease or even completely darken and undead equal to twice your level while casting at 9th level
cool a light withoul extinguishing it through force of will. summons a number of skeletons or zombies equal to three
As an action, including the action used to cast this times your level. You may maintain concentration on this
spell, you may fling a light al a creature or flammable spell for 5 minutes when casl al level 8 and 1 minute when
target within 60 feet by making a ranged spell attack roll. cast at level 9.
On a hil, a creature will take ld4 fire damage and ld4
necrotic damage per flame. Unattended flammable objects [ NVOKE TRUE 0 EATH
will ignile. The Oame musl be al its brightest and hottest 5th-level necromancy
for this attack to be effective.
This spell summons additional flames at higher levels Casting time: 1 bonus action
and allows you to launch more. Each additional flame may Range: Self
target a seperate target. Al 5lh level you summon a lolal Components: V, S
of four flames and may launch two with an action. Duration: Concentrat
ion, up to 1 minule
Starting al 1 1 Lh level you may summon five flames and
launch three per action. Finally, at 17th level, you may The next atlack you make while this spell is still active will
call up lo six flames and launch four per action. guarantee a true death if it is a killing blow. Channeling
energy around you, your next attack will deal an additional
G RAVE REPERCUSSIONS 5d8 radiant damage.
Necromancy cantrip lf this altack reduces a monster to 0 hp or less or
triggers a third failed death save, the target of the attack
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to may nol be returned to life using magics short of a wish
being attacked by a creature within range that you can see spell.
Range: 30 feel
Components: V
Duration: 1 round
Magic items are presented in alphabetical order. A magic
You utter a curse at the target that attacked you. The ite's description gives the item's name, its category. its
target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure. rarity and its magical properties.
necrotic energies swarm up and cling lo il, causing it to
become blinded until it takes damage or the spell ends. ESSENCE COLLECTOR
The difficulty of the saving throw increases by 1 when Wonderous item, very rare
you reach 5th level (+l), 1 1 th level (+2), and 1 7th level (+3).
These vile items resembling arcane-imbued torture racks
G RAVEYARD S H 1FT combined with alchemical equipment allow
7th-level necromancy (ritual) non-necromancers to collect Soul Essence from the living.
Every round spent in one of these contraptions deals
Casting Time: 1 minute ld6 necrotic damage and painfully draws out a single
Range: 300 feel point of essence which is collected in liquid form and
Components: V. S, M (a handful of grave dirt and a strip stored in special vials.
of parchment inscribed with arcane sigils worth at least This liquid essence is described below.
200 gp which the spell consumes )
Duration: Concentration. up to 10 minutes G RAVEBOURNE WEAPON
Any weapon. rare (+l), very rare (+2), legendary (+3)
You l-ransport and animate a number of skeletons or (requires attunment)
zombies whose total Challenge Ratings equal your level
from the nearest graveyards, charnel houses, mortuaries. These weapons look and act like silvered weapons until 1
or other places with an appropriate number of dead bodies Essence point is fed into them. This requires no action
to a point you designate in range. and can be done as the weapon is drawn or as part of an
These undead spend the remainder of the last round attack.
they were summoned in clawing their way out of the When the blade is awakened in this fashion, it gains its
ground or sliding as dust under doorways and through attack and damage bonus dependent on its rarity and
cracks in stonework. These undead will then act on your partially enters the Ethereal Plane where it remains until
initiative order to attack the nearest creatures. You can the start of the wielder's next turn. While ethereal, the
choose a number of creatures equal to Len plus your blade can pass through solid objects. such as walls, doors.
\visdom modifier to be ignored by these undead. and other barriers and deals an additional l d l 2

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 14

necrotic damage. It can also effect any creature or larget bul even more troubling, their memory is erased.
that is ethereal. Creatures who suffer this memory loss do not lose any
In addition, any foe slain by lhis weapon can not be skills. abilities, languages, or spells, but they do not know
raised as an undead creature, even if items, spells, curses, who they are or remember how they acquired any abilities.
or olher effects would cause them lo be. A new personality appears with every death as a
person's alignment, world view, and goals reinvent
G RAVEKE E P E R'S RlNG themselves.
Ring, rare The curse binding ring and wearer is exceptionally
potent and may only be removed by magic equal to or
These rings, crafted in secrel rituals by necromancers, act surpassing a wish spell. Death that results in the wearer's
as repositories for Soul Essence. A single Gravecaller Ring body being completely destroyed also severs the
can slore up to 1 0 points of Essence which can be used to connection. though the ring \viii always survive to be
power necromancer abilities. claimed again.
Essence can be added from a necromancer's Essence
pool as a bonus action and these points remain until used. RING OF THE N ECROMANCER
Ring. legendary (requires attunment)
Potion, rare While bearing the namesake of the Order, only the most
debased (or desperate) creatures use these items. They
Drinking this fainlly-glowing blue liquid, which must be have been the cause of many undead plagues and. as
stored in special leaded glass vials. causes the imbiber to such, are routinely destroyed by necromancers.
gain ld4+1 Soul Essence. Doing so requires a bonus While wearing the ring. any person may activate its
action. latent effect. The wearer is enveloped in a field similar to
These Essence points may be used to power items lhat that of a scroll ofprotection (undead) except the effect lasts
require Soul Essence. If the imbiber has the spellcaster for 1 hour.
class feature, they may use this essence to fuel their spells In the hands of a trained necromancer this ring comes
as a necromancer, though doing so causes them to gain a into its own. By sacrificing 50 Essence points and
level of exhaustion after the casting is complete. regardless targeting up to 1 5 living humanoids. the wearer of the ring
of spell level. deals 50 damage to the targets immediately forcing any
If the imbiber instead has the soulcasting class killed to rise as zombies under their control. By sacrificing
feature, spells may be cast normally. If the imbiber has 100 essence points, up to 1 0 living humanoids may be
neither feature or if all these points are not spent within 1 turned into ghouls in this fashion. If a depraved soul is
minute, the drinker takes an amount of damage equal to willing to sacrifice 200 essence points, they may turn a
hvice the points remaining and becomes poisoned for I single humanoid into a wraith or vampire spawn.
hour. Undead created in this fashion remain loyal to the
wielder until this ring or the wielder are destroyed.
Wonderous item. uncommon Roo OF DEATH
Rod, very rare (requires attunment)
This quill and ink function and appear to be normal until
examined closely except lhe ink never seems lo run out This rod resembles a simple black leather baton about 2
and the quill never needs sharpening. The quill feather feet long with a small silver skull pendant hanging from a
feels cold to the touch and if one stares into the ink well satin thong attached at the handle. This item has 1 0
long enough they may begin to hear haunting whispers. charges which can b e used for the following actions. I l
These items glow a ghostly blue when placed wi th a regains l d 4 charges per day a t sunset. I f the last charge is
piece of parchment on a grave, coffin, or sarcophagus. expended, roll l d20. On a 1 . lhe rod winks oul of
Intoning the command word causes the quill and n i k lo existence, reappearing fully recharged elsewhere on the
write on the parchment. allowing the person who used the same plane after a random amount of time.
command word lo use the spell speak with dead on the Lesser Disruption. By expending 1 charge and using a
interred body. When used in this fashion, the target body bonus action, you cause flanges to appear al lhe top of the
need not have a mouth. This item may be used once per rod. This weapon now acts as a mace of disruption.
day. though it only deals an extra ld6 radiant damage and may
only disrupt undead. This effect ends at the next sunsrise
RING O F T H E NAMELESS O N E or when you will il.
Ring, legendary (requires attunment) Animate Dead. By expending 4 charges and using an
action, the wielder may cast animate dead.
A simple woven band of steel belies a terrible curse. This Die. By expending I 0 charges. the wielder may cast power
ring appears to be a common ring ofprolection on first word kill. Any foe slain by this effect can not be raised as
examination and functions as such. It isn't until the an undead creature, even if items. spells. curses. or other
wearer dies thal its true nature is revealed and its curse effects would cause them to be.
Curse. A living creature wearing this item may not SANCT I F I E D COFFIN
truly die, unless their body is utterly destroyed. After 24 Wonderous item, very rare
hours of being deceased, wounds will heal and the wearer
will have life returned to them. The wearer suffers four These coffins come in many different designs and styles.
levels of exhaustion when the ring activates in this way, Most bear markings of dieties of life and death and many

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell

arcane and divine symbols. though a few are plain and advantage when attempting to hide in dimly lit areas and
unassuming. When a corpse occupies the coffin. it's know the direction and distance to any undead creature
magic becomes apparent. within 500 feet of you al all times. Drawing the hood down
A newly-deceased body placed inside the coffin gains does not impede the wearer's vision.
the benefits of the genlle repose spell as long as it remains If attuned lo another Implement ofDeath, the bonus
inside the coffin. Beneficent magic also flows to worthy provided increases to +2 and you may use a bonus action
creatures who pray over the coffin for at least 1 minute. to teleporl from any dimly lit or shadowed area to any
A creature with the same alignment but lower level or other similarily lit area you can see.
challenge rating as the corpse inside gains the effects of a
3rd-level aid spell. DEATH'S SCYTHE
Creatures who share a single alignment axis and are of Greatsword, Artifacl (requires attunement)
a lower level than the corpse gain the benefit of guidance
on the next abilily check made within 8 hours. This slightly rusty blade is mounted on an exceptionally
Any creature who is diametrically opposed to the long handle and all who see its exposed blade feel a slight
alignmenl of the corpse and of a lower level is afflicted \vith tinge of uneasiness, though they're not sure why. This
the effects of bane for the next 8 hours. weapon acts as a + 1 Graveboume Weapon.
Praying creatures of a higher level than the corpse The wielder may also spend a bonus action after
recieve no effect. striking a foe to cast circle of death centered on their foe.
This ability may be used once per day.
SCROLL O F DEATH'S S E RVANT If attuned to another Implement of Death this weapon
Scroll, legendary becomes +2 instead of+ 1 and gains the reach weapon
Said to have been written by Death itself, these scrolls
were gifted lo some of the most trusted Necromancers for
their years of service. These scrolls have since passed D EATH'S SCALES
through many hands and are now scattered about the Wonderous item. Artijact (requires attunement)
This scroll. which simply reads, "For you, lhe greatest These scales, which appear to be a small, slightly
gift of all." allows the user to avoid a fatal blow. The tarnished set of brass merchant's scales, may be used as
person who reads this scroll out loud as an action will feel an arcane or divine focus for the purposes of spellcasting
a cold chill pass over them followed by a warmth along and provide a +2 bonus when used as such.
their spine. In addition, the wielder of these scales may cast power
As long as the reader keeps the scroll on their person. word heal or power word kill once per day. choosing which
the next attack. spell, or other lethal effect that would at the time of casting. They also gain resistance to necrotic
reduce them to 0 hit points or kill them outright is fully damage.
negated as the reader's shadow shields them. The effects If attuned to another Implement ofDeath. spells cast by
of the lethal occurance are wholly ignored by the owner of this item no longer require verbal components.
the scroll, though the effect then fades from the reader
and the scroll crumbles to dust. DEATH'S HANDS
If the scroll is destroyed or otherwise removed from the Gloves, Artifact (requires atlunemenl)
reader's person. the effect will fade after 24 hours and the
scroll will crumble. This shabby pair of black leather gloves has seen better
A scroll can only effect one creature per hour and a days. While attuned to the gloves, the wearer becomes
creature can only benefit from one such scroll per week. immune lo disease and is able to identify any disease by
As the scroll crumbles to dust a replacement scroll will simply touching the afflicted. They may also use protection
appear al a random place on the same plane. from poison and remove curse three limes per day as a
bonus action.
In addition, the wearer may use greater restoration
ARTIFACTS once per day,
Below you will find a set of items sought by many, found by If attuned to another Implement of Death, any healing
few, and wielded by less. done while wearing these gloves is doubled.

I M PL E M E NTS OF D EATH If a person altuned to three Implements and possesing the
These powerful items were gifted to the first necromancers fourth decides to chance it, they may attempt to attune to
and have been lost to the ages. Though powerful items in the fourth. summoning Death to bend the rules of the
their own right, when combined, they become truly multiverse. Death appears when called to challenge the
awakened and make their bearer an extension of Death. wielder of the Implements lo a game or competition of the
wielder's choosing. This can be any game the wielder is
DEATH'S EYES aware of. The DM should provide options and rules for
Wonderous item, Artifact (requires attumnent) these games.
Upon acceptance, Dealh spirits the wielder to a pocket
This simple looking black hood fits loosely and never demiplane of his own creation. There is no way of escaping
seems to be dust-free. When pulled over the wearer's eyes. lhis demiplane without Death's permission. Death also
the hood lengthens into a full length blue-black cloak that takes on the attributes of the wielder of the three
provides + 1 to your AC and saving throws. You also gain Implements, complete with access lo magic ilems and any

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 16

boons or blessings the wielder may have.
If lhe wielder decides to instead not play for the
Implements. Death claims the items and scatters them Below you will find a list of creatures suitable for a Shade's
across the planes. Lesser Possession sorted from lowest to highest by
If the wielder beats Death, they successfully attune to Challenge Rating.
all four items and may keep them until they permanently
die, at which point Death will reappear. greet the wielder
CHALLENGE 0 Constrictor snake
as a friend. and scatter the items across the planes. Baboon Draft horse
ff the game ends in a draw, the wielder successfully Badger Drow
attunes to all four items and Death allows them to keep Bat Duodrone
them for a year and a day. At the end of that period. the Cat Elk
items vanish from the wielder's possession and are again Crab Flying sword
cast into the planes. Crawling claw Giant badger
If Death beats the wielder, lhe items are scattered lo
Commoner Giant bat
the planes and Death claims the character's soul. The
Deer Giant centipede
character is allowed to say their farewells before being
Eagle Giant frog
whisked away to their final death. A character killed in
this fashion may never be raised or resurrected unless
Frog Giant lizard
Death personally allows it. Giant fire beetle Giant owl
A person learns of this feature and all the possible Goat Giant poisonous snake
outcomes after attuning to any single Implement ofDeath. Hawk Giant wolf spider
Mastery OVer Death. While attuned to all four items. Homunculus Goblin
their numerical bonuses increase to +3. Hyena Grim lock
The range of undead detection from Death's Eyes Jackal Kenku
becomes 1 mile. and the wearer is able to detect the overall
Lizard Kuo-toa
health, represented by hit points, of any creature they can
Octopus Panther
see within 30 feet.
Owl Pteranodon
Death:s Scythe now allows the wielder to ignore any
Quipper Riding horse
non-natural armor a target may be wearing. In addition,
the circle of death effect may be used a number of limes Rat Skeleton
per day equal to the wielder's Wisdom modifier. Raven Troglodyte
Death:s Scales grant the wielder immunity lo radiant Scorpion Winged kobold
and necrotic damage and the ability to detect the true Sea horse Wolf
alignment of any creature they can see in a 60 foot radius. Spider Zombie
Finally. any healing done while wearing Death's Hands Vulture
always heals for the maximum amount possible and the Weasel
player may use an action once per day to remove all
debilitating conditions from a target they touch. Ape
If the wielder voluntarily breaks attunement with any CHALLENGE 1 /8 Black bear
item and attempts to summon Death again, the items will Bandit Cockatrice
be scattered across the planes and the wielder's soul will Blood hawk Crocodile
be claimed as if they lost their challenge. Camel Darkmantle
Hounded. The major downside of being an Implement Cultist Deep gnome (svirfneblin)
wielder is all the new attention you will gain.
Flying snake Giant goat
Death cults. powerful undead. planar entities. and
Giant crab Giant sea horse
lesser gods all want to either destroy these items or control
Giant rat Giant wasp
them for their own nefarious purposes. As such. many
Giant weasel Gnoll
will begin to relentlessly hunt down the wielder.
Some will try to take the Implements by force. many Guard Hobgoblin
more will try trickery, seduction, and threats to loved ones. Kobold Jackalwere
An Implement Wielder takes on a mighty risk as each Mastiff Lizard folk
item attuned draws more and more attention. This tends Merfolk Ore
to make them solitary as being constantly pursued and Monodrone Reef shark
placed in danger puls an enormous strain on Mule Rust monster
relationships. Noble Sahuagin
Destroying the Items. There is no known way to destroy
Poisonous snake Scout
the Implements ofDeath and nearly everything has been
Pony Thug
tried. It is assumed that the only entity capable of such a
Tribal warrior Tri drone
feat is Death itself and no person has survived long
enough to make thal request.
However. there is also no recorded incident of the CHALLENGE 1 /4 Warhorse skeleton
Implements being used to negatively upset the balance of Aarakocra Worg
life and death in the planes. Powers beyond reckoning Acolyte
seem to ensure that the items presenl themselves only to
Axe beak CHALLENGE 1
the worthy and there is much lore telling how a corrupted
Boar Animated armor
wielder might be winked out of existence wilh the
Bullywug Brown bear
Implements turning up in some far-off realm decades later.

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 17

Bugbear Basilisk CHALLENGE 6
Death dog Bugbear chief Chimera
Dire wolf Displacer beast Cyclops
Buergar Doppelganger Drider
Ghoul Giant scorpion Githzerai zerth
Giant eagle Githyanki warrior Hobgoblin warlord
Giant hyena Hobgoblin captain Kuo-toa archpriest
Giant octopus Hook horror Mage
Giant spider Killer whale Mammoth
Giant toad Knight Medusa
Giant culture Kuo-toa monitor
Goblin boss Manticore CHALLENGE 7
Half-ogre Minotaur Drow mage
Harpy Mummy Giant ape
Hippogriff Ore eye of Gruumsh Grickalpha
Kuo-toa whip Orog Oni
Lion Owl bear Shield guardian
Quadrone Phase spider Stone giant
Scarecrow Priest Yuan-ti abomination
Spy Quaggoth thonot
Thri-kreen Veteran
Yuan-ti pureblood Assassin
Drow pristess of Lolth
Winter wolf
Frost giant
Allosaurus Yuan-ti malison
Githyanki knight
Bandit captain CHALLENGE 4 Spirit naga
Berserker Bone Naga Tyrannosaurus rex
Carrion crawler Elephant
Centaur Ettin
Cult fanatic CHALLENGE 9
Druid Abominable yeti
Helmed horror
Ettercap Claygolem
Ghast Cloud giant
Lizardfolk king/queen
Giant boar Fire giant
Ore war chief
Giant constrictor snake Wearboar
Giant elk Weretiger CHALLENGE 1 0
Githzerai monk Guardian naga
Gnoll pack lord Stone golem
Grick Constrictor snake
Beholder zombie
Hunter shark
Drow elite warrior
Lizardfolk shaman
Flesh golem
Giant crocodile
Giant shark
Minotaur skeleton
Half-red dragon veteran
Hill giant
Sahuagin baron
Rug of smothering
Saber-toothed tiger
Sahuagin priestess
Vampire spawn
CHALLENGE 3 Young remorhaz

©2016 Don-Vincent Snell 18

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