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On the 22th day of March 1897 Artemio Ricarte was elected as Captain General of the Revolutionary
Army with which the first Philippine Republic was born. The Philippine Legislature House Bill Nr 72 was
then provided for the creation of the Bureau of National Defense on 1934. On the following year,
President Manuel L Quezon signed the Commonwealth Act Nr 1, which became the legal basis for the
organization of the army in the Philippines on December 21, 1935. With the issuance of Executive Order
Number 11, dated 11 January 1936, President Quezon caused the designation of Jose Delos Reyes was
appointed as Brigadier General and had Bgen Basilio J Sables and Col Guillermo B Francisco as acting first
and second Assistants Chief of Staff, respectively.

The AFP was organized lately in 1936. Though small and young compared with the armies of the great
powers. It is something that every Filipino can be proud of. Its epic struggle in Bataan and Corrigidor
opened the eyes of the world they believed was a mighty achievement for a small growing army such as
we had. The gallant stand and endurance of the defenders of Bataan and Corrigidor was glowing
example of what a poorly equipped but estimated could do on defense of its fatherland. The late
General Mac Arthur paid tribute to Filipino soldiery when he proclaims Give me 10,000 Filipino soldiers
and Ill conquer the world.

AFP Organization









To uphold the sovereignty of the state, support the constitution and defend the territory of the Republic
of the Philippines against all enemies foreign or domestics. To advance the national aims, interest and
policies. To effectively plan for the organizing, maintenance, development of its active and reserve
forces for national security. To perform such other duties as the president may direct.

The General Headquarters (GHQ)

The Secretary of National Defense exercise supervision and control over the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. Charge with the responsibility of directing, planning and supervising the National Defense
program maintaining law and order throughout the country, and performing other functions as may be
provided law. To provide direction and control to the Armed Forces of the Philippines, formulate the
plans and programs for the guidance of three (3) major service and other units of the AFP and to provide
AFP-WIDE Support to include admin, intelligence, training, logistics, technical and special services.

Chief of Staff, AFP – is the highest military officer in the AFP. He has command and control over all the
elements of the AFP. HE executes the President Command functions in relation to military strategy,
tactics and operations and acts as the immediate adviser top the Secretary of National Defense He is
responsible for the planning, development and the execution of the National Defense.

Secretary of Joint Staff – Assist in Professional, technical and other functional areas included in, but
narrower than the broad fields of interest and joint staff officers and largely relating to technical,
administrative and branch matter. Vice-Chief of Staff – Assist the Chief of Staff and performs duties in
the absence of the CSAFP. Deputy Chief of Staff – is designated by the C of S exercise general supervision
over the general, special, administrative and technical staff services.

The AFP Joint Staff The following are the prime responsibility of the AFP Joint Staff;

DCS for Personnel, J1 – The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, J1 assists the CSAFP in the attainment of
AFP personnel objectives, to include command and staff direction, coordination, control, recruitment
and retention of Officers and soldiers, as well as civilian employees.

DCS for Intelligence, J2 – Responsible for the formulation of intelligence policies, plans and programs,
and exercises control over all military intelligence units/offices in the AFP.

DCS for Operations, J3 – Responsible for planning, coordination, and supervision of all operations of the

DCS for Logistics, J4 –Advises the CSAFP on matters pertaining to logistical needs of the AFP units, to
include the supervision, coordination and evaluation of the approved plans, policies and procedures
pertaining to logistics.

DCS for Plans, J5 – In charge with the preparation of long range policies and plans of the AFP.

DCS for Civil Military Operations, J7 –Assists and advises the CSAFP on the conduct of civil relation
activities of the AFP and build up strong home defense in all areas of the country.

DCS for Training and Education, J8 – Formulates policies pertaining to manpower development and
training of the AFP.

DCS for Reservists and retirees Affairs (RRA), J9 – Plans and formulates policies pertaining to the
development of all reservists and retirees of the AFP.


The Special Staff of the AFP is consist of two (2) staff groups which advises the CSAFP on matters
pertaining to their specialized fields of service or activity.


The Adjutant General (TAG) – Maintains and manages official records of the AFP.
The Provost Marshall General (TPMG) – Advise the CSAFP on promulgation/enforcement of laws,
orders and regulations for maintenance of order and discipline.

Chief Special Services (CSS) - The Special Service plans and supervises programs to develop and maintain
the physical and mental well-being of the personnel and provide entertainment sport and recreational
activities for theAFP.

Chief Historical Activities – The Chief Military history plans, coordinates, supervise and executes the
historical programs of the AFP. Chief Chaplain Service (C, CHS) – The C, CHS advises the Chief of Staff,AFP
on religious moral character guidance in theAFP. Chief, AFP Management Information Center (C,
AFPMIC) – Provide management information necessary in the formulation of the policies and in decision
making, particularly for strategic planning, operations and management control areas. The Judge
Advocate General (T, JAG) – Serves as the Chief Law Officer of the AFP (Military Establishment) and the
Chief legal adviser of the Secretary of national defense on military matters, he supervises the system
military justice throughout theAFP.

THE AFP TECHNICAL STAFF The Surgeon General (TSG) – Plans coordinates, and supervise all activities
of the Medical Service for the C of S, AFP to achieve maximum result for efficient service. The Chief
Communication Electronics (TCCE) – Assist the CSAFP in the formulation of policies, preparation of plans
and supervision of communicationelectronics activities of the AFP. The Chief Dental Services (TCDS) –
Plans, coordinates and supervises the activities of the AFP Dental Service for the CSAFP.

The Chief Nurse, AFP (CNAFP) – Assist the CSAFP in the formulation of policies and in the planning,
coordination and supervision of all matters pertaining to the Nurse Corps, AFP and Nursing Service. The
Quarter Master Graves Registration Company (QMSGRC) – Provides service for the proper disposition of
deceased AFP personnel and the operation and maintenance of AFP, cemeteries.

The Chief of Engineers (TCE) – Supervise all construction required for the National defense including
land and seacoast. Defenses the maintenance of such construction and operation of all utilities, except
those that may be specially, assigned to other services by the CSAFP direct all works pertaining to the
design and construction of buildings, structure, airfields, land and seacoast defense and utilities of

AFP WIDE SERVICE SUPPORT UNITS (AFPWSSUs) a.AFP Logistics Commands (AFPLC) b. Intelligence
Service AFP (ISAFP) c. AFP Medical Center (AFPMC) d. Philippine Military Academy (PMA) e. AFP Joint
Command and Staff College (AFP JCSC) f. Communication Electronics and Information System Service
AFP (CEISSAFP) g. AFP Centralized Construction center (AFPCCC) h. AFP Research and Development
Center (AFPRDC)

i. AFP Finance Center (AFPFC) j. AFP Dental Service (AFPDS) k. Commissary and Exchange Service
(AFPCES) l. AFP Mapping Center (AFPMC) m. Civil Relations Service (CRS) n. AFP Reserve Command
(AFPRESCOM) o. Presidential Security Group (PSG) p. Office of Ethical Standard and Public Accountability

AFPAREA UNIFIED COMMAND a. Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM) b. Southern Luzon Command
(SOLCOM) c. Western Command (WESCOM) d. Central Command (CENCOM) e. Southern Command
THE MAJOR SERVICES THE PHILIPPINE ARMY (PA) – In Charge with the development of the regular and
services ground forces of the AFP. THE PHILIPPINE AIR FORCE (PAF) – In charge with the development of
the air elements of the AFP THE PHILIPPINE NAVY (PN) – In charge with the development of naval
element of the AFP


a. To organize, train and equip army forces for the conduct of prompt and sustain land combat

b. To develop tactics, doctrines, procedures, techniques and equipments needed by the Army for field

c. To train, organize and equip army reserve units and make them mobilized in lesser of span of time.

d. To perform such other function as higher authorities may direct.


a. To organize, train and equip air forces prompt and sustained operation in the air.

b. To organize, train and equip air forces close support of ground forces.

c. To develop doctrines, procedures, tactics, techniques and equipments for join operation peculiar to
the air force.

d. To furnish serial photographer for cartographic purposed.

e. To perform such other function as higher authority may direct.


a. To organize, train and equip, maintain and operate naval force and naval aircraft including naval
reserve, and assistance, required by the other components of the AFP in accomplishment of its mission.
b. To assist government agencies in the enforcement of laws and regulation pertaining to navigation,
emigration, costumes, revenue, opium, quarantine fishing and neutrality in the territorial and
contagious water of the Philippine Archipelago.

c. To develop doctrines, procedures and naval equipment of joint operation and the doctrine and
procedures for amphibious operation.

d. To be responsible for the naval phases of the reconnaissance anti-submarine to warfare and the
protection of shipping.

e. To perform such other duties as higher authorities may direct.


The AFP has two (2) major components, namely: The Regular and Reserve Component.


Consist of all standing forces as directed by the President. The President may attach to the standing
forces or may assigned to duty with any component of the standing forces such members of reserves
officers and trainees as he may deemed necessary.


Consist of numbers of the reserve unit in the major services of the AFP wide-support and separate units
and affiliated reserve units as the President may authorize. The organization, Reserve Land, Sea and Air
Units, shall in so far as practicable, be that of the presentable of organization and equipment (TOE) or
table of distribution (TD) of the unit forces of the major services.



Pre-Spanish Occupation

The first recorded organized resistance against foreign aggressor took place in the Visayas during the
Battle of Mactan on 27 Apr 1521 when the native chieftain named Lapulapu, the acknowledge father of
the AFP fought against the Spaniards led by Magellan in the latter’s effort to subdue the former. Lapu-
lapu refused to pay homage to the King of Spain. Under estimating the capability of the natives, the
foreigners lost in the battle and Magellan was killed.

Spanish Occupation

Some islands of the archipelago were successfully occupied by the Spaniards. In 1570, they tried to land
in Manila, however, the Muslim leader, Rajah Soliman resisted their effort. In 1571, Legaspi conquered
Manila and made it as the capital of the Philippines.

Pockets of rebellion took place. Notable of which was the uprising led by Diego Silang where he
displayed his exemplary military leadership style and tactics in defeating the Spaniards.

The Filipino soldiers were also organized to fight for Spain and to support some expeditions. Filipino
forces were also sent to reinforce Spanish troops during the Chinese revolt in 1603.

General Jose Prim dethroned Queen Isabela II of Spain in 1868. The latter espoused liberal principles of
democracy. This paved the way for the exposure of the Filipinos in foreign culture leading to the
development of strong sense of nationalism among Filipinos. The works of famous propagandists
Marcelo H del Pilar, Graceano Lopez Jaena and Jose Rizal further nurtured the national spirit. Andres
Bonifacio, who is considered as the father of the Philippine Army, founded a more radical group called
the “Katipunan” on 7 Jul 1892. In August 23, 1896, the Cry of Pugad Lawin signaled the start of the
Philippine Revolution against Spain. This was followed by pockets of rebellion which inflicted so much
loss to the Spaniards. While Katipunan was gaining strength, two factions emerged – the Magdalo led by
Aguinaldo and the Magdiwang led by Bonifacio. On 22 Mar 1897, the Tejeros Convention was called to
resolve the conflict between the two factions. As a result, Aguinaldo won the presidency. The occasion
also gave birth to the Philippine Army.

American Influence

As the war broke out between the United States and Spain on April 23, 1898, the Americans convinced
the Filipinos to cooperate with the Americans against Spain with the promise that the United States will
grant independence to the Philippines. Aguinaldo declared war against Spain. In June 12, 1898, the
Philippine Independence from Spain was declared in Kawit, Cavite. Later on, the Philippine Navy was
created 22 June 22, 1898 by the Revolutionary Army.

The occupation of the American forces did not gain much acceptance from the Filipinos because of
many restrictions imposed to the Filipino forces as to access to some areas. The harse treatment by the
Americans ignited the conflict between them and the Filipinos. The latter were defeated which led to
the fall of the Malolos Republic.
With the Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States. Finding the archipelago as a
lucrative place for some economic activities, the United States strengthened their presence in the
Philippines. This prompted the Filipinos to again unite and fight for the freedom they have just won.
Significant battles followed suit exemplifying the fighting spirit and skills of the Filipino soldiers against
formidable opponents. The capture of General Aguinaldo by

the Americans in Palanan, Isabela in March 23, 1901 and the laying down of arms of General Malvar in
April 16, 1902 ended the organized resistance against the American forces.

To hasten the Philippine campaign and to establish peace and order, an insular police force known as
the Philippine Constabulary was organized on August 8, 1901 followed by the establishment of the
Philippine Military Academy on February 7, 1905.

On December 21, 1935, the National Defense Act was enacted which officially created the Armed Forces
of the Philippines. The Philippine Air Force was later established on July 1, 1947

The Japanese Occupation

Consequent to the declaration of war by Japan with the United States, the invading Japanese Forces
landed in Vigan and Aparri in Luzon on December 10, 1945. Un-able to withstand the very strong
adversary and to save more lives and properties from destruction, the combined military forces of the
United States and the Filipinos withdrew to Bataan for the implementation of War Plan Orange. Un-
abated Japanese strikes caused the fall of Bataan on April 9, 1942 and Corregidor on May 6, 1942. These
events ended the organized resistance against the Japanese invasion.

The defeat of the Fil-Am forces did not end the armed struggle in the Philippines. Those who refused to
surrender went underground and waged a guerilla fighting against the Japanese. The activities of the
guerilla forces were very instrumental in the successful come back of the liberating US Forces under Gen
Douglas Mc Arthur who landed in Leyte on October 20, 1944.

International Peace Keeping Operations

It is also noteworthy that the AFP had participated in international peace keeping efforts as its
commitment to the United Nations such as the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) in the
early 50’s, the Philippine Air Force Contingent in Congo, Africa in the early 60’s and the Philippine Civic
Action Group (PHILCAG) in South Vietnam in the 60’s. Philippine contingents were also sent to East
Timor, Iraq and Liberia to participate in UN peace keeping operations.


Filipinos have never been known as militaristic people yet they are known as warlike people. Non-
conformist individuals who are likely to resist regimentation. Openly called as boor and bare. By such,
attitude erodes discipline which is a vital pre-requisite for the evolution of brotherhood.


The rule was first introduced to the rest when Ferdinand Magellan discovered the island on 16 Mar
1521. He befriended Rajahs Kulambu and Siagu. Magellan’s effort to firmly establish Spanish rule over
the islands were put in vain when he was killed by a local chieftain named Lapu-lapu in the Battle of

Only 18 men and 1 ship (Victoria) returned to Spain. Feb 1565, another expedition headed by Miguel
Lopez de Legaspi succeeded where Magellan’s had failed. Legaspi established a Spanish forthold in
Cebu and nearby areas; Spanish control extended over the rest of the island.

In 1571, Martin de Goiti captured Manila and made it as the colony’s capital. From then on, Spanish
ruled over the islands because of an established pact, a condition that lasted for 333 years. The colonial
rule was not a benevolent one. The populace were kept deliberately ignorant by denying education to
all but a handful of the nature gentry.


As early as the first decade of Spanish rule, the Filipinos already rose in revolt. Notable of which are: –
Rajah Lakandula in 1574 – Magat Salamat in 1588 – Tamblot in Bohol in 1622 – Igorot in 1601 –
Gaddangs in 1621 – Leyte in 1622 – Malong’s Revolt in 1660 – Timawas Uprising in 1763 – Basi and
Silang Revolt in Ilocos – Dagohoy Rebellion in Bohol

The reason for these uprisings were varied stemming from protest against unfair practices and
discrimination. The previous uprisings failed because Filipinos again could not unite against the common
enemy until finally, the savage retribution after the failed Cavite Mutiny of 1872 planted the seed of a
truly national uprising of 1896.


The early rule of Spaniards in our made them realized that they need the help of the mature Filipinos if
they want to keep themselves in power. Recruitment of natives proved to be a great value to them as
they conquered the entire archipelago with the implementation of “we conquer, decide and rule”

Filipinos were also engaged in foreign aggressions. Filipinos distinguished themselves by their courage,
loyalty and leadership talents. At the outbreak of Phil Revolution, the Spain had 1,500 Spanish troops
and complimented with Filipino warriors of about 6,000 native soldiers.

KKK was organized by Andres Bonifacio Two phases of revolution were formed. (Magdalo and
Magdiwang faction) – The peasant-initiated revolution spearheaded by the Katipunan up to the time of
the Biak-na-Bato Pact. – The rturn of Aguinaldo to the proclamation of Philippine Independence of June
12, 1898.

In the Tejeros Convention of 1897, the revolutionary gov’t of 1897 was organized. Among the agreed
appointments is the designation on Mar 22, 1897 of Gen Artemio Ricarte as CG. Formalization of various
arms of the army such as Arty, Cavalry, Ordnance, Commissary, Quartermaster, Signal, Medical and
Dental Services as well as the local Sandatahan (Militia).

The infant Phil Army has its baptism of fire during the war against America on Feb 4, 1899. The army
about 30,000 men whom 16,000 were fully armed except 26,000 poorly-armed militia. Gen Ricarte was
captured in 1910. He died in 1945 stil a defiant patriot. Others who continued to resist were Macario
Sakay proclaimed as Pres of the Tagalog Republic and General Bicol. Other leaders dubbed as COLORUM
MOVEMENTS emerged from 1901 to 1910.


With the passing of the TydingsMcDuffy Law in 1934, Commonweath of the Phils was inaugurated in
1935. Commonwealth (National Defense) Act Nr 1 Circa 1935 was passed. An act provides for the
establishment of the National Defense Forces. Phil Army was reactivated on 11 Jan 1936 pur to EO Nr 11
with Phil Constabulary elements as its nucleus.

The 10 Reserve Divisions were drawn from 10 Military Districts in which the Phils is divided. On July 26,
1941 US Pres Franklin Delano Rooisevelt called into services of the US Army the 2 Regular and 10 Res Div
as part of the USAFFE contingent and were called to active duty the following day.


Pres Roxas issued EO Nr 92 dtd Oct 4, 1947. The Army was renamed the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. May 6, 1948 - 4 mil areas were activated replacing the 10 mil district. On same date, the mil
training command were elevated to Major Commands as Phil ground Force, Phil Naval Patrol and the
Philippine Air Force.

In 1950, 7Army Commands and 26 BCT (BCTs) were organized, 5 of these BCTs took turns in serving with
the PEFTOK from 19501953. On Dec 30, Pres Quirino issued EO Nr 359 creating the 4 Major Services:
Phil Army, Phil Constabulary, Phil Air Force and Phil Navy. Scout Ranger as organized by then CPT
RAFAEL ILETO used in the neutralization of Huks. When the need for the Scout Rangers no longer existed
brought about by lack of action, the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment was deactivated in 1959.

On July 1, 1957, HPA was organized with BGEN LEONCIO TAN as Commanding General. In the late
1960’s, Army was also utilized as a National Defense Force and as a nationbuilder. The Army Corps of
Engrs with 51st Engr Bde as nucleus. By 1970, 1 Army Division (1st TABAK) and 3 Bdes (2nd, 4th and 5th)
as well as supporting anti-tank Artillery and independent Armor company size units were activated.

Sept 21, 1972 - Pres Marcos declared Martial Law all over the country. Faced with serious insurgent,
Marcos expanded the Army from 29,000 in 1972 to 65,000 in 1986 and strengthened the 3 independent
Bdes to full Divisions. The Phil Light Armor Regiment later renamed PALAB was organized. The First
Scout Ranger Regiment was reactivated.

Aug 21, 1983- Sen Benigno Aquino was assassinated. The NPA regained strength from only 3,000 in 1979
to 25,000 guerillas in 1986. Resentment within the military grew, thus the birth of Reform the AFP
Movement (RAM) headed by Sen Honasan and Min Juan Ponce Enrile. Feb 7, 1986 Pres Marcos called
for SNAP Election. The opposition rallied behind Sen Aquino’s widow Mrs Corazon C Aquino.

Minister Enrile tried to mount a coup but failed when the plan was discovered and arrested some
perpetrators on 22 Feb ‘86. LT GEN FIDEL V RAMOS joined Enrile in the barricading Cp Crame
announcing their support to Mrs Aquino as the rightful President. Agapito Aquino, brother of the slain
senator and Archibishop Jaime Sin urged the people to surround the camps in order to protect the Enrile
and Ramos thus what came to known as the Edsa People Power Revolution.

Feb 24, 1986 when a flight of several Sikorsky who were ordered to strafed Cp Crame landed on said
camp and defected instead. Military support for Marcos eroded swiftly and accepted US offer to fly him
out of Malacanang Palace. He was eventually forced into exile in Hawaii where he died in 1989. It was
the most bloodless “REVOLUTION” in history.



Manila Hotel Incident (July 7, 1986)

GOD SAVE THE QUEEN incident (Nov 1986)

Channel 4 incident (Jan 1987) August 28, 1987 Coup

December 1-9, 1989 coup


Black Forest Incidents ( Apr 1987)

Aguinaldo Caper (March 4, 1990)

Noble Uprising (Oct 1990)

Establishment of PNP


The signing of the Peace Agreement between Nur Misuari of the MNLF and the Government of
President Ramos is a positive development although it faces considerable opposition especially from the
Christian communities in Mindanao.



Pres Estrada was sworn into office on Jun 98. Pres Estrada was exposed as allegedly involved in the
jueteng operations in the country by Gov Chavit Singson. Impeachment trial was not completed when
the historical 1011 vote against the opening of the second envelope.

Pres Estrada called for an election. People no longer believe in his administration. EDSA People Power II
was once again made. GEN ANGELO T REYES, CS, AFP deflected followed by the SND and other military
and police leaders. Pres Estrada stepped down believing he’s only on leave.



President GLORIA MACAPAGALARROYO was sworn into power on 21 Jan 2001. The one-month
government is now making the most of it. Legalities on the rights of her presidency is still being
questioned since Pres Estrada did not tendered his resignation.


Ten years after the EDSA revolution, the AFP has regained prestige and credibility in the eyes of the
people and government. The rebellions and the Human Right issues were slowly being resolved. The
communist challenge has been beaten back and the greater discipline and professionalism repeatedly
displayed by the members of the military establishment has earned admiration from critical observers
both here and abroad. But with greater awareness and a higher sense of duty among the military, we
are confident that we are in the right path towards the achievement of modern, effective, professional
and truly popular Armed Forces of the people.

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